- This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 6 months ago by
August 25, 2006 at 8:54 am #37563
ParticipantListening is Important
By MaxAfter a long day in the job, Frank arrived at his house were his housewife was waiting for him. As soon as she entered, the wife walked toward him. She was very nervous and constantly rubbed her hands afraid.
“Darling, there is something I need to tell you” she said with fear in her voice.
“Not now Rose. I’m tired and I want my dinner” he said in ‘I-don’t-care’ tone.
The wife kept her mouth shut and served at hers husband his dinner.
After the dinner, the husband sat in his couch and turned the TV on. Again the wife was nervous and tried to talk to him. “There is something that happened to me in the morning and…”
“Can’t you wait until later? I’m trying to see TV. Jezz!!” complained the husband. “Instead of being there standing like a statue, go and bring me my beer pack” he said whacking his wife’s butt.
Once the show was over, Frank walked to his room. At the bedroom door, his wife received him and once more she did her best to talk to him. “Please, Frank. You must hear me. There is something you don’t know” babbled the wife at the verge of tears..
The six beers Frank had drunk made his thought go into only one direction. “Look Rose. I don’t care what happened to you in the morning and certainly I don’t want to know” he said unbuttoning his pants. “All I care right now is that you act as a good wife and give at your husband the pleasure he wants” he said.
“No Frank. You don’t want me to do it. Trust me. You don’t want it!!” said the wife truly scared.
The husband totally drunk grabbed his wife’s head and guided her to his erection making her got on her knees. “Stop babbling woman and put those lips of yours to work in something better” grinned Frank as the warm mouth of Rose engulfed him.
Rose’s performance was shy and carefully as she was afraid to hurt him. “You can do it better!” he yelled giving her a ‘gentle’ slap in the top of her head. The fear of being hit again forced at Rose to improve her job.
“Just how I like it!!” grinned Frank feeling a tingling sensation rushing in his body. He grunted and tensed as he felt his release exploding in all its might, but mysteriously no seed was discharged.
Frank was disturbed by this event, and even more as he saw the utter pleasure Rose’s face was showing. She licks her lips and closed her eyes as she had just savored a sweet candy. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Frank with different eyes, predatory ones.
“I haven’t seen that look since our honeymoon” said Frank.
“It has been a long time. Too long since I felt like this” grinned Rose.
He was about to say something but a great dizziness hit his heat and he stumbled a bit.
“Are you alright?” asked Rose holding his hand.
“Yeah! Nothing to worry about” said Frank shaking his head.
“Good to hear that. Do you want me to continue?” smiled Rose.
For a moment, Frank thought that he saw a spark in Rose’s eye, but his sudden headache wasn’t cooperating with him. “So, you want to do it now?” he teased.
“Oh yes!” smiled Rose. “I wouldn’t stop now. Not after tasting what you have to offer me baby”
“That is the kind of attitude I was waiting for” grinned Frank. “You want me. You got me”
“And you can’t imagine in which way” smiled mischievously Rose as she got to work on him again. The shy Rose seemed a thing of the past as she sucked him faster and harder.
“Oh baby. You are so good!!” moaned Frank as his senses went crazy. Again he felt the building sensation growing inside him. This time was so strong and fast that he was surprised of his sudden explosion, although, again there was no seed.
“What is wrong with me?” said aloud Frank mortified by the weird behavior of his body.
“Nothing is wrong Frank. Everything is just perfect” smiled Rose as she stood up. “In fact, things are just perfect for me, but I wouldn’t say the same for you. The life as you know it has just ended” she grinned pushing the chest of her husband.
Frank was furious as Rose had forced him to step back. His anger was visible as he wanted to yell at Rose. To his horror, he found that he couldn’t. His surprise was even bigger as he noticed that her eyes didn’t show any fear anymore. They expressed an authority that intimated him.
“Not so jocking anymore, ah?” grinned Rose pushing him again. Normally, Frank will have grabbed her hand and twisted it for doing something so daring, but he found that even he really want it, his body simple didn’t response.
“I guess, it’s done then” she smiled mischievously. “I didn’t want for this to happen, but even I try to warn you, you didn’t listen to me and I’m more than glad for that. If you have paid attention to me, I will still be your submissive wife, but since you were a jock, you brought this on you by yourself” Rose said.
