Late to the party: the Amaz0ns project

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  • #48222

    Normally I'd almost be the first to comment on a new Sheeri drawing but I was late getting out of the gate.
    So now i'm here i better say  😼

    Holy Hanna this is sooooooo awesome!

    Thanks for posting her Chris she looks awsome in that tight shirt i'm sure her shorts are as tight as well.

    Again thanks for the master piece

    Cheetaur (Sheeri fan)


    That is some good art, right there. Thanks for posting, sir!

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Thanks for posting her Chris she looks awsome in that tight shirt i'm sure her shorts are as tight as well.

    I don't think Chris does that stuff, man. ;D


    I don't think Chris does that stuff, man. ;D

    Not that people haven't asked before. :p


    I love sheerie in any form, and there are a bunch.
    Dr.Otto has one the best grasps of drawing cute toon characters.
    To bad  the other Sheeries art work are lost to time.
    great work


    I love sheerie in any form, and there are a bunch.
    Dr.Otto has one the best grasps of drawing cute toon characters.
    To bad  the other Sheeries art work are lost to time.
    great work

    Well, I'm not so sure about that, either. I'll probably end up posting them to DeviantArt one of these days, as I haven't found a better hosting solution just yet.


    I quit using DA a lot, because of the 'we can use your work howeverthehell we like' and all the crap I've got for posting what I do there.
    I use FurAffinity mostly :/


    I quit using DA a lot, because of the 'we can use your work howeverthehell we like' and all the crap I've got for posting what I do there.
    I use FurAffinity mostly :/

    Yeah, I know you were having some problems with some of the people there, to be sure. I haven't really added much to my site for the sole reason that I can only draw the same thing so many times before I make myself redundant. :p


    Yeah, well.. to be honest DA really is full of horny 13 year olds, and.. I used to want to post things that weren't just fetishy there. But it feels like that place, and the people that inhabit it, have just driven so much out of me that pretty much all I do have big muscles or boobs. Which probably isn't helped by being on FA either, because it's full of horny big kids, but.. to be honest wherever I posted anything that wasn't fetish it'd get more ignored, but on FA at least people seemed to try a bit harder, even if there's fewer.

    ..Went a bit off-track there for a moment. Sorry.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Well, I'm not so sure about that, either. I'll probably end up posting them to DeviantArt one of these days, as I haven't found a better hosting solution just yet.

    That'd be nice, seeing the old stuff again. (Assuming, of course, that we're talking as far back as the Wreck-Shop days; I think I have most of the muscle-Sheeri art since then saved to my hard drive. ;D)

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