Kulli’s Lu (morph)

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  • #12950

    They are a bit er, titanic, eh? XD

    Heh heh… but quite capable of withstanding icebergs, no?

    I've always seen large breasts on female characters as a sign of power somehow, like large muscles, so it makes sense to me for Lu to be so big in all areas – everything seems in similar proportion. 

    X-Greg – merci beaucoup, mon ami!  Tu es trop gentil, toi!  Il y a vraiment longtemps depuis j'ai fait un morph, parce que je n'ai pas de temp a ce moment.  Mais de temps en temps j'espere faire encore de morphs.  Ca me plait beaucoup.  Et vous, est ce que vous avez creer quelque chose recemment?  J'aime beaucoup votre morphs aussi!  Tres sympa!

    *edit* While we're on the topic of boob power, see this vid:  http://rapidshare.de/files/4879885/boobscrushcan-703.wmv.html


    Heh heh… but quite capable of withstanding icebergs, no?

    XD haha! Nothing can withstand the power of the boobs!  👿

    Le Français est comme je suis encore dans mon classe pour le GCSE! Hehe..
    Excusez-moi, mon Français est très mauvais, j'a appris pendant cinq années seulement… mais j'adore le langue et je regrette je ne pas apprends ça dans le '6th form' 🙁


    Hey Kulli and all.
    You speak good French for a Brit…..Thats a compliment from a Brit who doesnt speak any French.

    X-Greg …your French is ….erm…terrible. Ich time I see you write it, I am very sad.

    Random101…You speak good French too.

    BTW ..LOVE the big boobed babe bashing beer cans with her breast. Some people will do ANYthing to get on Television.



    You speak good French for a Brit…..Thats a compliment from a Brit who doesnt speak any French.

    Ok, if you are 'a Brit who doesn't speak any French', how would you know if what we were saying was good or bad French?
    You DO know, those translators like Babel Fish are useless? They have terible grammar and make no sense?

    Or am I misunderstanding what you said here?


    Sorry Kulli. … 😳 I DO  speak a little French. But I understand what is written by others better. I was mostly taking the "micky" out of X-Greg……But seriously,  your written French IS  good and I'm jealous, cos its better than mine



    Sweet pic!


    Hey Kulli and all.

    X-Greg …your French is ….erm…terrible. Ich time I see you write it, I am very sad.


    I thought X-Greg WAS French? (he'll correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure).

    I don't speak Francais, but I think the language is beautiful.  😀


    Eric "Frenchy" F., EnhanceMan

    ze fly

    Ok, if you are 'a Brit who doesn't speak any French', how would you know if what we were saying was good or bad French?

    😀 There is quite a difference between "reading" and "speaking". I can (quite) read english but I barely understand it (generally when it's spoken by a dutch, a german or italian who speak sloooowly :roll:) and my pronunciation is absolutely awful… 😛

    But enough digression, I concur with all the others by saying that the art is really great.


    I barely understand it (generally when it's spoken by a dutch, a german or italian who speak sloooowly )

    XD then I think you wouldn't really understand me XD I speak VERY quick. But everyone in the North West where I live does. I have a slightly Liverpudlian accent, but only because that city is quite close. I dunno. But you can tell I'm from the north, southeners sound waaaaaaaay different.


    southeners sound waaaaaaaay different.

    …and are unlikely to use the words 'nesh', 'barm', 'myther' and call everyone 'love'.

    Heh!  I'm living in Warrington at the moment – moved up from London a few years ago.  Runcorn's full of people from Liverpool so there's a fair bit of Scouse in the accent hereabouts.  It's great oop north.  People really are more friendly and open and you can chat with random people at a bus stop without them thinking you're mad. 

    Some of the Scouse expressions are really great too – "I love the bones of him" is really sweet.

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