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June 9, 2005 at 12:16 am #5565
Participantkinniku no Jutsu
Hinata discovers a forbidden jutsu to impress Naruto!
By Rashianu-Debido (aka Debido-San on the wreckshop boards and IRC chat…)
Brigandier0517@yahoo.comNote: Yeah, so I’m doing a new story here, but don’t worry I won’t give up on my other projects! Just in case you couldn’t tell, this story is based off of the anime/manga Naruto, and it’s based on the "love" that Hinata Hyuuga has for the main character, Naruto Uzumaki…
Hinata’s impressive emersion! Kinniku no Jutsu! (Jutsu of muscle)
It wasn’t a bad day out at all, Hinata thought to herself. It was sunny in the Konoha village this day…Not too hot, not to cold…not to dry, and yet not too humid. It was a perfect day to get away from it all and take in the smell of fresh air.
Hinata just wanted to have a carefree day today, free of any training, or even having to talk much at all for that matter. She wasn’t a people person, except for that one special guy: Uzumaki Naruto. He was the only person she had any special feelings for in her whole life, even since they were little, but she was so shy that she’s always had a hard time even being able to look him straight in the eye, always looking downwards, thinking lowly of herself…
"Twenty-One! Two! Three! Four!" A loud and obnoxious voice counted off behind some leaves…
"Could that be…?" Hinata said to herself, the voice sounded very familiar to her, the mere tone of the voice making her blush slightly.
She peeked behind the bushes, and it was none other than Naruto, punching a tree stump that he had drawn a Sasuke looking face on. (Sasuke is his rival…fyi) He was in a loose white T-shirt, wearing a headband that said "Uzumaki #1" and he punched on.
Hinata tripped on a branch, and she made a loud rustling noise as she fell into the bushes…Naruto stopped and was scared by the rustling, and the light sigh that he heard…
"AHHHH! WHO THE HELL IS THAT!" Naruto said, now climbing up the tree that he was punching just seconds ago like a cat.
"Don’t worry Naruto-kun, it’s just me…Hinata" Hinata stepped out of the bushes, brushing herself off.
"Oh, hey Hinata-chan! What brings you here? By the way…you ok?" Naruto asked, trying his best to play off his suprise…
"Yes, I’m fine. I was just taking a walk and I uh…tripped, were you training? I’m sorry that I disturbed you!" Hinata was blushing, and like usual she was looking anywhere she could find but into Naruto’s eyes…
"Ahh, don’t worry about it, I need a break anyways heheh! Here, I’ll join you on your walk, that is if you don’t mind! Do ya Hinata-Chan?" Naruto obviously didn’t have the slightest clue that she was in love with him…MADLY in love with him.
"Uhh…umm, ok, I don’t mind at all! You can walk with me all you like!" Hinata explained…she wasn’t good at hiding her inner feelings, and that last sentence wasn’t supposed to come out of her mouth at all.
"Eh, ok then, lets go!" Naruto said, walking towards and eventually in front of Hinata. Hinata just sat there and stared at him walking away…
"Oh no! What have I done! I shouldn’t have said that! I’m not worthy enough to walk side by side with Naruto…What if he decides to go back to training! What will I do!" Hinata thought to herself.
"Uhh, Hinata-chan, you comin’?" Naruto was a good 10 feet ahead…and he was waiting for Hinata who zoned out in her worry…
"Yes, ok lets walk…I guess…"
Naruto and Hinata started off walking. Naruto was completely blind to Hinata’s wild blush…her normally pale skin would remind anybody of the popular pokemon, Pikachu…except her red cheeks were MUCH bigger…not just two little dots. They walked for what seemed like an eternity for Hinata, and the only thing that could make Hinata any happier in the current situation is if they were holding hands. She started to worry again, whether or not she should strike up a conversation…She would’ve loved to talked to Naruto, if only she knew what to talk about! She had to do something fast before he lost interest in this little walk they were having together!
"Hey, Hinata, umm…what kind of guys do you like?" Naruto took the first chance!
"Yes! Naruto asked the first question, this makes it hundreds of times easier!" Hinata pranced around the thoughts in her mind…
"Umm, well, I like strong guys who are confident in themselves…and also easy to get along with and not so hard to get…like Sasuke-kun…" She was blushing even more…if that was even possible. She just threw out the perfect description of Naruto!
"Eh, is that so? Cool, at least your not like Sakura-chan who is crazy for that dope Sasuke! I wish Sakura-chan was like you!" Naruto said laughingly.
"Naruto-kun, what kinds of girls do you like?" Hinata had to respond with a question of her own…even someone as antisocial as her knew it was go better if she showed interest too!
