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July 24, 2007 at 6:47 pm #56463
ParticipantAs this is my first piece of fiction, really ever, please be kind. The characters involved are mostly my own, though some Marvel characters do appear.
Chapter 1
Memoirs of a Reluctant Superhero – Dr. Patricia Armstrong-Kennedy
As I sit down and look out my back window, I see my husband playing with the kids from a rather…unique extended family. To introduce myself, my name is Dr. Patricia Armstrong-Kennedy. I was, am a genetics researcher. I did my research for Stark Labs, and later for myself. I am sure many of those reading this have seen me partnered with my husband Kenneth or even my brother in law Leon on the news battling some super powered crook. I was not always this way, in fact, many of those seeing pictures of myself when I was but 5’2” with no muscle at all can scarcely believe it. Many days, I can’t. I’ve decided to write this now so that some may understand the choices I’ve made in my research and even in my relationship choices.
To begin, my genetic research at Stark labs originally started as cracking the genetics of how mutants get their powers. My own theory, though not popular, is that everyone is a mutant, just a catalyst, or as my husband would say, a swift kick in the ass is needed to bring those powers out. Many of my colleagues thought poorly of that theory though they rarely said anything directly to me. Anyway, to say that I was a workaholic is an understatement, I brought in a hideaway bed for my office simply because, well…I didn’t go home often. There was no reason for me to do so, I used the guard showers and ate a lot of take out at the office. My research and published theories did get me some unexpected visitors on occasion, specifically Dr. Henry McCoy. He was very interested in my theory, and not merely because he himself was a mutant, but because of the implications for the evolution of humanity. Since that first meeting we would correspond, he would even ask me opinions on his own research, which was an incredible honor.
Well, enough about my research, that’s not what many of you want to read about, you, want to understand what happened to me. It’s taken myself and Leon YEARS to really understand that very thing. That night was quieter than usual. The other scientists in my section left early, all having a date or appointment of some variety, leaving me invariably there alone, now before some see conspiracy involved, this was a regular thing. While I was setting up some computer models for my ‘catalyst’ I heard a noise, looking up just in time to be grabbed by a rather large man from behind. I nearly panicked, I’ve been in this situation before, and struggling just caused more injury to me. The woman who was directing the three men just chilled me to the bone, especially since she was asking about performance enhancers and other chemicals. Mary Beth Hart, a name I would find out later, reminded me a lot of my old college room mate, she was tall, shapely, in good shape, and liked to manipulate others. During her interrogation, her cronies were grabbing chemicals and putting them in bags to take with, when I heard an angelic voice say just two words, “POLICE FREEZE.” Turning quickly all of us saw a uniformed officer, the crooks nearly burst out laughing when they saw him. They thought he couldn’t be more than 16, something that Leon has had to deal with much of his life. Regardless, what happened next was something out of a nightmare, even today I really don’t know just what happened, but three bottles of my catalyst exploded, one all over me, the second on Leon and the third on Ms. Hart.
I’d like to say what happened after was that I suddenly threw people around and vanquished the crooks, but that didn’t happen. I grew rather quickly, and my captors were thrown off, but I was in immense pain all over my body, convulsing. The criminals soon ran, carrying their leader and most of their ill gotten gains, I crawled to the officer who was himself unconscious. Finally the alarms had brought security and other police. I was a mess, Leon was less so but still a mess. We were both carted off to a clinic to be checked out by medics. I was more than alright, I had grown in the span of 30 seconds to nearly 6’6” and my weight had nearly tripled. In fact, when trying to stand I had bent the metal railing beyond repair, to say I was suddenly very, very frightened was an understatement. No one would listen as I asked to look at my own blood sample, I was…frustrated. I was the living embodiment of my own theory, it had worked. One of my colleagues told me that I couldn’t yet…I couldn’t control my strength yet, I might break any equipment I touched. I broke down crying right there, I couldn’t help myself.
