Lady of the Rings

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    Lady of the Rings
    By Max

    "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the owner bind them" chanted a dark figure returning the gold ring he picked up from a box containing many of them.

    As the ring was back in its place, the others golden rings began to glow. With each one, the returned one glowed more intensely making clear the inscription on it. ‘Debbie’. Then, all the bright faded.

    “It’s done” he said vanishing in the thin air.

    “Who is there?” said a girl turning on her lamp. The girl found herself alone in her bedroom.

    She stood from her bed and walked to her desk where a pink box was. When she opened it, she sighed relieved to see that all the prom rings where still inside. “The girls will kill me if I lose one of these”.

    Since all the rings had their owner name, she picked up her own one and put it on. “It’s funny. The ring didn’t feel his one in the afternoon” said the girl as she felt it warm against her skin. “And neither looks this way. Whoa!” exclaimed the girl as her name was glowing in red letters. “It’s just your imagination Debbie. Go back to bed” she said to herself dropping the ring back into the box and heading to her bed.

    It was near 4:00pm, when Debbie returned from school. She was opening the door of her bedroom when a familiar figure greeted her. “Hello Debbie” he said.

    “Larry!!” hissed Debbie closing her door. “You know that it’s forbidden that you appear in my bedroom like that. I don’t know how my mother will take that I’m dating a wizard” she whispered.

    “A wizard apprentice” corrected Larry, “But thanks for the consideration. And about your mother, you don’t think that I haven’t anticipate that situation, do you?” he grinned. “Your mother and every person in this house will not enter into your room unless I want it. Also, they can’t hear what we are talking, so there is no need of whispering” he smiled.

    “You are always so impulsive” smiled Debbie as she hugged at her boyfriend and kiss him in the lips. She hated to stand on her tiptoes, but being 5 inches shorter than him made impossible to avoid that.

    “And tell me Debbie. How was your day?” he asked.

    “Very good. The girls love the ring I bought for the prom. Do you like mine?” she said showing off her ring. Larry smiled as the ring looked perfectly normal.

    “It’s beautiful Debbie. And tell me, are the other girls wearing their rings too?” he asked.

    “Yes. They couldn’t wait to try them on” smiled Debbie. “Ah! And how was your final test for your wizard degree?” she asked.

    “I’m still waiting the results” grinned Larry. “The spell I cast over an inanimate object in order to approve my course was more complicated than I thought, but I’m sure of my capabilities and everything will be fine” he said confidently.

    “I’m so glad to hear that” she said hugging him again. “And tell me, when you will get the results?” she asked.

    “In a few moments” he smiled again.

    “And when I can see that inanimate object?” asked Debbie intrigued.

    “Just raise your right hand” Larry said.

    Debbie did what he said, but nothing appeared on her palm. “So…, it’s invisible and light, because I can’t see it or feel its weight”

    Larry couldn’t hold any longer and burst into laughs. “What is so funny?” asked mortified Debbie.

    “Oh nothing” he said composing himself. “It’s that you are a bit slow catching things” he managed to say before started to laugh again.

    Debbie examined her palm again and even put her other hand on to sense is something was over it, but there was nothing. The only thing her right hand has was…

    “My ring!! You cast your spell on my ring??!!” asked surprised Debbie. He nodded slowing down his laughs. “So, it was you the one I sensed last night, and that was the reason why I noticed that my ring glowed” she said.

    “Touché!!” Larry said. “Indeed, it was me the one who came here last night. My spell turned your ordinary ring into a one ring among the group”.

    “That movie affected you more than I thought” said Debbie. “And now what? I will get scrawny and small while saying ‘My precious’ all the time” she said raising an eyebrow.

    “Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t do something like that, but you must know all the rings of your class are now linked to your own”.

    “So, we can get a mental link to communicate between ourselves or something like that?” she asked.

    “Oh no. The one ring has an extraordinary ability. It can let you switch any trait you have for the one of another girl wearing a ring” he said.

    “Really?” said Debbie with her eyes wide opened. Her finger caressed nervously her golden ring.

    “And not only that. The spell works in a very interesting way since moments later after you switch a trait, the reality will be re-shaped to make at all people believe, including your donor, that you and her have being that way since ever. The magic of the ring will protect at us from the reality change to avoid that in one of the switches, we won't longer be a couple. So, no matter how drastic the change will be, we will still be a couple”.

    “Whoa!! That is really something” said astonish Debbie.

    “What do you expect? We are talking about my wizard degree here. It should be something very powerful. Besides, I like the idea of you improving yourself” he smiled. “Two birds with one stone”

    “You are so naughty!!” giggled Debbie. “But tell me, if I switch a trait with other girl, that won’t mean that I’m stealing her?”

    “It depends on how you see it. Once the reality is re-shape, that girl will remember having your trait all her life. She can’t possible missed her because as long as she is concerned, she never had what you took from her”

    “If you say so. What do I have to do in order to activate the ring?”

    “You only need to think in a trait from any girl in your class that you want and it will be yours” said Larry.

    “That sounds easy” she said closing her eyes. Larry watched pleased as Debbie short brown hair was growing longer and blonde. Debbie gasped as she felt her long hair between her fingers.

    “This is awesome. I have Anne’s hair” said Debbie impressed.

    “It seems that you only were thinking in the hair of her head” said Larry pointing at her eyebrows. “Your must not be a fully blonde” he said looking down her.

    “Oops! I think I should be more specific for what I ask for” said Debbie.

    “Indeed. You can be as specific as you want, that way you can make more subtle changes”

    “Like what?” she asked.

    “You can switch the color hair of one girl and have the length of other” he said.

    “That really sounds interesting. I will like to…” began to say Debbie when she felt a wave of dizziness hitting her. Shaking her head, she asked “What was that?”

    “That was the reality re-shaping itself. Now, your friend Anne will remember having brown hair in her head all her life. Something similar had happen to you. The main difference is that you have keep your own memories when gain the alternative memories in which you have had blonde hair”

    “Amazing” said Debbie. “I wonder how my old pictures look like”

    Debbie rushed to her desk and grabbed on of her photo albums. She couldn’t believe her eyes. In all of them she had blonde hair.

    “This is amazing Larry. I can’t believe it” said Debbie excited as she kept touching her hair.

    “It seems that my project is a success” grinned Larry feeling proud of him.

    Debbie closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them looking at Larry. “What do you think?” she asked.

    “Glad to see that you finally became a complete blonde” said Larry looking that Debbie’s eyebrows were blonde too this time.

    “Men…” Debbie sighed. “Your vision can be so limited sometimes”

    Larry frowned at Debbie’s comment. “What you mean?”

    Debbie blinked her eyes a couple of times.

    “Oh my..!! Your eyes. You have blue eyes!!” exclaimed Larry surprised.

    “Glad to see that you finally realized it” said Debbie mimicking at her boyfriend. “So, what do you think? Do you like them?” she said closing slowly her eyelashes.

    “You are amazing Debbie. You have just try two changes at the same time. You really surprise me” said Larry as the dizziness wave hit them.

    “I guess that Sherry must think by now that her eyes have been brown since she born” said Debbie as she checked her picture again. She smiled to find that she was now a blonde petite girl with blue eyes.

    “So far, the changes you have done have prove the effective of the swap spell. Still, they do not represent a great challenge for reality spell of the ring. Why you don’t try something a bit different this time. Something that it’s not related to something you have naturally” said Larry.

    “Naturally?” asked Debbie.

    “Yes. The hair change, plus the color eyes only represent a minor exchange that modifies your body psychic since your birth. Try something that you can’t obtain biologically” explained Larry.

    “I understand what you are saying, and I have something in mind” smiled Debbie closing her eyes.

    When she opened then again, Larry didn’t notice the difference. “What you try this time?” he asked.

    “Just these” smiled Debbie raising her shirt and exposing her hard six-pack abs. “Trisha always like to work out them and I must say…” she said patting her abdomen “… that she really put attention on them”

    “Nice” said Larry as he moved his hand to touch the exposed midsection of his girlfriend. “You did a great change this time Debbie. I’m anxiously to discover what the reality changes will be this time”

    “What kind of changes are you expecting?” asked Debbie.

    “You will notice them soon” said Larry.

    Both waited in silence until the dizziness announced the reality change. This time, Larry and Debbie blinked their eyes as hey observed that things in Debbie’s room were slightly changing places as other were disappearing while other new things were appearing from thin air.

    “This is incredible” exclaimed Debbie as she reached her brand new stationary bike. This of course, didn’t look quite new. It looked like it has one year old. Fact confirmed by her new memories.

    Debbie grabbed Larry face and gave him a deep and passionate kiss that last longer than any of them could imagine.

    When Debbie finally broke the kiss, Larry said “You didn’t need to do that to thank me for the bike” smiled Larry remembering that he used magic to create the bike and they told to Debbie’s parents they bought it in the mall.

    “I wasn’t kissing you for that” said Debbie.

    “I know” Larry grinned.

    “But know that you mentioned it” smiled Debbie as she kissed him again. “Thanks for ‘buying’ me the bike” she said.

    “Your welcome” smiled Larry as he tried to catch his breath.

    “Your spell is fantastic Larry. I can remember perfectly working out all days to keep my hard abs in shape. Since I again commit the error of concentrate in one trait, only my abs got change” said Debbie.

    “Yes Debbie. I wonder how Trisha must look like now” said Larry.

    Accessing her new memories, Debbie gasped surprised “Oops! I did it again” laughed Debbie at her own joke. “I saw at Trisha in the morning, and let me tell that by comparing my two memories, she still looked the same”

    “It must be that way because she was wearing a jacket. Let me remember her in the gym class” said Debbie trying to recall another day. “Funny. She still has her whole body toned, but only her abdomen keeps a flabby look”.

    “My best explanation to this phenomenon is that with Trisha’s hard abdomen, you also acquired the need to work out that part. So, I guess that Trisha doesn’t feel that her abdomen needs exercise. Interesting the way the spell worked this time” said Larry

    “You are right Larry. In my alter memories, as far as I remember, I was fascinated with the plain abdomen the magazines’ models use to show off. That is why I decided to toned up my stomach and nothing else” said Debbie.

    “Your ring is doing exactly what I hope it will do. I will pass my course with honors” grinned Larry taking Debbie’s hand to remove the ring.

    “Not so fast magic boy” said Debbie pulling out her hand. “I haven’t really used its powers yet and you are already taking it away from me” she protested.

    “Sorry Debbie, but I must present the ring before midnight. Otherwise, I won’t be able to pass my course. After my grades are done, I will give you back the ring to let you play with its powers. Remember that it was my idea to give you that kind of power” he smiled.

    “That is true, but right now all the girls must be wearing now their rings. If you give me back the ring and some of them aren’t wearing their rings anymore, I won’t be able to acquire certain traits” said Debbie.

    “You are right” said Larry with a frowning. “I didn’t think about that”.

    “So, what do you say if you let me use it a bit more during the day? You can always magically appear in your classroom before midnight” said Debbie with her best smile

    “I don’t see any problems about that” grinned Larry.

    “Great!!. There are so many things I want to try with the ring” cheered Debbie. “By the way, the ring has limitations or something?” she asked

    “The only two limitations that it has are that you must obtain the trait from a girl that is at that moment wearing the ring and the other is that you can’t be more of what a girl has to offer. Besides those two, your imagination is the limit” said Larry.

    “If something I know is that rules can be bended without being broken” grinned Debbie. “But in the meantime, I have a proposition for you”

    “What do you have in mind?” asked Larry.

    “Well…” said Debbie blushing a bit. “… I will really like what you find interesting in other women”

    “What?!” said Larry surprised.

    “You know…” Debbie blushed even deeper “… with this ring I can be the girl of your dreams” smiled Debbie.

    “Silly girl. You are and always be my dream girl” said Larry hugging at his girlfriend. As Debbie rest her head over his chest, Larry kissed the top of her head.

    “See!!” said Debbie stepping back. “Won’t you like that I will be taller, so you can kiss me right in the lips?” she asked.

    “I can’t deny that I have wondered what I will be like…” Larry got speechless as he heard a stretching sound. He saw astonished as her girlfriend was getting taller.

    “I should get naked first” smiled Debbie as her clothes were stretched by her growing frame. Her shirt got tight around her enlarging torso as her jeans were revealing her legs above her ankles.

    Her growth stopped as their eye level met together. “Whoa!!” blinked Larry amazed by Debbie’s change.

    “Close your mouth and kiss me” said Debbie feeling confident by her new height. She got closer to him and kissed him passionately.

    Larry couldn’t deny that kissing at Debbie without bending his neck was fantastic. He continued kissing at her feeling her enlarged body, but when the time passed and the reality change wave didn’t arrive, he felt concerned.

    He broke the kiss just to find that he was now looking directly to Debbie’s lips. “Surprise!!” she smiled.

    “No way!” he gulped. Larry was so enraptured by the kiss that he didn’t notice that Debbie grew again. That was why the reality hadn’t change yet.

    “I must say that I was a bit worry about how it will feel being bigger than you, but it truly feels terrific” giggled Debbie enjoying her new 2 inches of height advantage.

    “Who is the naughty now?” asked Larry feeling the reality change taking place.

    This time, Debbie clothes were affected by the change. Her skin-tight clothes soon grew to accommodate her size. “Amazing!!” said Debbie impressed at how the ring magic was taking care of her problem.

    Then, her new memories revealed interesting things. “You are not going to believe this Larry” said Debbie as she grabbed Larry’s hand and dragged him into her bathroom.

