Maxed out Mayhem

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  • #56223
    Cindy Tortio

    Here it is my very first coloring job ever! Big credit goes to my daughter and Jed's tutorial. I still have a lot to learn but here is a babystep down that road. ;D

    A crazed fellow asked me to draw a lady 4 times larger than my largest drawing. I attempted it but came up short I fear… Anyways here is the result, Mabel aka Mayhem so big she can't reach her own lips. The resourceful Lenny comes to the rescue (he is adept at being at the right place at the right time.) Now all Mabel has to do is pick up Lenny and smooch some lipstick on. 😉 20 more tries and maybe I can color my own Shehulk. 😛


    Wow, SinD- that is some FINE work!  Nice job!


    Nice picture!  And cute, clever story behind it!  Thanks for sharing it.  🙂


    Nice drawing!  I love the way you're drawing the chest and arms here- very defined muscles all packed in and wrapping around each other- you've also done a good job on the veins on the arms and delts- it's hard to pull off popped out veins and still have them look right- I think the coloring helps there.
    It's a fun picture- congratulations on your artistic improvements!


    Thats good stuff keep it coming!  😀

    That Guy

    sweet  8)

    Cindy Tortio

    Thanks for the support all. I was very nervous doing color for the first time. It turned out to be fun though. Thanks again Jed for the wonderful tutorial .I have a long way to go but this road is a fun one to travel!

    One great color tutorial-


    Wow, your rate of improvement is actually quite scary. Your coloring style should work really well with your Shulkie pic as well. 

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