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April 4, 2008 at 1:07 am #69231
A Fan Fic by RatlafDarkness. Then…
Her eyes darted open, the shock clearly evident. Green. Lots of green. Too much green. Airplanes weren’t this green. Ariplanes didn’t have this many plants growing on them. Did they have any plants at all? No. This was a jungle!
“Where the fu-“ she began to sit up, instantly regretting it because it felt like every part of her body was in pain. Not quite excrutiating but close. After a minute she tied to move again and found the pain wasn’t so bad anymore. It actually felt like it’d wear off fairly quickly once she got moving. She’d felt like this after many a long volleyball practices that included bricks of weights, drills, scrimages and cardio. Those were the toughest days.
This time when she sat up she felt able to move but instead she took a long look at the jungle she was now in. This had to be the South Pacific somewhere which probably meant that their plane had crahsed. On an island luckily, she assumed. But where was the plane, and the rest of the passnegers, and her team-mates! That thought got her to her feet quickly because they were like sisters to her.
Anyone standing nearby would probably have taken a few steps back when she stood up so fast. It wasn’t so much the quick fluid movments she possesed but that a woman of her size was capable of such quick and fluid movement. She was easilly seven feet tall and due to years of volleyball weight training she was strong and well muscled. Many a cocky boy at the bars had been sent home with a crushed hand after she easilly beat them arm wrestling. Her height, which she always augmented with heels, cleverly disguised the fact that she was also quite muscular. Had she been a shorter woman she’d’ve easilly been able to win bodybuilding and strong woman competitions. As it was, she was built for volleyball and truly loved it!
As she looked around the jungle for any sign of wreckage, or smoke, or voices calling for help, the panic creeping into her mind began to work on her. Was she totally alone? Was she going to get rescued?! Just when she would’ve gone completely tharn she heard a rustling nearby.
“Hello…?” not sure she should’ve opened her mouth. “Who’s there?”
The rustling suddenly increased and turned her way. The grunting finally convinced her and she took off running. Her long legs and strength gave her a tremendous speed but even going all out, a speed few men could have rivalled, she could hear whatever it was gaining on her. Needing a “Plan B” because running wasn’t going to work she turned towards a crazy looking tree with all sorts of stems and roots and forced herself inside. She nearly stuck on her breasts which were as big as the rest of her but just as the polar bear came into view she was inside the branches with the bear stuck outside, it’s paw and claws inches from her.
After a moment of amusement, wherein she realized that she was actually taller than a polar bear when it was standing on it’s hind legs, she began to frantically climb up the stems and roots out of the bears’ reach. Frustrated that it’s prey was escaping, the bear tried to charge down the stems, but the tree held. After about ten minutes of roaring and tree bashing the bear lost interest and wandered off for prey that was slower and less wiley.
Amber stayed up in the tree for another hour, just to make sure the bear had truly vacated the area. While she was sitting in the tree, muching on some fruit she’d found, she wondered how she’d climbed up here. Even with her prodigious strength she was only able to do two or three pull ups with her 250+ pound body, and yet she’d almost flown up the stem/roots of this tree, hand over hand without using her legs. She didn’t have a clear memory of the plane crash but she could remember that much. Adrenaline maybe?
“I suppose my mind blocked out the worst of the crash, but not of getting chased by a freaking polar bear. What the hell’s a polar bear doing in the tropics anyway?” she asked nobody.
After lowering herself to the ground, again using only her arms to test her own memory of events, she set off towards… then stopped. She still had no idea where to go! “OK, it’s afternoon so the sun should be in the West by now,” again talking to herself. “So I’ll go West for a couple hours, if there’s nothing to be found I’ll come back to my savior tree for the night.”
As it turned out there was something to be found to the west. Someone actually.
Treking through the jungle she quickly became thirsty. It was hot here! Noticing a vase shaped plant she found water pooled inside it from a recent rain, she hoped. It wasn’t fresh, but it didn’t taste too bad, so she drank it down, picking out the moth that had drowned. “Beggars can’t be choosers,” she said as she drank from a second one.