    Inside, Debbie showed a Larry a scale painted in the bathroom wall that hasn’t being there before. “Look Harry. Here are marked my growth spurts. This so incredible, unbelievable” gasped Debbie as she found herself taller than her old height at the age of 13.

    “I really did it this time, don’t you think Debbie?” said Larry impressed by the results of his spell.

    “Indeed Larry. You are the best. Shorty” smiled Debbie as she kissed Larry above his eyebrows. “How is the weather down there Larry?” she teased.

    “Don’t get to brave Debbie. Remember that what I done, I can undone also” threaded Larry as they walked out of the bathroom.

    “You know I was kidding right?” said Debbie alarmed.

    “Sure” smiled Larry.

    “You…” grinned Debbie closing her eyes.

    Larry watched carefully at Debbie, trying to figure out which will be her next move.

    Suddenly, Debbie opened her eyes and with a big smile on her face she said “Gotcha you!!”.

    Larry didn’t have time to react as his taller girlfriend threw herself against him. Debbie smiled as she successfully pushed down at Larry on her bed with her on top. “This would have being a bit difficult when I was shorter, but now that I have a few pounds more, it was a piece of cake” grinned Debbie.

    She slowly laid on him until their face met. “You know Larry. With this ring I can be a whole new woman for you. I can rebuild myself to please your eyes in any way you want, right?” she purred.

    “I guess so” said Larry a bit impressed of her change of attitude. He wondered if the ring was responsible of that too.

    “But you don’t want me to do it. You like how I’m right now” said Debbie.

    Larry nodded.

    “You are so sweet. You are a great man. A bad liar, but a great man after all” smiled Debbie as she stood up.

    “What you mean by liar?” asked Larry standing up too.

    “Oh come on Larry. You want me to use this ring to change my body. Otherwise, why you create a spell to let me do that?” said Debbie.

    ‘Touché’ thought Larry as Debbie was smarter than he thought. The main goal of the spell was to let him pass his course, but using it to give a change of look at Debbie was too good to let pass the opportunity.

    “I guess you are right about it” admitted Larry. “But I assure you that I never had the intention of force you to do any change. I just will like to see what you can come up with”.

    “And that is the true lover boy?” smiled Debbie enjoying how Larry had to bend his neck a bit to watch her at the eyes.

    “All true. I promise” said Larry.

    “In that case, it will be nice to take a walk” she said.

    “A walk? Why?” asked Larry as Debbie moved to her wardrobe.

    “To catch up new ideas” grinned Debbie.

    “I don’t understand” said Larry very confused.

    “I just want to see what kind of things you look on other women. That’s all” said Debbie.

    “I don’t do have a wandering eye!!” protested Larry.

    “Sure you do” said Debbie “And this time, it will be very useful to retrieve vital information” said Debbie as tried to look for a perfect outfit. “What a problem” she gasped looking at her clothes

    “What is the problem? Haven’t your clothes grown to match your height?” asked Larry worried that the spell had some kind of fault.

    “It’s not that. The problem is that I will like to have a great outfit to use in this occasion and I haven’t one” protested Debbie.

    “I can create you one using my magic” said Larry.

    “Good idea” smiled Debbie closing her eyes for a moment. The she opened them again.

    “What have you done?” asked Larry intrigued.

    “You will have to wait to see” said Debbie blinking an eye.

    Larry waited for a moment until the reality changed manifested. Before his eyes, he watched as Debbie’s face began to be enhanced with make up. Her clothes became tighter on her body as their designed changed into ones according to the actual fashion.

    “I feel sexy” smiled Debbie as she watched pleased how new outfit accentuated her female curves. “I can believe this swap actually worked” she said.

    It didn’t take long for Larry to realize that Debbie must have acquired the fashion sense of one of her classmates. His alternative memories showed up that she was always a fashion girl.

    “Very good change Debbie” he said admiring the whole new wardrobe that had replaced her old one. “I couldn’t do it better”.

    “Don’t be so modest” giggled Debbie. “It was your magic the one that is making possible all of this” she said pinching his cheek. He blushed a bit.

    Debbie stood for a moment in front of her clothes. “Women” sighed Larry “First, you couldn’t decide because you have nothing special to wear, and now you can’t decide either because everything is special” he teased.

    “Very funny shorty” mocked Debbie.

    “Can you cut that out please? It’s only 2 inches” said Larry.

    “For now” smiled Debbie.

    Larry was shocked by her words. “You mean that there is another girl taller than you?” he asked.

    “Oh no. Kate was the tallest of class. Still, I think I can be a bit taller” she said searching in her wardrobe.

    “How?” he asked

    “Everything with patience my young Padawan” said Debbie as she finally pulled out one outfit. “What do you think?” she asked showing at Larry his selection.


    Larry gasped as he could remember the outfit Debbie had selected. It was the same outfit she was wearing in the day they met. In their alternatives memories of course.

    The outfit was a combination of a black leather skirt with a red hot tub. Larry smiled as he remembered how good Debbie looked like with that combination. Even he haven’t seen her actually with that outfit, his alternative memory was so vivid that he could even remember the perfume she was wearing that day.

    “Ahem” cleared her throat Debbie. “Will you be staring at me all day? Or can I have some privacy to change?” she teased.

    “Sorry” blushed Larry of the embarrassment as he created a black curtain between them.

    As Debbie was changing, Larry could avoid thinking in how much Debbie’s attitude was changing. The changes were subtle, but still they were changes. Debbie has being a funny girl since the day they met, but right now it looks like that a more outgoing personality was coming to the surface.

    It didn’t need to be a genius to understand that as Debbie keeps improving her body, her personality will change a bit. Her limitation or restriction will be vanishing progressive. Maybe in her own nature is the fact that she wants to tease at people shorter than her. That part of her personality had being released as she grew taller than him.

    “I wonder how many surprises are awaiting at me?” he said. The mere idea was really exciting him. He knew that Debbie didn’t had malice in her heart. That was why he knew she wouldn’t do something bad.

    Suddenly his train of thought got carried away as Debbie opened the curtain. “You are taller!!” was the first thing Larry said as Debbie was 4 inches taller than him. His eyes were wide opened in shocked.

    “You are always so insecure my little one. You have to keep comparing your height against me?” teased Debbie with a big smiled on her face.

    “But that is not possible. You say that Kate was the tallest girl. There is no way you can be taller” said Larry astonished.

    “I told you that I won’t be 2 inches taller than you for long” grinned Debbie.

    “How did you do it?” asked Larry confused.

    “Look down” giggled Debbie.

    “D’uh!” said Larry as he watched the beautiful boots Debbie was wearing. “So, from there came the two extra inches” he said looking at her heels.

    “Pretty cool, don’t you think?” said Debbie. “Even, I haven’t use heels or boots, before swapping with Yolanda, they feel very comfortable”.

    “Maybe not only your memories are adjusting. It seems that your body is also” said Larry again impressed by the ramifications of his spell.

    “My body is not the only one adjusting” smiled Debbie. “It seems that yours is adapting also at my new looks”

    Her comments made at Larry blushed as he knew what she meant. In vain, he tried to cover the bulge in his pants, since he didn’t know how long he had being that way.

    Walking with a seductive air around her, Debbie stood next to Larry. Her near presence didn’t help him to relax his ‘problem’. His senses weren’t helpful either as he was getting intoxicated by her exotic perfume.

    “Tell me Larry” she whispered slowly into his earlobe. “Do you like that I’m taller than you?”. Larry didn’t reply. His brain was in a total lock down. “Your mouth isn’t moving, but your body is finding the way to express me your answer” she softly spoke in his ear as she trusted her hips against his.

    Larry was having a hard time trying to form coherent words. Mere blabbing left his lips. “I know you like me to be taller than you shorty. Your body can’t lie to me” Debbie continued teasing. “If you want me to be even taller, you only need to ask for” she said.

    The mix of her soft voice and the warm of her breath were boiling the blood of the wizard apprentice. He used all the strength he had to form one word. “Yes”.

    “Your wish is my command, my master” said Debbie crossing her arms and blinking her eyes imitating as the famous genie of the television. After she wished for another switch, Debbie began to kiss passionately at Larry. Both lovers got involved on each other as they unconsciously wait for the change to take place.

    Larry felt the reality re-shaping as Debbie grew taller again. Her sudden growth broke their kiss. Larry began to feel small as he was now below her chin level.

    Guessing that Larry was too stunned to say anything, Debbie answered the question his mind had. “Don’t worry lover. I’m still two inches taller than you. I only acquired Gillian taste for high heels” smiled Debbie.

    Her new boots with 5 inches tall heels really gave her more than half foot in height over Larry. Debbie smiled seductively as she like the idea of towering at her boyfriend.

    “You are full of surprises” finally said Larry. He still couldn’t believe how Debbie was acting. But he wouldn’t complain. He was really enjoying the new emerging Debbie.

    “And be sure that there will be some more. But in the meantime, it will be better that we keep going. I don’t want to be here all day” said Debbie grabbing his hand and dragging him out of her bedroom.

    When they left the house, Debbie expected that her neighbors would be surprised to see her new self. Many of them greeted her as they usually did creating a small frustration on Debbie.

    “What’s up Debbie?” asked Larry as he saw her sad _expression

    “It’s that I thought people will be impressed to see me this tall, with blonde hair and a sexy outfit” pouted Debbie.

    “The reality change prevents that other people realized that change. Remember that those people have see you this way since ever” explained Larry.

    “I understand that, but it kind of take out the fun about having this ring” she said feeling the warm metal around her finger.

    Suddenly, as she paid more attention to her environment, she realized that people where looking at her in a different way. She caught up some of her neighbors checking her up. She smiled returned as she realized that indeed, they had noticed her change. Not in the way she expected, but still they noticed.

    ‘If I want to know what is the impression this body gives, I will need to go at some place where nobody has see me before’ thought Debbie

    “Where are we going?” asked Larry as he found himself walking with no route.

    “I ‘m thinking about it now” admitted Debbie. “The idea of the mall sounds appealing, but with some many girls in there it will be a bit hard to follow what your eyes see” said Debbie.

    “That shouldn’t be a… hey!!!” yelled Larry as he understood Debbie implications. “You are still thinking I ogle at other girls, right?” he said hurt.

    “Don’t deny it Larry. It’s in the basic nature of a man to do that. You can do nothing to stop it” she teased.

    For a moment, Larry thought what to say next. He didn’t want to continue talking about that subject, so he decided to change it for a more interesting one.

    “Tell me Debbie. There is a doubt in my mind. What happened to Kate and the other girl you switch heights?” he asked

    “What you mean?” she asked.

    “I mean, you took the height of other girls before Kate’s” he said.

    “Yes, I took Melissa’s height to equal your height” she said.

    “When you switch with Kate, what happened? Melissa remained your height and Kate acquired Melissa’s, or Melissa’s recovered her height and Kate ended with yours?”

    “I see your point” said Debbie stopping her walking to think about it. “It seems that Melissa has my old height and Kate’s has Melissa’s” she said.

    “So Kate lost only 2 inches instead of losing 7 if you have switch with her directly” said Larry very interested.

    “Hey, that is a nice conclusion! So, in order to not change too much at my classmates, all I have to do is swap traits between them in some kind of order” gasped Debbie.

    “You are pretty intelligent Debbie” smiled Larry.

    “And I know how to be even more” smiled Debbie as she touched her ring.

    Larry watched as Debbie had a big smiled as she was mentally picturing her wish. It took a bit more of time that the previous times before she let go the ring.

    “That should be do it” smiled Debbie.

    Before Larry could even ask, Debbie said “I have successfully swap my intelligence with 4 girls smarter than me. That way, I haven’t lowered the intelligent too much and I acquired Jennifer’s intelligence”.

    “She is… was the smartest girl I have ever know. Now her intelligence is stored in my brain” smiled Debbie as she grabbed her head.

    “You are changing in ways I never imagine Debbie. I must say that you are a bit intimidating” said Larry.

    “Intimidating? Are you getting afraid of me?” smiled wickedly Debbie.

    “No. It’s not that” blushed Larry. “It’s I thought I knew you, but with every improvement you body receive, it’s like a new Debbie is manifesting”

    “Oh!” gasped Debbie as she understood what Larry meant. “I guess I left me carry away for all of this” she said. “I didn’t want to tease you about being shorter than me or bother you about your wandering eye. I’m sorry” said Debbie.

    “There is nothing to apologize for” said Larry. Then blushing even deeper, he said “I don’t believe I’m about to say this, but the thing is that you are turning into a living fantasy”.

    There are no words to make justice at the astonished face that Debbie had in that moment.

    “It’s like I have opened a Pandora’s Box. Behaviors that were suppressed in your internal being are coming at surface as you acquire a new trait”

    “And you don’t like that? You feel like you are losing me? The Debbie you know?” she said with concern in her voice.

    “It’s not like that. I know that you are still you”. Biting his lip, Larry added “I don’t know what you will think about this, but I like how your personality is changing”.

    Debbie’s face changed from concerned to one full with love. She lowered her body and kissed deeply into Larry’s lips. She enjoyed embracing fully at her shorter lover. He felt so good against her large body. An interesting idea crossed her mind, but she decided to save it for later.

    “What was that for?” gasped Larry stunned by such kiss.

    “That was for being honest with me. I’m delighted that you are enjoying my changes as much as I do. I can’t deny that I feel terrific every time I make a swap. New possibilities opened for me with each acquisition” smiled Debbie as she felt the reality change.