"Hmm, well I like girls with big ta-tas! and they have to be strong…" FWHISH…Hinata dissapeared after that last word he said…
"Hinata-chan….hmmph, what a weird girl, but she is sweet and polite!" Naruto didn’t get to finish his sentence…"I like girls with strong characters who are also confident in themselves!…I wish Hinata heard that part…maybe she could hook me up with Sakura…"
"Big breasts and Strong…I’m neither…" Hinata rolled up her jacket sleeve (she always wore a long sleeve jacket because she was never too proud of her body…) and flexed her right bicep…nothing came up, just a slight line showing she was fit…not out of shape, but nothing spectacularly impressive either…"Well, that proves I’m not strong, but what about my chest…" She unziped her jacket enough to let her black undershirt be revealed from the jacket…"Well, I’m not stacked, but I guess I’m decent, I have a B-cup and I’m only 14…but knowing that Naruto-kun he’d probably want a girl with at the very least C-cups…I’m not good enough at all…There must be something I can do…"
"Hinata, what’cha doin here sweety?"
"AHHH! oh, Anko-sensei, it’s just you, you scared me…" Hinata was sitting on top of a on top of a tree branch when she ran away from Naruto…Anko was an elite ninja, and very attractive too…she was probably somethin Naruto would like…She was curvy, had big boobs, and she didn’t mind showing them a lil’ either, as she wore a tan trenchcoat that had an almost see through mesh shirt jumpsuit under it, along with a tan skirt to keep her private areas private…needless to say the jacket was never buttoned up…
"So, whatcha doin Hinata-chan?" Anko never really showed it, but she always thought highly of Hinata, mostly because she didn’t open her mouth and get herself in trouble too much…
"Well, Anko-sensei, I was just thinking about how to get a certain somebody to like me more…" Hinata blushed slightly…
"Who, Naruto? heh!" Was it really that apparent that Hinata was in love with the man?
"Why, yes actually, It is Naruto…how did you know!?" Hinata was almost furious…and her blush got even brighter!
"Well Hinata, I can tell by the way that you don’t go gaga over Sasuke, and you seem to always be nervous around that lil’ Naruto! But don’t worry you got Anko-Onee-San ("Big sister Anko", which she isn’t if you didn’t know) to help you out! What did he say, huh Hinata!?"
"Well, Naruto-kun said that he likes strong women with big breasts…"
"Heh, thats Naruto alright…so then Hinata lemme see whatcha got!" Anko was making quite a ruckus in the tree branch.
"What! Whaddaya mean!?" Hinata had no idea what was going on…
"Well, for starters take off that jacket of yours, lets see whatcha got underneath!" Anko was motioning as she was pretending to take off her own trenchcoat…
"Ok then here goes…"Hinata took off her jacket undcomfortably, she really never did…What lied underneath was a bit of a suprise…
"Ok then Hinata, your not bad looking, you should show off your figure a bit more!" Anko starting cupping her hands underneath Hinata’s breasts, which caught Hinata off guard. "Your not the bustiest in the world…but your pretty well endowed anyways!"
"Thanks Anko…but could you stop touching me like that?" Hinata was a bit embarrassed.
"Oh, sorry bout that…well anyways, I’m saying that Naruto should be happy enough with you! Just get a little tan and you be fine! And it’s summertime so the tan will be easier to get!" Anko was waving her hands excitedly.
"But your forgetting one thing…he likes strong women as well as busty…" Hinata was suprised she was opening up to Anko…but she did because she was sure that a woman like Anko has probably had TONS of boyfriends…
"Hmm, thats odd, I wouldn’t think that Naruto would like women with a little muscle…but oh well you heard him say it so it must be true! So tell me Hinata, how fast do you want to impress Naruto and make him yours?" Anko had a sinister smile on her face, and Hinata honestly didn’t like where this was going…
"Well, right away if at all possible…why?" Hinata was confused, yet willing to hear out this idea…
"Heh, well if you said something like "Whatever" I would’ve suggested that we become workout partners…I’m starting to get a bit flabby since there hasn’t been much danger lately…but now that you mention it…I have an idea of sorts…" Anko said this while she was patting on her smooth, yet firm belly…it had a slight jiggle to it but it was attractive nonetheless…
"Oh, really! Then please share with me Onee-chan!" Hinata was glad to hear that she might find an immediate answer!
"Thats the spirit! Well anyways…you know how Naruto-kun’s most famous move is the Kage-bunshin no Jutsu (a ninja technique used to make flesh and blood clones of the user…or flesh and blood clones of a person of choice) right? And you know that it’s a really high level technique…mostly used by elite class ninja’s like me right?" Anko was streaming this through her mind, thinking of the best way to word this…
"uhmm, ok…I guess so…"Hinata still didn’t know where this was going…
"Well, Hinata, I hear that before he even became a junior ninja, he was told to steal the scroll for that technique by that middleclass ninja Mizuki…He stole the scroll, memorized it…and now he’s even mastered it!" Anko Shouted that last part, almost as if praising Naruto.