Refreshed she continued on, and soon began to hear another rustling in the brush. She spotted a nearby savior tree and made for it, noticing for the first time that when she moved through the jungle she made no noise whatsoever, especially considering that she was such a gigantic woman. A definite Amazon and a veritable Giantess when she wore her 8” heels! ‘Hmmm, maybe I should get into bodybuilding after school and bcome a truly amazonic gaintess.’ she thought to herslef as she waited. She was mentally savoring the looks she’d get from all the shorter men who were much less muscular than she’d be.
This time however she could hear that it was a person making their way through the jungle, and probably going to cross her westward path directly ahead of her as they went north. She half hid herself behind a palm tree that was comfortingly tall and waited.
The woman who came into sight was clearly one of the stewardesses from her flight, and was clearly still in shock over what had happened. “I don’t suppose I look much different,” Amber thought to herself. The stewardess was clearly headed North and before she could dissappear into the jungle again Amber called out to her.
“’Scuse me Miss!”
With a squeal of fright the woman jumped in the air and nearly bolted blindly into the brush. “Wait, calm down, I’m one of the passengers!” she said revealing herself from her hiding spot.
“You totally scared me out of my mind! I didn’t hear you at all! Were you standing there the whole time?”
“I was, I wasn’t sure if you were one of the bears or what you really were.”
“Bears, what are you talking about?”
“When I first woke up a polar bear attacked me. I ran for it and saved myself by using one of those savior trees as a barrier and climbed up the stems,” she explained pointing to the tree she was standing next to.
“And I’d guess that were I something dangerous you would’ve scrambled up the one you’re standing next to?”
“Right you are.”
“How did you climb, I mean, you’re that volleyball player in the business section because the other seats would’ve been ludicrously small for you…”
“I’m stronger than I look and it saved me. Although something is a bit off, a bit weird. I’m not sure what it is yet but… Anyway, where were you headed?”
“I drew the North straw.”
“The North straw?”
“The three of us drew straws as to wich direction to search for wreckage, survivors, whatever and mine was the North one. Steve got West, and Jim got East. We’ll do South tomorrow together.”
“Well you found me. I was doing something similar although I was just going off the sun, which is in the west right now. Should we go back to where you’re going to meet up again?”
“Sounds good to me. Wow,” Kelsey said as they began to walk, “how tall are you?”
“Seven feet three inches!”
“Crazy, I only come up to your… well your. How did you squeeze in between those stems with those… You’re the biggest person I’ve ever seen and in the airline businesss you see a lot of people. I’m sorry if I’m being insensitive. You’re clearly a beautiful woman, do you do any modelling. I’ve done a little but it didn’t take off so I went in for this job. Oh I’m babbling. I do that when I’ve embarrassed myself…”
“Don’t worry, I’m used to people gawking up at me. I’m not sure how I escaped, but I did and here’s the cool part, when that bear stood up on it’s hind paws it was still shorter than me.”
“Woah, wait I’m still confused as to what a polar bear is doing in the south pacific.”
“Me too! That was definitely the last thing I expected to encounter in a jungle.”
They walked on in companiable silence for a while and Amber noted again that as big and heavy as she was she didn’t make a sound. Kelsey would make the ocasional blunder, disturbing leaves and branches here and there. When they reached a spot of jungle that looked like any other spot of jungle Kelsey stopped.
“This is it. This is where the three of us ended up.”
“Um, it looks like any other part of the jungle.”
“Look up.” Amber did and saw a trio of seats wedged into one of the canopy trees, a panel of the airplanes hull with two windows still attached to the seats. “I strapped myself into those seats as the plane was going down and the three of us ended up in that tree. Once we helped each other down we decided to begin searching. We had no idea what direction to go in so we drew straws.”
“Wow. I just woke up, very sore, in the middle of the jungle.”
“I guess we’re all lucky in our own way…”
They ended up waiting several hours for the others to return because Kelsey had found Amber within half an hour of setting out and they had all decided on the same two hours that Amber had given herself. While they waited they listened to the jungle and began to accustom themselves to it’s many sounds. The only thing out of the ordinary was a rapid clicking noise, almost a chittering. They both stood up, alert and ready while the chittering circled around them, paused on their North side, then chittered away to the North.
They looked at each other in unison wide eyed and wary and without a word said between them held a conversation with their eyes.