    Her memories were altered again and she could picture herself as being the first in her class. Nobody called her nerd like in Jennifer’s case. That was because she had Yolanda’s sense of fashion. She was popular and smart. What a combination.

    ‘And there are plenty more to try out’ she thought a bit mischievously.

    It was in this trend of thought that Debbie caught at Larry looking at other girl.

    “I caught you!!” she yelled.

    “What??!! Who??!!” jumped Larry afraid.

    “I saw you checking out that girl over there” grinned Debbie.

    “I wasn’t doing that” said Larry in his defense.

    Debbie stood at her full size. Her figure projected a shadow over Larry. He knew was doomed “OK, I was looking at her. Just because I found intriguing her heritage”.

    “So, you like girls from that ethnic, ah?” smiled Debbie. “I can arrange that”

    Debbie closed her eyes for a moment. Larry didn’t know if Debbie will go through that transformation or not. What he did know was that the idea of having at Debbie as a girl of that ethnic was something he couldn’t wait to see.

    Suddenly, Debbie’s hair began to get shorter. Its blonde color faded as her natural brown color returned. Her clothes got lose as her height was decreasing until reaching her original size. Her toned abs vanished as her soft tummy made its way back.

    “I’m my old self again… Quite close” grinned Debbie as her high heels put her at Larry’s height.

    “Why you reverted to normal?” asked Larry.

    “I thought that it won’t be fair that all the physical traits I gain from other girls will get lose if I swap ethnics. So, I returned those traits to their original owners. The mental traits like the fashion sense, love of high heels and intelligence are still part of me”.

    “I bet so. You definitely sound smarter” teased Larry.

    Debbie punched him in the arm. “You are so funny. You should study for being a clown instead of a wizard” mocked Debbie.

    “Oh yeah? Perhaps you are right. It will be better I cancel the spell over your ring and drop my course” he said raising his hands.

    “No please!!” begged Debbie covering her ring with her other hand. “I was only kidding. You born to be a great wizard for sure. Forgive my ruddiness” said Debbie bowing her head.

    “You are forgiven” Larry said faking an ominous voice “Just don’t forget who I am”.

    “Yes, my master” said Debbie.

    Then, both looked at each other and began to laugh aloud. “Baby, you got me for a second” laughed Debbie. “I’m really sorry for what I say. I didn’t intend to bother you”.

    ‘Baby? She had never called me like that’ thought Larry. “Don’t worry Debbie. I know you were. Still, it is always useful a friendly reminder of what I can do” he grinned.

    “Well, the reality change will occur in any minute. I better hurry” said Debbie closing her eyes again.

    Larry watched fascinated as Debbie’s skin was changing its color to a beautiful light brown. Her short brown hair grew again, much longer this time. Her hair turned darker until becoming a marvelous bright black.

    Debbie’s facial expression was altered too as well as her psychical appearance. She got slimmer and her clothes were fitting her a bit better as her height increased. Larry got excited as Debbie was not only filling out her clothes in the vertical way.

    When the transformation ended, Larry only gasped at the way Debbie looked like. The time moved slowly for him as Debbie contracted her eyelids letting him fell under the spell of her glorious charming eyes.

    The wind blew softly making Debbie’s lustrous hair flew with grace. As her delicate hands tried to comb it, her sexy red lips let escape a low moan. Larry was certainly very aroused before, but seeing at Debbie scrutinizing her developed female curves was enough to make his blood reach the boiling point.

    A radiant smile came from under her sensual lips as Debby realized her improvement. The intensity of her smile melted every shred of will that Larry could have in his being. He watched as Debbie lips were moving. He knew she was talking to him, but no words were reaching his ears. For him, the only thing his ears were receiving was the most beautiful music he had ever heard.

    It was until Debbie shook his body that Larry could zap out of her dreaming state. “Are you alright?” she asked worried.

    He only nodded. He was far away from being all right. His eyes were delighted by the image of a woman who reflected the native spirit of his motherland.

    “You scared me honey. Don’t do that again” said Debbie pressing Larry’s head against her bosom as she played with his hair. Her ministrations kept at Larry to notice how much Debbie had grown. She certainly didn’t miss that fact.

    She smiled to realize that the ethnic swap had made her taller than him again. She estimated her natural height should be two inches shorter than him. Thanks to her heels, Debbie was enjoying a nice 3 inches of vantage over Larry.

    For his part, Larry was enjoying his ‘weakness’ moment. He felt so secured and saved in Debbie’s embrace that he won’t change that for nothing in the world. He took a deep breath getting elated by the new natural odor his girlfriend was expelling.

    The aroma was slightly different at the one he remembered. Still, it marked a whole difference. Larry knew Debbie was talking to him as he sensed her warm breath spreading through his hair.

    After taking a last breath at Debbie, Larry regained his senses and walked backwards. His timing was exact and he watched as the reality re-shape in front of his eyes.

    Debbie’s clothes got tight on her figure again. However, the fabric changed from synthetic to a more organic material. Her sense of fashion had suffered the influence of her inherited heritage.

    Larry attention on her was very intoxicating for Debbie. She could follow his eyes as they scanned every inch of her body. Debbie didn’t know if it was for the ethnic switch or the fact that Larry was eating her with the eyes, but in that moment, she felt incredible sexy.

    “It seems that you are happy with my last change” Debbie smiled seductively.

    “I can’t deny that you look very exotic” said Larry.

    “I was lucky that Quanah joined my class this year. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to obtain her Apache/Navajo heritage” said Debbie as she watched her skin color. “I guess that I have a permanent tan” she joked.

    “I look at you and I can’t believe that you look so good” admitted Larry taking her hand and kissing it like a real gentleman.

    “So, you have a thing for Indian girls, right?” Debbie said mischievously.

    “Guilty of charge” he admitted.

    “Well, what about if we go to the small passage over there. I will like to show you a bit more of my Indian flesh” she grinned.

    As Debbie began to walk, Larry couldn’t avoid looking at her derriere. “Whoa! I love Indian girls” he grinned.

    He quickly caught her steps and grabbing her hand, they approached to the passage. Both hearts were racing, as neither of them could believe what they were about to do. The intense desire they shared in that moment was blinding any trace of reason.

    When they reached the passage, Debbie was the first to speak. “It’s perfect” she smiled. “Now lover, what would…”

    Her speech was interrupted as she watched frozen how Larry was falling to the ground unconscious.

    "Larry!!" yelled Debbie as he got on her knees next to her beloved one. She lifted him gently and put him over her lap. "Please, talk to me baby!" pledged Debbie. His breathing was irregular.

    She caressed the back of his head and felt something odd. She raised her hands and he fear couldn't be greater as they were inked with a crimson liquid. "You are bleeding!" she said to him, but there was no answer.

    "I guess that I hit him to hard" joked a male voice.

    Debbie turned her head and gasped scared to see at 3 men with evil grins on their face. One of them had chains around his fist.

    "That is better. That way, we will be able to play with this little cutie" said a tall man. His breath expelled a high concentration of alcohol.

    "Please, don't hurt us" begged Debbie.

    "Too late for that" said the last man. "I will enjoy cutting you Indian skin to make me boots" he said licking the blade of his knife.

    The situation was horrible for Debbie. It seemed that they were not only going to rape her but to cut her in pieces too. The mere thought sent chills to her spine. "Help!! Somebody help us please!!" she yelled.

    "Shut up bitch!!" said the Larry's attacker as he slashed his chain against Debbie's face. The blow was so powerful that cut her lips and made her lost a pair of teeth.

    "It won't make you good to scream" said the tall man picking up at Larry like he was a rag doll and tossing him to the knife guy.

    "Yes Indian girl" said the knife guy placing his blade under Larry's throat. "You won't like that you boyfriend suffer more, would you?" he said with a sadist smile on his face.

    Debbie began to cry. She had never felt so powerless in her whole life. Moments ago, she was having a good time with Larry, and now their lives were in danger. Larry was unconscious, unable to use his magic and badly bleeding while she was about to be raped and killed.

    The men began to circle her. Debbie stood up and felt intimidated as the men were taller than her. She began to walk backwards as the men approached to her. When she felt the dense wall behind her, Debbie watched as the men looked bigger as they came closer to her.

    "Look at that!" said the knife guy.

    "Did she just grew?" said the chain man.

    "I don't think so" said the tall man.

    Debbie gasped as she was now eye to eye with the chain man and an inch shorter than the knife guy. She still was shorter than the tall man, but it wasn't for a great difference.

    'The ring' thought Debbie. 'The ring must gave me Kate's height again' she smiled. 'And not only that… I don't feel so afraid any more. It's like my confident has being improved'

    Debbie smiled as she understood that the ring gave her exactly what she needed. She felt small and insecure. Now with Kate's height and certainly Patricia's confidence, those fears were shaken off her.

    'Maybe Larry can't use his magic to teach a lesson at these boys, but sure I will use the bit he left me' she thought closing her eyes.

    "What the …!!" gasped the 3 men as they watched at Debbie transforming before their eyes.

    Debbie's breathing increased as her veins began to pump her blood faster. "You decided to mess up with the wrong girl" grinned Debbie as she felt the trait she asked to the ring slowly becoming part of her.

    Soon, her arms began to bulge as her muscles her increasing and developing at great speed. Her legs turned shapely as dense muscle spread through them. Her exposed navel quickly revealed a harder abs at the ones she got in the morning. Her pectoral muscles expanded thrusting incredible her breasts against the fabric of her hot tub obscenely.

    "Being in a correctional during a whole year can make wonders in the muscles of a girl" grinned Debbie as she was obtaining Lara's muscles.

    The men stepped back astonished to see at Debbie passing for a kind of She-Hulk transformation as her muscles grew from no where. The men felt a bit intimated by the suddenly change in the girl's body. "Its pay back time boys" said Debbie as she launched first against the knife guy.

    She hit him hard in the face making him released at Larry and howled of pain.

    "I got you my dear" said Debbie grabbing at Larry before he hit the ground. She gently placed him on the floor. "Wait for me while I deal with these boys" she said to him.

    When she was about to get up, and intense pain ran in her back making her fell over Larry.

    "It was a nice trick girl, but still you are no match for me" said the chain man as he rolled his chain around his hand after hitting with it Debbie's back.

    Anger and wrath were consuming Debbie's soul. "How dare you?" she said as she launched against the chain man.

    "You caught at my friend unprepared. You won't have the same luck with me" he said as he dodged Debbie's attack and use his chain to wrap her wrist and pushed her to the floor.

    The man's hysterical laugh only succeeded in boiling what blood was still in her. Debbie's closed her eyes for a moment and then she jumped from the ground. "You are doomed" she said.

    The man threw his chain against her and Debbie got a hold of it in a quick move. "How could you to that?" asked the man surprised.

    "You don't need to know" she said pulling strongly the chain from his hands leaving him unarmed.


    Before the man could zapped out of his stupor, Debbie connected a upper hand against the man jaw raising him from the ground to them connect a hard kick in his stomach while he was in the air.

    The man didn't stand a chance against so powerful attack. He cried in pain as Debbie's heel sunk in his skin moments before his body hit roughly the concrete wall.

    Debbie's slowly lowered her leg to let at the tall man sink the weight of her actions. She was not only stronger than him, but thanks to Hinako's donation she was a black belt fighter.

    The man stood there for a second making an eye contact with Debbie. Her eyes didn't have other emotion than pure rage. Afraid, the man decided to ran as well as the knife guy who dropped his weapon.

    Debbie had a strong desire to beat the crap out of the chain man using the chain that hurt at Larry and her. She wanted to sink the abandon knife deep in his hurt, and if it wasn't for Larry's sighed, she would probably ended doing that.

    She ran toward him an embrace him strongly against her muscular frame. "Oh Larry. Talk to me" she said. Tears were falling from her eyes into his cheeks.

    He barely opened his eyes. He looked briefly at the powerful woman that Debbie had become. He tried to say something but he couldn't. A second later his eyes close again as his last breath was expelled.

    Debbie cried with her heart broken at the side of her loved one. She embraced him in her stronger arms feeling how slowly the heat of his body was dissipating. She couldn’t believe that just a moment ago they were having the best day of their lives, and now, for an unfortunately twist of the fate, the end became the saddest of her life.

    With a great sorrow in her soul, Debbie bended her body and got close to his lips. With tears in her eyes, she decided to give him a last kiss. Their lips locked together and Debbie closed her eyes to shared with him what it would be a sad good-bye.

    When Debbie straight herself again, she was puzzled at the sight her eyes registered. The lockers and benches that surround her indicated that she was no longer in the alley. “This looked like a dressing room” said Debbie perplexed by her new environment.

    “What a wonderful kiss. Can I have other?” she heard.

    Looking down in her lap, Debbie burst in tears as she watched at Larry stretching like a cat over her. “Larry!!! You are alive!!!” she said aloud and hugged him tightly against her bosom.

    “You are applying too much strength to my taste Debbie” gasped Larry as he was forced to expel his air.

    “Sorry honey” she said losing her grip. “I’m just so happy that you are fine”.

    “I’m fine. You are the one that have change. Look at you. Why you are dressed like that?” he asked.

    Debbie looked at herself and noticed that she was wearing a martial art outfit. Definitely the outfit and the room were part of the reality change, a change that has saved Larry’s life.

