Mating with Vulcans-will it make humans stronger?

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    Here a question that I have been thinking about for a long time.  If a human mates with a vulcans.  And the offspring looks fully human.  Could they still inherit the Vulcans strength levels, which are 3 times a normal person on average.  So a normal looking human female could be 3 times as strong as a normal human female.  Which would be really cool for powelifting, bodyguard work, and dating.

    We have only EVER seen on star trek vulcans/human off spring who are 50% human.  You figure that the next genations.  Was a Human to human mating.  It would be 75% human and the 25% vulcan DNA.  If the other partner was 100% human DNA. 

    So after a couple of generations, you could have a human with longer life span and super strength and still look 100% human and be almsot human inside and get all the extra benefits of the vulcans superior gentics traits had to offer.  After a few centuries of this interbredding with people.  Human would be much superioe than they were before they meet the vulcans. 

    Any one knows how many humans there are in the Star Trek The Next Generations time frame?


    Shouldn't this go in the other Vulcan thread?

    Well, it's a bit silly arguing about genetic traits of Vulcans, since we're not given enough information (I'll leave aside the silliness of arguing about a show that is so often inconsistent with itself).

    Given the rarity of Vulcan-human hybrids, and Spock's health, we can probably assume that hybrids can only be created with a LOT of genetic tinkering, and that there is significant hybrid vigor (Spock seems to have inherited the best traits of both species).  So Spock probably couldn't mate with either humans or Vulcans without similar genetic alterations for compatibility. 

    Eventually, yes, I would think that the alien DNA (alien to either species) would get diluted enough to produce a genetically compatible (i.e. mate-able) offspring with some of the superior qualities of the other species.

    As to what is superior about humans, I would argue that for all their vaunted emotional control, Vulcans can also be short-sighted and petty, but much less able to deal with it, and that humans are much better (generally) at dealing with our emotions.  I think of Vulcans as a warning of the damage suppressed emotions and an unexamined desire for "logic" can do.  I freely admit I have no data to back up this claim.


    After posting in the other thread and before coming here, I did a quick Wiki check and it is stated that Vulcan has a much stronger surface gravity than Earth.  Presumably this is a factor in the strength of Vulcans; while their genetics may produce someone with a higher muscle density, it won't develop to the higher strength level in the absence of the stronger gravity.  I'm not an expert on biology, but I'd see it as similar to a human being (whose genetics are designed to function under Earth's gravity) growing up on the Moon; with its weaker gravity, such a person wouldn't naturally develop the same levels of strength as a human that grew up on Earth.  The Moon-dweller could still work to develop his strength to the level of an ordinary Earth-dwelling human, but it would take some effort.  In a similar fashion, your Vulcan-diluted humans would have the potential for greater strength, but would have to either grow up under conditions similar to those on Vulcan, or would have to work out a lot, to actually develop that greater strength.


    OK this is gonna probably come as a suprise to you guys, but for the most part genetic manipulation is not neccessary for human alien hybrids.  Ive noticed that in both fantasy and sci fi settings the human genome seems remarkably adaptive. If you have read the star trek books you will notice that a human/klingon or human/vulcan or romulan is not all that uncommon. I mean you honestly expect every hybrid in the star trek universe is the reult of genetic manipulation. A good example of this would be Alexander from STNG,who i believe is half human and no mention was ever made of genetic manipulation in that case.


    It's possible that all the humanoid races are genetically compatible (there was an episode in Next Generation about an ancient race providing "seed DNA" all over our part of the galaxy).  However it is more likely that there was genetic manipulation and the characters just don't think to talk about it; after all, it is probably relatively easy and commonly done.

    Especially between humans and Vulcans/Romulans: our blood isn't even compatible.  Humans and Klingons seem to be more closely related despite the brow ridge.


    I seem to recall many a hybrid.

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