"Ok…so then?" Hinata still was confused…
"Well, if I remember right, there is a technique known as the Kinniku no Jutsu (Muscle technique) that amplifies the muscle size and strength of the user by however much they want…of course the only limit is how much chakra (spirit energy,or "Ki/Chi", if we were talking Dragon Ball Z terms) the user has… It can last as long as the users chakra can, and they can get as big or strong as they want as long as they can keep the energy flowing…
"Wow! that sounds awesome! what else is there to know!" Hinata was very interested at this point…
"The technique doesn’t have modifiers…it just goes based on whatever the user has in mind…this means that you can add size and strength to certain parts of your body without adding to others…or take away if you want too. Depending on where you focus your chakra is where you’ll add size, and how much you put out is how big and strong you get…as complicated as this all sounds I hear it’s pretty easy to master…but it’s also reserved for upper class ninjas that our village can trust, as a person that masters this Jutsu can easily destroy anything in their path…"
"So that means I can’t get it right…?" Hinata was a little depressed after hearing all that…
"Well, no, not legally, but I myself have access to it! Tell ya what, meet me in this same branch and I’ll bring it here for you to use, I trust you Hinata! Meet me here in two hours…that’ll give me enough time to go find it in the scroll library and enough time for you to change into something else!" Anko was interested in seeing how this technique worked herself, but she didn’t want to get muscular so she left it alone…
"Um, Anko…what do I need to change for? And what should I change into?" Although she was looking foward to it, she was still not so confident…
"Well, just incase you put a little too much into it, you don’t wanna rip up your favorite jacket or anything! And about what to change into, find something either incredibly flexible and tight or something very loose, like a big T-shirt and panties…either way just don’t wear a bra! Tee hee! Later, and meet me here in two ok?" PHOOSH! Anko dissapeared into a cloud of smoke…
"ok then…" Hinata skipped from tree to tree, heading home for a change of clothes…
At Hinata’s house, Hinata was digging through her clothes to find something flexible and somewhat tight…she wanted to be able to see herself when she transformed…
"No…no…no….AHH! Found it!" Hinata pulled out a black gymnast-like long-sleeved and long legged leotard and started stretching it too see how pliable it was…it was perfect…she used to wear this leotard underneath her jacket and pants all the time as an undersuit instead of her panties and shirt…She put it on and it fitted a bit loosely…like it always did, but she liked it that way."Ok, it’s about 30 minutes until meeting time with Anko…I guess I should head out now!" Hinata dashed out of her house wearing only the black leotard…
"Hmmm, where could she be…"Hinata waited on the tree branch…for about ten minutes…
"Heya Hinata-Chan, I found the scroll!" Anko said as she appeared from the smoke, holding a pretty big scroll over her shoulder…
"Thanks a lot, Anko, but what took you so long?" Hinata asked…She was apparently starting to feel more comfortable around Anko…
"Well, besides it being hard to find, I had to get past this one annnoying…and perverted…librarian ninja…but thats besides the point! Now here, memorize this and do it!" Anko said while giving a thumbs up to give Hinata that extra boost in confidence she might have needed…
"Ok…"Hinata sighed as she rolled open the scroll…despite it’s size, the actual motion was very simple…"Hmm, only four hand-seals huh? (hand seals are finger arrangements that are used to release chakra…there are 12 in all and are based off of the chinese zodiac.)This shouldn’t be too hard…" Hinata said to herself as she got up, and proceeded to try this out for the first time…
"Dog…Monkey…Ox…Dragon" Hinata recited in her mind as she did the seals with her eyes closed…she then opened her eyes and said "Kinniku no Jutsu!"
Hinata felt a burst of energy inside of her,but saw no sudden changes…
"Huh…ok you did it right Hinata…now just put your focus into something…hmm lets start with the basics…do it slowly so you don’t wear yourself out too fast…Make a bicep!" Anko said, pretending to make a bicep of her own.
"Ok!" Hinata replied as she flexed her bicep…it started out to be the same, but as she held her flex, the muscle began to grow…Her bicep rised to tighten the top of her sleeve, and her tricep was filling out to get the bottom part of it…as she held it for 10 more seconds it started to gain more mass and began turning into the size of a baseball…20 seconds after that and it was bigger than a softball…
"WOW!" She blurted, it was something new to her…
"Wow is right, thats one helluva gun there!" Anko said in suprise too…"Do the other one!" She said.