    Accessing at her alternatives memories, Debbie learned that the combination of Patricia’s confidence and Hinako’s martial arts skills has pushed her to participate in a martial art competition. Hinako was very skilful, but she never dare to role in a competition.

    Pulling up the sleeve of her outfit, she gasped at the size of Lara’s muscles that were now part of her right arm.

    “You got muscles? Why?” Larry asked surprised.

    “I didn’t have other choice. You were injured and I… wait a moment. Don’t you remember anything?” asked Debbie.

    “Remember? Remember what?” he said scratching his head in the place where he was hit. “To be honest, I can only remember feeling an intense pain here”

    Debbie looked at his head and was please to see that he didn’t have any scar. “Everything is alright Larry” she said hugging him again.

    “You mentioned that I was injured what you meant?” he asked.

    Debbie wanted to bit her tongue, but she knew that she had to tell him the true. After she told him the traumatic episode she lived and how she managed to punish those men, Larry’s blood was boiling.

    “Those bastards!!” he said angrily. Debbie watched as lightings were coming out of his hands. “This is not going to end like this. I will make them pay for what they did to you. Nobody messed up with my girl” he said vanishing in a dark cloud.

    A great fear filled at Debbie. She had never seemed at Larry so angry in her live. In fact, she had never seen him angry at all. She felt a chill in her spine as she tried to imagine what will be the destiny of those horrible men.

    “Debbie. You are next” said a girl that stepped into the room.

    “Thanks Jasmine. I will go now” said Debbie impressed at how her memory could adapt so easily to her new realm. She knew that Jasmine was in charge of calling at the fighters moments before the fight.

    As she walked behind the petite girl, she enjoyed the fact that she was taller again. ‘It is a pity that I can wear heels in this competition’ thought Debbie. She was really enjoying the sense of power that towering over people was giving her.

    Then, her attention was focused on her right leg. She felt it bruiser. The same sensation was coming from her left arm. She did a quick examination to her arm and found out that it was indeed bruised. “How this happened?” she wondered.

    “Did you say something?” asked Jasmine.

    “No, nothing” said Debbie concentrating in her memories. It seemed that her opponent, Kagome, was very strong, but not only that. Kagome didn’t play fair. The bruises where result of very dirty tactics that she used on her.

    Since Debbie reached the final stage of the competition, she and Kagome had to battle for the title. Kagome won the first battle, so if she wanted a chance to win the trophy, she should win this match.

    ‘It’s unfair that a cheater like her win the competition, but I can’t deny that he is better prepare than I am. Even with my new muscles, she always finds a way to keep me under control’ thought Debbie frustrated.

    Then, she remembered the training sessions with her sensei. He always told her that only by committing her body and soul to her training she will gain the wisdom to overcame any situation.

    A brief smile crossed Debbie’s face as she had just remember something that wasn’t part of her life just a moment ago. “Let’s put my sensei advice into use” whispered Debbie.

    When she approached to the arena, people roared her name. Her peculiar participation was noted by all people. “I guess people don’t see a tall muscular Indian girl fighting in a martial arts competition too often” she smiled.

    “I thought that you would have the courage to face me again after the beating I gave you” grinned Kagome.

    “With luck, in the next minutes I would be the one who said that” smiled Debbie.

    “There is no chance that you can beat me. You should call out when you can” said Kagome.

    “If you have play clean, maybe the result of this match will be different, but it’s too late now” grinned Debbie as she felt the reality changing.

    She smiled widely as she sensed that her muscles were bigger and harder. The pain in her arm and leg were completely gone and they should be, since in this reality Debbie was the one who won the first match.

    The confident expression of Kagome changed suddenly to one of pure hate. “This isn’t over you muscled girl. I will show you how a true oriental girl fights” yelled Kagome.

    “Stop talking and bring it on” dared Debbie.

    The referee put in middle of them and gave the order to begin. Quickly Kagome launched over Debbie with a flying kick. Debbie’s arms worked as a reflect blocking the attack successfully.

    As Kagome was landing in the floor, Debbie stood with her hands and spin in circles toward her opponent using her legs to kick at Kagome. Audience simple loved how knowledge and discipline.

    After recovering from the impressive attack, Kagome decided to attack using her hands. She sent fast and continuous attacks toward Debbie, but all of them were evaded. Debbie couldn’t believe how easy was for her to evade all those mortal hits.

    To finish her off soon, Debbie grabbed one of Kagome’s arms and with her freed hand she quickly pressed 5 pressure points in Kagome’s body. The result of that tactic left at Kagome completely immobilized.

    The judges were impressed by Debbie’s deep knowledge of the martial arts and named her the winner of the competition. She was celebrating her victory when she saw at Larry appeared in a corner. He had a sad expression in his face.

    Looking at Larry that way made Debbie’s heart skipped a beat. In that moment, she wanted to run to him, grabbed him in her strong arms and talked to him. The problem is that she couldn’t.

    Press photographers that were covering the event were taking pictures of her as madmen. People presented cheered her name as the judges were handling her trophy. There was too much attention on her to be at Larry’s side. She knew about the restriction of the wizard’s academy.

    It seemed that Larry also remembered those rules as he quietly walked toward the dressing room. Debbie felt desperate for not be able to embrace at her lover, but she knew that by doing that she will do him more harm than good.

    Fifteen minutes later, Debbie could finally escape from the media and rushed into the dressing room without problem. There, she found at Larry seated in a bench. He had a lost expression in his face.

    Putting her trophy at side, Debbie seated next to him. “What happened Larry? You scared me when you vanished like that, and now you look like gone” she said.

    “Today, I almost did something terrible Debbie. Something that would have marked my existence for the rest of my life” whispered Larry facing the floor.

    “Oh baby. You are talking about the three men right?” she said putting her arm over his shoulder.

    “Yes” he replied resting his head over Debbie’s shoulder.

    “Everything is alright Larry. You can tell me everything” she said caressing his arms to relax him.

    “I found them near the alley where we were walking. When I saw them, drunk as you told me, I swear that I almost slipped them in two with lightings falling from the sky. But then, they saw a group of old women and they decided to rob them. That really fired up my rage” said Larry.

    Debbie jumped a bit as she felt electrical sparks coming out of his body. She dominated that feeling to assure at Larry her comfort. She knew that Larry won’t be able to hurt at somebody, and it was time to let him know that “But you controlled it. I know you did” she said.

    “Yes. I did” sighed Larry as the sparks ceased. “I’m just afraid of what could had happened if I lost control” said Larry embracing at Debbie. His head lowered until rest over her bosom. “Hurting them as bad as they did with you doesn’t make me a better person. I almost turn into a monster like them” he sobbed.

    Debbie was simply speechless. Larry had never showed that kind of personality in the time they have being together. She felt him so vulnerable as he hugged her to feel safe. It was in that moment that she realized something that she had presumed a couple of hours before.

    The balance in their relationship had changed.

    ‘It was true. I’m not the only one who has changed’ thought Debbie as she felt Larry’s head on her shoulder. Before, she was too short to Larry being able to do that without bending his head too much. Now that she was taller than him, it almost felt the natural way to be.

    Also, her muscular body gave her an imposing look. A look that must have in Larry a kind of submissive effect. He was now looking up at her, looking at her for comfort. ‘Could be that Larry has always like to have a stronger and taller girl for girlfriend?’ wondered Debbie.

    Thanks to the reality change, she knew some facts about the impact a taller woman could have on men as also what will happened is the woman was stronger than the man. ‘It will be wise to have a test’ she thought.

    She remembered that when a man is embracing a woman like Larry was doing was because he felt weak, but not necessarily submissive. If she hugged him a bit tighter against her body, two things could result. One was that Larry will broke the embrace since he will feel his independency at risk. The other was that he will embraced her strongly assuring at her that he wanted to be protected.

    Debbie’s heart was beating faster as she decided to try her test. “Please Larry. Tell me what you did” she said tensing subtly her muscles to press tighter at Larry against bosom. He replied at her actions by hugging her tighter. Debbie smiled.

    “I knew that I couldn’t kill them, but I couldn’t also let that they have their way with the old women. So…” Larry grinned. “I did some justice”.

    “What you did? Come on don’t keep in suspense” cheered Debbie as he felt Larry mood lifting up.

    “Well” he said seating straight again. “I just made an age transfer. Nothing too complicated. I even made at the woman younger than the men were. It was great to see the happiness of those women when they recovered their youth and the surprise of the thieves at they found themselves with grey hair and wrinkle skin”

    “You see. You are a hero” she said punching him gently in his arm. “My hero” she said pulling him toward her as she hugged him tight.

    “I guess that we have the ‘strong embrace’ chat before” muffled Larry as he was pressed against her bosom. Not that he was complaining.

    “Sorry” giggled Debbie as she freed him.

    “That reminds me. How did you were able to increase your muscles?” asked Larry.

    “How did you knew that?” said Debbie as she was sure that her muscles were hided under her outfit.

    “The reality change hit me too. Somehow I could pictured you more muscular than before. You told me that you got Lara’s muscles and she was the strongest girl in your class. So why your muscles are bigger?” asked Larry.

    “You see, my rival Kagome is a dirty fighter. My alternative memories indicated that she injured me on purpose during our first match when the judges weren't seeing her. Even I kept a clean fight, I couldn't overcome at Kagome dirty tactics”.

    “When the second match was about to start I remembered an advice of my sensei in this reality. My dedication was split between the gym and my martial art classes. I needed a better training to defeat at Kagome and for that reason I took Trisha’s dedication to exercise”.

    “With Trisha's dedication, the muscles I gained from Lara got bigger because I increased my time and efforts lifting weights, and also Hinako’s techniques got improved because I practiced more with the sensei. I guess that by accident I finally found a way to bend your rule without breaking it” smiled Debbie.

    “That is good Debbie, but maybe you shouldn’t use the one ring to take the easy way out of that situation. I understand that you have to use it to defeat at those men, but you didn’t have to defeat at Kagome. Instead of actually trying to win the fight, you altered the reality to be able to do it. That sounds like cheating” he said.

    “I didn’t cheat!” said Debbie offended. “Kagome was the cheater. She left me bruised my arm during the first match” Debbie said raising her sleeve.

    “But it’s bruised anymore. I guess that your swap change the outcome of the first fight, am I right?” said Larry.

    Debbie blushed. “I only wanted a way to compensate Kagome dirty tricks, but maybe my solution put me way over Kagome. With my better training it was obvious that I should be the winner of the first fight, but I assure you that I didn't consider or think about it when I made the swap” said Debbie.

    “Besides, Kagome didn't got any bruises with the reality change. I won her fairly in the first match and didn't cheat like her. I didn’t injure her on purpose” Debbie defended herself.

    “Let me put this to you in this perspective. Kagome cheated because she did something to win that the judges didn’t see. Now, didn’t you also did something to win that the judges didn’t see?”

    Debbie was about to talk but them she closed her mouth. When she did her last swap, in her head wasn't the idea of cheating, but thinking in Larry’s words, the swap itself could be consider as cheating. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see things that way”.

    “Don’t feel bad. My point is that you must not take what you need from other people for unjustified motives. You should develop your own abilities or actually work for them” said Larry.

    “So, what is going to happen now?” asked Debbie worried.

    “From now on, you must use the ring carefully. Promise me that you won’t abuse of its power” said Larry.

    “I promise you Larry” said Debbie seriously.

    “Alright then. I better go to let you take a shower. We must return to your home before it gets too late” said Larry exiting the dressing room.

    Once she was alone, Debbie walked to her locker and opened. She smiled to see that inside it was the outfit she put on before going out from her house. As it happened when she took Quanah’s ethnic, the outfit was again slightly modified.

    Due her new confidence, the outfit was more revealing. “I’m a secured woman now” said Debbie to herself. “Not to mention strong and tall” she grinned. “I have never felt so much in control of my life. Even Larry is also falling under the spell of my new body”

    Debbie sat on the bench to clear her head. “Having Larry resting in me was one of the most sublime feelings I ever had. In that moment, a dormant part in me awaked. A part that if it weren’t for this ring, it wouldn’t be able to come up” said Debbie looking at the one ring.

    “Thanks to it, now I have the means to protect at Larry and make him feel safe around me. I know that he is a wizard and he can take care of himself with his magic. I was always envious of that ability of his, especially since I felt it was useless to let him know that he could count with me”.

    “Today’s events have changed our relationship. My love for him has being improved in ways I can’t even describe. He had given me the opportunity to explore my personality by eliminating the boundaries nature set on me. Also, he admitted that he was getting intimidated by me and that I was turning into a living fantasy. I’m so happy” sighed Debbie.

    Slowly, Debbie began to undress. She gasped as she looked at her transformed body in its naked glory for the first time. “Oh my… !! I need a mirror!!” said Debbie as she ran to a full body mirror placed in a wall of the dressing room.

    “I’m ripped!!” her lips expressed as she watched the great muscle definition her body was showing. “I must be the ideal goal of fitness women” said Debbie as she began to flex her arms and legs. Her muscles bulged imposing an image of power.

    “I’m a muscled amazon” smiled Debbie stretching her arms toward the ceiling. She almost felt that she could touch it. “I’m so hot” she grinned. “And I know how to look even hotter”.

    With the arena deserted, Larry decided to used his magic to help. He summoned a small tornado. It quickly sucked in at all the garbage people left after the competition. One of the most destructive creations of the nature was doing a deep cleaning under Larry’s skilful control.

    Just when he was dissolving his tornado after all the garbage was packed in the trash cans, Larry felt the wave of the reality reshaping itself. “I wonder what Debbie is up now?” wondered Larry as he vanished in the thin air.

