Made this, but can some one do a short story inspired by it?

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  • #31764

    I kinda like the girl next door theme, any more info u need let me know 😀


    I see the little red letters, but I pay them no mind!  Bwah-ha-ha!

    Rick, did Warren ever finish this story for you?  If so, I'd love to read it.  If not, let me know and I'll try and work something up over the next couple days or so if you're still interested.


    Hey dude, nope i never got any thing back 🙁


    Hey dude, nope i never got any thing back 🙁

    Okay, then.  I'll start on it after I finish the chapter of Cold Fury I'm working on.  I don't really have anything big on my plate right now, except for packing up my life (yet again!), so I should have it done, I'm guessing by late Friday/early Saturday.  I'll let you know if I run into any snags.

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