Megan Fox as She-Hulk?

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  • #82234

    Bad photomanip at the link, plus a story with no sourcing claiming that Megan Fox is to be cast to play She-Hulk in an upcoming film:

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Ah, the Sun. Only slightly less reliable than Wikipedia.


    And thanks to the interweb, that story is now EVERYWHERE, whether true or not.


    She is supposed to be in an adaption of the comic Fathom by the late Michael Turner.


    And she was also discussed as a possible Wonder Woman.  My guess is that her publicist leaks fake stories as a way of playing to her Transformers fan base of nerd boys.

    Trash Boat

    Big pictures need big stars to promote the film, and more the hype, more media attention and thus more sale.

    Not my choise for that role – as probably all on this board agrees – but it's need to be someone who won't irrate the public. A bit shame but money doesn't smell.


    Big pictures need big stars to promote the film, and more the hype, more media attention and thus more sale.

    Not my choise for that role – as probably all on this board agrees – but it's need to be someone who won't irrate the public. A bit shame but money doesn't smell.

    I completely disagree with you!  Megan Fox is one of the hottest stars out there and I would love to see her as She-Hulk.  Of course, whatever actress they used to play her, would be translated to CGI anyway  (e.g. Doctor Manhattan).

    I just wonder if this news is actually true, since She-Hulk lacks any popularity. 


    The rumors have spread to the New York Daily News, which asks the following poll question (under the headline "One foxy Hulk … ):

    Do you believe this?

    a) No way — a She Hulk would be gross

    b) Awesome — better than the Bionic Woman

    c) Has to be a rumor

    Right now, the results are: A — 26 percent; B — 40 percent; C — 34 percent

    Want to participate?


    Well I liked the muscles they used on the morph, if they let her have her hair down she might have looked a little better.

    But there's no way A.) She would be She-Hulk B.) They would make a She-Hulk movie

    also, The Sun is a tabloid magazine; they never post accurate stories.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Megan Fox is hot but I don't see her playing either WW or Shulkie due to the lack of tone and bust size.

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