- This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 7 months ago by
June 13, 2006 at 5:20 am #32026
ParticipantAuthors note – I got an edit buddy now to help clean up my material. THANKS! for volunteering (Rick Powers) Going on a trip for about a week, then I'll be back to finish the saga of Guy and Mite. (I owe it to the community, I pay my debts.)
Mighty Mite – 11
June 30 continuedI got up before Mite, a bit early. I think my subconscious was worried and woke me up. Mite said she was okay, but I was still reliving those full body convulsions. It’s like she was getting electrocuted from the inside. I'll probably have nightmares about it. In order to keep my mind off that I went to the kitchen and made sure everything was handy including the Tylenol.
I certainly didn't feel like working out with weights besides I was addicted to having Mite help me. I knew I wouldn't be able to get my mind into it. Cardio, I could do. So I set my watch for half hour shifts and stuck to the meal and supplement plan. I did that twice and half way into my third shift, I caught Mite out of the corner of my eye and stopped what I was doing immediately.
Mite was standing there nude, her arms dangling by her sides. I could see she had two big ugly bruises on her chest from where she dropped the weights and one of her pecs was twitching every couple of seconds."Guy, can you help me a second, grab my underwear over there please and help me put them on."
Mite sat down on the bench like she was a 100 years old. I dashed over there brought it back, I was so attentive. While I was helping dress her she said, "Guy, you've got to relax, I'm not terminal or anything else, I just burned up every single last drop of usable calories I had and I'm recovering, I'll be okay. Go into the kitchen, make another meal like you did last time, I'll be right there."
She came back in a few moments carrying a shirt in her teeth. "Damn", I said. I took it from her and she said, "Its no big deal really, in fact, I'm thinking about doing this to you on your next workout."
I was off kilter from this incident so it took me a second to realize she was kidding. When she noticed my startled expression, which made her smile, it took a big load off my mind. While I was dressing her I could feel the heat radiating off her body. Mite pulled the chair away from the table with her foot and sat down.
"Unfortunately I don't have any bibs in the house so you’re going to have to be careful when you feed me Guy." She said this while I busied myself at the counter. “You’re so quiet when you've been traumatized,” she continued, “but look Guy, I'm no more worse off now than you are after one of your workouts and by this evening I'll bet I can help you with, oh say, lats and chest." I maintained something of a stoic expression on my face. It was a relief that it seemed like she was going to be okay but on the other hand, I was still recovering from the experience too.
I sat down with the plates and Mite started peeping. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth and looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "Peep? Peep! C'mon damn it I'm hungry, get busy with the fork."
This cracked me up so I got busy. "You know, Guy," Mite said between mouthfuls, “I feel like I got run over by a steamroller but I'm pretty sure I broke my plateau. I know I'm going to grow from this workout, none of this micron shit I've had to put up with for years. I'm growing, I can feel it. I'm excited. If I could jump up and down right now, I would do it and hug you too and dance around the house. Plenty of good food, rest and I'll be setting some new personal bests and then I'll be in a position to show you my appreciation." She said that with lust in her eye which made my proximity meter twitch for the first time since Mite imploded. “After I'm finished here I’m going back to bed, you do whatever you've a mind to do, just keep in mind it will be lats and chest this evening. At the very least I'll be able to give you moral support and probably a bit more. Set your alarm for four hours, wake me up then. You can give me a massage; hopefully you picked up a few things from Naomi, then hot tub and big meal again.
"Hey Fourth of July is just around the corner, I think we should take a break and go see the fireworks out on Elliott Bay. What do you think?” Mite said.
"I would be absolutely honored to accompany you wherever you care to go Mite, and yes it sounds like a lot of fun, we've been at it pretty hard," I said. "A little too hard in some cases.” I frowned at Mite.
"You’re an old worrywart, Guy. Sure it went a bit beyond what I expected but things are turning out all right."
"Mite, for God's sakes you stopped breathing, you scared the holy shit out of me, and I don't think I could handle one of those again."
"No, I didn't, it was more like holding my breath for a little bit, if I wanted to I can hold my breath for a lot longer than what happened."
"It was an involuntary, muscle seizure, so it must have scared the crap out of you too, why didn't that experience bother you as much as it did me?"
"Did you ever see that movie Flatliners where all the young doctors lined up to have their hearts stopped just to see what happens when you die? Some of them went back for seconds; you didn't see any of them get all excited did you?"
"Mite, they were doctors, they had all kinds of resuscitating equipment sitting there just for that purpose. Plus adrenalin for getting the heart started. And it was a movie. I'm a carpenter, for chrissake! First thing I did was run to get you water, when it was right by your bench. I panicked!"
"No you didn't. I woke up in a nice bed so you did just fine. You'll get over it. We'll relax in the hot tub, do a little massage, get back to our routine and everything will be just fine, okay? Give me a kiss."
