- This topic has 82 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 6 months ago by
ze fly.
June 3, 2006 at 7:50 pm #30687
ParticipantLIKE A WEED
A Tetsuko Fanfic"Where are you going?" Dr. Eaton Green demanded. "We still have to fill out the reports on these samples."
"Stepping out for some fresh air, sir," replied his intern.
The doctor peered at Les over his glasses. "There's plenty of fresh air here, Mr. Safer. Tons of it. Plants pumping it out by the kilolitre. It's only pure carbon monoxide if you step out."
"Well, also, there's sunshine, too."
The doctor sneered. "Ah yes, got to feed that melanoma. Be silly to stay in here where it's just as sunlit with all that UV radiation filtered out."
"I'll be only an hour, sir. If that."
Dr. Green narrowed his eyes. "If you absolutely MUST step out, you might as well make yourself useful. Go down to Staples and get me a pack of DVD+RWs."
"Yes, sir."
"DOCTOR. I didn't spend five years of graduate study just to be called 'sir.'"
"Yes, doctor."
"And I want the 25-pack. SPINDLE pack. No jewel cases."
"Yes, doctor." Les turned to go.
"And they'd better be manufactured by an eco-friendly company in a country with proper labor and environmental laws!"
"Yes, doctor." He got outside.
"Go STRAIGHT to Staples, and back! I need these reports done and the guest suite ready by tonight!"
"Yes, doctor." Les opened the door to his hatchback.
Dr. Green yelled out after him, "And you take the electro-ped, not your gasburner. And if I find convenience mart or fast food ANYTHING, it WILL hurt your final grade! I WILL check the recycling bins!"
Breathing through his teeth, Les shut his car's door and mounted the electric moped. But not before he sneaked out his personal stack of fresh DVDs.
Popping his last forkful of hash browns into his mouth, Les Safer checked his watch. 4:40 PM. Just enough time. He hit the washroom and brushed his teeth. Organic food was fine and all, but his body was jonesing for some cholesterol and white sugars, and Dr. Green's soy breakfast patties just weren't cutting it.
He grimaced. He thought ecologists and planet savers were supposed to be hang-loose, mellow-out, peacenik-1960s hippie types. Sure, Les was eco-friendly, and wanted to save the planet as much as anyone else with a conscience, but the uptight Dr. Green wasn't making organic agronomy any fun. Shoot, just say the words "McDonald's" or "Burger King," and Les could count the veins in the doc's neck.
Ah well. He looked at his own pack of disks. He'd just give them to the doc, pick up a pack later on his own time later on the lab's account, and voila. The perfect crime. After scrubbing away the last bit of scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, topped and capped from his mouth, he exited, paid the bill and headed out the door. Just then a white SUV pulled into the convenience mart next door. A head popped out the driver-side window… a cute college-age blonde with big green eyes. "Excuse me," she asked, "Would you know where I can find Highway 25?"
"Oh, sure," Les said. He blushed a little, she sure was pretty. "Just pull out, turn left, and keep going until you see the four-lane going across it. You'll see the train tracks run parallel to it."
"Great! And Weddle Street, that's not too far on it, is it?"
"Not at all. Just turn right onto 25, and follow it down to the Sav-Big supermarket on the corner to the right. There'll also be a sewage treatment plant across from it, too." He pinched his nostrils shut. "Just follow your nose."
She giggled. "All right, thanks a lot, sweetie!" And she rolled up the window and pulled off.
Les smiled. Then he snapped out of it. "Dang! Didn't ask for her phone number!" he hissed at himself.
Then he heard murmured chuckling and guffawing. Right near the electro-ped. And it didn't sound up to any good.
He spun around. Three big local galoots were examining it. One of them, the biggest, fattest one in a black, dirty Harley Davidson T-shirt, was bouncing up and down on the seat. "Wonder how fast it can get to 60?" he wondered out loud.
"Wonder IF it could get to 60?" asked the short one in grey camoflauge pants.