June 9, 2005 at 12:17 am #5566Debido-San
ParticipantHinata nodded and went on to flex her weaker arm, the left one…in about 30 seconds she had it at the same size and strenth of her softball sized right arm."Wow! This tecnique is awesome!" She said, looking at her muscles grow in size and power…
"Here I also had to stop home and grab some measuring tape…flex that right arm of yours for me, would ya Hinata?" Anko said as she pulled the tape out from her side trenchcoat pocket…
"Here…" Hinata said as she brought her right arm up and looked at it…She flexed it and focused on it again…putting even more into it than last time…
"Hey hold on!" Anko said as she wrapped the tape around what seemed to be the peek of her bicep…She read off the measurements,barely keeping up with the arm’s rapid growth…
"17…19…21…24…27…Wow stop here for a sec Hinata..it’s growing way too fast! You already have almost 30 inches…oh wait…" Anko said as she saw Hinata stop focusing…the tape had just stopped abruptly at 30"…"Ok…you DO have 30 inches on this arm…I think thats the record for any normal man or woman in the hidden ninja villages…You ROCK Hinata!" Anko said trying to squeeze the enormous bicep, but not making the slightest dent in it…
"Wow…thanks Anko…" She said as she began to admire her bicep also…She then brought up her left arm and within seconds it exploded to the same size…"Hmm…Legs next!" She said as she spread her somewhat scrawny legs apart so that Anko could get the tape in between them…
Anko nodded as she got on her knees and wrapped the tape around Hinata’s right leg loosely, so that it could have room to grow…"Go on…and flex both legs this time!" Anko said with a smile…
Hinata blushed back and flexed both of her thighs, focusing her energy down there now…She had thoughts about the tree trunks of the mighty trees surrounding her…Her legs were pulsing as she continued, growing so fast and big that they even seemed bigger than the trunks around her…Her quads were gaining mass as she couldn’t help but spread out a bit of the energy to her abs as well…she focused for about 10 seconds on her abdominal muscles and they tightened against her leotard as the black leotard you could see a very defined 6 pack..that was turning into an 8 pack…that was turning into a 10 pack! She was definently getting somewhere with this technique! Again, she returned to adding power to her legs, and then decided that it was time for her glutes…She squeezed her little butt together, focusing on her bottom…It was also growing harder and bigger, perfectly mounded so that it had a sexy curve to it. The sudden increase of her thighs and glutes was streching the bottom of her leotard to the limit…
Hinata smiled with a bit of blush as she saw the black fabric stretch out to the point that it was beginning to show even more of her leg’s definition, even her veins were pulsing enough to make the leotard stretch on their own…Within a few moments her legs had reached nearly 45 inches around as they finally began to burst out of her once very loose leotard…
"Oh!…My leotard…" Hinata said meekly as she looked down…she tried to see the shredded cloth that lay at the bottom of her feet…but she couldn’t see past her huge thighs…"Umm…" She mumbled as she turned around to try and see it from the back…but her musclebound calves prevented that from happening…
"Uhh…I think I ripped them…" Hinata said as she stood, her once full body leotard now only going from her upper body to the middle of her explosively powerful thighs…At this moment she was only lacking muscle on her torso…besides her abs…
Anko began to laugh…"Wow…I think you like this feeling a bit too much!" She said smiling. "You should add somethng to your chest and back so that you don’t look like an alien or something!" She said making a funny face…
Hinata giggled…"Ok!" She said as she the clasped her hands together and started flexing her currently nonexistent pecs. She began to focus her chakra towards her chest and immediately her breasts hovered farther away from her body, being pushed up by slates of hard, power filled muscle…Her pecs began to striate and separate in the middle as she continued focusing…As she continued, her breasts also began to grow, they became as large as basketballs…now exploding the top half of her leotard off her body, somehow managing to leave shreds laying right on top of her private areas. Her breasts became firmer as she focused on her pectorals, as they squeezed together to make a tight, nearly foot deep cleavage to her pecs…and if you counted her ever expanding pectorals, that would be nearly a foot and a half of muscle packed chest…Hinata smiled as she looked down at her "improvements" and then remembered Anko’s back reminder as well…
Hinata groaned erotically and stretched her arms backwards, flexing her back at the same time…Her back also immediately expanded and defined itself, growing so fast that her back was pushing it self back out of her flexing stretch…She leaned back as if she were going under a limbo bar and the bottom of her back became ripped as well! She was a powerhouse within mere moments!
Anko gazed happily…"Wow, Hinata…This is incredible!…You’re a natural with this technique!" She said as she approached Hinata and began to feel on her, Hinata giggling from the ticklish feeling…
Anko rubbed and squeezed on Hinata’s huge biceps, trying to fit her hand around both her unflexed biceps and now muscle-engorged triceps, but that wasn’t going to happen, Hinata’s arms were at least 30 inches around, whether she was flexing her bicep or tricep. Anko smiled when she found that was a lost cause and began to work her hands up towards Hinata’s protruding chest…she lightly squeezed ontop of her bulbous breasts to try and feel for pectorals…but Hinata’s breasts alone were much firmer and denser than any bodybuilder in Konoha’s pecs! Anko licked her lips as Hinata blushed and giggled as she then let her hands slide down Hinata’s body to her abs, which her packed with muscle…Her tummy was so tight she had to be showing off at least an eight pack…and that was when she was inhaling…exhaling, her belly tightened up into a firm ten pack…a slight crunch on her abs could easily squeeze out another pair of muscles or two from her tight, sexy belly!
Anko smiled even wider as she then worked towards Hinata’s legs, squeezing her thighs with all her might, but to no avail. She gave up on her harder than steel quads and moved to her delicious calves, rubbing them up and down to send a warm feeling rushing through Hinata’s veins…Hinata was tickled by this and unknowingly tensed all of her muscles at once, pushing every massive muscle of hers at least another 5 inches thicker! Anko jumped back in suprise as she saw the once meek and shy Hinata turn into a bulging muscle beauty!