“What have you done to me bitch?” yelled Frank
“My, my, my. You still have some will-power on you. That’s good. I will enjoy more my liberation knowing how much you hate it” grinned Rose. “I promise to take care of your remaining will-power later. Right now, my transformation must continue”.
“What the hell are you talking about?” said Frank.
“I won’t allow that kind of language anymore” said Rose seriously as she slapped hard the face of her astonished husband. “Oh whoa!! That felt very good” purred Rose caressing her hand.
Then, changing her pleasure face into a hard one again, she spoke “You will talk properly to me. From now on you will address me as Mistress, because you are no more than my slave. Do you understand?”
Frank didn’t know what angry him more, the fact that he wasn’t unable to hit back at Rose for the slap she gave her, or the fact that he was nodding with his head the command she had given him.
“Good. Now, got on you knees and removed my pants, slave” she ordered. As Frank followed the order of his mistress, Rose watched delightful the wrath that his eyes contained.
“I can see how much you hate this slave and I bet that you will like to know how I’m doing this” said Rose as she lift her legs to allow at her slave removed her pants properly. “Well, since I’m a good sport, I will tell you…” she paused. “… as you worship with your tongue my sex”
Rose smiled as she saw at her boyfriend fighting the urge to say something, but the words didn’t dare to leave his mouth. “You are so pathetic!!” laughed Rose. “Look at you. Where is the brave man that shut up at his wife when he wanted it? I guess that he lose his balls and I obtained them” laughed Rose as she pushed deeper the head of Frank into her womanhood.
“Do want to know why you can’t talk to me slave? It’s because you wanted to use your ‘colorful’ language against me, but you can’t because I prohibited you. That must be driving you crazy, but don’t worry. I will make you to feel worse” she grinned. “Now, if you want to tell me something, you will do it in a proper and submissive way. That’s an order”
Frank finally found his mouth able to talk. He put all his might to yell at his wife. To tell her that she was a crazy bitch and that she perfectly knew that he will prefer to die before give her oral sex. To his horror, instead of those words, he only said. “Mistress, you know how I feel about pleasing you. I beg you not to ask this to your humble slave”
Rose laughed hard and aloud. “This is so great!! You simple can’t disobey what I order you. This certainly is the best day of my life” laughed Rose. “Sorry ‘my humble slave’, but your mistress orders you to give her the best oral sex your tongue can provide”
Frank nodded his head and moved closer to her sex. He hate any moment of it, especially as Rose seemed to enjoy it so much. He closed his eyes and accomplished his task hoping that this was a nightmare from which he desperately wished to wake up.
His ministrations proved to be worthy as Rose moaned aloud. “You are so good my slave. In all the time we were married, you never please me in this way. You can’t imagine how good it feels to receive pleasure while I see you so obedient at my will. You are giving me the best thrill of my life and certainly I deserve to enjoy it comfortably” she said as pushed at Frank away from her sex just to walk to the bed.
“Please Mistress, can you reveal what is happening to us?” managed to say Frank in his moment of freedom. He was desperate to know what was going on, but after those words left his lips, he just wanted to bit them and die for bleeding. ‘What kind of fucking power this bitch has over me?’ thought Frank glad to know that his thoughts were free of Rose’s commands.
Rose sat at the edge of the bed laughing at the submissive way Frank was acting toward her. “I told you that I will do it as you worship my pussy” said Rose spreading her legs. “Come here in four and give pleasure at your mistress”
Frank again found himself being forced to obey Rose’s commands. He walked like a dog toward its owner and with completed devotion and submission on his face, he began to lick her. The grin in Rose’s face couldn’t be bigger.
“Since you are doing sooo well your part” moaned Rose rubbing Frank’s face against her womanhood. “As I promised, I will share with you what I tried to tell you since you arrived but didn’t want to hear” she said finally starting to reveal the mystery.
“A group of feminists, dedicated to change the degrading life women like me had and force at men like you to respect us, captured me in the morning. They told me that it was time that I show you that your place was at my feet. They injected me with a serum that altered my DNA and it react as soon as I suck your precious dick” she said.