The next couple of weeks were difficult, but I made progress, I learned just how strong I’d become, as well as working very hard on controlling it. Over those weeks I also met with several lawyers of Stark Labs. They wanted to know what the chemical was, and just what happened. Evidently the officer, Leon Kennedy was experiencing what can be called extremely bad headaches, but nothing beyond that from reports. I was…given the option and offer of a rather substantial amount of money to consult with Stark, no longer a full employee. He explained it might be better for all involved while I became used to my new body. It was one of the best and worst decisions I’d ever made when I accepted.
July 26, 2007 at 7:56 pm #56464Prophet Tenebrae
ParticipantQuite well written but it feels like you rushed to the growth section and then skipped over it.
July 27, 2007 at 10:33 pm #56465Sludig
Participantwell…chapter 2 might answer why it does. 😀
Chapter 2
Well, my husband decided to distract me from my writing, like so many times before. He’s been this way since I met him, but that’s later. As I said in the previous chapter, my decision to leave Stark was both the best and worst decision I ever made. As I continued to come to grips with my new size, and my new strength, the entire changed so fast and was so painful, I’ve forgotten most of it. One thing that helped was a new gym opening up, it catered to those with super strength. Some patrons included Titania, She-Hulk, Hercules, and others. I found out how strong I was, how tough, would take a bit, I was reluctant to get into a fight that would really show that. Regardless, at that time things were going well, I was now independently wealthy and received some equipment to keep my research going. I had proven my catalyst worked, now I was going to start to refine it to find out just what it could do.
My research was going well. Probably the worst moment in my life was about to occur. On the way home from the gym my way was blocked by two rather large gentleman, I was almost smiling as they told me to come along with them before I got hurt, and then I heard it, her voice behind me, “Or, resist and I can have some fun.” I whirled when I felt perhaps the lightest touch ever, but from that, my entire body nearly went limp with pain. It was incredible, I’d never felt anything like it, there I was able to lift nearly 80 tons, and just a touch had brought me down. I soon passed out from the pain. I woke up strapped down, she knew and I knew that the straps would not hold me, but she was there, smiling at me with both of her cronies. I panicked, it was exactly like that night in college, I got raped. Not just once, but for what would end up being two months. My will was broken completely, so completely I helped her. I made a few doses of my catalyst for her, her two cronies soon became 5, all powered, and all involved in sadistic games with me as their plaything.
For nearly a month of a half this happened, I was essentially a zombie. I did what she told me and how she told me, I did not want to feel that pain. And then it happened, she had decided to go after the other victim of the lab that night, Leon. She and her cronies had managed to take him unaware, they brought him to where she was hiding. She of course had me there as well so that she might use me in her ‘breaking’ in process. Heart Breaker, as she’s calling herself now, had been doing this more and more on occasion, so she didn’t think anything of it. When he woke up and looked at me, something happened, almost a electric shock. Though I could do nothing physically, in my mind I lived an entirely new life. It showed me not as one doing someone else’s bidding, but the one in charge, forcing others to do what I wanted. I was at the same time entranced, but disgusted, I couldn’t believe I could do such a thing. I looked across at Leon and knew, he was in the same place, he was the same but different, just like I would become, a man that I would love, but not marry. Leon soon shook that off, and suddenly the 5 crowded around me were thrown around the room but unseen hands, their power meaning nothing. In a telekinetic bubble I was suddenly flying with Leon pulling me somewhere, taking me to the only place he could think of that I would be safe….his family.
August 2, 2007 at 2:48 am #56466KeithXZ
ParticipantA great start. I'm anxious to read more!
August 11, 2007 at 3:44 am #56467Sludig
ParticipantUnfortunately it might take a bit for the next, job hunt plus new job plus Gen Con has curtailed any writing I could have time to do. 🙁
August 24, 2007 at 3:15 am #56468Sludig
ParticipantIt's taken a bit, but here is the next installment.