    He couldn’t see the astonished face of the janitor when he found the arena completely cleaned.

    Larry materialized in the dressing room. He was about to say something when his words got freeze inside his throat as his jaw hit the floor. If it wasn’t because his eyes were attached to his face, they should be rolling on the floor by now.

    His heart pumped like a race car piston as his libido was raising as the bubble of a beer. His brain tried to understand the image his eyes were recording. He knew that the naked broad back in front of him covered partially with golden hair should belong to no other than Debbie.

    Suddenly a deep shame embraced him as he realized what without meaning it; he had just interrupted Debbie’s privacy and couldn’t tear apart his eyes from her bare body.

    A woman’s sixth sense is very accurate and Debbie turned around as she felt herself observed. She shrugged her shoulders as she didn’t see at other person in the room.

    A couple of feet away, Larry was trying to catch his breath as he was forced to raise in a heartbeat a force field around him that made him virtually invisible for Debbie. “That was close” he sighed inside his protection.

    He found himself embarrassed as instead of leaving at Debbie alone, he opted to stay hidden from her. He knew that what he was doing was wrong, but his hormones were overriding his reason.

    Convinced that she was alone, Debbie returned her gaze to the mirror. “I can’t believe how good Anne’s hair and Sherry’s eyes are combining with Quanah’s ethnic” she said looking at her Indian face with blue eyes and blonde hair. “Larry will be surprise when he sees me”

    Little she knew that Larry was already looking at her.

    “I must say that these muscles are great” she said flexing her arms again. The massive biceps that bulged from them made a Larry gulped hard. “But they are not exactly my taste. Besides, without them, Lara spent a hard time in the correctional and that is not fair, even she is a big bully. I guess that I must do the right thing I return her muscles” said Debbie.

    Debbie was about to do the change when she said aloud “Wait a minute”. She stopped a minute to think in her action. “What are the ramifications of returning at Lara her muscles?” she wondered.

    “I entered into the martial arts competition because I am strong and skilful. If I become only skilful, will I still join this competition in the alter reality? If not, that means that Larry could end dead in the alley again. I can’t aloud it” she said.

    “Besides, if I returned her muscles to Lara with the improved they passed through from Trisha’s dedication, she will be a more abusive bully. There must be a way to change that” said Debbie.

    Using the intelligence she obtained from Jennifer, Debbie smiled as she found a way to solve her dilemma. “I wonder if this ring works in the way my mind is conceiving. Well, there is only a way to find out” she said closing her eyes.

    Protected by his force field, Larry watched at Debbie’s muscles slowly fading away. Her imposing figure lost its power as her large biceps melted into nothing. Soon, Debbie was muscled free.

    “Without the extra weight, I feel pretty light” said Debbie as she stretched the extremities of her body. “With the muscle mass gone, let’s test if I my idea worked” she said.

    Debbie moved to the nearby bench and placing her hands over it, she took a deep breath.

    “No way!!” gasped Larry as Debbie lifted the bench over her head with no problems. Sure, the bench wasn’t very heavy, but the kind of strength fest she was displaying was reserved for people with muscle, and Debbie barely had some. “This is amazing” smiled Debbie as she began to do reps with the bench. Larry was in total awe.

    As the reality change made itself present, Debbie smiled as nothing had changed. “My idea was a total success. Everything is just as it was moments before” said proud Debbie.

    With his alternatives memories, Larry knew that in this reality Debbie still lifted weights, but she didn’t develop any muscles as it should be. Even so, her work out was paying her well, as she getting stronger every day.

    “For impossible as it sound, Debbie must has swap muscle size with Lara but she kept her strength. She is learning to use the ring in more specific ways. She is over passing my expectations. I haven’t feel so excited in my life” said Larry as his mind was racing with the possibilities.

    Glad with her small experiment, Debbie opened the faucet and stepped in. “Ahhh!!!” she moaned as the cold water washed her statuesque frame. All suddenly, the temperature raised inside Larry’s force field. That raise didn’t passed undetected by Debbie’s sixth sense.

    Showing no signs of surprise, Debbie continued enjoying the fresh water pouring in her body. ‘Is Larry here?’ thought Debbie trying to sense Larry’s location. ‘Let’s find out’ she thought.

    Debbie grabbed the soap and sensually began to use it on her body. “This body feels so good” she moaned. “It’s amazing that I’m a whole new woman” she said. “I’m taller, stronger and smarter, but still there are so many things I can change on myself. It will be great to look exactly as Larry desires me” she said.

    Again, Debbie felt a sudden heat raised near her. She suppressed her smile to avoid letting at Larry knew that she was aware of his presence. Her improved intellect quickly started to develop a plan to bring at Larry out of his hideout.

    Inside his protecting force field, Larry was having a hard time trying to control his arousal. Debbie’s sensual bath was driving him crazy. His eyes were glued to the soap as it caressed every inch of his girlfriend’s body. He was having serious thoughts about transforming himself into the soap to enjoy such intimate contact.

    “Oops!!” giggled Debbie as the soap escaped of her grasp. “Silly me” she giggled bending her body to recover it. By doing so, her rear was displayed in its full glory.

    “Holy…!!” gasped Larry fighting his nasal hemorrhage. He was forced to take his eyes away from Debbie as he concentrated to materialize a box of handkerchiefs. Covering his nose, he sighed relieved.

    “I will lose my mind if this keeps going. I better leave” said Larry. Unfortunately, his body had a mind of its own and he was unable to teleport out of the dressing room. It didn’t take long for his eyes to return at their ecstasy state that was staring at Debbie’s body.

    Meantime, Debbie had successfully recovered the soap and was cleaning her legs. “Who will think that Larry likes taller women?” she said. “He looked so excited when I became taller than him, not to mention how hot I look in heels” grinned Debbie.

    Those words were making at Larry sweat vigorously. He felt like his protection field had turned into a sauna.


    “If I only knew how to be a bit taller. Larry will definitely like that” she smiled. “Due the one ring limitations, I can’t be taller than Kate” she pouted. Then, she smiled wickedly. “Let’s do a test”

    “What is she thinking?” wondered Larry as Debbie took off one of her golden hairs and pasted it on the wall indicating her current height. “Since during the fight with Kagome, she found a way to bend the rule without breaking it, will it be possible that she do it again?”

    As she bent her body to soap her legs, Debbie said “What about if I swap specific body parts? For example, if I have Sarah’s long shapely legs, I will gain an inch or two” she said. Suddenly her legs began to change acquiring Sarah’s shape.

    Debbie straightened up as she moved her hands upwards. “Also a longer torso would help” she said cleaning that part. “I wouldn’t mind having Gina’s torso as long as it was as tight as Irene” smiled Debbie as she touched her ring.

    Larry watched transfixed as Debbie grew a bit as her torso change it’s size and complexion. “Oh my… she is getting taller” gasped Larry unable to believe it.

    “Longer legs and torso, what about a long a fine neck? Erika has just the one I need” said Debbie as her stretching neck became slimmer. “I guess that that’s all. Let’s see how much I grew” said Debbie walking toward her mark in the wall.

    Even Debbie wasn’t close to her mark, Larry gasped at the visible difference between the mark and Debbie’s actual height. Once Debbie pasted a new hair on the wall, the difference was measurable.

    “This is great!! I became six inches taller” exclaimed Debbie. Larry was having a problem in his under regions.

    “That is half foot tall more” she cheered. The bulge in his pants was clearly visible by then.

    “That means that I’m a head taller than him without the heels” she said. Larry’s body began to tremble.

    “I can’t imagine how small Larry will look if I had my heels on” she said. His respiration started to get erratic.

    “I bet that he will be at my chest level” she smiled grabbing her breasts. Larry twitched trying to delay the inevitable.

    “He will be like a boy to me, and I will let him feel protected under my gaze. He will be so happy to know that I grew for him. That I became more woman to satisfy his needs. Even I’m strong enough to carry him in my arms and let him rest warmly next to my breasts. He will enjoy that” blushed Debbie.

    “Now that I think about it, I never asked at Larry about how he likes women’s curves” said Debbie scratching her head. “Well, I know he likes Indian girls and by the way he was looking at that girl’s ass outside, I bet he enjoys an ample tight round rear too” she smiled. Larry gulped hard.

    “Now, which girl has the kind of ass that Larry will love to stare? Helen and her Afro-American rear are the sensations in all the parties. She knows how to shake that thing” said Debbie. Larry was at the edge of bursting.

    “Unfortunately, she is not in my class” pouted Debbie. Larry sighed relief feeling more relaxed.

    “I guess that Selena’s latin rear and pelvis should do the trick. I have seen how she keeps babbling at the boys that fall under the spell of her swinging her hips and bulging cheeks” said Debbie.

    “Oh no!!” gasped Larry. “Please, don’t do it” he begged from the silence of his force field.

    “I must admit that an ass like her will look awesome on me” she said caressing her own rear. “I can picture myself with a rear so pronounced that my jeans won’t ever have any wrinkles on them”. Larry’s heartbeats were increasing their speed.

    “And when I wear a bikini, it will look like I’m not wearing anything as the straps will get lost between my cheeks” grinned Debbie. Larry’s manhood was hurting him badly.

    “That is how a rear should look like” said Debbie massaging her rear. “And it’s time to let mine absorb that qualities” she grinned.

    Immediately, the whole world stopped to exist for Larry as he has eyes only for Debbie. Proper speaking, for her rear. He gasped as her Indian rear inflated under her hands. Her cheeks grew rounder and firmer as they acquired a heart shape while her hips expanded too.

    Once the transference took place, Debbie gave a few steps to test her new acquisition. Her full rear swing with each step, as her hips show the swift of her weight. “Look out world…” said Debbie putting her right hand over her hip. “… There is a new Debbie in this town”

    “With my increased strength, an ass so firm and hard will let me break concrete for sure” she smiled as she swung her hip toward the wall. The impact cracked one of the ceramics in the shower. “Holy crap!! I can do it!!” gasped Debbie.

    That display was enough to let at Larry messed his pants as he couldn’t resist such erotic view. His heart was pumping so hard that he passed out of the experience. The lost of his conscious nullified his protecting shield. Larry fell flat on the floor.

    “My poor baby. I was too much for you” giggled Debbie closing the faucet. She covered her body with a towel and walked toward him. She got on her knees and placed at Larry on her lap. “Are you alright?” asked Debbie.

    “What… what happened?” asked Larry confused zapping out of his unconsciousness.

    “You couldn’t handle peeking at me” grinned Debbie.

    “I wasn’t…” mumbled Larry as Debbie pressed her finger on his lips.

    “You were” she smiled. “I know it and if you deny it, I will get angry with you for lying me” said Debbie seriously.

    Larry nodded. “That is better” smiled Debbie. “Now, did you enjoy the show?” she said.

    “Were you doing it on purpose?” gasped Larry surprised.

    Debbie nodded this time. “I sensed you presence moments ago. Normally I will felt embarrassed but that was the old me. I’m a confident woman now eager to try anything to make you happy. That reminds me…” she said closing her eyes.

    “What are you going to do now?” asked alarmed Larry.

    “Sshh… everything is fine” said Debbie with a sultry voice that wasn’t her own. “I’m improving other parts of my personality” Debbie said as Jacqueline’s melodically voice was part of her now.

    Soon, Debbie’s caresses began to change their behavior thanks to the sexual knowledge she was siphoning from Ophelia. Also, her touch was more delicate producing an unexpected arousing state in Larry. That was possible due the combination of Missato’s asian skin and the knowledge she got from Hinako.

    “Do you like that I touch you this way my dear?” said softly Debbie.

    “Yes” moaned in response Larry feeling his strength leaving him.

    “It’s good to know that when I asked for Hinako’s oriental knowledge, I didn’t only acquire her fighting skills” she said as she gentle touch some points in Larry’s body making his tension melt away. Literally, he was clay on her hands.

    “Larry, I want to ask you something. Do you like the changes I have done in my person so far?” asked Debbie stroking gently his hair.

    “Debbie” said Larry raising his upper body to look into her eyes. “I will lie to you if I tell you that I don’t” he whispered before kissing at Debbie right on her lips.

    She got surprised by his move, but quickly put herself together and kissed him back. By doing it, she inadvertently swapped lips with Mary whose lips were a legend between the boys.

    As they were kissing, Larry slowly passed his hands over her arms. His irregular touch made suspicious at Debbie. “Is something wrong baby?” she said breaking the kiss.

    “I… well…” muttered Larry. His face was red of embarrassment.

    “There is nothing you can’t share with me, you know?” Debbie softly said as she embraced at Larry and pressed him firmly toward her body.

    “I know it’s that I feel ashamed to say it” blushed Larry.

    “You are intriguing me” said Debbie with genuine curiosity. “Please, share” she begged.

    “It’s just that I didn’t have the time to feel your muscles” said Larry deep red.

    “Oh!” gasped Debbie. Just a week ago, she could have swear that she knew at Larry like the back side of her hand. Now, he just kept surprising her with his actions. It was like she didn’t know at Larry the way she thought. Fortunately, his revealing secrets only made her strong the love she felt for him.

    For Debbie, it was like he was revealing his true being. The nude form of his mere soul. She had never felt that kind of connection with no other person before, and she was more than willing to make that connection even stronger.

    “I will be more than pleased to fulfill your wish my master” said Debbie kissing gently his forehead. “Do you want to feel my muscles growing?” she asked breaking her embrace.

