May Muscle post

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  • #51622

    I really like your Wild Apocalyptic West GunJam gal. Having seen previews of her on YOU's fine site it's nice to see a fuller fleshed jpeg.

    The rest of your May-maidens are incredibly varied and each look like different people while still maintaining their supernaturally zaftig physiques.

    The '3/4ths automatic amazon' looks as if she's daring someone to see if those rings are clip on.  8)

    I have to chip in that "Flying Fortress" is an inspired concept. I'd love to see her in aerial combat against Ball Lightening and Hurricane Katrina.

    Thank you for sharing the results of your exquisitely potent muse.


    I'm glad I already got you faved on DA because this was a truly excellent collection of pictures to see appear over time!  Thanks for sharing them here especially!


    The last four of the 'safe-for-work' ones are hot, but Big Red is extra-hot.  The way (as someone in your DA comments said) that the scraps of very sexy clothing are straining to hold-in her epic, mind-blowingly erotic physique is extremely sexy.

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