Chapter 3
Christ, I hate it when work follows either myself or my husband home. Kenneth works for the NYPD supers SWAT team, a SWAT team full of officers with some sort of super powers, and I consult with them for scientific reasons. Now, after a failed bank robbery, thanks to Kenneth and his fellow officers, decided to follow him home and try to use his family against him. Three problems with that, the Kennedy’s can be found in nearly ever precinct in the New York area, other than myself and Kenneth, there are no less than 15 other superpowered folks at the Kennedy compound and last but not least, three of the kids regularly wrestle/roughhouse in the front yard. Kenneth came inside to talk to me when Maria (my oldest girl) came inside to tell us that Daniel, Manuel and Raechel had caught someone after dad. Kenneth and I raced up to find said crook in a crippler crossface by Raechel, a ankle lock by Manuel and Daniel sitting on his back…we both just started rolling over with laughter. Soon he was carted off, and I was able to sit back down and work a bit more on this.
I woke up in a very large bed, clothed in a oversized Joe Namath jersey (a jersey large enough to fit my 6’6” frame with plenty of room to spare). There was a large bowl of Irish stew on the bedstand for me. Tenatively I sat up and heard my stomach growl, so I lifted the bowl and began to eat. Soon there was a slight knock at the door, I am ashamed to say I was a bit starteled, but covered, “Come in.” Entering the room was a small woman, 5’2”, and using a cane, “Ach, good,” *Irish accent just dripping out of her mouth* “Leon and Kenneth were both wondering if ye were going to wake soon.” I blinked, “Leon, the cop that…oh god.” *pulling the covers up tighter* She chuckled, “Don’t be like that lassie, ye didn’t have any ID so he brought you to the only place he could think, here at our home. Ye look like a big lass, I think I might know some actual clothes that might fit ye, can’nae have ye wearing Kenneth’s night shirt all the time now can we?” I blinked, I was in someone’s night shirt, but I nodded, “That would be nice, thank you.” She nodded and smiled, “Okay, outta bed with ye, the bathroom is down the hall, and I’m sure you might want to clean up a bit.” *stands to make room for me* I rose out of bed unsteadily, somehow this woman seems to just exude command and leads me out of this room and towards a bathroom. Leaving me after I shut the door, off to find something that would fit me, which I scoff at, if this little woman and Leon are any indication, this Kenneth might be the abnormally large one. Later I would retract this thought, but that’s for later.
As I was showering and otherwise cleaning myself up, I heard the door open and then close quickly, I know someone had entered quickly and left, out of sight of the shower. When I stepped out, sure enough there was a pile of clothes for me. After drying I took a look in the mirror, and for a minute I didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. Too long I endured what Heart Breaker did to me until Leon flipped out, there and then I vowed it would not happen again, though it would take me some time to really put that vow into practice, I made it all the same. I soon dressed in a t-shirt that was provided, pink with kitties which kinda made me giggle, and some black stretch pants, and exited the bathroom. Smells wafted up to me from downstairs, so I followed putting my hair up into a ponytail, and soon found myself in the kitchen. I stopped, Leon was sitting there along with the little old woman, and likely the largest man I have ever seen, 7’2”, probably close to 400 lbs of muscle talking and joking with Leon when I walked in. All conversation stopped when I did, Kenneth looked at me and would tell me later he fell in love with me from that moment. *THWACK* “Kenneth, quit yer gawking and get the lady a seat.” Kenneth jumps as grandma’s cane is raised again, pulling a seat for me, “Thank you.” I sit down with a amused look as she brings me some more food. After 6 rather large bowls I finally look, Kenneth and Leon have not said anything, but when I look up, the first words out of his mouth, “Will you marry me?”
*THWACK* goes his grandmother’s cane, “OW…uhm, hey, can I show you around?” *Kenneth almost pleads with his eyes* “Sure.” He fairly jumped out of his chair and helped me out of mine. And thus the tour began. He took me all over the Kennedy ‘compound’, a group of houses all owned by the various Kennedy families. I originally thought that Kenneth was abnormally large, and Leon was the average size, wrong, Leon was the runt of the family. Just about everyone I saw was on average 6’6”, both male and female. I made a note then and there when I can, to get some samples as this family bears some genetic study. One place that caught my eye was an abandoned junkyard and a house that was vacant on the Kennedy land. After the tour I would meet more of the family, including Leon’s mother and father, and then I saw the Wall. To understand the importance of it you would have to be from a family that has either served as a police or fireman. Upon that wall was the picture killed in the line of duty, upon that wall was a good 30 pictures from various years. It was sobering and it reminded me how I felt when my own father was killed saving someone in a fire when I was 10. I was overcome, here was a family that willing served and gave of themselves, and they were doing so for me.