    “I will love too” smiled Larry as his hands touched again her arms.

    “Since you can feel my whole body, I will swap my muscles gradually. My arms will be the first ones” she softly said. “Be ready lover because I will start now”

    “Give me a sec” asked Larry as he materialized some oil. Then, he spread it in Debbie’s arms. “I’m ready” he smiled.

    Debbie smiled at him back and concentrated only in obtaining the arm’s muscles that Lara had. Pleased, she just rested her head back as she enjoyed the sensation of her muscles expanding.

    Quickly Larry began to rub the oil on the growing muscles forcing at Debbie moaned in response. Slowly but steady, he massaged firmly her muscles. He didn’t want to admit it, but feeling them getting denser and harder was arousing him very much. He had to adjust constantly the pressure he applied on them to make sure Debbie could feel his massage.

    Even relaxed, the bulges in her arms were very impressive. Her biceps were quite a sight. Pure female muscle bulging with the strength that Debbie’s kept for herself moments ago. He contained his anxiety and desire to not stop his labor. He continued oiling and massaging her muscled arms until they reached the impressive size they had moments ago.

    “Oh Larry. That was fantastic. I have never felt so aroused before. Is that normal oil?” asked Debbie.

    “You don’t miss anything right?” smiled Larry. “No, it’s special oil that stimulates your skin and let it more sensitive” he grinned.

    “You are such a naughty boy” purred Debbie. “I want that you oil all my amazon body little boy. You better do it well or I will put you in my lap to give you the mother of all the spanks”.

    “You can count that I will do my best to satisfy your needs my lady” said very submissive Larry.

    “I don’t expect less from you” said Debbie. “Now, take care of my back” she said resting on the floor.

    With his task ahead, Larry only smiled as she applied more oil at Debbie’s back. As before, while he was oiling her skin, he felt her muscles developing. Again, Larry got very excited as under his fingers, his lover’s back was turning solid as rock. He pressed them firmly to give them a deep massage. A massage that put at Debbie very wet. She moaned loudly this time. Remembering that the janitor could still be outside, Larry decided to make the dressing room sound proof.

    With her back done, Debbie turned around to let at Larry workout her front torso. Larry hesitated a moment if he should continue or not. “Debbie, I must tell you something, the oil doesn’t affect you only. It also affects to me. Maybe the oil wasn’t such a good idea after all. I’m afraid that if we continue, things will go out of control” said Larry.

    “You are very considered Larry and that is one of the things I love from you. You always put my will above yours. Well, now my body wants desperately to be touch by you Larry. Will you negate this to me?” said Debbie.

    “No, I won’t do it” said Larry.

    “In that case, please continue” said Debbie resting her head on the floor.

    Larry spread the oil over her stomach and began to rub it slowly. Debbie had a pleasing smile on her face as she just enjoyed the massage.

    Under the gentle touch of Larry, Debbie’s abs became firmed and toned. He enjoyed feeling how strong Debbie was becoming. The loud moans that escape from her mouth increased his heartbeats. Debbie was very aroused and Larry decided to take advantage of the situation by moving his hands to her upper torso.

    “Mmmm… that feels nice” purred Debbie as Larry fingers marched through her hard abdomen. As his fingers were reaching higher grounds, Debbie felt herself trembling of the excitement. She knew what will happen soon and she was just looking forward for it.

    Finally, the company of 10 fingers held their positions at the skirts of Debbie’s hills. Slowly, his fingers began to ascend toward the top. Debbie moaned and panted of pleasure as she was getting over stimulated.

    Feeling his fingers denting the surface of her breasts was driving at Debbie insane. “Hope your little guys are not afraid of the heights, because I’m about to give them more terrain to climb” moaned Debbie as she concentrated.

    Soon Larry’s little soldiers were shaken as the ground under them moved. Debbie’s breasts grew bigger and rounder until they were one cup bigger. “What do you say Larry? Want me this big or do you want that I grow a cup more?” grinned Debbie.

    “Let me feel it first” said Larry as his fingers quickly oiled her enlarged breasts. Debbie moaned as the oil was making extremely sensitive her nipples. “Oh yes!! This feel so good. Keep going” moaned Debbie.

    Larry couldn’t avoid grinning. It was now Debbie’s time to succumb at his will. The aroused the young amazon kept panting and moaning as her breasts were stimulated in a way she never experience before.

    In a blink of Larry’s eye, his clothes disappeared. The contact of their skins was fueling their libidos. Slowly, Larry began to kiss her defined abs as his fingers didn’t left Debbie’s breasts. Then, his kisses began to ascend as his hands did it earlier.

    Debbie bit her lip to suppress her cries of joy as Larry was transporting her into dimension were pleasure and lust was absolutely all. She was doing her best to hold her imminent orgasm and without wanting it, she was only building it more powerful.

    Carefully, Larry lips touched the lower part of Debbie’s right breast. His lips felt like electricity running from her breast into her brain. Debbie scratched the floor with her fingernails.

    As Larry’s kisses were moving to her nipple. Debbie decided to delay it more as she swap breasts size with a girl a cup bigger of her current size. Larry stopped his kisses as he felt Debbie’s breasts expanding under his lips.

    “Please Larry. Don’t stop now” panted Debbie. “I just want to enjoy more your kisses. Are you mad that I grew on top without your permission?” asked Debbie with a submissive tone.

    Larry didn’t reply, he raised his head to just look at her in the eyes and then, in a quick move, he lowered his head and enclosed her nipple in his mouth.

    “Fuck!!!” cried in pleasure Debbie as she felt that Larry was sucking her nipple quick and hard. She arched her back and hit the floor with her fists as she was victim of a very effective attack that trigger the retaining orgasm.

    Debbie wasn’t sure if it was the oil, or her new breasts size, or Larry’s sucking, or maybe a combination of the three, but the sensations she was feeling were shocking her entire body.

    Debbie convulsed and tremble as her body was experiencing an orgasm she had never experiencing before. She used her hands to secure Larry’s head on her nipple. She didn’t want he break contact with him

    Quickly Larry understood what was going on and he increased his sucking. Debbie almost black out as Larry stimulation and her draining orgasm were overwhelming her senses until reaching a break down point.

    Exhausted, Debbie collapsed on the floor. Her body completely relaxed as her breathing was turning more regular. Larry let go her nipple and with a big grin on his face he laid on her shoulder and embrace her.

    “That was wild” managed to say Debbie.

    “Bigger” said Larry.

    “What?” asked Debbie.

    “Bigger. You asked me if I want your breasts to grow another cup size. Well, I’m telling you that I want them bigger” he grinned.

    “The magic word?” said Debbie.

    “Please, make your breasts as big as you can. I want you to be the girl with the biggest breasts of your class” said Larry.

    “I will love to perform your request” said Debbie. “Every girl is jealous of Valerie’s breasts. They are so big. I can’t wait to cup with my hands such size” smiled Debbie.

    Turning her body to Larry’s side, she embrace him against her. “Now lover, feel them grow” said Debbie as she concentrated.

    Larry gasped as she felt Debbie’s breasts growing against his chest. He couldn’t hide his excitement and the pleasure in his face was making happy at Debbie. “Can you feel them lover? They are growing bigger and heavier for you” she whispered in his ear.

    Now, it was Larry the one who began to tremble. “Don’t tremble my love. They aren’t going to bite you, but I guess that you will like to bite them. Oh yes. I will make you very happy. Just wait until you see me. Your jaw is going to hit the floor for sure” smiled Debbie.

    Licking his earlobe, Debbie continue talking him softly “Due her size, Valerie’s breasts sagged on her, but I’m sure that with all the muscle I have, they will be perky and defying gravity. Don’t you think that? They will look better on me that they were on her. Just imagine that with Yolanda’s fashion sense and Patricia’ confidence my outfit will be very revealing and sexy. Don’t you like the idea of having tops that accentuated my size? Or sexy dresses that show off a large section of my cleavage?”

    Finally, the growth subsided and Larry couldn’t believe the amount of woman flesh that was pressed against him. Debbie broke the embrace and rest again in the floor to let at Larry get a full view of her ample breasts

    “They are beautiful!!” he gasped.

    “I know. Valerie was used to hear that kind of praises all the time. Now that her attributes are mine, I will be the one who will be admired and envied” smiled Debbie caressing her breasts. “Oh yes. I’m going to enjoy them a lot” she said getting again wet.

    With a thought in mind, Larry moved to Debbie’s legs. “Well, there is only a part of your body I haven’t felt yet Debbie” he said as he oiled his hands. “Do you want me to finish what I started?” asked Larry as he placed his hands over her thighs.

    “I will love to” said Debbie as she began to swap the muscularity of her legs. Soon, her legs acquired a new size as they were building quickly hard muscle.

    “Close your eyes and enjoy” whispered Larry and Debbie did that.

    With her eyes closed, Debbie felt how Larry was applying his oil on her legs. She could feel her legs getting denser and bigger making at Larry apply more strength to work on them.

    It didn’t pass to long before the oil began to make effect on her. Her first moans were music for Larry. He gently grabbed her foot and caressed it gently. Debbie purred in approve of his actions.

    He applied the oil over her feet and them move upward. Debbie was enjoying greatly as Larry’s massages were not only increasing their pressure but also in her pleasure.

    When Larry reached her thighs, Debbie couldn’t avoid gasping “Oh Larry. You are making me soo hot”. Debbie rubbed her leg against the other saying. “You are making me feel very horny”.

    The aroma of her womanhood soon reached Larry’s nose. Her recent orgasm had make her aroma very deep and pleasant. The doubts that Larry had in that moment about his next move simply vanished under the effect of such potent aphrodisiac.

    Suddenly, Debbie felt that a tight grip over her legs to later being forced to be opened. “OH MY…!!!” gasped Debbie as she felt an intense heat penetrating her lower regions. Her mind told her that she should do something in that moment, but her instincts avoid any logical thought.

    Debbie just moaned in pleasure as her virginity was taken away.

    With mighty vigor, Larry pushed himself deeply into Debbie making her cried loudly. The contact of their two sexes increased Larry’s libido to a peek he couldn’t believe. As a possessed man, he focused all his strength in penetrating at the woman he loved.

    Debbie got lost in the pleasure her body was receiving. Her mind was drifting away as her womanhood was invaded in the way she had pictured in her dreams. Debbie knew that her body was a male fantasy made flesh and with Jacqueline’s voice, her moans and pants sounded like a truly symphony. Still, she felt something was missing.

    Larry gasped as he suddenly felt a tight grip around his manhood. He looked down at Debbie and gasped to see that her eyes expressed a feeling he never saw in her. Genuine and pure lust.

    “I have await this moment for a long time Larry” purred Debbie. “Now, let me show you what a grateful woman can do” she smiled contracting her vaginal muscles gently.

    “Oh Debbie!!” moaned Larry feeling the great massage his manhood was receiving. “Where did you learn to do this?” he gasped aroused.

    “Michelle taught me. If you know what I mean?” Debbie giggled. “She was the most experience girl in the classroom. You won’t believe all the sexual knowledge she had. But you know need to guess, because I will show it to you” she said holding firmly his member inside her.

    “I will make you feel very good my darling” said Debbie as she put her arms around Larry and pulled him down to her torso, toward her breasts. “You have help me to become a very sexy and powerful woman. It’s time you enjoy the fruits of your work” she said guiding his mouth to her nipple.

    As soon as his hungry mouth touched her nipple, Debbie was shocked by the intensity of the feeling. She moaned aloud as her second orgasm washed her body. ‘Nell wasn’t lying’ Debbie thought as she gently pressed Larry’s head against her breast. ‘The sensitivity of her nipples is something out of this world’ Debbie panted.

    Debbie stroke softly Larry’s head as he continued sucking and moving inside her. At the wonderful emotions she was experiencing by Larry loving, she added another as beautiful as they. The emotion to be able to love him in the way she thought he deserved to be loved.

    She knew that her lack of sex experience wouldn’t let her give him an enjoyable moment. Now that she was an expert in the matter, she felt enough woman for him. She was everything he could wish for. She was all for him as he was for her.

    Slowly, Larry’s hands caressed her arms. His fingers touching softly her relaxed muscles. The oil that was still on them was sending new waves of pleasure to Debbie. His hands moved up and down as she had her arms around his head.

    Debbie bitted her lip to seal the moans that were intending to escape from her mouth. The intensity of the sensations she was feeling was driving her crazy. She was in a state of pleasure she never dream possible. And even her libido level was incredible high, she wanted more.

    It was in this frenzy moment that Debbie realized that something was about to happen. She wasn’t sure how, but she felt that Larry was near to explode inside her. The knowledge that she acquired from Michelle indicated that she should take him out of her right there, and by Larry’s movements it seemed that he was thinking in the same, but Debbie didn’t want it.

    She was too aroused and there was no way she will deny herself such pleasure. She didn’t want to get pregnant too, so she thought in a quick solution. Smiling at her own cleverness, Debbie was ready for what should be the best moment of her life.

    In a quick move, she wrapped her arms against his back while her legs became power scissors against his rear. “I won’t allow you leave me now Larry” whispered Debbie as she successfully had trapped her lover’s body. “Don’t worry about anything. Just let it happens” she begged.

    Her words proved to be very stimulating. Motivated by them, Larry moved deeply inside her with new strength. Since her arms were exerting some tension over him, Larry didn’t lose time and massaged her bulged biceps.