"With your double wide butt," said the tall lanky one in bib overalls, "wonder if it could get to ONE!"
Les dashed up. "Hey, stop! You'll ruin the shocks!"
The three looked up. "Hey boy!" said Fatso. "Don't you know it ain't legal to take kids' toys out on the road?"
"It's an electric moped," Les protested. "It's street legal."
"What, you a DUI or something?" asked Shorty.
"An environmentalist."
"Oh, one of 'em faggy tree-huggers," scoffed Lanky. "That explains it."
Fatso folded his arms over his monstrous gut. "You actually RODE this P.O.S. out here? From where?"
"Industrial zone."
"Pfft. Sh'yeah, right."
"When yew gonna get a REAL ride?" demanded Lanky. "Something that has, oh, an ENGINE?"
Les glowered. "You guys won't have to look at it if you'll get off it and let me get outta here."
Fatso kept seated, arms folded. Les walked up to him, not backing down. Finally after a minute. Lanky tapped Fatso's upper arm, and jerked his head away. Fatso shrugged… and finally stood up, swung his leg around, and spread his arm and hand out to it as if to say, "all yours."
With that, Les sat down, put in the key, cranked up, and put it in gear. Pressing down on the throttle, he rolled forward, and it stopped. Squinting befuddledly, he pressed harder… and it went forward an inch… and that was it. The motors strained. He relaxed his grip, unconsciously shifted to neutral, and looked around and back…
…and he saw the hook on his back wheel's strut, with a rope leading back to an old rusty pickup truck's trailer hitch. And looking back at him from the cab with a nasty grin was Shorty. He cranked up.
"Gun it, Clyde!" Fatso shouted.
Screeeech! went the truck tires. Before Les could unhook, the truck dragged the moped off, and him with it! And somehow he still heard the other two's hooting, hollering, and braying laughter. Clyde dragged him off for 4 blocks, swung a left turn to try to flick him off. Les hung on for dear life as Clyde weaved and swerved, shaking him off the road, and letting the bike run off the shoulder and bang against some mailboxes. Les then worked up the nerve to reach back and detatch the hook.
While veering around, Clyde finally shook him into a busier street, and Les barely dodged getting steamrolled by an oncoming 18-wheeler. After Les and the moped spun out and landed on their side, the black pickup sped off, with Clyde's finger pointed right at him and his guffawing echoing across the neighborhood.
Dr. Green stood in the doorway as a bruised Les trundled back to the lab. "You're late," the doctor huffed. He stared down at the scuffed-up bike. "And what did you do to the moped?! It looks like it's been through Iraq and back!"
"Three rednecks fiddled around with it and dragged it off when I tried to leave the … parking lot."
Dr. Green drew close and examined the back wheel. "Did you try to run over a cinder block?! The rim's all dented! It's a miracle the tire didn't burst!"
"Sorry, sir, but that's not my fau–."
"That's DOCTOR to you!" He looked up at Les. "So, do you have the disks?"
Les blinked. "The disks?"
"You know, from Staples?"
Les cringed. "Oh, crap! I left them in Waffl–" And he stopped short.
Dr. Green leaned in. "You left them where?"
Les propped up his head with his hand. "Waffle House. I stopped there for a snack."
Unsmiling, the doctor turned back to walk into the lab. "Hope you enjoyed it. Because that's going to be one expensive treat. The price of those disks is coming out of your living stipend."
"If you'd gone there and back like you were supposed to do, this wouldn't have happened."
"But those disks were from my car! My own stash! I never got them at Staples!"
"No difference."
Now Les was truly angry. "You're going to take out of my allowance something I never bought and lost in the first place!?"
Dr. Green glowered at him. "Do you want your internship to end as an incomplete failing mark?" he said icily.
Les stared at him in incredulity. Just then, they heard a vehicle's tires pull onto gravel. The doctor didn't wait for his answer. "Our guests are here. Ready the suite, and finish the reports. And neaten yourself up. You look like you've been in a fistfight."
