Looking for Name of Stories from Brawna

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    I’m trying to find a story that was about a couple that fled the city because a lot of people had become giant Gods and Goddesses. Once they were safe and away they came down with the condition themselves and proceeded to have a private orgy and wreck the place. A human couple (another pair of mortals) stumble on the place and the Goddess woman has her way with them…

    Anyone remember the name?

    M K

    I think the story you’re thinking of is called Benevolence.


    Would you happen to have a link?

    M K

    Hey, I didn’t want to start a new topic looking for a FMG story.

    I like to think it was on deviantart, but I could be mistaken and it was a brawna story. From what sparse details I can recall, essentially a girl finds/tests/uses this super suit that essentially wrapped around you and injected the growth agent. This suit was attached in a basement and not really moveable. After it works the first time, she somehow gets twisted up in that suit and grows huge.

    Its not natalie and the pump suit. I just can’t recall the title or the author :/

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