I leaned over the table to make like I was going to give her a peck on the lips and I slipped a forkful of meat to her lips instead.
"Not quite what I had in mind but this will do too. Thanks!" Mite said with a big smile on her face.
That evening after hot tubbing, I gave her a massage. I really enjoyed trying to imitate Naomi. I prodded, kneaded, groped and massaged pretty near every square inch of Mite. Of course I doubt that Naomi enjoyed doing this as much as I did. She fell asleep on me while she was on her belly and I didn't want to wake her up nor did I want to take my hands off her. By the time she roused, my fingers and hands were aching. Afterwards, I had the light meal and Mite stuffed her face. This time she was able to feed herself, albeit really slowly.
Then we watched a movie. Well, actually Mite watched the movie and I caught maybe half of it while my meal digested. We snuggled on the couch. This is one of the few women in the world that have warm feet. I was ready for my workout after the movie especially since Mite was going to be helping. We started with lats, which meant machine rows, barbell rows, then some dumbbell rows. Mite hadn't recovered enough to milk me yet for this workout but she did take off her shirt and tease me the best she could. She couldn't flex any upper body but she did show off her legs and I swear her legs were showing a bit of a size improvement, subtle but definitely noticeable. (For as much as I stared and watched Mite, I think I was getting to know her body pretty well). I got a lot of verbal encouragement and of course when I couldn't finish a rep once or twice, she called me a big baby. It didn't help me to finish the rep but it did make me laugh. We were having fun.
Then it was time for the chest portion of the workout. While I was setting up, Mite asked me a question that was totally uncharacteristic and completely unexpected.
"Guy how and when do you know you’re "horny"?" Mite put her fingers up beside her head to imitate a set of horns.
I laughed and did a double take. Mite was waiting for an answer.
"VERY interesting question. Let me see if I can get a handle on it. (Which was okay by me because I was pretty tired from the back/lat workout and I wanted a break) I generally get horny from visual stimulus and being in close proximity to good looking women like yourself."
"I see. What about a pair of tits on a billboard."
"Well yes, media can provide the visual stimulation, heck almost everything is sold with the promise of sex in it."
"So you’re horny all the time?"
"No, no there are far too many factors involved and I want to clarify something about tits if I may. The subject involved must also have a body to match the tits. There has to be a trim waistline underneath."
"So it’s just the idea of a good looking woman that can make you horny?"
I thought about that for a minute, "Right off the top of my head I can't think of anything else that should. It’s not like a beautiful sunset, or a moonlight walk on the beach is going to do it."
"So feelings never make you horny?"
"If they are associated with a woman sure, I guess. Mite, where is this going?"
"I think I'm horny. I've never been horny before but I think I am now and it’s not because you’re a hunk, standing there in your underwear. It’s because I can feel changes happening to my body, I know I'm growing, getting thicker, bigger and I love the feeling. I've practiced on you a bunch of times and every time I dreamed that I was growing and now that I'm growing I want to practice some more. So let’s kill two birds with one stone. I'll practice, and you get the new workout therapy."
"Well you know I'm always up for that,” I responded.
I got naked a bit premature. Mite wanted to make sure I was done with the barbell presses first and then she was going to start practicing during dumbbell presses. When I started to fail at those, Mite dropped her togs and panties.
"I need to warm up. Give me a few," Mite said as she straddled my stomach, placed her hands on my chest and started to sink into her dreamlike state. Then her hands went from my chest to hers and she arched her back, thrusting her chest forward and caressed herself, "Ah yessssss, slowly but surely, mmmmmmm". I noticed the two sizeable, purple bruises on her chest, but Mite told me to start repping just as she speared herself and slowly slid up and down on my shaft, "MMMM yes, grow" as she continued to caress her chest.
Mite maintained this incredible balancing act between coaching me, giving my dick just the right amount of attention at the time I needed it most for me to power through when I was failing on a rep, AND keeping herself stimulated at the same time. I could feel her trembling orgasms through my shaft and her legs as she straddled me. Mite must have kept me repping for a half hour which is monumental since I was already wiped out before starting. When Mite finally allowed me to climax it was synchronized with a last agonizing rep. I dropped the weights and laid there like a dead man.
Mite leaned forward over me and told me to lick her nipple and kiss it, (I had strength for that, but not much more). When she leaned back I focused on her chest. "MITE,” I yelled, “YOUR BRUISES, they're almost GONE!"
Mite looked at herself. "So they are." Mite did some torso twists and tried some flexes. "Damn this is amazing; a lot of my soreness is gone." Mite did a side chest pose and she almost got it flexed out when she flinched and winced. "Nope, not quite ready yet for any of those." I wanted to reach up and caress her so badly but there was nothing I could do about that.
"This is going to add a whole new dimension to sex for me. But I can hardly have any sex if my man can't make it to the bedroom. Well, kitchen first, then bedroom, let me help you up."
