- This topic has 82 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 6 months ago by
ze fly.
June 28, 2006 at 6:28 pm #30707
ParticipantNice strength scene, dear James. I's greatly look forward to reading more.
Thank you for posting this.
The Pimp NeonBlackJune 28, 2006 at 6:37 pm #30708NecrochildK
ParticipantAll those curves and me with no brakes..! 😀 Great action too!
June 28, 2006 at 7:24 pm #30709Debido-San
ParticipantGood stuff Jimmy! now that I've read *ahem…* these last 3 installments, I'd say it's come along nicely! Keep it up!
June 28, 2006 at 7:56 pm #30710Fonk
ParticipantThat's some great writing, right there! 😀
June 28, 2006 at 8:21 pm #30711David C. Matthews
ParticipantNice nice nice!
You've captured Tetsuko's personality beautifully.
June 29, 2006 at 5:48 pm #30712The Highlander
ParticipantVery nice story, though it was a bit obvious that when Les got attacked that Tetsuko would be getting some revenge. I particularly like the way that Tetsuko only got angry when Les was insulted, shows what a kind and consecrate person she is, unlike so many of this type of story where the women are vicious arrogant psychos.
July 1, 2006 at 7:36 pm #30713JimmyDimples
ParticipantIn their suite, Sonya looked over to her friend Tetsuko. That big block of linen-covered industrial foam rubber her friend lay upon would've given Martha Stewart a heart attack. But it looked comfortable. Definitely a lot sturdier than the cot that Les replaced at the last minute.
"So you wrecked their truck?" the doctor asked.
Tetsuko nodded, sighed, and stared at the ceiling. "It got ugly. I tried ignoring the smack talk, I honestly did. In with anger, out with love, that sorta thing. But when they started dumping on Les, that just set me off."
"What about the police?"
Tetsuko glared. "I almost wish those three WOULD file a report. I'd get Les to press charges against THEM."
Sonya turned on her side and propped up her head with her hand. "You really like him, don't you?"
"Mmh," Tet-chan grunted. "He's really cute."
"Yeah. He is. Pretty considerate, too. That bed you're sleeping on was his."
The titanic towhead sighed again. "I wish he'd step up to that pompous windbag of a boss."
"Yeah." She looked over to the gift jar of muscle-growth nuts: amino-acid concentrated cashews, filberts, pistachios, and almonds she'd gotten before dinner. "Eaton's brilliant, and a real friend to the environment. But somebody's gotta take his high horse and break its legs." Her finger traced the jar's label.
"So you didn't choke him to death?"
"Tempting, but no. He just isolated himself in the lab, worked on a few more things, and called it a night. I just checked the news on my PDA. What'd you and Les do after the Waffle House?"
"Well, we rode up to a scenic overlook to finish our eats, and I talked to him about Slade, and how you injected me with the serum. He looked pretty nervous around me after he saw me smash that pickup." She shook her head. "I think I calmed him down once we chatted, but…"
A long pause. "So you think you'll get to sleep okay?" asked Sonya.
"Should. It's been a long drive."
And leaning back on her pillow, Tetsuko put her mp3 player's earbuds on, and started "Winds Nocturne" from Lunar Silver Star.
She heard the tires on gravel, to her surprise. Rising, Tetsuko sat upright. Sonya was still asleep. Feeling around for her cell phone, she found it and checked the time. 3 minutes after midnight. Swinging her long, thick, curvy legs around, and and drawing the sheet around her massive shoulders and chest, she got up and stepped as lightly as her big body could. She moseyed out, and felt her way around the dark halls, and made her way to the kitchen.
Tetsuko no baka, she thought, you don't know where the light switches are in this place. She went on anyway; she didn't want to wake up Les or tick off Dr. Green and get a lecture on wasting electricity, more likely than not.
Then in the dark, she saw a few reflections and recognized something on the counter: the tea and coffee service. With the cups still out; Les hadn't put it away. Well, she was feeling a little thristy. And no point letting this stuff go to waste. But she didn't want to be up all night, so she sniffed around. Hmm. That smelled kinda like herbal tea. She reached out, snagged it, (hmm, felt like a drinking glass), and chugged. "Bleah," she thought. Nasty menthol aftertaste. Needs water to wash it down. And she felt around, found the sink with the filtered faucet, and poured herself a big glassful. And with a big gulp, she put the glass in the sink, washed it out, and gently tropmped back to bed.
"Mmmb," went Sonya. "Tet-chan?"
"Just stepped out for a drink of water," she whispered. "Back to bed. Oyasumi nasai."
"Hmm," mumbled Sonya. "You sue me nicely, too."
Dawn came quickly. Tetsuko wasn't automatically an early riser, but she hadn't needed as much sleep as before Sonya's serum. And her throat was PARCHED. It's like she hadn't gone to get anything to drink at all last night. So she slowly staggered up, and rubbed the sandman's stuff from the eyes. Figuring everyone else was still asleep, she grabbed her toiletry kit, went out and found the shower near the office toilets.
Stepping in, she remembered the rule for showering when she went camping. Just enough water to get wet, turn it off, lather up, then turn it on to rinse. No Hollywood showers. Disrobing, she stepped in and let the water spray all over her massive body.