"Hinata…Your probably the most muscular person in all the planet…I would be lying if I said I weren’t intimidated…" Anko said with a smile…"Now, how about we test the strength part of that ripped body of yours?" She asked playfully, wrapping her arm aronud Hinata’s thick, muscle-packed shoulders…Hinata smiled warmly and nodded in acceptance, as Anko guided her over to a rock that was planted into the ground, it was about 4 feet tall, and at least another 4 feet wide, A small rock in comparision to Hinata’s bulging body, but it was a dense rock that was made from a technique that the Hokage, the best ninja in all of Konoha, used. This rock wasn’t made from Konoha soil, but his ingenous boulder making technique…he made this particular rock to demonstrate to the little future ninjas…
Anko smiled…"Hinata, this rock was made by the Hokage himself…and his rocks are ultra dense…it probably weighs 500 pounds! So…give it a try and pick it up…" She said
Hinata nodded in determination and walked over to the rock…her muscles tensing with each step…She wrapped her fingers around the edges of the dense rock and pulled it out of the ground…easily…and to make matters even more unbelievable, it was like an iceburg…there was a whole 8 feet worth of rock under what little was seen by the two…but Hinata pulled it up as if it was a stuffed doll…she flipped the iceburg like bottom up so that she could continue to hold it in the air, her crushing grip making it’s imprints into the heavy granite…Hinata smiled as she held it in the air, the torn shrips of clothing waving in the wind, but still managing to protect her on the edges of modesty!
Anko’s eyes widened when she saw how truly large the rock was…and how massive Hinata had become from the lifting…which seemed insignificant in Hinata’s hands…"Um…Hinata…If what we saw was at least 500 pounds on its own…and the bottom is 8 feet more…you just lifted 1500 pounds worth of granite!" She said in excitement…
"REALLY!?" Hinata shouted in joy…a little too much joy…She crushed what she held in her hands into mere dust as her hands clapped together…the rest of the rock plummeted towards her head…
"Hinata! Watch out!" Anko cried out…
"Huh…?" was all that came out of Hinata’s mouth before…CRRRAASH!!
The rock stood on Hinata’s head as she was still in a state of confusion…within moments the once unbreakable by human hands granite began to crack from the impact…as Hinata was still confused…The remaining boulder on Hinata’s head crumbled into dust…
"Did…that rock just crumble…?" Hinata asked in confusion…
"Ummm…Yeah…" Anko said in awe…
"half a ton, on my head…I’m still standing…and it’s this pile of dust and pebbles that lays around me?…" Hinata asked as she looked to her sides…still having trouble seeing past her enormous pecs and breasts…but from the side she saw a knee-high pile of rubble…
"Yeah…" Anko said as a smile began to overtake her face…"Your strong…muscular…and damn invulnerable!" Anko shouted as she ran up to Hinata and brushed the granite dust from her suspension bridge shoulders…
Hinata smiled…"Wow…I love this feeling…I feel like I can do anything…" She said with a tint of blush to her face…
Anko smiled…"Enough with the theatrics…do something to that tree!" She said pointing to a large oak…
Hinata raised one of her eyebrows…"Like what?…"
Anko thought for a second…"I dunno, punch it, kick it, hug it…something! It’s been on my nerves since I was a little kid…It’s the ugliest and biggest tree in the whole village!" She said with an annoyed look…
Hinata thought for a second, raising her fingers to her chin, unkowingly flexing an huge 36" bicep…"Ok!" She said as she approached the ugly oak slowly and wrapped her arms around it…"You said hug it so…" She said smiling as she increased her grip…her unyielding breasts and pecs pushing into the tree with might unheard of…and her ginormous arms crushing the tree inward…Calling this a bearhug would be an understatement! After about 20 seconds the tree practically exploded from the crushing power, the rest of the towering tree falling right above Anko…who was taken captive by Hinata’s magnicifent strength and musclature…The tree was about to collapse ontop of Anko as Hinata got the final squeeze in from her hug…"I love you Naruto-kun…" She said to herself as she imagined that was him she was hugging with such might…She turned around to see the shadow of the tree hovering above the amazed Anko…
"Anko!" Hinata said as she, in the blink of an eye, was now right in front of Anko. She put her hands into the air and the tree stopped in her palms…the massive log being held up by a little, muscle-bound girl…
Anko snapped out of it as she looked up…"This tree was about to fall on me, wasn’t it…?" She asked her little muscle-bound friend…
Hinata smiled with her eyes closed as she easily held the towering tree above her…"Yep…"
Anko opened her mouth in awe as she backed away…she got a full view of how much might Hinata now possesed…"Wow…" was all that Anko could utter…
June 9, 2005 at 12:18 am #5567Debido-San
ParticipantHinata giggled softly as she then put her arms on each side of the log and brought them down…snapping the humongous tree in two like a twig…She then laid down the logs so that they could be sat on…Hinata smiled as she brought up an impressive flex with her right bicep…her massive arm now sporting a 39" mound of might…"This is by far the best technique I’ve ever used…" She said as she began to get smaller…her chakra had ran out on her finally…As Hinata returned to her normally thin form…
Anko smiled…"Just as I thought…you can’t go on with that thing forever…As big and strong as you got, I’m suprised you went on that long!" She said as she took off her trenchcoat and handed it to the practically naked Hinata…"I have plenty more at home, so take it! Just don’t hulk out in it!" She said smiling…Hinata buttoned it up and nodded blushingly…
"Lets grab something to eat to help you get your chakra back for tomorrow…How about ramen?" Anko asked with a smile…
"Ok!" Hinata said confidently, as they walked to Naruto’s favorite ramen spot, Ichiraku ramen!