Mite fed me that evening; she was taking two bites for every one of mine. She showered with me, scrubbing my back, chest and playing with my dick working up a hard-on.
"You know if you keep growing down here, you’re going to be too big for me, and then who am I going to practice on?" I treated that as a rhetorical question, I was enjoying the attention from this goddess in the shower.
That evening she practiced on me until I was ready to pass out.
July 1
So much for getting back to a routine. It was near noon and I was just getting out of bed. I missed supplements several times and meals. I didn't know how Mite did it but the previous night’s workout was the most brutal so far and I was FEELING it. I trudged into the shower and I could barely lift my arm to turn the water on.When I made it to the kitchen Mite was sitting there reading the paper. "Good morning", she piped.
She was dressed in a form fitting muscle shirt and jogging togs. She jumped up out of her chair and threatened to hug me but pulled back at the last instant.
"You can give me a kiss instead." My general weariness was being lifted by Mite's extraordinary good mood.
"I'm so happy I can fly. After last night’s practice, a few hours sleep, and some more meals, I'm feeling great and of course the bruises are totally gone. And check this out,” she peeled off her shirt in an instant and start flexing for me. “I've put on mass everywhere. (I could see her chest was thicker and so was everything else except her waist.) Tonight we'll measure and see. The new workout method for me works beyond my wildest dreams, in fact, nobody puts on muscle this fast EVER. It’s too good to be true. I'm higher than a kite. This IS my summer. I've been working out for de….a long time and I've finally stumbled on to something.” Mite's enthusiasm was briefly interrupted, but she continued, “In fact, I'm ready for another new workout session."
I gave her a warning look.
Mite pretended not to notice, "But I think we should get out a little bit. Summer is in full swing and no place is prettier during the summer than the west coast of Washington. First things first though, you need to eat. You skipped too many meals. Then a massage – I'll have to make do until Naomi gets back – then hot tub. Then we should go for a long walk, it’s so pretty outside. Go on into the garden, I'll be there in a minute."
Mite was absolutely bubbling. She was finally getting her wish and I was thrilled to be a part of it.
During our meal in the garden at least Mite didn't have to feed me. If I put my elbow on the table and just used my forearm to raise the fork and bend my head a bit, I could feed myself. She set out double rations for everybody.
Apparently it was a whole new world for Mite; she was practically glowing from happiness. So this must have been what her summer was like when she was a teenager. I hope she doesn't start calling me Tiny or something like that. She was carrying the burden of conversation from the time I got up throughout our lunch in the garden, the massage (and she did a fantastic job, seems like she'd been under Naomi's tutelage for some time) and the hot tub.
After that she insisted on another snack because we were going for a long walk. She was going to show me her neighborhood. We walked everywhere, from one park then on to the next, showed me neat old houses that were being fixed up and those that had been renovated (she knew how to show a simple carpenter a good time!). We walked to the bay and joined the hundreds on the bicycle paths, the dog walkers, roller bladers; it seems that everybody was outside and enjoying themselves.
I would have to say an enormous cloud had been lifted from Mite; she wasn't even wearing a SWEATER, just a short sleeve shirt with a floral pattern on it and a nice pair of walking shorts. Even her hair was unbound. We stopped two times to eat at two separate Subways (McDonalds is where the devil made hamburgers). I don't know if I was having so much fun because Mite was having so much fun or because it was just a beautiful day to be outside and Seattle has a LOT of interesting things to see. Probably both.
When we got back it was twilight, we had been walking for hours. We didn't do the handholding, slow lovers in love walk; we did the business walk everywhere we went. Mite said we were out for exercise and fresh air and that's what we did. Sure, we'd stop when there was interesting people to watch or street entertainments. But if we were going from one place to another, it was no nonsense. Walking on concrete had always made my legs tired so I suggested hot tub after our meal and Mite readily agreed.
Earlier in the day at the previous hot tub time, Mite was animated, talking about the garden, while she was giving me a back rub and I reciprocated. We didn't spend much time in the tub. This time I could swear Mite was feeling amorous, or horny as she would call it. She spooned me from behind and decided to give my dick some attention and it was well received.
"I'm just fascinated by the instant growth of a male’s member. One moment it’s relatively small and the next it’s twice as big or more and hard like a well trained muscle." After a few moments of fondling, her voice grew concerned. "What the hell?!"
The alarm in her voice made me think something bad happened. "What, what is it?"
She grabbed my forearm and led my hand down to my turgid member (we generally kept the lights dim for our tub sessions). "You feel it."
"Holy Shit, its feeling ……BIG."
"I didn't think I practiced on you that much last night, you only came maybe 5 or 7 times."
Mite pushed my hand out of the way so she could feel again. "Amazing! Seems like you’re trying to upstage me this summer.”