    This time, Debbie wasn’t successful in repressed her moans as she felt a new orgasm building inside her.

    He would have moaned too if his mouth wasn’t busy at the moment. He knew that his bursting point was very close and he was worry about what could happened. But he trusted in Debbie completely and continued loving her.

    He enjoyed greatly sucking softly her hard nipple and sensing how dense were her muscles was a very sensual experience, not to mention the pleasant sensation of her vaginal muscles enveloping his manhood.

    Debbie tensed more her arms making her biceps reached their full bulging size. Larry didn’t waste time as he tried his best to dent the hard female muscle sprouting from Debbie’s arms. His intends mixed with the magic oil were fueling her fire.

    Finally, Larry reached the no returning point. ‘There is no step back’ he thought. He was ready to give at Debbie what she asked for.

    He dug his fingers as strong as he could on her biceps. He bit softly, but firmly her aroused nipple. And, he pushed himself as deep as he could inside her womanhood to release his charge.

    The stimulation her body was receiving, combined with the hot fluids that were invading her inner regions unleashed the most overwhelming orgasm Debbie’s body was able to produce.

    She arched her back, punched the floor and screamed like an animal as her womanhood shoot her juices as hot lava from an erupting volcano.

    Larry quickly embraced her and gave her his support as Debbie’s body trembled by the force of her own orgasm.

    After what it should be like an eternity for Debbie, she felt her orgasm slowly receding. Feeling her body relaxing, Larry helped her to lay on the floor again. Her face showed a state of pure bliss as she was enjoying the afterglow of her orgasm.

    As her breathing became regular, Larry allowed himself to recover of his own experience. He laid his head over Debbie’s right breast, as his hand played with her left breast.

    He couldn’t believe how warm her breast felt at his touch. Even it was bigger than his hand, her breast didn’t avoid that he could felt the beats of her heart. A heart that was pumping not only blood to her body, but also torrents of love toward him.

    Larry smiled pleased as he sensed that Debbie was sleeping peacefully. Certainly her orgasm drained her more than she expected and he was happy that he could gave her such experience.

    Now it was his time to feel the draining feeling himself. His eyes were getting closed as the beats of Debbie’s heart were singing a wonderful lullaby. Unable to resist such melody, he fell deeply sleep.

    As the two lovers were resting peacefully, the reality finally had the chance to re-shape itself. The continuous changes Debbie realized didn’t gave enough time to the reality to change. Now that she was unconscious, the ring was able to do its magic.

    With so many changes accumulated, the change of the reality was drastic. The whole room blurred and re-shape itself. Debbie and Larry sleep together unaware that their lives had been re-written.


    Debbie was the first to wake up. She yawned loudly as she stretched her arms and legs. When she opened her eyes, she couldn’t avoid smiling at how cute Larry looked sleeping over her. He was sleeping deeply with his head in middle of her breasts.

    A cold breeze swept the room making Larry chilled. He cuddled against Debbie, enjoying her pleasing corporal heat. If Larry will be awake, he will tell that he never felt so warm and safe in his life.

    Giving at him a kiss on top of his head, Debbie pulled the sheets over her lover and then she accommodate her pillow to continue sleeping.

    ‘Sheets!! Pillow!!’ screamed Debbie’s mind as she zapped out of her dreaming state. With her eyes wide opened, Debbie realized they were no longer in the dressing room. “Where are we this time?” wondered aloud Debbie as she scanned the room.

    “It looks like a bedroom” said Debbie as she saw a nightstand next to the bed, a big closet, a desk with a computer on it. “Oh my…!! This is my bedroom!!” gasped Debbie as even the room was totally unknown for her, her memories indicated her the contrary.

    Then, Debbie covered her mouth as she realized that her loudly comments were about to wake up at Larry. She gently caressed his hair and he fell again in his deep sleep.

    “That was close” whispered Debbie as Larry buried his head on her cleavage.

    Suddenly, a sense of proud took at Debbie for surprise. A feeling that she was beginning to get used to. She never before had a strong reason to be proud of herself, but now, having at Larry sleeping peacefully over her as the result of making love to her for the first time with a body that drives him crazy was a very powerful reason to feel proud of.

    She took a moment to stare at the golden ring wrapping her finger. Even she had used its power several times now, Debbie still find hard to believe that such small circular object had helped her to become the woman she was.

    “I better prepare some tea to drink” smiled Debbie as she noticed that the sunset through her window. “Funny. I don’t remember my window faced at the sunset” said Debbie.

    Moving slowly, she managed to put at Larry on her bed as she quietly slid out of it. Once Debbie was sure that Larry was warm by enveloping him with the sheets, she took the time to check her room.

    “This room is completely different at my original one. To begin with is more spacious” said Debbie surprised by the space she know possessed. She opened her closet and gasped at the beautiful clothes that were hanging on there.

    “This is incredible” gasped Debbie as she noticed the variety of her clothes. “I didn’t imagine to have many outfits and of such good quality and taste” said Debbie marveled.

    “There is no way, this room belongs to my house” said Debbie as she noticed the different measures of her room. “This could only mean one thing” she said walking to the window.

    “Oh! This feels great” said Debbie as her body was bathed with the last sunrays of the day. She stretched her extremities again and flexed her muscles enjoying the power sensations they gave her. For an odd reason, she felt her muscles aching.

    That sensation disappeared as she felt herself being re-energized. As if her bulging muscles were collecting the last vestige of energy the sun was giving. She kept her pose for a few seconds before letting her body rest. “I definitely can get used to this” smiled Debbie.

    Once she finished her sunbath, Debbie watched what was beyond her window.

    “As I presumed. I’m no longer in my normal neighborhood” said Debbie as she observed the different residences nearby. “It seems that my family economic status was affected by this chances too” she said observing the wide yard her house had. “I better check this new house first hand” said Debbie avoiding the use of her new memories.

    She picked out a silk rope that was hanging on her chair, slipped her feet on a pair of sandals and after giving a warm kiss on Larry’s forehead, she moved to the door.

    As she did it, she saw that Larry’s clothes were disseminated on the floor as well as some gym clothes that should belong to her. ‘I’m glad that in this reality Larry and I enjoyed our first lovemaking too’ thought Debbie as she stepped out of the room.

    “Hello princess” greeted her a man that was passing in front of her room.

    Debbie was shocked to see an Apache man as. His kindness face made impossible for Debbie to mistaken him. “Hi dad” said Debbie as natural as possible. ‘What’s going on here? Why my father is in home at this hour? Not to mention his height and ethnic’ wondered Debbie.

    “Is everything fine? You normally don’t leave your room for a few hours after working out” said the Apache man.

    “I’m just a bit thirsty. That’s all” smiled Debbie as she tried to avoid that her father realized that Larry was sleeping in her room. ‘Maybe the reality had change the way dad looks like, but he will certainly kill me if he finds out that Larry is in my room’ she thought.

    “Glad to know that everything is alright. I was worry that maybe Larry finally wasn’t able to keep up with you” laughed the father.

    “What do you mean?” blushed Debbie.

    “Well, you know. Since he isn’t as strong as you, maybe you finally injured him or something like that during your sex session” he said.

    “DAD!!” yelled Debbie. Her ears couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

    “Don’t blame me. I told you that you must be gentle with him after all. I can stand your mother’s rough games thanks to my height advance, but since you are physically superior in every way at Larry, you must be careful not to hurt him”

    “Yes dad. I know” said Debbie as she quickly search in her memories. He suppressed her surprise as she learned that in this reality, she and Larry have sex whenever they can, usually after she is done with her workout, so her muscles are pumped up.

    “That explains the gym clothes and my soaring muscles” whispered Debbie.

    “What did you say?” asked her father.

    “Nothing dad!” quickly replied Debbie. “I was just feeling that my mout… I mean throa… I mean…” blushed Debbie as she was trying to look for a word that didn’t express a sexual meaning. “I just need a glass of water. I’m thirsty” she finally said.

    “Oh yes. Sorry for delaying you” apologized the father. “By the way, your mother is on the first floor if you want to talk to her. Her client cancelled, so she has some free time. She must be practicing some routine in the gym are for sure.” said the father.

    “Thank. I will see her” said Debbie. ‘Do we have a gym area?’ thought Debbie.

    As she was descending the stairs to the first floor, Debbie couldn’t resist taking a look at her memories about her parents. She gasped at the changes they have suffered.

    It seems that her ethnic transference affected at her mother and father too. Not to mention at her ancestors. Her father was an Apache, while her mother was a Navajo. So, as result she was a 100% Indian girl. “Not Navajo. Din’e” said Debbie to herself, remembering what her mother explained to her about her heritage.

    Din’e people are called Navajo due an error during the meet of the first white man with one of the indian people. The white man asked for the name of his Indian name and he responded with an invitation to sit by his fire. Not speaking the language and only being able to understand the  bits that were similar to other Indian dialects he spoke, the white man misunderstood and thought Din'e Indians were Navajo, which is their word for fire. The Din'e use the name now as all white people call them that. They find it very amusing to be called "fire".”

    Putting that thought aside, Debbie realized that the other changes she applied on her body resulted in the modifications of the genetic of her parents. According to her new memories, it looks like that her height, intelligence and confident personality came from her father side as he was a very successful businessman that manage all his business from home.

    “That will explain why he is so open minded toward my relationship with Larry” said Debbie. “He mentioned that my mom like to play rough games, what did he mean?”

    In an instant, Debbie knew that her mother was a fitness instructor. As such, she had lean muscles and not big muscles, but she certainly knew how to use them. “So, my exercise determination, fashion sense and body development came from my mother” said Debbie.

    She quickly realized the meaning of her last statement. “Oh my…” gasped Debbie as she visualized how her mother looked like in this reality. “There is no way my mother could be like that” she said. “Well, there is only a way to find it out” smiled Debbie as she rushed down the stairs to the gym area.

    Quietly, she gave a look inside the gym area and watched at her mother running on the treadmill. Debbie couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing.

    There was her mother, but no the mother she remembered. Now she was a Navajo woman, half feet shorter and with a pair of breasts that were almost as big as hers. As she run, Debbie appreciate how gratefully her mother swung her prominent and well formed rear from one side to the other as her heavy bust jiggled up and down.

    “Oh! Hi Debbie. I didn’t see you” greeted her mother as she stepped out of the treadmill. “Are you here to pump up more iron, aren’t you?” she asked.

    “I…” doubted Debbie what to say. Then her body tingled of the excitement to get down of a bar and lift heavy weight over her. “Yeah” she finally replied.

    Debbie didn’t know if what she was feeling was part of Trisha’s dedication to exercise or her own enthusiasm to discover how strong she was. ‘Maybe a combination of both’ thought Debbie as she laid on the bench under the weight bar.

    “That’s my girl. Just let me adjust the weight for you. Most of my clients can’t lift the weight you do” giggled the mother.

    ‘She must to be kidding me’ thought Debbie as she realized that the bar had a considerable amount of weight over it. Even so, her mother added two more plates to it. “You don’t think this is too heavy?” asked Debbie to her mother.

    Her mother gave her a confused look. She checked the weight of the bar. “No. It’s the usual weight you lift for warming up. Then, I will add the other four plates to let you reach your limit. Don’t worry” she said.

    ‘Four more!!’ gasped Debbie in her mind. ‘There is no way I could be that strong’ she thought. ‘Well, there is only a way to find it out’.

    Taking a deep breath, Debbie held the bar tightly and then pushed it up. To her surprise the bar didn’t felt as heavy as she thought. ‘It’s true. I can lift it’ she was shocked. She lowered the bar on top of her breasts and then pulled it up. She smiled widely as she held firmly the bar on the air.

    Convinced that her arms were able to carry that weight, Debbie began to do reps. Each time she watched excited at how her muscles got tensed with the exercise, bulging with power as she lifted the heavy bar over and over again. Debbie discovered that she really liked to be strong.

    After finishing what she considered a nice warm up, she put the bar back in place. She seated in the bench and flexed her arm to see how big her bicep grew. She touched it gently feeling how warm and sore it was. She never had thought about it before, but having being muscles wasn’t as bad as she thought.

    “Very impressive Debbie” said the mother. “You are always getting stronger with each passing day. And look at you with those big and sexy muscles over you. You really will put jealous at some bodybuilders I know” said the mother. Debbie blushed at the comment.

    “Looking at you with building muscle everyday makes me very jealous. It seems that you got the ability to grow muscles from your father because no matter how hard I work, I can’t get nothing more than this” said the mother flexing her arm. A small, but hard bicep bulged on it.

    “At least, I’m happy that you inherited the best features of my side of the family” said the mother as she cupper her daughter’s breasts.

    “MOM!!” yelled Debbie embarrassed.

    “Oh, you don’t need to be embarrassed. After all…” said the mother and then whispered “… you blossomed bigger than your mother, but remember, no a word” said the mother blinking an eye.

    “Don’t worry mom. I won’t tell at anyone” said Debbie even more embarrassed about the latest revelation. Then a faint smile formed on her lips.

    “That’s my girl” cheered up the mother. “So, what do you want part of your body want to warm up now? Maybe you want to work out your gluts to have them firmer. I have seen at Larry checking you a lot that area”.

    Debbie was about to say something at her mother, when she remembered that Larry was still sleeping upstairs. ‘If he wakes up, he will be very confused about where is he’ thought Debbie feeling guilty about leaving alone at Larry in this new reality.