Hinata and Anko sat down at the table and they were immediately served…The readied their chopsticks and began to chow down! after a while of eating the good ramen, Hinata looked over to Anko…"Hey…do you think Naruto will like me when I use that technique?…" She asked quietly…
Anko smiled as she slurped up a bunch of noodles…"You said it yourself, Hinata, he said he likes strong girls…and your the strongest being I’ve ever witnessed in my life! If he can’t like the best of the best in the strength field, then he just can’t be pleased…So with all things considered…You’ll be fine!" Anko said as she lightly slapped Hinata’s back…"Hinata, after your done eating I want you to go home and immediately get to bed…Your going to want all your chakra tomorrow!" She said smiling…
Hinata slurped up her remaining ramen and gulped down the broth…"Right!" She said as she walked home with a brisk pace and snuggled up to sleep…"I hope you’ll like it, Naruto-kun…" She said to herself as she drifted into sleep…
——–The Next Day——–
Hinata woke up and put on another overly large and stretchy black leotard…she blushed when she remembered how easily she filled it up with her massive muscles…and eventually ripped right out of it…
"Maybe I should control myself more today…" She said as she put on her trademark overjacket, so that she wouldn’t seem too strange when she approached Naruto…
She hopped out the window and ran to her and Anko’s meeting place…her older "brother" Neji spying on her as she left…
"That Hinata…such a pitiful girl…it should have been me born in the house family…not the branch one…" He said to himself as he stealthily followed…"I hope I’ll find something to get her in trouble for…"He said with an evil smirk…
Hinata landed beside Anko, crouching as they hid behind some bushes…Naruto once again where he was training the previous day…
"Hinata, glad you didn’t chicken out…Is your chakra full?" Anko asked with a smile…
"Yeah…I’m well rested today, I guess I had a good dream!" Hinata said quietly with a bit of giggle in her voice..
Anko gave Hinata a thumbs up and said in quiet support "Go for it, Hinata!" As Hinata blushed and stood up…approaching Naruto from behind the bushes…
As soon as Naruto heard the leaves rustle, he pulled out some shuriken’s from his side pouch and readied them…"I’m not going down, Sasuke!" He said as he turned around…He squeeled and hopped back in suprise when he realized it was Hinata…
"Oh…Hinata, it’s you again!" He said with a smile as he put his throwing knives back into his pockets…
"Hi, Naruto-kun…I…wanted to show you something…"She said looking downwards…blushing like always…
Naruto smiled as he approached her, still clueless that this girl loved him…"Well, what is it Hinata?" He asked…
Hinata looked up timidly…"I…I’ve become strong for you…" She said as she put her hands together and began to execute her hand seals…she went through the hand seals and looked up at Naruto when she felt the jutsu activate…Naruto raised his eyebrow in confusion…"Huh…?" He said…
Hinata blushed as she looked into his blue eyes…"I hope you like it…" She said as she brought up her right arm and flexed it as Naruto turned his attention to it…the loose sleeve of her jacket quickly began to fill out over her arm as she flexed harder and harder…the growing bicep and filling out triceps stretching every stitch of her well woven jacket…She blushed as Naruto gazed in awe as she brought up her left arm as well and began to flex…her left arm added just as much mass, filling every spare piece of space in the jacket’s sleeves…
to keep things symetrical…Hinata brought her arms into a most muscular pose to flex her chest out, as well as protrude her breasts into an almost cantaloupe size…and as she leaned foward, her abs crunched up into a 10 pack once again….her thick body was filling every single seam of the jacket, and Naruto had NO idea what was going on…To support her growing front side, Hinata’s back and shoulders near immediately added mass to themselves, pushing the durability of the poor little jacket to it’s limits…
Her spandex covered legs bulged with power also, as it took strength in her lower body to hold her massive self up…her thighs stood thick, at least 50 inches around each, and her calves bulging at near 30 " themselves…Hinata was even bigger to begin with than last time! Naruto’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets…"Um…Hinata…your starting to grow out of your clothes…" he said as he gulped down a lump in his throat
Hinata smiled and blushed at the same time…when she finally realized she had forgotten to take her jacket off! She was so nervous about confronting him in the first place..she forgot to take off her lucky jacket…but it was too late…
The jacket practically exploded off of her body, leaving her wearing nothing but her one piece leotard…and even that was barely holding her mass…Anko gasped from the bushes…"Oh…hehe I forgot about the jacket detail…" she said to herself as she continued to watch…
Hinata kept her flexing position blushingly as she stood before Naruto in a barely there black leotard…her body now possesed the most massive muscles on the planet…42" arms…A 69" bustline…with 20" of that being her beefy pectoral muscle…a thin, yet muscle packed 10 pack, only 20" around…explosive 54" thighs…and just as impressive 36" calves…she was power incarnate!…And she was willing to give herself all to a guy named Naruto…
"Naruto-kun…You said you liked strong women with big "ta tas"…I hope this will satisfy you…" She said as she brought her arms up into a double biceps pose…her biceps towering at 45" now…ready to burst right through her leotard…
Naruto chuckled nervously…"Eh…Ummm Hinata-chan…your…very big alright…" He said…he couldn’t take his eyes off of her massive breasts….
