Justice League: New Frontier DVD….Wonder Woman

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    Just watched this DVD movie yesterday.

    I was pleasantly surprised at this movie for the most part.

    But I really liked the design of Wonder Woman, and how Super-Tall they made her, she is actually taller than Superman, she is a true Amazon.

    The documentary in the DVD makes reference to this fact.

    Here is a pic, but in other scenes, she actually looks bigger than this…



    Great pic.


    Nothing wrong with a taller Wonder Woman. I'm thinking of buying the OYL Wonder Woman and Morrison/Kubert Batman figures together. Even the Agent Diana figure is a little bit taller than the Morrison Batman.  ;D


    I've always believed that WW physique should be noticeably different from normal women (and I don't mean boobies. That's Power Girl) Why should Wondy have the same physique as Lois Lane?



    Just watched this DVD movie yesterday.

    I was pleasantly surprised at this movie for the most part.

    But I really liked the design of Wonder Woman, and how Super-Tall they made her, she is actually taller than Superman, she is a true Amazon.

    The documentary in the DVD makes reference to this fact.

    Here is a pic, but in other scenes, she actually looks bigger than this…


    Prophet Tenebrae

    I got it and I thought it was fun.

    Brave decision to make it McCarthy era. I kind of liked that retro feel.

    Wonder Woman was cool, not very prominent… I hated the Batman voice – really. I suppose years of Batman: TAS just make anything else seem rubbish…

    But overall, while it was typically short, I enjoyed it…


    The length seems to be something Warner video has saddled on the producers of the animated videos.
    It was a good story. I hadn't read the miniseries it was based on but the look was spot on. Interesting trailer for the Batman video and there has been mention of a Wonder Woman disc in the future. Now if we can get Rampage, Grace Choi and lets see… Big Barda, a real Power Girl and maybe  Knockout?

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