After taking off his shredded slacks for neater ones, cleaning the asphalt out of his lacerated calves, and putting on hydrogen peroxide and some bandages, Les finally got the readings from the plants, marked them down on the computer, and recorded the data on flash keys. He also prepared the cots and some pillows, and the solar-powered shower. And he set the dining table for four. Then he went down to the doctor's office, where he heard a female talking with his boss.
He rounded the corner. It was a fairly young looking woman with brown wavy hair down to her shoulders, a pink, tight blouse, light blue cotton slacks. He remembered what he was told… the best help was invisible help. He stepped up behind the two, and simply said, "Sir, uh, Doctor, here are today's results."
They both turned around. And at last he saw how big the woman's chest really was. Each breast was about as big as her head.
Dr. Green cleared his throat. On that, Les stopped staring and looked up to her face. "Thank you, Mr. Safer, that'll be all for now," Dr. Green said patiently.
"Oh, wait, wait, wait, who's this?" the woman asked.
Eyes on face, thought Les. And he zeroed in on her brown eyes. Behind those big round glasses, and with that little heart-shaped beauty mark on her right cheek, she looked quite cute. Must be the visiting doc's assistant, he mused.
"This is my intern and assistant, Les Safer," Dr. Green said. "Les, this is my colleague, Dr. Sonya Gannon."
Les' eyebrows shot up. "Doctor?!" he exclaimed.
Dr. Gannon peered at him with a look. "Surprised?"
"Well, it's just that you're so… erm… um, you look so… young." He flushed red. Open mouth, insert foot, he thought. This day was getting worse and worse.
But instead of verbally gutting him, Dr. Gannon smiled. And she seemed to giggle. "Oh, you're very kind. I'm really a thirty-something. Got my sheepskin in medicine and biology a while back."
"Oh." Les felt considerably relieved. "You do botany?"
"Skirted a little bit for pharmacy. I was picking up some stuff from Eaton here, while testing out his prototype electric/bio-fuel hybrid SUV. Just made the drive from Orlando all the way up here."
"Wow. You must be tired."
"Not so bad. I got to nap. My girl Friday did most of the driving."
Dr. Green cleared his throat. "They also brought some things for us to work on here, too, Les. She's unloading it, and she's probably exhausted. I think you should go help her."
"Oh, yes sir, I mean doctor. I'll go do that now. Good to meet you, Dr. Gannon."
"Please. Call me Sonya." She stuck out her hand, and Les gratefully shook. And he excused himself, and ducked on out to the parking lot.
Les didn't like the neighborhood outdoors much. Sure, the sewage treatment plant gave off CO2 and nitrogen, which was essential for plants, and a big help to the greenhouse, and was part of the low property value game that the industries played at tax-time.
But the smell…
He hurried over to the front of the SUV. He saw a few boxes already out from the back, on the far side from him.
"Hi," he called out. "I'm Les, Dr. Green's assistant. He said you needed… help… unloading…."
And why did he trail off? Around the corner peeked the face of the cute blonde from the convenience mart.
"Hey!" she said cheerily. "You're the cutie from the Waffle House! We'd've never found this place without your help!"
He looked heavenward. "Thank You for second chances," he whispered. Then he grinned big and went around to her. "Glad to help out. My name's Les and–"
And he stopped short.
The blonde was BIG. Not fat, mind you. But very tall. The top of Les' head barely made it to her mouth. She had enormous muscles. Very broad shoulders. Biceps the size of NFL footballs. A bulging bodice threatening to burst her strained magenta T-shirt. An enormous torso swooping down to a fairly narrow waist, like a goblet. And pleasantly round, wide hips encased in blue jean cut-offs that sprouted gracefully curved, tree-thick thighs and calves.
Les was boggled. She was 100% power and strength and 100% curved, full-figured female beauty in one enormous package.
And all that might and loveliness was smiling happily at him.