Hinata blushed…"Do you like it, Naruto?…" She asked as she let her arms fall to her sides…the very fabric around her arms seemed as if it were relieved…until her arms finally straightened out…flexing her triceps to an unreal size…pushing the stretchy cloth to it’s limits once again, just in the opposite way of her biceps…
June 9, 2005 at 12:18 am #5568Debido-San
ParticipantNaruto scratched the back of his head…"Ummm….Well you see…I like the breasts…but I’m not really into the whole muscle chick thing…" he said with a nervous chuckle…then he realized Hinata could probably snap him in half with just a simple flexing "gesture"…"But!…Umm you are really sexy with all them muscles!" He said with a blushing laugh…
Hinata smiled and gasped…all that she heard from his mouth was "Breasts", "Muscle Chick" and "You are really sexy with all them muscles!"…She hopped to him, making the ground rumble a bit with each step, and grasped him into a hug…"Thank you, Naruto-kun! I’m so glad you like it!" She said as she hugged him a bit tighter…her huge breasts that lay ontop of her layered pecs, as well as her mammoth arms were suffocating the blushing Naruto…even though this wasn’t his thing…these were the biggest knockers he had ever seen…not to mention his face was smothered in them too…All he could do was blush madly…his nose bleeding…whether it was from the pain or the pleasure, even he didn’t know…
Hinata held him up and looked at him…"I’d do anything for you…Naruto-kun…" She said as she looked into his deep blue eyes…he clumsily let out…"Well…then I’d like to feel those again…" He said as he brought his arm up and pointed at her fleshy, yet firm boobs in a drunk-looking manner…
Hinata giggled…"Of course! my body and soul are yours!" She said as she hugged him even tighter…if all she had were pecs, Naruto would be dead right now from the tons of pressure…but her spandex-covered breasts made great pillows…
suprisingly for Naruto, he was enjoying every moment of it…even the mind numbing pressure from Hinata’s massive arms was plesant…he could stretch out on Hinata as she hugged him…feeling the hardest body he had ever seen…he was aroused when he could rub his fingers over the hills and valleys of her muscle-engorged body…running his hands over her 10 pack set of abs…feeling the power pulsing through every fiber of her body…He felt secure in her grasp…he felt like just being in her loving hold could wipe away all those years of loneliness he lived through before he had become a junior ninja…Being partners with the girl he admired, Sakura, and his rival for Sakura’s love, Sasuke…sure that was great and all…but this sense of true love had never come to him before…Naruto was actually feeling the same, raw emotion for Hinata!
Naruto began to hug around Hinata’s tight, muscular midsection, feeling that her back was no less muscular…he even had the bravery to give her firm, now much more full butt a nice squeeze…Hinata giggled from the feeling as she looked down on at Naruto as he explored her new body…Naruto looked up and smiled softly…"Wow, Hinata…you did all of this…for me?" He asked…
Naruto giggled and nodded…"Yes…I would do anything for you, Naru-"
"HEY, HINATA! Put Naruto down before you crush him, you overgrown, musclebound idiot girl! Damn freak!" Neji shouted out to Hinata as she let him go, dropping him to the ground…
"Neji…But, I did this for Naruto…and he likes it…" Hinata feebly let out…
"Fuck that, You look disgusting, Hinata, and Naruto thinks so too! How could anybody in their right minds fall in love with a mountain with boobs!? He just says he likes it so you won’t crush him like a bug…" Neji said scornfully…
Hinata blushed…"Naruto-kun…he isn’t right is he?…" She asked…Naruto looked up at her…"No way Hinata…I was a bit freaked out at first…but I think I’m in love now…" He said with a blush…She looked into his eyes, and could see that he was being completely honest…
Neji spat on the ground…"All lies…Naruto, I’ll show you that what Hinata is using is just a technique! Nobody could ever get that big and freakish on their own!" He said as he readied himself to fight Hinata…
Anko got up from her hiding place in the bushes…"Just shut up, twerp! I’ll teach you to talk about others like that!" She said as she stepped next to Hinata…but Hinata put her huge arm up to block her…"No…I’ll handle this…" Hinata said…Anko and Naruto both looking a bit confused…
Neji smirked…"Come on, behemoth…I’ll stop you dead in your overgrown tracks…"
Hinata finally snapped…She dashed at him…her humongous legs thundering with unbelievable power and musculature in each step…She made it up to him and threw a super fast, extremely powerful punch…Neji was barely able to see it, but he dodged it…his back up to a tree…
Which Hinata damn near shattered all the way up the trunk from just the impact of her muscle packed punch…her arms were as big and thick around as that very tree trunk…Neji squeeked a little bit and nimbly slid behind her…"Take this!" He shouted out as he pulled out two small daggers and threw them at Hinata…
Hinata turned around with her lightning fast reflexes…one hit her dead on, right on her more-than-washboard stomach, and the hard metal blade ricocheted off, as if he had thrown it at a hard rock…The other one manged to get wedged in between her huge, firm breasts, like a small metal bridge in between two huge, round mountains of might…
Hinata smirked as she flexed her pecs together, her once fleshy and only firm breasts becoming pecotoral as well…The huge globes crashed in on the dagger, crushing it to pieces, just from a small flex from Hinata’s powerful body…She flexed her pecs open again..and all that fell to the ground was bits of metal dust…"I’m harder than rock, Neji…and it seems I have a body with more power than Konoha’s best metal around…You can’t hurt me with little toys like those…" She said with a giggle…the power giving her a huge boost in confidence…
Neji’s mouth was open in awe…"Damn freak…But I know how that technique works…you have to constantly push your chakra out to those bulky muscles of yours to keep the power flowing! Well then, let me stop your chakra flow for you!" He said as he quickly ran up to Hinata…Hinata just standing there with an odd smirk…"He’s going for my chakra points…" She said to herself…
Neji finally got within range, and with both hands he extended his index and middle fingers, poking at Hinata’s body all over the place,with blinding speed!
