Make a wish…

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  • #61977
    Cindy Tortio

    Hello all. Here is a picture I just finished for a wonderful person. Jebriodo has given me priceless advice and led me to several excellent tutorials. I wouldn't have started drawing again if it wasn't for him. He has really made alot of my wishes come true so I hope he gets his , hopefully Rebeka can handle it,lol.

    ze fly

    Really great!

    Cindy Tortio

    Thanks Ze fly. The board doesn't seem as talkative as it used to be. I think I am going to try copying a few different artists styles for a little while and see if it helps me pick up coloring. i have been looking at alot of anime stuff and they use a very basic 2 color shading that seems very effective. Any thoughts?


    Ahh. That lovable cake – er – lady. 😀

    Nice one D.


    Like I said over on deviantArt, I am surprised and honored by the gift art.  Thanks you.

    Regarding anime shading- (I think that is called cel shading) I would recommend looking at Gettar's art for excellent examples of cel shaded muscle women.

    Cindy Tortio

    Ahh, my hero. Thank you. I have been watching some of these cartoons and the art seems very effective and much easier …lol. Trying to create a realistic figure in photoshop is work! A single flesh tone and a shadow would save so much time. I really thought it would look like hell but these anime creations look good. Now I can sound like I know what I am talking about too. Cel shading, sounds so much better than "two color shading thingy that they do in anime"…lol. Thanks for lighting my path…again. 😉

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