And turning the faucet off, she got her bar of Lever 2000 to lather up… and she noticed she was dry all over again. Puzzled, she turned the water on, got wet, and turned it off again, and soaped up… and got only the top half of her body sudsy. Sure, she thought, there was a lot more turf to cover up there lately, but still…
Gurglegurglegurgle went something inside her stomach. Eugh, she thought. Must've been all that pie and waffles. And she got a washcloth this time, and wiped herself below the waist. But it seemed like as soon as she got her legs done, she could only soap on thigh or calf or foot at a time before everything else dried up.
Ano, she thought, what's the showerhead spraying anyway? Rubbing alcohol? And this shower's so small, I have to step outside of it to change my mind!
Well at long last, she managed to get herself lathered up. And finally she gave up on conserving, and used the water at full blast to rinse all the soap off. And with that, she wrapped a towel around herself, and went to get some fresh clothes.
The towel barely kept all the censorable stuff covered. And as she passed through the doorways, they seemed closer than before.
When she got in, (and she barely missed the top of the jamb by an inch or two,) she quickly put her clothes on before Sonya woke up. But her black sleveless T shirt felt much tighter than she remembered on last wear. And it didn't cover her belly button. It was tougher getting her white trousers on. They felt more like Capris now.
"Uh-oh," she exclaimed.
"Mmmh, Tetsuko?" said Sonya, rousing herself. "What's wrong?"
"Tell me straight forward, Sonya-chan," Tetsuko asked. "Do I look any… bigger?"
"Dunno," said Sonya. "Need glasses and caffeine to see properly. Can we check in the kitchen?"
As they passed through the halls, Tetsuko gauged her height versus the doors. And she took a breath. "It's true. I HAVE grown. Six inches or so. I'm just a notch shy of seven feet tall."
Chop chop chop went Dr. Green's knife on the potatoes. He didn't look up as the ladies came in. "Good morning," he said coolly. "I'll have some canola-fried hash browns, and soy-milk French toast ready before too long.
"Thanks," said Tetsuko, "but I'm not very hungry right now. Am very thirsty, though."
"Brewing some bean juice right as we speak," said someone by the coffeemaker. Tetsuko giggled. Right there in red and white-striped pajamas, with very messy uncombed hair and a pre-caffeine zombie face, was Les.
"No, not coffee," said Tetsuko. "Water. Big glass of it. I feel like could drink a bucket's worth."
"Glasses are in the cabinet over the solar toaster," said Dr. Green.
And so, Tetsuko got the biggest cup she could find, hurried to the sink, and started pouring, turning off the tap, and gulping, and pouring again.
"So how you take your coffee, Dr. Gannon?" asked Les.
"Please," she replied, "Call me Sonya. And I take mine–"
"Wait, I'm sorry, I need cups. Just a second." And he looked over to the service left out from last night. "Aw, nuts. Forgot to store everything last night. I'm sorry. Let me just use one of these." And he moseyed over, and picked the cups up. As he passed, though, Tetsuko dropped her big gulp cup into the sink. And she put one hand over her heart, and another over her stomach.
Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, went her innards.
"I feel strange," she uttered. And she propped herself with both hands on the sink's edges.
Slowly but steadily, as her insides sloshed and surged like pipes being plunged by a plumber, her body got wider. It expanded, and got stouter, like a tree trunk. Her arms started to bulk up until her biceps were as big as large canteloupes. Her back and shoulders broadened, and a small tear began on her T-shirt up to the small. Up front, the shirt's bottom rose up from her navel up to two inches below her billowing breasts, each now expanding to almost the size of an average computer monitor.
Her thighs and calves also thickened and lengthened. And she got taller as well as wider. When she stopped growing, so did her internal noise. And she straighened up, now seven and a half feet tall.
The other three stared for quite a while. Then a horrible thought hit Les. "Uh, Tetsuko? Did you get anything at all to drink last night?"
"Uh, yeah, I remember coming here and getting a cup or glass of something… must've been that herbal tea. Tasted pretty funky."
"And where did you put the glass when you were done with it?"
"Uh, I rinsed it out and put it in the sink? Ah yes, this is it." And she picked it up and held it for all to see.
Les then winced and gasped sharply. Sonya looked up, and clapped a hand to her cheek. Dr. Green looked up and his eyebrows shot up. "Great Jonas Salk," he whispered.
Tetsuko then got a hard look at it.
It was a lab beaker. And it was labeled: "Mito-Chloroplast Culture: Sample K."
To Be Continued…July 1, 2006 at 8:21 pm #30714Muscle Growth Nut
And in the most apropos (and awesome) part of the story yet, too. I thank you.
July 2, 2006 at 12:59 am #30715Matthew Lim
Participant*Drools over Tetsuko growing ginormous*
Pleeeeeeeease keep going Jimmy! 😀
This story just keeps getting better and better with each chapter. 😆
July 2, 2006 at 1:46 am #30716Historian
ParticipantYES, the growth's here! Excellent story so far, keep it up! There ain't no such thing as too big! (Well, okay, megagiantesses turn me off, but within human scale, the more the better!
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