Lolo Jones gaining mass for the bobsled team

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  • #118277

    Even after hitting the hurdle she wasn’t far behind the gold medalist. Top ten were all separated by very little:

    Trash Boat

    indoors 60m: World champion — twice — national champion four times, american record holder.

    outdoors 100m: 4th in olympics, 2nd in diamond league and top three in seasons toplists several times.

    Had she not tripped to that one hurdle in Beijing, no one would make those statements. Anna Kournikova of athletics? Get your facts straight.


    And who knows maybe she get Bobsled gold? I don’t know much about Bobsled, think they just lean one way and tried to be a fraction of a second faster sliding down. At any rate she is going to be three time Olympian at least, probably one of the fittest women in the world too.


    indoors 60m: World champion — twice — national champion four times, american record holder.

    outdoors 100m: 4th in olympics, 2nd in diamond league and top three in seasons toplists several times.

    Had she not tripped to that one hurdle in Beijing, no one would make those statements. Anna Kournikova of athletics? Get your facts straight.

    Watch your tone Mairolasi. No need to get snippy.

    Trash Boat

    My intention was not to attack against you. I apologise for the aggressive tone of my response.

    It’s just that it annoys me that athletes who face bad luck or make mistakes at the critical moment gets bashed in the media. Another example in Beijing Susanna Kallur was a another favourite in the 100m hurdless and also got tripped but already in the semifinals. And some sport reporters took the most of it and laughed at the athlete who trained a lifetime for that moment just to see her dream vanish in a blink of an eye.

    And just for the record, I’m not just riding with a white horse to defend cute track girls. I could pick quite a many examples in the male athletes as well. There’s not much money and publicity in track&field so those who get some of it really deserve it in my books. In times when people get money and fame by making a sex tape or whatever it should be remembered that some actually work their ass of to get some air time.


    I wanna see her play some DDR
    That’d be hot[/quote]
    Other people make secret sex tape. I hope there is a secret Lolo DDR tape somewhere.

    Nick Furry

    rome was NOT built in a day and neither was a muscle women! Give it time!


    rome was NOT built in a day and neither was a muscle women! Give it time!

    But I want it now
    Muscle MORPH Power,..Activate!!

    Trash Boat

    [quote=”unkn0wnx” post=115850]Didn’t know that. She looks very nice in that pic too.

    I wanna see her play some DDR
    That’d be hot[/quote]

    I don’t. Going overboard with Turinabol doesn’t do a body good.

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