    “It will have to wait for later mom. I have a few things to take care about now” said Debbie kissing at her mother in the cheek. She found amusing how much she had to bend down in order to kiss at her mother.

    “Yes, you better hurry. Your agent must be here in an hour, right?. I would love to go with you at the presentation, but I have two appointments that I couldn’t cancel. I promise I will go with you next time, OK?” said the mother.

    “Sure mom. Don’t worry” said Debbie leaving the room. ‘Agent?, presentation? What is going on?’ wondered Debbie as her mind raced to find the answers. “Oh my…!!” gasped Debbie as she found the answers. “Larry is going to die when he knows this…” she grinned.

    Debbie was pleased to find at Larry still sleeping in her bed. As soon as she joined him, she found herself enveloped in Larry’s tender embrace. Debbie felt her heart skip a bit at such lovely act of affection.

    Kissing him, she began to wake up him. Her intents were successfully and slowly Larry opened her eyes. “Good morning darling. It’s time to wake up” said Debbie with her melodically voice.

    “Hello Debbie” said Larry half slept. “Can we stay like this for a few more minutes? I was having a great dream” he said.

    “Sure baby. Everything you want” whispered Debbie. “Can you share your dream with me?” said Debbie curious.

    “I was dreaming about finally making love to you” whispered Larry as he tried to sleep again.

    “Oh!” exclaimed Debbie. “Tell me more” she said.

    “Well, I dream about you teasing me with your strong body and then I began to oil you getting us very horny and then you and I couldn’t hold our passion any longer and we did it” said Larry.

    Debbie giggled. “That wasn’t a dream. It really happened Larry” she said.

    “What?!” said Larry waking up fully. “Did I… and you… together…” babbled Larry as he was remembering what they did movements ago.

    “Yes Larry. You loved me and I loved you back. We finally make love together” smiled Debbie with a warm smile.

    “But…, but…, we didn’t use protection. You can get pregnant” said Larry worried.

    “I promised that I will take care of that, didn’t I?” said Debbie. “I only need to acquire the protection tendencies of Carol to avoid get pregnant. That girl doesn’t like to take risks. But don’t worry, she is a virgin, so won’t get pregnant for what I took from her” smiled Debbie.

    “Glad you could think in something like that” smiled Larry. Then, resting on Debbie, he whispered “Because I enjoyed a lot loving you without restrictions”.

    “I enjoyed it a lot too” smiled Debbie as they share a passionate kiss.

    After breaking a long kiss, Larry said “So, how much the reality changed this time? For the look of your room, I will say that a lot” said Larry.

    “Indeed, but before you can access at your alternatives memories, let me tell you something that will shocked you. Besides the fact that we are having sex almost everyday, it seems that in this reality I have begun the live of a fitness model”.

    “What?” asked Larry.

    “Remember the tournament we were in moments ago. Well, in this reality we left the stadium after I won. It was then when a modeling agent spotted us. He worked for a modeling company that wanted to get more women involved in fitness and encourage women to build muscle” ” explained Debbie.

    “He was impress by the combination of female curves and muscle development my body has. He offered me a job as a model and you convinced me to accept it. Then, we return home and I worked out a bit before we have sex” blushed Debbie.

    “That is interesting” said Larry. “So, we are having sex regularly” said Larry overwhelmed.

    “You didn’t hear a word of what I said about the agent, right?” said Debbie.

    “I did. But you must admit that it was a great surprise to know something like that” he said.

    “Yes darling and by my memories, I assure you that you were great every time” smiled Debbie. Then she thought ‘I think there is no better time to put my plan to work’.

    Looking at him at the eyes, she asked “Are you ready for another surprise?”. Larry nodded. “Good. Remember when the soap fell in the shower?”

    “I can’t forget it” sighed Larry as he was mentally drooling at his memory image of Debbie’s great ass.

    “That was a distraction” smirked Debbie. “Moments before the soap slipped from me. I was thinking in a way to get you out of your hideout when a boldly plan took form in my mind. The plan was so good, that I decided to save it for later. Instead, I took the course of action you already experienced” she smiled.

    “So, how exactly the soap participate in your plan?” asked Larry intrigued

    “Well, I was keeping you busy as I did very quick swaps with the ring. You certainly didn’t notice a thing” giggled Debbie.

    Larry blushed as he couldn’t deny it. “In that case, you were very effective” he smiled. “What did you do as I was starin… cough… distracted” coughed Larry.

    “Since you gave me the ring, I propose myself to find a way to bend your rule. I have done it a few times so far” said Debbie proud of her intellect. “Right now, I have the best traits my classmates had to offer, and because of that, I can’t improved more, right?”

    “Right” replied Larry.

    “Wrong!!” exclaimed Debbie. “Just because I’m now the tallest, bustiest, strongest, smartest, and sexiest girl of my class, that doesn’t mean that nature can bless at other girl” said Debbie.

    “I must admit that you found very interesting ways to increase your height as well as the size of your muscles, but it will be difficult that a girl can get better than you. Nature isn’t so generous. In fact, I don’t think that there should be a girl that can even reach your development” said Larry.

    “You always saying the right words” blushed Debbie. “You are right about being difficult that a girl could match these measures, but you are also right about Nature. What about if I swap the generosity that Nature can give at other girl?” asked Debbie.

    “I… I… don’t know” muttered Larry trying to comprehend what Debbie was saying.

    “It’s simple. What makes the body grows? Growth Spurts. I know that I was an early bloomer so I don’t have more growth spurts, but what about if I swap my body development with a late bloomer?”

    “That will mean that you could…” gasped Larry as he realized what Debbie’s plan.

    “Yes, I could destroy your rule once for all” grinned Debbie. “When you were busy staring at my rear, I swapped ages with a girl that was a year younger than I. Then, I swapped again with Hailey, a girl that starts to develop last year, forcing at her development to regress. Doing that, I returned all the physical traits I took to their respective owners and swapped the dormant body developed that Hailey had. Finally I recover all the traits I returned again. And I did all while you were enjoying my Indian rear ” giggled Debbie.

    “That is very impressive Debbie. Definitely it’s going to be a good year. It will be awesome to see your getting more voluptuous as the time pass” smiled Larry.

    “Sorry darling, but that won’t be possible” said Debbie. “Because I will start to blossom right now!!” said Debbie as she concentrated in getting the age of a classmate one year older than her.

    “Oh my…!!” gasped Larry as what it seemed impossible was happening in front of his eyes. He found himself getting harder as Debbie was increasing her already impressive beauty. Her feminine figure was becoming simple breathtaking as her curves became more pronounced. Even her muscles were increasing again as she was gaining a year of training.

    “Oh yes!!!” moaned Debbie in pleasure as her body was changing. “Look at me Larry. I’m growing again” grinned Debbie as she was raising again. “Did I mentioned that Hailey grew almost 7 inches in the last year?” giggled Debbie as Larry was getting shorter and shorter. “Or that she grew a nice C-cup size in the same time?” smiled Debbie as she found her breasts growing heavier on her chest.

    Larry gulped hard as he was astonished at the great change his girlfriend was suffering. She found the way to overcome the restrictions on the ring and he couldn’t be happier that she did it.

    Soon, Debbie’s growth subsided as she became a year older. She took a deep breath as she felt her body finally resting. She couldn’t enjoy more the view she had in front of her, or better say down of her.

    “I don’t know about you Larry, but I find that my breasts have developed bigger than Valerie’s. You should be able to tell me since now that my height has grown even more, you are right under the level of my bust” giggled Debbie enjoying her superiority.

    “You are simple amazing Debbie. I love you” said Larry embracing at his amazon girlfriend.

    “And I love you too” she said picking him with her stronger arms to lift him at her lips level. “My little wizard” she giggled and kissed him on the lips.

    “Oh no!! I forgot about my test” gasped Larry remembering his course. “I must to go now Debbie, otherwise I won’t be able to pass my course” he said.

    Debbie put him back on the floor and with regret she took the one ring off. “Go and impress them Larry” she said giving him the ring.

    “Don’t worry. I will” said Larry blinking and eye and then vanished in the air.

    Alone in her room, Debbie found the time to check out the body she now possessed. Standing in front of a full-body mirror, she was shocked at the image displayed on it.

    “Holy…!!! That is me!! No way!!!” gasped Debbie as she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing. “I’m gorgeous!! I look like one of those anime girls!!” exclaimed Debbie as she was astonished by her impressive endowments. “Just that I’m 100% real” she smirked.

    As she was intoxicated with her own image, the reality re-shaped itself. ‘I wonder what is going to happen now?’ thought Debbie as her room changed again.

    Half hour later, Debbie found herself driving her luxurious sport car. She still was trying to assimilate the changes the new reality brought with it. She was driving at very high speed in middle of a deserted highway. “I’m the queen of the world” she yelled aloud.

    “I see that you are having fun” said Larry as he materialized in the co-pilot seat.

    Debbie stepped on the brakes as Larry’s appearance made her jump. “Don’t do that again Larry? You really scared me” said Debbie parking at one side of the road.

    “Sorry baby. I was just too excited to show you this” said Larry as he showed off his wizard license.

    “That is great Larry. I congratulate you!!” said Debbie hugging at Larry in a strong embrace.

    “Thank you Debbie. I’m finally able to use freely all the magic and spells I have learned” said Larry as he materialized a well-know magazine of fitness and health. “By the way. You look very good in the cover” he said flipping the pages. “Whoa!! You look truly imposing and amazing in these pictures” gasped Larry as he watched at Debbie posing, flexing, but about all, smiling.

    “Yes, I’m the top model in this business” smiled Debbie as her curves and muscles were impossible to match. “My social life is busy, with many guys wanting to shove you out of the way and become my new boyfriend, but don’t worry baby. You have been and always be the only man for me” said Debbie kissing him.

    “I’m glad that you love me so much Debbie because I love you too Debbie. With some many girls that are jealous of your physical prowess as well as beauty, you have produced a new tendency. More women are trying to gain muscle everyday, and lots of it” Larry said.

    “Talking about jealousy, I can’t avoid feeling guilty when I recall in my memories the way my classmates have being looking me during my life. They have see me grew into the muscled bombshell I’m now, and I feel bad when in reality I have being growing the traits they born with. I don’t want to live with that in my conscience. I must say that this body is amazing, but it doesn’t belong to me. I will really like to restore at my classmates Larry, can you give me the ring to restore them?” asked Debbie.

    “Are you sure about it Debbie?” said Larry taking the ring out of his pocket. “Do you want to give your new life up?” he asked.

    “Yes. It will be the best” she said placing the ring in her finger. “Please kiss me one more time as I do the change” begged Debbie.

    The two lovers kissed passionately and a tear dropped from Debbie’s eyes as the ring glowed. When Debbie broke the kiss she saw at Larry grinning. It was then she noticed that her body didn’t change. “What happened? Why I not back to normal” asked Debbie.

    “You passed!!” he smiled.

    “I passed? I passed what?” asked Debbie confused.

    “The test of my teacher. He told me that my ring was very powerful and that I was a very naive to trust its power over a simple human, please don’t offense. I told him that you were trusty and he grabbed the ring and put a new spell on it. He told me that if you were greedy and use the ring to obtain more traits, you will lose them all. But if you were honest and you use the ring to return the traits to their owners, you will keep the traits and your friends will be magically restored. Wait and see” said Larry.

    In that moment, the reality re-shaped and Debbie smiled as her new memories let her knew that all her classmates were restored to the way they should be.

    “It seems that now I took martial arts classes to be more flexible and to be able to tone her body. From there, I became interested in getting stronger and began weight lifting and one thing lead to the one. To resume, I started being highly insecure, but became extremely confident in myself as I went through life” smiled Debbie. “That is a nice change”

    Turning the engine on, Debbie returned to the highway and gave a u-turn to return at home. “And now Larry, what do you want to do? Have sex with me all night?” said Debbie very horny.

    “Sounds good, but I was thinking that it will be better if we fly in your private jet to Paris and we get marry there” said Larry as he passed his hand over the one ring and it became in an engagement ring. “Will you like to be my wife?” he asked.

    “I will. I will!!” cried in joy Debbie as she saw the beautiful ring on her finger. Then she had a sad expression in her face. “But I don’t have a private jet” she said.

    Larry moved his hand and the sport car became a private jet. Debbie found herself with her lover enjoying a nice bath in the jacuzzi inside the plane. “Champagne for the trip?” Larry asked at Debbie as he materialized two glasses filled of the exquisite drink.

    “Oh Larry. This is wonderful” said Debbie amazed by Larry’s powers. “Now that you are my powerful wizard, you give me everything I want right?” Debbie said seductively.

    “Anything you want” he replied.

    “You know how to make a hot woman be even hotter for you” said Debbie as she started to kiss him passionately, pressing her tall and voluptuous body against his own as her muscled arms hug him tightly.

    Larry manage to press the button of the intercom next to the jacuzzi. “To Paris” he muffled as Debbie didn’t want to stop kissing him.

    “Right away sir” said the pilot as the jet rose from the highway into the deep sky.

    The End.


    This work is simply ingenious!

    The retroactive effects are superlatively creative.

    Hunter S Creek

    Great stuff, Max AP!

    Thank you for sharing your very cool story with us!



    Thanks Axel and Hunter for your nice comments about my story. I'm glad that you have a great time reading it.



    You've written a brilliant, captivating, sweet, intelligent story. It's breathtaking. Great work! 😎


    Glad you have enjoyed it so much Fonk  😀 Thanks a lot for your comments. I really appreciate them.


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