“I was horrified by this, so I try my best to warn you, but you didn’t listen to me. You forced me to give you a blowjob that triggered my transformation. Even I tried to resist the change inside me, I couldn’t fight it for long and you know why?” she asked. “Because, my mouth was genetically altered to absorb your will power and confidence once it get in contact with your penis”
“Before you knew it, I was sucking your will-power out of you. I feel so confident now. I guess those women were right and I gained your aggressive and selfish personality too. Not that I’m complaining. It’s great to feel this way. Now I understand why you were so harsh with me. It’s simple delightful” she grinned stretching her body.
“Now, you still have some will-power on you, but not enough to refuse my commands. Once my transformation is over, I will drain any remaining trace of will-power you could still have. You will simple stop thinking about yourself and will dedicate to me completely” she laughed as she laid on the bed.
As Rose moaned loudly and massaged her breasts lost in pleasure, Frank’s eyes began to cry by the meaning of her words. For impossible as they sounded, he knew they were true. The fact that he was giving her oral sex was the mere prove of that.
Suddenly, he felt his head trapped as Rose closed her legs on it. “The time has come slave. Be ready to drink my nectar completely. It’s all for you so don’t waste anything!” ordered Rose as her legs became powerful scissors that pushed his mouth deep into her sex.
“Oh yes!! I’m coming!!” yelled aloud Rose as her body trembled and buckled. Forced by her command and by the strength of her legs, Frank found himself swallowing his wife orgasmic fluids for what it looked like hours.
“Whoa!! That must been the best orgasm of my life” panted Rose trying to regain her senses. “It felt so good” she moaned relaxing her body enough to free at her slave. “Especially for the effect my fluids will have on you” she grinned.
As soon as he was released, Frank choked and coughed all he could. Due Rose’s orders, he couldn’t spit, but at least he was able to breathe again. His brain was trying to negate everything that was happening to him, but her recent words made him sweat cold.
“Mistress, may I ask what will happen to me now?” asked Frank in a submissive tone that he hate deeply.
“Since you asked it so politely, I will tell you my slave. Right now, my fluids are reorganizing your DNA, altering your genetic structure to serve me in more ways you can imagine. Right now, you are bond to me. With no will on your own, you will follow the orders of anyone that talk to you. Once your alteration is completed, you will only follow my commands” laughed Rose.
“Mistress, and what about the other changes?” asked Frank.
“Since you are so eagerly to know about them, I will be a good mistress and I will let you find them out. Strip now” she grinned.
Frank obeyed and soon stood naked in the bedroom.
“Very good. Now undress me carefully and as you do it let me feel the lust and desire you felt for me when we first meet” she said.
Again, Frank’s body moved against his will. Slowly, he started to unbuttoned Rose’s blouse. Once the piece of clothes was off, he gently cupped her breasts. “Oh!” moaned Rose. “Be careful. They are very sensitive now” she whispered.
Rose let herself go as the Frank that she had felt in love was back. His tender touch drove her crazy. She felt his expert fingers quickly unhook her bra as he kissed delightfully her neck. With her upper body also naked, Rose laid on the bed completely. “Oh Frank. I missed you so much. Get over here and make love to me. Do it gently and with respect” she purred.
Frank saw a light of hope as he watched the change in the mood of his wife. She had called him Frank again. He nodded submissive and did what Rose told him too.
At first, Rose was moaning as her husband was pleasuring her, but then, tears began to fall from her eyes. “Why Frank? If you have been good to me, nothing of this would have happen. Please baby, tell me the true. Why you let all of this happen?” Rose cried.
Frank gulped hard, his heart stopped for a moment. ‘She wants the true!! I can’t answer that question. It will be me doom’ thought Frank, but once again his mouth took life on its on. “Mistress, there was nothing I could do to avoid this situation. All of this happened due my lack of feelings for you” he said.
“What?!” gasped Rose feeling a stab in her heart. Her voice changed from soft to one full of anger. “Are you telling me that you don’t feel anything for me?” she asked.
“Mistress, no I don’t. I have never felt anything for you. I noticed in you a potential housewife and that is what I want and expected from you, someone to take care of my needs at anytime. Nothing more” he said hitting the last nail of his coffin.