Les was enraptured, infatuated, and terrified all at the same time.
"Thank YOU," she chirped. "My name's Tetsuko!"
To Be Continued…June 3, 2006 at 11:22 pm #30688TheGov
ParticipantAn excellent start – MORE, MORE, MORE!
June 4, 2006 at 4:49 am #30689Debido-San
ParticipantJD I'm gonna be straight with you…@_@; I've never read one of your stories!
But after reading Mr. Shhh's stuff a bit, I decided to check out this newest one! It's Awesome! (so far so good!)
The description of the characters is all very good, it's cool how you get to see a bit more on the inside of the character, vs. the usually more prevailent in our line of work physical descriptions…
Keep it up!
June 4, 2006 at 5:18 am #30690Paper
ParticipantGreat start ,hope your working on more
June 5, 2006 at 9:05 am #30691David C. Matthews
ParticipantPart of me wants to wait until it's finished before I react to it… but I like the way it started.
(It comes as a bit of a surprise… in recent e-mails he'd mentioned wanting to get started on a Tetsuko fanfic, but I thought he'd finish the Mezaros story first.)
I love the way he's already drawn the contrast between "That's DOCTOR To You!" Green and Dr. "Please Call Me Sonya" Gannon. I sense tension ahead…
Can't wait to read more!
June 6, 2006 at 8:50 pm #30692Fonk
ParticipantThat's a great introduction – I can't wait to read more! 😎
June 7, 2006 at 1:15 am #30693El_Roy_1999
ParticipantExcellent! Do continue, please!
June 10, 2006 at 4:07 pm #30694JimmyDimples
ParticipantTetsuko put the steel drum on the pallet. "So, got any tape or shrink wrap?"
Les shook his head, and held up a giant blue elastic band. "Doc says to use these. Tape and shrink-wrap's too wasteful." And Les stretched one over the steel drums on the bottom, and once Tetsuko tossed all the boxes and lighter stuff on top, Les banded those too.
Tetsuko looked unsurely at the load, but said, "Okay, hopefully it won't snap and pop us in the eye. Where do you want it all?"
"North side loading dock's closest to the nursery. Just let me get the pallet jack."
She tilted her head quizzically. "Pallet jack?"
"Oh, you know, like a fork lift, only hand cranked and pushed."
"Pfft. We don't need that."
And she knelt down, making her big, thick thighs balloon unde the flex. She grabbed the sides of the pallet, and without the slightest sign of strain or effort, she hefted it up lightly to waist level. And instinctively, she pulled the almost-tall-as-herself load close to her own body to steady it (leaning back more than a notch to account for her bust).
"Got it," she said. "Lead the way, help me to not trip over anything, and be sure to get the doors for me, ne?"
Les stared with his jaw all the way down. "Uh… okay. Right this way." And he walked over to the loading bay into the old factory.
"What exactly is this place?" she asked as Les raised the dock door.
"Used to be a women's clothing factory. I temped here one summer after graduation loading trucks. But the local robber baron that's our landlord — hang a right turn here — shipped the jobs and most of the stuff off to El Salvador a few years ago. No warning. A lot of locals woke up with no job."
"Aw no! That's terrible!"
"Well, his plan backfired. The El Salvadorans demanded American wages, and — okay, round the corner to the left here — his rivals undercut him thanks to even cheaper labor and manufacturing costs in Sri Lanka and Taiwan. He just folded and sold off most of the works, though a lot of stuff's still here. He's renting out the place to us for a song."
"So, that's why you and the doc set up here, and not out on a farm somewhere?" Tetsuko asked.
"Well, the doc says he's letting nature reclaim the land. Arcology and all. But yeah. The real truth is, rural real estate around here's gone through the roof thanks to retirement condos. Sidestep left a little, there's an old cart here, that's good — all right, place it down right here, please."
Thud. She eased the lot down on the concrete floor. And she looked around that big stack, and saw a hothouse with plants in it. "So this is what you and Dr. Green have been working on?"
