Just watched Tomb Raider….

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  • #22990

    Not a bad film… love Anjelinas accent!

    Anyhoo, got me sketching and I ended up with this:-    (why o why o why I had to choose this pose I don't know; it took me forever and then I just ended up getting pissed off with the whole sordid affair so you get what you get  rant rant rave rave fume…… and relax 😎 time for a nice cup of tea)


    P.S  forgot to mention: it's supposed to be Lara Croft!  πŸ˜€


    How can you have something about Tomb Raider without Lara Croft? It's like having Resident Evil without any zombies or monstrous creatures. It just doesn't work.  πŸ˜‰

    My ranting aside, I like the drawing. Sure, it may have been a pain in the ass to draw, but wasn't the end result worth it? I think it was!


    LOL  πŸ˜€  I have issues with stating the bleeding obvious… I am seeing someone about it though πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for the comment, appreciated!


    How can you have something about Tomb Raider without Lara Croft? It's like having Resident Evil without any zombies or monstrous creatures. It just doesn't work.Β  πŸ˜‰

    My ranting aside, I like the drawing. Sure, it may have been a pain in the ass to draw, but wasn't the end result worth it? I think it was!

    RE4 didn't have any zombies and it was arguably the best of the series.

    This would be an excellent look for Lara in the video games.

    David C. Matthews

    Nice work on a difficult pose. Thanks for sharing this!


    RE4 didn't have any zombies and it was arguably the best of the series.

    This would be an excellent look for Lara in the video games.

    Ahem. If you would be so kind as to read the ENTIRE statement, I covered that. I said, and I quote, "It's like having Resident Evil without any zombies or monstrous creatures."

    I think that the parasites qualify as monstrous creatures. Del Lago does, and the regenerators and iron maidens definitely do. The Ganado were also mindless mosters, for that matter. And the bosses, too. Actually, pretty much everything that you face up against in that game is some kind of monster. 😐


    πŸ˜€ Nice work! πŸ™‚


    Nice work on a difficult pose. Thanks for sharing this!

    Thanks a lot, appreciated….

    Here is another version, I originally started with this one then abandoned it for similar reasons (pose just a tad tricky) to move on to the one above. Anyway… went back and finished it! (sort of πŸ˜€ )

    P.S Thanks everyone for the comments!

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