“I appreciate your honesty slave” said Rose cleaning the tears she dropped in vain. “I feel much better knowing that if someone deserves this, it should be you” she said vanishing from her expression any regret feelings she could have.
Frank gulped hard as for the first time in his life he felt fear. ‘She has taken my will, forced me to be her slave and she hasn’t finished with me?’ he thought in despair. ‘What else she plans to do me?’
“Now my slave, you are going to make love to me. Since you never love me, I want you to think about the most sensual woman you have seen in your live, then imagine me four… no, ten times sexier than her” Rose grinned.
His body began to tremble and buckle as he imagined at Rose like that. He didn’t want to think about her that way, but since she mentioned it, he couldn’t ignore it.
“It seems that you have a wonderful imagination” she grinned delighted to see at her pet with the hardest erection he had displayed for her. “Well, with that image in your mind, I want you to make love to me with those same lust feelings your body is so warm up”.
With his body being terrible aroused, Frank did wait any further invitation and he jumped with animal instincts over Rose. She smiled and told him to stop. Frank cried in pain as his body want to have sex with Rose, but he couldn’t disobey an order from her.
“I guess it must be painful for you to have all that desire consuming you and you can’t touch me” she laughed.
“Please mistress!! Let me touch you!! I beg you!!” said Frank not sure if it was the order that Rose gave him to talk that way or it was because of the lust he was feeling for her.
“You always knew what to say a woman to get into her panties, isn’t it my slave?” smiled Rose.
Unable to resist, Frank nodded at the question of his mistress.
“Well, this is your chance. I want you to make love to me with all that passion and lust, but you will treat me as gently and lovely as you can be” she grinned as she laid on bed and grabbed his manhood and direct it to her womanhood. “There is something very important you need to know. No matter how you feel, you will stay inside me until I tell you otherwise. Understood?” she said.
Frank nodded submissively as he entered into her making at both of them gasped of pleasure. Following Rose’s commands, he treated her as a true gentleman as he loved her very passionately. Rose felt wonderful as she was feeling all the love and passion she was denied for so many years.
Even in the back part of his brain, Frank was being horrified to be force to love at Rose in such way, he couldn’t deny that it felt very good to have sex with her. It was truly better than any sex he had in his whole life. He certainly didn’t want to enjoy all the weird rape he was suffering that much, but he couldn’t avoid it.
“I can see in your face how much you are enjoying this my slave. I’m not a monster, you can enjoy it too. As part of your alteration, you will feel great pleasure when you please me. In fact…” she giggled. “… you will feel MY pleasure” she laughed.
“From now, when you please me, you will feel exactly what I’m feeling. Think about this as a kind of self pleasuring experience. The more you please me, the better you will feel. That way, I’m assured the best pleasure possible. Isn’t it wonderful?” Rose laughed.
“Now, I suggest you to enjoy the most this moment slave, because you won’t feel very well after it” she grinned
Suddenly, Frank realized his vision was failing, his breathing was becoming irregular and his energies were dropping. “Oh yes!! I can feel it. It’s so delicious!!” moaned Rose like she was under the effect of a powerful drug.
“You must be feeling it too my slave. Of course, it isn’t as pleasing for you as it is for me. You wanted to know about the other changes, well, right now my altered womanhood is interacting with your altered manhood” she grinned.
“Each time you pump inside me, you are giving me part of your senses and intelligence, and every time I pull you inside me, I got part of your health and stamina. It’s wonderful. We are working together to sharp my senses and improve my health. That is great for me, but it will be devastating for you. Don’t worry. It will end soon” she said.
Finally Frank couldn’t coordinate his actions anymore and fell over Rose. “Mmm.. That was a great experience slave” she said rolling Frank off her body as a rag doll she didn’t want to play anymore.
Rose walked toward the window and opened, she didn’t mind that other people could see her naked torso, the sensations she was feeling were intoxicating. “You won’t believe what I can see, smell and hear now” she smiled taking a deep breath to enjoy the aroma of the flowers that were in the store across the street. Her sensitive ear could hear how a couple was having sex inside a car in the parking lot and her eyes could cleared see the security code of the woman in the ATM.
