Let’s play dress-up

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  • #22881

    I felt a bit iffy about posting this one here since ya know, the uniform and all. But, it was inspired by an awesome song, Blitzkrieg by the Swedish Deathstars.


    Very nice work, dear Kulli. Even though I's do have issue with the uniform and the creature whom you did model it off (personal matters between us from a few years former -nothing major nor important). Apologise for breaking your request, though there are strong emotions within I when I's see certain thins and, as you may have read, is quite the rarity for I.
    Anyway. . .This work has a great sense of perspective and scale. The strain lines around her bust and muscles is a most incredible feat to achive and I's do praise you for that.
    Thank you for posting this, dear Kulli, and again, apologise to you for the first of the above.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    I love the work Kulli. Keep it up eh? 😀

    Tommy Dreamer

    I think it's a great pic.  Too bad the band kinda sucks.  It's like nobody told them that Marilyn Manson had sold out.


    Too bad the band kinda sucks.

    See that's what you think. Personally, and music that makes me this inspired cannot be said to suck. After being a pretty big Manson fan I do hafta say these guys DO sound different.


    Deathstars are okay IMO. I like their White Wedding track, personally. 😀


    Hmmm wonder how her underwear would be recieved among Socialists? Offensive? Or Sexy?
    Well being a Socialist I say Sexy  😀

    Amazon Lover

    If the rest of us say we find her outfit offensive, will she take it off…? 😉


    Deathstars are okay IMO. I like their White Wedding track, personally. 😀

    The now defunct Finnish gothic metal group, Sentenced, do a much better version of that song.

    Tommy Dreamer

    I don't know.  Maybe it's just me, I've never been into that genre of music.  Kind of find it a bit depressing.  For me, you seriously can't get any better than Huey Lewis and the News.

    "WHERE else Can youdoahalfamillionthings… all atta QUARTATATHREE!"

    … I think I'm gonna go put myself through a table.

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