Over the coming weeks I not only bought the junkyard, I also added a a living area underneath, complete with lab equipment and some rather…unique workout equipment. Over this time I also got to know Kenneth and Leon’s family. They took me in and made me apart of there family, taking part in their family football games (of which I was the offensive line, by myself), and wrestling with Kenneth. Despite my obvious strength advantage, Kenneth was still able to take me off of my feet, not for long, but I learned a great deal. In fact, Kenneth and I were beginning to develop a relationship, a deep relationship. Over those weeks I found myself in bed after having sex with him. It might seem strange being so powerful and tough, but I have never felt safer than in those large arms. I wrestled with a question to ask Kenneth for at least a week, and then I asked him, “Do you want superpowers?” Flabbergasted, Kenneth didn’t know how to answer, but soon he would be the first of several Kennedy policeman to gain them.
October 16, 2007 at 7:23 pm #56469Sludig
ParticipantSorry for the delay, my old computer's HD decided to die, once I got another working it took me a bit to recreate some stuff, this included. But here is the latest chapter, comments are appreciated. 😀
Chapter 4
It's been some time since I've been able to get back to this, I've been part-time teaching at a rather new high school in the New York area. With funds not only from Stark Enterprises, but also from the Xavier Institute, a High School was started to help teach those that developed superpowers. My own children plus their two cousins are also going to this school. Due to my expierences and degrees I was given several science classes, along with the head of the department, Peter Parker. I also assisted with several other former superheroes that also taught there. Two old friends of mine, Jennifer Walters and Mary McPharen, yes, those two eventually buried the hatchet and now teach at the school. Several other schools have opened across the country to help, but without tooting my own horn (Kenneth: Of course you are.) my own theory is being played out, everyone does have the opportunity to gain superpowers.
I prepared Kenneth as best I could, doing a great deal of research into his DNA so I could predict things, and noticed two rather things with both his own and Leon's DNA, they were predisposed to not only superhuman strength and toughness, but also a small degree of psychic ability. After making a note of this, it was time, I injected Kenneth with a derivative of my catalyst, and hoped the restraints would hold him. I recognized the pain and the screams I was hearing, I restrained myself from going to him, he would have to weather this on his own. After it stopped I went to him, he was breathing hard and was very sore, the equivalent of three years of workouts in one minute to quote him, and helped him up. After a few minutes, and a few pain relievers later, we decided to go into the gym to test him out. We found out he wasn't as strong (only 75 tons compared to my 100+ tons) but was much more durable than I was. He also had some slight empathic ability. I will make a long story short, the sex after was incredible.
As with anything, Kenneth's job changed on the SWAT team, he was now the one going through the doors, many times literally, and those first bullets. He would also be called to the sometimes daily 'supers' fights that might break out in New York. Leon and I accompanied him on a few of these as well, due to two or three rampaging supervillains and some of the heroes not being around. We would laugh about it on occasion, but myself and Skeeter would tangle in a couples battle on more than one occasion. But one incident chilled me to the bone. It was almost a typical duo of superpowered villains rampaging, so the three of us would show up, and the fight was joined. During the fight, the woman I was fighting caught sight of Leon, "Oh there he is, she's been missing him, and you…" The implication was clear, I knew who she meant, I lost it. I later received a call of concern from Jen, she had seen that look before, mostly from her own cousin, and wanted to know if I was alright. I had killed the woman during the fight, snapping her neck with so much ease, it took both Leon and Kenneth to calm me down. Leon had heard her, and was spooked. He knew she was after him specifically. With her ability to cause pain and pleasure, seemingly at the same
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