Lost Boy Stories Contest

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  • #56236

    Just because I'd like to see some entries from some people here, I'm Cross posting this from Lost Boys Otherworldly Stories.

    At XXXecil's suggestion, I hereby announce:

    Nymphopocalypse, Lost Boy's Ninth Story Competition!

    Here's XXXecil's description:

        I had a wicked idea for a new story contest when you're ready to make
        updates again; there have been many stories of alien invasions in
        fiction and movies, and several of the best erotic online stories are
        about seductive succubi that seek to dominate mankind through lust.

        So I thought, why not write stories that take place AFTER the alien
        breeders/demonic temptresses/sexy mutants have already won, and human
        civilization has collapsed in an pussy-moistening orgy of alien
        infiltration and seduction that the great nations were too distracted
        to stop. It would be a fascinating writing challenge to picture the
        world in ruins, with sexual predators scouring the wreckage for more
        victims to seduce, or perhaps human survivors in a lonely bunker; will
        they seek to fight a hopeless struggle against the voluptuous

        Or seek merely to hide themselves from the lusting enemies that have
        devoured the human race? We might read the chronicles of a surviving,
        Last-man-on-Earth hero, on the run from legions of lusty horrors, all
        the while fighting his own desires. Perhaps one of the seductive
        aliens is curious about the world they have conquered, and plays games
        of sexual experimentation with subdued humans?

        It may still be possible to defeat the unnatural seductresses, but all
        the present governments on Earth should have collapsed from the
        takeover, which can take place through as many different means as the
        authors can imagine!

        Bring on the Nymphocalypse! Or perhaps Nymphogeddon?

    Submit your stories until August 31, I'll post each one up as I get
    the chance.

    We'll have a popular vote on LBWorlds to choose a winner, and then we
    can get working on our Halloween stories!

    Note that my email address has changed: please submit stories to my good friend Wendy, wendy@lbworlds.net, and general email to myself, lostboy@lbworlds.net

    Hope the theme inspires someone – Thanks – Pug


    Sounds intriguing. Any idea what the prizes are?


    Sounds intriguing. Any idea what the prizes are?

    I've always had the impression just general friendly competiton.


    Christopher Brown

    actully did a story a while back about this. did a couple of sequels. here some of them

    wonder do they have to be new. Wonder if I can post those to that person.



    http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/lilguy/theend3.txt- warning lot o men getting force sex on them

    http://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/lilguy/theend4r.txt- warning lot of violence

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