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June 7, 2006 at 6:51 am #31673
ParticipantThe next morning I woke up (Mite was gone already) with a hard on (no doubt I was dreaming about Mite) and just laid there wondering how I got to be so lucky. I've never had a streak like this before. It wasn't right. I've got to steel myself for disappointment, this can't last, I don't belong here. I'm not a god, my place isn't beside her. I sighed, "Enjoy it while it lasts Guy" I said outloud. Maybe I could stay in this Rip Van Winkle dream state for a few years. "Naaaaaah".
I went to the bathroom to take a leak and closed the bathroom door. There is a full length mirror mounted on the backside of the door. After I finished I decided to check myself out. I'd usually wake up in a fog go straight to the shower and steam up the bathroom but now I had an unobstructed view of myself. It was amazing what Mite was doing to me. I've never looked this good in my life. By the end of summer I'll be ready for the cover of Muscle and Fitness.
After I had my wake up shower I grabbed a clean pair of underwear and noticed the calendar that was buried under my clean clothes. Oh yeah, I dug it out, found a pen and wrote down 5 1/2" on June 26. Just for shits and grins. I looked down at my limp self. A limp dick varies too much. I figured, I'd just wait for Mite's measuring party tonight. I wonder what she had planned for today and with clean underwear on I made towards the kitchen.
I met Mite in the kitchen, with her back to me working on the counter, metering vitamins out into the bihourly plastic containers. She was wearing the first form fitting muscle shirt I've seen. I didn't know she owned anything that wasn't baggy. I tried to sneak up on her but she said, "Good Morning", before I got within 15' of her. Then she turned around with a big smile, got on her tip toes and gave me a big good morning kiss. With her arms still around me, her feet flat on the ground, "How is my growing boy this morning?"
"You are a miracle worker Mite, check out my abs now."
She broke the embrace stepped back and I gave my best standing crunch, "Oooh nice, she rubbed her hand over my developing washboard, but can you beat this and she lifted her shirt up and reciprocated which made me a little lightheaded, "No, but I can kiss it", and I bent down to lick, blow and kiss one of her abs closest to her belly button which made her giggle and laugh, "Stop it now", she dropped her shirt and turned around to the corner, I grabbed her perfect bun and snuggled next to her, "Here", she said, turning around giving me my first round of vitamins for the day. "You've got a hard day ahead of you, today is legs and ass", she grabbed my bun "but (and I could sense a change here, "you're working by yourself today."
I started to protest.
"I have to know whats causing you to grow and I can't have any influence on you whatsoever. I'm just going to point you in the right direction and your on your own today. I'll come get you tonight. Your meals are numbered in the fridge. I would give you a front chest pose to help motivate you but I'm too sore. Naomi is going to be here any minute so let me go over some stuff in the gym."
So that's the way it went. I hit my legs hard, as hard as I've ever done by myself. But it was a weak, limp handed effort compared to when I worked with Mite. When I was with Mite, I was hitting hard from a bunch of different angles, I didn't want to fail, lose her interest in me, be worthy of her interest (that's a big one), and of course she was soooo distracting, ungodly fascinating to watch. Its almost as if we were Samson and Delilah. When she was near, I had my hair and when she left I was shorn. I did my best, really tried hard and by the end of the day and all of my workouts I was sagging but not crippled the way Mite left me.
Mite wasn't kidding, I didn't see her all day, I hot tubbed by myself went to the library, spent some time there and retired to my bedroom with some magazines. I was laying in the bed, engrossed in an article and Mite came flying through the air, landing on the bed making me bounce, she was giggling and laughing, "Did you miss me?"
"You know I did"
She was wearing another form fitting muscle shirt and just her panties, kneeling, bent over beaming down at me, "Did you work out hard?"
"I tried my best but without you there it just wasn't the same."
"I know" she said, "But I bet you grew anyway." She took her finger and drew circles on my abdomen, "flex for me", which I did and she started tracing some of my abs. She watched her finger trace my abs then she would look at me and smile. She quickly sat up straight, swished her shoulder length hair around so it cleared her face, stretched like a cat, slowly thrusting her chest forward and arching her back (almost like she choreographed this), needless to say I wanted to wrestle her so bad right now, then she pulled her shirt off ever so slowing making sure that as she exposed her flesh all those muscles were flexed and shining like diamonds. She dropped down on my chest and pulled up toward my ear and whispered, "Are you good and hard now?"
She knew the answer, I didn't have to say anything. The next moment she was back up and the tape was on my belly. Mite never pulled such a confident, assertive sexy scene like this before, I was sweating, excited, my pulse was pounding I wanted her so bad. I sat up, dropped the tent and my hands were unsteady, I read the number but it was meaningless, I just wanted Mite.
"Let me see" she said, and she grabbed the tape while I leaned back, "Yup, you grew a 1/2", your at 6" now."
"I wasn't surprised, in fact I didn't care, there was only one thing I wanted right now. I wanted to drown in her presence.
"I'm not going to practice tonight, you've got a huge day tomorrow. I'm helping you work out tomorrow and then by tomorrow night I'll know exactly what is causing you to grow." "C'mon", she said as she put her shirt back on, I've got something in the kitchen that will help you sleep. I followed her trancelike to the kitchen in my tented underwear. "I'll make you a cup of chamomile tea with honey, then you can hit the hot tub or cold shower, whichever you prefer but save it for tomorrow", then she reinforced the order with a stern look. She made no attempt to touch, tease or entice me again, just gave me a sweet little smile, said good night and left the kitchen. I was standing there like a dope and then finally started to follow her directions, drank the tea, said the hell with it went back to my room and went to bed.