She put her hands on my shoulders and worked her way down to arms, then reached underneath and felt my chest. "Flex for me…harder Guy, nothing half ass here.” Then her hands crept down to my abs, "Flex here." And then back to my dick, "Now flex here." She released me momentarily, "You must have a high metabolism and/or you drank a lot of beer because you sure have lost a lot of fat. Or, it could be everything else too, my new techniques, and full time supervision.” She reached back down to my throbbing hard-on, "You like that fulltime supervision don't you?"
I said to Mite, "I don't think I'll ever be the same."
"Well come on, lets shower up, get the chlorine off, you can help me measure. Tomorrow morning I weigh myself. I always do it in the morning before a meal; it makes for a consistent measurement.”
The shower with Mite was making me unbelievably horny (we were soaping each other up) and yet I was being distracted from Mite by the size of my dick. Somehow, it couldn't be any other explanation; Mite was growing my dick while she was practicing on me. I never had much of a chance to think about it, because I was either in pain, working out, worried or distracted by Mite.
We toweled each other off and she said, "Back in a minute,” and dashed off probably to get the tape. I had remembered to write down the last measurement of 7" but didn't give it much thought then either although it should have been earth shattering to me. If I had been with anyone other than a goddess I would have made time to think about it."Here we go," Mite said, dangling the tape in the air. "Me first."
I helped her with the tape around the back and she was making sure in the front. "Is it straight? Make sure its straight."
I stepped back and eyeballed it across her back, "It's as level as this simple carpenter can make it."
Mite let out a shriek and leapt straight up in the air and kept jumping into the air, whooping and hollering. And then she launched herself at me, gave me a huge hug and planted a big kiss on my lips. She was still hugging me with her feet dangling in the air when she told me the good news.
"I grew 3/4" I'm up 1/2" for the summer!" Then gave me another big kiss. She let go, turned around, and did some more jumping. "I can't believe it," she yelled. “FINALLY…AT LAST!"
She dashed out of the room and ran back in, jumped on the bed, jumped some more and then landed on her back. Then she made angels in the bedspread. All this time I was just watching her, grinning, very happy for her. The muscle was distributed beautifully too. After a bit she stopped thrashing on the bed, looked at me and said, "C'mere."
My hard-on had waned during the excitement. I casually slid onto the bed, lay on my side, and faced her with my elbow propping my head up. "I couldn't have done this without you, Guy." She snuggled closer also on her side and reached in to give me a kiss and it was a sweet one.
Between her closeness, being on the bed and the kiss, I was revived instantly and I made to roll over on top of her but Mite stopped me short with a hard shove to the shoulder which interrupted my anticipation.
"I'm happy Guy, but not that happy, we can't ever do it with me on the bottom except on the bench." Then she softened. "Maybe someday, but not yet." Mite rolled over on top of me and straddled my stomach; she could see I was accepting the situation with no complaints. "It will be a sad day when you’re too big for me to practice on."
"Yeah, about that, Mite. Could you not practice so much tonight, maybe we could level things out a bit so that I can get adjusted to things first?"
"You mean you don't want me to grow any more?" Mite said, knowing full well what I meant while she thrust out her chest and flexed which only made my hard-on even harder.
"Can we just cap it at a couple of times tonight? Let’s not turn Guy’s pole into a beanstalk just yet."
"Okay. You said I could make you cum twice then."
She stretched languorously, and then flexed everything a little bit at a time. I forgot all about my dick and let Mite sweep me away.
June 13, 2006 at 6:10 pm #32027The_Pimp_NeonBlack
ParticipantAnother excellent chapter, dear Guy.
I's will most most sad when it is completed.
But, at such time, can I's ask you to e-mail I the compiled and collected chapters?
Many thanks in advance.It has been bothering I for a time but a thing has just occured to I about what of your story reminded I of another.
You tale seems a reverse of my's brother, Shadow's, work –Love's Own Hypocrisy.
Where you have a character whom seems obsessed with growth and change yet seems unable, his is off a character whom wants things to remain as they are but grows and changing -within and without (for she is also a muscular lady).
This knowledge has helped I appriciate your tale more and allow my's mind to delve deeper into your World and characters.Please, have a good journey and return to us safely.
Kudos unto you, dear friend.
NeonJune 24, 2006 at 1:30 pm #32028kafka
ParticipantThis story's excellent, I'm eagerly awaiting more.
June 30, 2006 at 1:03 pm #32029nanashiwanderer
ParticipantWhens the rest coming?
July 21, 2006 at 12:34 am #32030godmot
Participantthis has been a great series, it would be a shame not to see it finished. you have put in some fine work please keep it up.
August 15, 2006 at 3:04 am #32031phil442
ParticipantI do not want to complain but has Guy left the planet. I have been patiently waiting, but this is getting ridiculous. Guess I will have to keep hope that the series continues.
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