As Rose enjoyed her new senses, Frank was suffering for the lack of them. His vision was totally blurry. He couldn’t distinguish even colors now. He couldn’t perceived any kind of aroma and he barely understood Rose’s words.
He was trying to get up when he felt Rose’s hand pushing him back to the bed. “Oh no Frank. I haven’t finished with you yet” she said mounting him. Frank gasped as his manhood was engulfed by her warm sex. “You can’t do much by yourself, so I will do the rest” she grinned as she began to ride him.
“This will take only a moment, but the change resulting of this action will finally put me on top of you in every way. As you know I’m pushier than you, healthier than you, smarter than you, but I’m not taller or stronger. That is about to change” grinned Rose.
At the beginning, Frank feared that Rose will drain what little senses he still had, but soon he realized she was taking it. Instead, he felt a terrible dizziness and weakness invading his body. Frank forced the little vision he still had to see what was happening to him. Then, he wished he hadn’t done it.
He watched in utter horror as his muscles were losing size, but not only that, he watched as Rose was getting bigger and heavier on him. ‘Oh no!!’ Frank screamed in the back of his mind as he felt the sheets shifting behind him. ‘She is not growing. I’m shrinking” he gasped. The pleasing feeling he was receiving from Rose only made him feel worse.
Rose moaned in delight as she watched the muscles Frank so proud melt into nothingness as his body was now reaching her own size. “I guess that it’s time for the balance in our relationship to be change my slave. Now, unleash your doom” she laughed maniacally.
As Rose said those words, Frank exploded inside her. “Oh yes!! Here it comes!!” moaned Rose as she felt Frank pumping his juice inside her. Frank found himself unable to control the extreme torrent he was unleashing on Rose. After what should have being the most massive ejaculation of his life, Frank rest on the bed completely spent.
Rose stood from him unplugging his worn out sex from hers. She smiled as his organ was totally dried. Not a drop of his seed was visible on his or her sex.
Again, Frank tried to force his eyes and watched how Rose had a big grin in her face as she caressed her stomach. “I hope you are seeing this Frank” smiled mischievously Rose as her tuned eyes watched how Frank was forcing his poor ones. “Enjoy what you have given me this time” she laughed.
Before his eyes, Frank watched as Rose slowly start to grow. “That’s baby. I’m getting taller” she laughed. “But not only that” she grinned as she flexed her arms. Frank gasped as from her flabby arms soon were toning up and even biceps began to appear on them. “It’s seems that I got some muscles…” she said as her biceps were bulging and getting bigger and denser by the second. “… ‘Your’ muscles” she laughed.
Soon, his eyes saw how the rest of her body was changing. She still was getting taller, but besides that, he watched as her body was getting harder as her … no, his muscles were appearing on her. Her legs and arms were getting stronger as her breasts were pushed forward for her pectoral muscles. Her back expanded to accommodated all the new muscles she was developing.
By the time her transformation ended, Frank understood what Rose meant about the change of balance in their relationship. She was now as tall and strong as he was while certainly he was as weak and small like she was.
Rose walked to the full body mirror that was in their room and watched pleased her new body. “Look at me Frank. Now, I’m as strong and tall as you were. Isn’t it fantastic?” laughed Rose as she flexed her muscles and made some poses in front of the mirror. “But you know what would be better than this?” she said turning her head and looking at Frank into the eyes with a hungry expression. “Be even more than this”.
“What do you mean Mistress?” managed to say Frank in fear. “You are now everything I was before. Doesn’t that please you Mistress?” he said.
“No, my slave. My will and senses are better than the ones you once had. Why my strength, muscles and height shouldn’t be greater too” she said moving toward the bed.
“No please Mistress. Don’t” begged Frank.
“You can’t resist me Frank” said Rose as she mounted him again. “You have something I want and as a good slave you are going to give it to me” she said moving on top of him.
Again, Frank felt the terrible draining feeling hitting his body as well as the pleasure feeling from Rose bathed him completely. The double feeling was driving him insane. He felt in despair as his body was getting even weaker. He watched as his arms were losing density. She was draining him completely. He again felt also the compressing feeling that his shrinking produced. The sight of Rose growing before him wasn’t appealing. Part because she wasn’t growing, but also because she will do it soon.