"Yeah. Wanna closer look?"
And they went in, with Tetsuko turning sideways and crouching a little to enter. A variety of green plants sprawled the big room. Trees bearing oddly shaped fruit. Pots with flowers in them. Garden shrubs. Bonsai-sized oaks. Oak-sized bonsais. And a bunch of other greenery Tet-chan didn't recognize.
"Impressive… looks like an indoor Garden of Eden… hey, what's this over here?" And off in a corner, she closed in on a solitary plant with very big, wide denim-blue leaves.
"Oh, that." Les drew his toe in a circle and looked a little shy. "Just… a little side thing I'm working on."
Tetsuko peered at him and half smiled. "Come on. Tell me more."
Les took a breath. "It's… greenwear."
"Yes. The idea is, it's supposed to be living fabric. It lives on the human body like lichen or moss. Grows and reforms wherever there's a tear or rip, so you don't have to sew or patch anything. Also grows with the human body, so there's no more hand-me-downs for kids, or constant clothes shopping for Mom."
Tetsuko felt a leaf with her fingers. "Wow… sugoi." And she placed it on her thick forearm. "I'd heard many eco-folks say hemp's the cotton alternative, but it feels like a potato sack. This doesn't."
Les shrugged humbly. "Yes, well, glad you like it."
"No, really!" She put her hands on her hips and let Les see how wide she really was. "You have any clue how many times I wished my wardrobe grew along with me? I think you've got a major breakthrough here! I bet Dr. Green's proud!"
Les' small smile then shrank to nothing. "Yeah… well…"
Sitting at his desk Dr. Green glanced over the blue-leafed potted plant on it. Then at the bandanna. Then his unsettling narrow-eyed gaze locked onto Les. "So it actually latches onto the wearer's skin like lichen?"
"Yes, doctor," Les said, fiddling with his wristwatch. "It feeds off the dead skin and hair of the human body."
Dr. Green's expression didn't change. "And leeches off the body like lichen on a tree?"
"Not really leeching. It's more like removing the dead stuff that'd end up in a sink or bed anyway."
"The wearer is still going to think that it's like a parasite. That's going to scare the public. And even then, taking it off is going to be like pulling an adhesive bandage off a hairy arm. It won't be accepted."
"It's not that bad," Les protested. "More like Velcro if anything."
"It's not ready. Has your generation ever heard of drawing boards? Well, you've got to go back to it."
"Well, maybe you can help me find ways to fix the bugs–"
"No time. Besides, this is a food research facility. Trendy jean labels don't mean much to the starving."
"But clothing is just as vital to surv–"
"Wait, wait, wait, I'm not sure if I'm making myself clear. Perhaps a visual aid might establish the situation here."
Dr. Green slapped the potted plant onto the floor with a crash. He folded his arms. "Now clean up your mess and get the data on the Mito-Chloroplast culture."
***Les rubbed his own fingers on a blue leaf of the plant he'd rescued. "I'm afraid he's got a few more projects of his own on the front burners right now," he said softly.
Tetsuko could feel Les' disappointment and battered dream in the air. She set a hand on his shoulder. "Les…" she started empathically.
"Look," he said quickly, turning to her to shake it off. "Dr. Green wanted us to eat shortly, and I still haven't gotten the fruits and vegetables. I'd better go and do that. Did you need to sit down and rest in the old lounge? I know you've driven really far."
"It's okay," she said. "It's relaxing enough in here. May I help you pick 'em?"
Les' smile returned. "I'd love that. Er, I mean, I'd like that very much."
To Be Continued…
June 10, 2006 at 9:50 pm #30695TheGov
ParticipantThanks, JD! I'm hooked!
June 17, 2006 at 4:39 am #30696iowabeefpackers
ParticipantYeah, what he said, and the implied growth in the title isn't hurting a bit.
Excellent style, a perfect blend of narrative and conversation that tastes great and is less filling. Keep it up!
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