Looking for all Steve the Z stories..!

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  • #113479

    Hi there, I’ve been big into Steve the Z’s stories, and unfortunately am unable to find a consolidated collection! His collaborations with Marknew are all neatly organized on Brawna and DTV, but I can only find Steve’s individual works strewn across random various “miscellaneous” archives on DTV.

    If anyone (or possibly Steve himself since he’s a regular) has an organized collection/list of Steve Z story links, it would be highly appreciated..!

    (And I’m sure that many others would love to see if there are any stories they missed 😛 )


    Sorry, but I don’t have a link to any of my stories. They are all on Diana’s site or Brawna. Of course I have them all in my own files too, but they are sadly disorganized along with the dozens of stories I’ve started and never finished. But many thanks for your interest, it’s great to know someone has read and enjoyed them.


    Ah, well I think I may have found them all then by using a “site:thevalkyrie.com steve z ” search on google…!

    Still – many thanks for your writings. You, along with Marknew have been a really big inspiration for my own FMG stories.

    As an author, I totally understand what it’s like to have a lot of unfinished concepts laying around (since I have a bunch myself), but I just wanted to let you know that if you ever get around to releasing any, myself and undoubtedly many others will be extremely grateful!


    thanks steve been big fan and thank you sharing


    Ditto on the praise here. Your stories are short, sweet and packed with content. No filler.
    I would say my two favorites are Tarzella and The Experiment, the former for the incredible, playful variety of scenarios, especially that last scene with “the girl who puts away the heavy weights at the gym.” Also, who else could create “The Female Stevedore?” I actually had to look that word up when I read through it the first time.
    The Experiment, and pyramid power to a degree, I also love due to that particular rarity in FMG/Superwomen stories, an actual increased brain size. It’s so weird and rare, but I’m a big fan.

    Anyways, cheers, and glad to see you still put stuff out from time to time. For the record, this is what I have for your solo works.

    4 Stories
    Betty and the Beam
    The Experiment
    In Case of Emergency
    Like Mother like Daughter (loooove)
    Mj and the Spider
    Pyramid Power
    Supergirl Phenomenon
    A Day at the Mall
    The Time Machine


    Gee, thanks for the kind words! I sent a new story to Diana a week ago, titled Spring Fever, but it was never posted. I don’t know why.

    I just posted it on Brawna (four times by mistake!).


    Fourt times a fantastic tale!
    This would be the second in the “cutting the lawn” series?
    Had me laughing at times, pretty rare for an fmg story.
    I did the formatting on it, with tab and indent. Could post it up here or……
    Glad to see you still got it.


    thanks steve was great story as always


    I submitted a new story to Brawna, ‘Where No Woman Has Gone Before’. Hope you like it!


    Great story as always steve, thanks for sharing!

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