“I see you are ready to make the last sacrifice slave. I won’t make you wait. Give it to me!!” she said and under her command, Frank exploded with all his might. He came and came giving away all his strength and size to his Mistress.
Once he stop coming, Rose waited patiently on top of Frank for her transformation to being. She didn’t had to wait long. “Oh yes!! Fucking yes!! This is incredible!!” she moaned in pleasure as the first ounces of power began to enhance her. “The power!! Your power!! It’s mine!! All mine!!” laughed hysterically Rose as her body began to assimilate what Frank has given her.
Frank watched scared as his wife began to grow in size again. He could feel her growing on him as her weight increase dramatically. Her strong arms soon were bulging with extra muscles and she was enjoying it. “What a terrific feeling. Look at me Frank. Look how I outgrow you in every way” laughed Rose as she was adding more size and strength to Frank’s previous measures.
As she continue expanding, Rose felt an itch in her womanhood. An itch that she need to scratch. “I wonder…” she said as she began to move again on Frank. This time, she felt something different. There was something changing and she could feel it. The itch suddenly became a weak pleasant feeling. Rose intensify her motions and she was awarded by a different but rich energy that soon filled her.
Rose moaned in pleasure as she realized that she was sucking at Frank directly. She could feel more of his power getting away from him to enhance her. “I now have bigger muscles than you ever had. I’m even taller that you ever were. And even so, you keep giving more of you to me. Isn’t’ that lovely” laughed Rose.
The draining husband cried in pain, not because of he was losing, it was because Rose was crushing him. Rose stopped laughing as she heard the sound of breaking bones. Frank cried aloud as a baby. “This is so great. It seems that I’m absorbing everything I can from you. Your muscle tissue, your bone density. Everything you have is becoming part of me. And I’m more than ready to take it all” said Rose excited as she ride at her slave breaking more of his fragile bones.
After 5 minutes of intense agony, Rose realized that she couldn’t get anymore than screams and sobs from Frank, so finally stopped moving. She stood up of what it was once his big strong husband. Her grin couldn’t be bigger as all she watched was a midget with the skin stick to his bones and with hips and legs totally destroyed.
Rose stretched delighted her 7 feet tall amazon body. She looked proud at the great muscles that sprouted from her arms as she barely flexed them. Her whole body was energized with levels that even babies don’t have. Her senses and intelligence were beyond human standards and she was totally secured of herself.
“Well my slave. You have done a great job” said Rose amazed of her great body. “You deserve to take a rest” she said approaching her enlarged breast to Frank’s face. “Drink some of my milk” she said letting a few shots of her milk filled his mouth. “My milk will restore part of your strength. Don’t get too high hopes. Just enough that you can walk and be able to do the shores in the house. It will help you also to recover from your injures fast. You don’t know how many times I will broke you in the future” smiled Rose. “But right now, I want to know what do you have to say about this. You are free to speak”.
Once Frank finished drinking the milk, he felt strong enough to say “Mistress. Please, don’t punish me anymore, I will do everything to please you” said honestly Frank.
“That is so sweet. You have finally accepted me as your mistress and you have surrounded to me. Don’t worry slave. My intention wasn’t never to punish you. If you only had listened to me, nothing of this would have happen. Even after you said you didn’t love me, you would have a chance to end all of this” said Rose
“You see, I haven’t fully honest with you. All this transformation could have being reversed after one hour if you had kept your will unbreakable. That is exactly what I want to tell you when you came home today. Now, your will is broken and it won’t heal again. Your chance to be restored is lost, but don’t worry, you won’t be tormented by that terrible thought again because I will suck the last of your will power and confident. From now on, you will mine. All mine!!” said Rose as she enclose her mouth over Frank penis sucking from him the last shred of will he had.
Two months after Frank give himself to his mistress, the bell of their new home rang. “How I hate that reporters don’t let me alone” grunted Rose as she walked to the door. “I told you that I won’t give interviews!” she yelled as she opened the door.
“That’s not the way to threat at your friends Rose” said a woman.
