Leech (First post, First story, Probably NSFW)

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  • #52052

    I was very thrilled after reading Your story!
    It's an excellent piece of FMG writing… especially from a new author like Yourselve!!

    Please do not make our wait too long for the sequel… 🙂


    Like G-Man said, write what you want, but so far so good.  If you still want input though, I wouldn't mind seeing someone else grow.  She is as tall and big as I like to see, but making someone else grow would be cool.  As you can see, there are several different opinions and you won't be able to please them all, so write whatever you want and we will read it.


    Well… here is a little preview for you guys =D.

    Leech 2-

    Jessica woke up in her apartment the next morning, her long, thick legs extending past the length of her queen sized bed. The bed groaned as she rose to her feet and stretched. Jessica had slept in the nude this night because of her newly grown body, she walked over to her dresser where she had some of Mark's custom made clothes (post Mark's growth). She threw on a very large gray T-Shirt and a pair of his shorts, unfortunately she didn't have a bra that fit, but she didn't need a bra anyways. She walked over to her full length mirror(which was reduced to about 3/4s length). Every part of her torso was giving the shirt some hassle especially her gigantic breasts, the large shirt was many sizes too small, even though it fit the enlarged Mark just fine. Mark's jean shorts hung down to his knees when he was enlarged, but on Jessica they only stretched a few inches past her ultra enlarged glutes.

        Jessica examined her body a bit, then she did a cute pose by putting her arms forward and mashing her breasts together, that wasn't a good idea… "SHIT!" She exclaimed to herself as her shirt exploded into multiple directions, making her jump in shock and having her flexing legs blow up her jean shorts. She put more of Marks clothes on, which just popped again when she went to open the door. Jessica eventually gave up after ruining all 5 sets of Mark's clothes and just sewed herself a loose fitting tank top and shorts from what she could find left Mark's clothes.

        Jessica headed out to the mall to make new clothes after her little dilemma was under control, but the mall just spawned more dilemmas. People asked for her autograph, stared at her breasts, took pictures of her, video taped her, questioned her all the way to the tailor's shop, and made her feel uncomfortable because they all seemed like midgets. She finnaly got there, and was relieved that noone could follow her into the measuring room. "Wow! You're even bigger than the guy I served yesterday!!" Exclaimed the female tailor dumbfounded, she had pretty shoulder-length brunette hair, nice legs, medium sized breasts, cute brown eyes, and wore a nametag that read "Ashley". "Just take my measurements" Sighed Jessica. Ashley was getting out her equpment when Jessica suddenly told her to wait.

        Ashley stopped and formed a questioned look on her face. "I should take a few pounds off" Said Jessica. "What do you mean?" inquired Ashley. "Well… how would you like to be a bit bigger like me?" "I'd love it!!" "Well lets do it then…" "Huh?" Ashley asked as she felt tingly. Ashley started sprouting upwards, her shoulders thickening a little. Her butt became rounder and started to stick out a little bit more from her work pants. Her breasts were begining to fill out her loose yellow work uniform. Her biceps swelled and her legs lengthend as she grew taller. "Oh my god I'm growing!!" Ashley finnaly realized. Jessica was shrinking but barely even noticably, the transfer was going at 1x unlike when she was taking other than giving, she guessed that mass could only be multiplied once. Meanwhile Ashley was starting to get a 6 pack under her shirt, as her shoulders became noticable through the shirt. Now if her body was revealed she would probably look like a fitness model, she continued to swell. Her breasts were Ds now and her biceps were 15 inches, she went from 5'4 to 5'8 in a matter of minutes, if she took her shirt off now she would look like a small female bodybuilder. Of course the transfer was over now because Jessica didn't want to shrink too much.  Jessica was 8'5 now, the shrinkage was almost unnoticable.

        Ashley threw her arms around Jessica and gleefully shouted "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!". "It was nothing." Jessica said and grinned. "Now lets get to work" Said Ashley as she fetched her equipment.


    This is a really good direction to take with the plot.  I think it opens up lots of possibilities and it doesn't hem you in.


    This is a really good direction to take with the plot.  I think it opens up lots of possibilities and it doesn't hem you in.

    Freedom in literature is very important.  Well done!


    Don't know how I missed this until know, but this looks like a great story.  Can't wait to read the rest of part 2.


    Sorry I haven't been working on this story for awhile haven't really got much done. But don't worry, even if it takes while I WILL finish this (right now I'm just trying to think of how to make it interesting). But anyways, while you guys are waiting, I am more than willing to take story requests (just so you all know the only thing I don't really want to write is beating/domination, I can do fighting and stuff though, just no crushing or things like that). Just PM, email, or YIM instant message me if you do got a request  ;).

    PS: Incase this is confusing you guys, the reason Jessica decided to give Ashley some of her size is because she wanted the clothes to be a bit cheaper… a very little bit cheaper I guess  :-.

    Mr. G

    Got some intresting twists here. I can see her changing people all over town.


    Heh, Mr. G I was acctually thinking about that right before I read your post.

    Well here's more. Next time I post there will be a nice BIG ending =D. Let me know what you guys think of this part though.

    Jessica decided to be generous as she walked out of the mall, watching the shocked face on small guys and women as they grew a bit. She bought clothes in sizes smaller, figuring she didn't really need to be 8'5 and that 8'5 would be a problem to every day life as well. When Jessica got out of the mall, she was 7'5, with her shrunken muscles proportionately less-shrunk than her height, she kept a quite a bit of size in her breasts though, she loved her gigantic breasts. After Jessica returned home, she walked to her local grocery store. On her way there, she wondered if she could take mass and give it back after multiplying it, although she didn't want to freak anyone out by suddenly shrinking them, but… the perfect opportunity arrised. 

        Jessica spotted a couple across the street, an average redheaded girl of about 5'7 and a well built guy of about 6'2. Looked like they got along well but the guy was grabbing her ass and fondling her C breasts. From what Jessica could see, the girl was attempting to push him away but had no success. What happened next sparked a discovery. The man started shrinking and the girl started growing at Jessica's will, they booth looked shocked, the transfer stopped for a second. The discovery was that Jessica didn't have to grow at all, she could transfer mass from one to another without one of the targets being her, it wasn't really that amazing but it still saved some time.

        Jessica decided she wasn't done, she renewed the transfer as the redhead started sprouting up again, her muscles thickening, her breasts enlarging, her hips widening, as the guy shrank down. Jessica couldn't hear what was going on, but as the redhead continued to grow, it looked like she gained a bit of confidence and stepped toward the man, the redhead was now eye level with the man, and the people on the street watched in awe as the man coward-ed awayfrom the growing ginger. The girl flexed a few muscles and appeared to laugh a bit as she made a size comparison, she was now 2 inches taller than he was, and had muscles about the size of a large female bodybuilder, thankfully, due to stretchy material, her clothes didn't burst in public, but it was still skin tight.

        Jessica would have let the redhead grow more but she figured the guy didn't deserve to be a scrawny weakling like Mark, after all he wasn't anywhere near as much as a jerk as Mark was Jessica thought. Another idea sparked in Jessica's curious head, the ginger started sprouting up and outwards again, the man looked at his body in fear, but was relieved to find out he wasn't shrinking. Infact, noone was shrinking but the redhead's bust swelled even farther as her shoulders thickened and widened, her legs grew and her butt swelled. POP, her sleeves and part of her pant legs blew off, Jessica decided it was time to stop and started walking toward the grocer again. "Amazing" Jessica whispered to herself "It seems I can practically double unmodified mass without transferring it".


    A nice continuation 🙂

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