‘You heard it too?’
‘Do you have any idea?’
After calming down again they sat down a little bit more alert and on guard than before because whatever it was was definitely not natural. Definitely not a normal jungle sound.
Just about at the four hour mark they heard what could only be a person trekking through the jungle. A man in his late fourties entered their little clearing and when he saw Amber stopped and went wide eyed. He saw Kelsey too and with an audible sigh of relief said: “Wow, I found nothing to the West. How long did it take for the two of you to cross paths?”
“About half an hour,” replied Kelsey.
“You must be Steve then, if I remember right. I’m Amber,” she said standing up to greet him. She smiled as his eyes widened at the immense size of her and how she just kept getting taller and bigger the closer she came to him.
“Holy crap you’re gigantic! You’re the bigges- I mean you’re the… Yeah I’m Stephen, I’m sorry but you startled me. I didn’t mean to be rude but you’re definitely the tallest person I’ve ever met!”
“Thanks! Don’t worry I’m used to being an Amazon. High school was kinda rough though but I love it now!”
“Oh, good. Is Jim back yet? No, obviously not, I do have eyes in my head…” and he chuckled at his own lack of observation putting us all at our ease. We sat down again and proceeded to get to know each other a bit more. About 10 minutes later Jim showed up with a similar report to Steves except that he’d also heard the chittering/clicking noise. After gawking up at Amber and checking out her enormous rack, they set about starting a fire and gathering a bit of fruit for dinner.
“So South tomorrow? Asked Jim while they were sitting around the fire, after dark.”
“It’s as good as any and we know there isn’t much to find nearby in the other three directions,” Steve replied.
“Hey!” Amber exclaimed, the playfulness obvious to everyone.
“Except you of course… Our resident Amazon protector.” Steve said with a smile.
“Protect yourself little man, if you’re going to treat me like that!” still joking around. The other two were snikering trying not to burst out loud with laughter. “These guns are for protecting me and mine,” she said going into a double biceps pose that immediately stilled their camp. “What?” Amber asked looking at their shocked wide eyes a little confused.
“I had no idea you were so strong!” exclaimed Kelsey. “You’ve gotta be bigger than both of them combined,” she said gesturing towards Steve and Jim.
“I’ve worked hard to build this body and…” Amber trailed off as she looked at her flexed arms. They were huge! Well, relatively speaking of course, but they were much bigger than she was used to by several inches. Maybe it was the fire light but it seemed that her arms had added substantial muscle since she last flexed them! “I, what… um…” she said embarrased a little and dropped her arms.
“No, wait! Do that again…” Jim said, suddenly changed into a feral masculine animal and sporting an obvious boner.
“No! and especially not if you’re going to get off when I do…” Amber said, outraged.
“Aw, shit! I’m sorry. I got carried away.” Jim apologized.
“You do realize that I’ll tear you apart if you try anything, right?” Amber asked coldly, putting her hands on her hips and flexing her newly and mysteriously gained muscles.
Jim looked at her massive frame across the fire and wilted like a plucked dandelion. “Yes, I’m sorry,” he said meekly and as if he meant it. The mood around the camp was broken so they let the fire die down as they went to sleep. Jim was as good as his word and didn’t try anything but Amber was having some wild dreams.
In her dream she was serving in a volleyball game and every time she served it was either an ace or they scored a point directly because of her. Either she’d block it, or spike it and get the point. As the points built up, however, everything was getting smaller and smaller around her. Her team mates, who averaged about six and a half feet tall barely came up to her elbows, and the net and ball felt tiny to her. Not to mention that the spectators and stands had been replaced with jungle.
Next thing she knew the ball had transformed into a pillar of black smoke that was trying to engulf her. She woke up gasping and claustrophobic because of the black smoke that had first enveloped her then suffocated her, and then it had merged…? But that part was getting fuzzy in her mind already.
The others were still alseep so she stoked up the fire and added some branches.
April 4, 2008 at 1:08 am #69232ratlaf
ParticipantI have a vague idea of where I want this story to go, but no idea how to get there… Also no idea on how to end it.
Anyone have any sugesstions??!!! ???
Edit: Oh Cool! That story post just happened to be #400 for me… 😀
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