Rose gasped as she recognized at the woman and the other two that were with her. “Oh! It’s you. Please come in. I have been expecting that you will visit me some day” said friendly Rose letting in at 3 muscled amazon women.
“We have been following your progress Rose. We must say that we were very surprised for your discovery” said the woman.
“What discovery?” Rose asked closing the door.
“Can we discuss it with a cup of tea?” said the woman.
“Sure. I’m sorry for my manners. Please take a seat” said Rose inviting at the women to a large table. Then, she clapped her hands and moments later a diminished 4 feet tall Frank appeared dressed in a French outfit.
“Yes Mistress. What can I do for you?” he humbled said.
“Bring 4 cups of tea to serve at my guesses” said Rose.
Frank bowed and proceeded to leave when Rose said. “And bring one cup at the time. I don’t want that you broke anything slave. You are too weak to carry more than one” she said.
“As you wish Mistress” said Frank and walked away.
“He certainly is a weakling, isn’t he?” said another woman.
“Yeah. I took to much from him. Even breastfeeding him, he can’t be stronger than a toddler” grinned Rose.
“That is mainly the reason we are here today Rose” said the first woman. “You don’t know this but we were watching you closely the day we inject you with the serum that made you a new woman” she said as Frank serve her a tea.
“You did?” Rose asked astonished.
“Indeed” said the third woman. “We were aware that the serum allows us to take two doses of strength and muscle from men. One to reverse the roles and other to allows us to be better than them”
“We didn’t know that it was possible a third dose” said the first woman. “We were surprised when you drained at Frank in such drastic way. Certainly that third dose had done wonders for you”
“I can believe that you are now the top bodybuilder in the world. Your muscles are twice the size of the once strongest men. You are pride for all of use Rose” said the second woman as she received her cup of tea from Frank.
“It’s easy when you have the skills. Thanks to my slave donation, I can build muscle very fast and having so much muscle to start with, it was piece of cake to outgrow at the most strong man in the world” said Rose proud. “I can be third or fourth time as big as him, but I don’t see the need of doing it”
“Indeed. You can outgrow at any man at any time your want and that is why we had been trying to recreate what you and your slave did but without success. Yours was an unique case and we will like to ask your help in order to improve the formula” said the third woman as she also receive her cup of tea.
“Sure. I will like to help you. You have done so much for me” said Rose.
“I’m glad to hear that Rose. We think that there is some kind of agent in your DNA that altered our serum and produced that third dose. We will like to take a blood sample from you and let our scientist work on it” said the first woman.
“With your blood we will be able to do at all the men as pathetic as is your slave now” said the second woman pointing at Frank as he was very tired for bringing the 4 cups and he was suffering to keep the final cups in his hands waiting for her mistress to pick it up.
“You mean all woman will be able to be as muscular and have the ability to build muscle as me while all the men are reduce to our servants” said Rose.
The three women nodded their heads.
Rose looked for a moment at Frank as he was sweating as he did his best to hold his cup of tea. Her great senses allowed her to notice some spark in Frank eyes, like a piece of will she hadn’t taken from him. She could almost hear his thoughts begging her not to do this to the rest of the men. He certainly deserved it, but her actions probably will condemned at all the men of world.
Picking her cup of tea, Rose gave a break at her slave. Then, sipping her tea she replied “I will do it”. The 3 women clapped her decision and Rose smiled. Not because the ovation she was receiving, but for the way the spark in Frank’s eyes extinguished leaving his eyes dull and emotionless.
Rose grinned as she took another sip of her tea enjoying her last victory over her totally destroyed slave.
The End.
August 25, 2006 at 9:16 am #37564BlackKusanagi
ParticipantHoly crap…lol. Rose is incredible man…and right when Frank couldnt push it anymore…BAM. It only gets worse for him. Great work AP! 😀
August 29, 2006 at 9:24 am #37565cwmoss
ParticipantGreat story Maxap.
ThanksSeptember 4, 2006 at 10:16 am #37566minimanmax
Participanthey Max AP;
sorry I've been out of touch. This was a great story but what iI liked about your other stories I read was your women seemed more human like they wouldn't comdemm every man because of one but still it is a good story.
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