"2…4…8…16…32…64…128 Chakra Points!" He shouted out, as Hinata simply stood there…"Now, musclebound bitch…your chakra can’t flow any more…and you won’t be able to move for a while…" He said as he was looking down…
Then he looked up…to see she was still standing…
"What…the…Hell!? Why aren’t you on your knees!?" He asked in a suprised voice…
"Neji…the Chakra points are near the organs…to hit them you have to put your chakra into me on those exact points…but uhhh, looks like you forgot to extend your charka long enough…my bulging muscles are pushed out too far from anything in my body for you to hit!" She said as she then reeled back her fist and gave him a hard punch in his stomach…instantly he spat out blood…but for a moment, that was just the impact of the punch…then the full power of the punch came through and sent him flying through about 15 trees in Konoha’s grand forest…clearing out the area a bit…
Anko and Naruto let out a harmonic "Ouch…." as they saw Neji fly through the trees…And Naruto had gotten himself a bit too "aroused" at the sight of Hinata’s bulgingly muscular body…He quickly hid it, making Hinata blush, and Anko laugh a bit.."Looks like your right, Hinata! Naruto has a thing for the muscle type after all!" She said…
Sasuke watched Hinata’s confession, as well as her astounding performance in the fight with Neji…He also had to hide his own erection…"Wow…I’ve always liked muscle girls…And Hinata was always cool…since she’s always been a "playing hard to get" type of girl, since she never chased me and stuff…but wow…I think I’m in love…and for the first time…I think I’m jealous of Naruto!" He said to himself…
Sakura and Ino…love rivals over Sasuke, were stalking Sasuke at the time, and also saw the incredible events…"Wow…so Sasuke-kun likes crazy, Hulk sized girls, huh?" Ino asked herself out loud with a smirk…
Sakura grinned…"Looks like it…I think its about time I win Sasuke over…I’ll get that technique…" Sakura said…
Ino glared at Sakura…"Nuh uh…Sorry, forehead girl…but I’ll be sasuke’s super muscular lover, not you…" She said with a sexy smile…
Sakura smiled evilly…"Nope, Ino-pig…You’ll screw it up and turn fat instead of muscular…I’ll be his bulging beauty…" She said with an annoyed expression…
The both of them stared off at each other, it was now understood that the girls would both try and learn the Kinniku no Jutsu! They turned from each other and walked to their homes…planning on how to finally get a hold of it…
————————————————-Well! This chapter is the longest I have EVER done in fanfic history! How did you guys like it? I have two more chapters planned out! Please email comments and such to Brigandier0517@email.com! Thanks for reading!
June 10, 2005 at 8:03 am #5569Max
ParticipantWonderful and very lovely story. Thank you so much for posting it and certainly I’m willing to read more about Hinata and her new technique.
June 25, 2005 at 7:59 am #5570lowcast2000
ParticipantThis is really one of the better fan-fics around, and im sorry so many people who have read it havn’t taken the time to write a post. I really enjoyed, and didn’t notice the characters doing anything really…out of character. I hope you make a sequel. 😀
June 26, 2005 at 2:25 am #5571Debido-San
Participant^_^ I’m working on it! for right now I have to finish up a Love Hina fic first…Thanks for replying (you two!) and your right…I would like to see more commentary!
June 30, 2005 at 2:56 am #5572Kitsunekun
ParticipantI can’t wait to get home and read this!!!
The Naruto animè rocks!!!July 4, 2005 at 4:32 am #5573iceman75
ParticipantHey Debido-san, sorry for not saying anything at my group when you posted the story, but I thought it was very good, the muscle growth segments were very well done, and I just loved the strength feats she was capable of, I hope that you continue it and make her even bigger and stronger. In a way your story helped me get done with my two stories for the Symposium, maybe if we’re lucky you will put in another similar one in.
July 4, 2005 at 9:28 am #5574Matthew Lim
ParticipantWow, I’m not a fan of Naruto per-say. But this story makes me want to watch a few episodes so I can figure out who these characters are. 😀
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