I don't know which transformation was more fantastic her muscular, sex leopard goddess act tonight or what happened to her on the bench the other day. Well that's not true, but she is becoming a lot less inhibited. A LOT LESS. As I started to calm down I remembered that I had measured myself at 6". Now that Mite wasn't applying pressure on me I could think more clearly. Nah, there wasn't really anything to think about, between the healthy food, the extreme exercise, the sex therapy, supplements it was a sure thing any male would grow an inch or so. I decided to write it down on the calendar anyway. I think the tea and honey was starting to take effect. I went to bed and fell fast asleep.
Thursday, June 28th
I woke up that morning with a woodie of course and sore legs. I expected to get a session with Naomi as today was her last day in town before she was going to Australia. In the kitchen Mite gave me the outline, she was going first with Naomi, because her chest was still sore (I'm not surprised) and she was going to try and get some of the salve or whatever it was that removed most of the soreness. "Without Naomi, we're going to be hurting and our progress is going to be delayed. So do some cardio and tub until its your turn", Mite directed.
Massage room with Mite and Naomi
"You didn't say much yesterday. Whatever you did to your chest I hope you don't do it again until I get back." Naomi said with concern.
"I'm working on a new workout technique. It works well for men but for women…well for me at least, it's a new dimension. I'm not really sure if I'll be able to teach it to another woman."
"Well, besides tearing down your muscle and rebuilding from scratch what else is it good for?" Naomi said this while she was kneading Mite's left pec."
Mite was staring off into space, reviving a memory, "You can build dreams in your orgasm."
Naomi scoffed and her accent thickened, "I know you for a long time but I've never know you to talk gibberish."
"I've had the best orgasm that any woman has ever had."
Naomi snorted and laughed, "Every woman says that when they have good sex."
"Okay, I'll have to figure out how to show you, but in the mean time, Guy and I are going to have some pretty hard workouts can you spare some of that special salve or lotion that works so well. It would really, really mean a great deal to us, please?"
Naomi got a real serious look on her face, then thoughtful, "If you give me 10 years I can."
Mite had a puzzled look on her face.
"I'll tell you a secret", Naomi began while she continued to work Mite's chest, "Once upon a time I lived in a small village in Siam. My family were poor farmers, the crops failed a couple years in a row, people were starving and little girls were considered a burden. I was 8 years old. But it was rumored that the Royal Masseur was looking for apprentices. Girls from all over the countryside were paraded before him. There was a lot of crying and lamenting. Parents would beg him to take their children, so that they might be fed and given a home but he refused one after another. He would merely take their hands into his, look into there eyes, nothing more, then refuse them. When it was my turn, my parents were bowing and crying and begging and I was crying. Finally I stepped up to the dais and he took my hands, looked into my eyes and gasped, "At long last", he jumped and rang a big gong three times and told his servants it was time to go. He had found his last apprentice.
That began my first day as an indentured slave. I began as a laundry girl, I was told this was to build up my hands, arms and shoulders, then I was in a pottery factory to build up my sense of feel and so on. After about 4 years the Royal Masseur began to start training the 3 of us. We would practice on the lower members of the royal household and as we progressed we were allowed to practice our arts on higher ranking members of the household. This is an art and tradition that has been passed down through the centuries and the Royal Masseur was the focal point of the cumulation of the art. The King declared that the Royal masseur had chosen his apprentices well and that they would become concubines at the age of 15. The Royal Masseur bitterly protested and threatened to resign his position which has never been done before. The king said that was not an option. The Royal Masseur said that he would die for the honor of his three apprentices if they would be spared until they were 18 so he could devote all his time to teaching us and pass to us what had been passed to him. So in other words he bargained with the king and commuted our sentence as concubines for a few more years. There was only six years left for the sage to teach us everything he knew and this worried him greatly. We became so close the four of us. We practiced on one another but were kept confined to the royal household. We never left the palace grounds. There is more to the art than meets the eye. There is even a technique for increasing the bustline. With that comment Mite cried, "Why didn't you tell me!" Calmly Naomi replied without missing a knead, "Dear, you don't have enough fat, it would be ineffective. Now let me finish. In the end our master was very proud of us but said we still weren't ready. He begged the king for his life so that he may finish transferring his skills to his apprentices. He could win no more time for us or for himself. He said there was only one more thing he could teach us. He gave a piece of himself to each one of us and died. The king did not have an opportunity to execute him.
"Oh my God Naomi, what happened to the three of you."
The King had been adding wives all along so he didn't really feel the need to add us as well. We became Royal Masseuse, we were required to treat all the visiting heads of state and attend to ALL there needs. However this didn't last for but a couple years and there was a revolution. The Prime Minister of Laos offered to help me flee in exchange for one year of private masseuse services which I agreed to. He was a kind and gentle man in certain ways. I got to travel to the U.S. with him several times and he helped me acquire work permits and I eventually became a citizen. So you see Mite, it is not a simple salve that will help you after your workouts, it is 10 years of devotion."
"So you can heal with your hands?" "To a limited degree, yes you could say that." "Oh My God Naomi", the outburst startled Naomi and she stopped massaging and pulled back slightly, "Mite sat up and swung her legs off the table and hugged Naomi pressing herself into her ample bosom, "WE'RE SISTERS!", we have so much to teach one another. Mite stopped her hug and looked at a very surprised Naomi. "I also have a deep secret that I can't wait to share with you and hopefully when you return I will have something else that will change your life." Mite got off the table and vigorously hugged Naomi again. "Mite, this is so unexpected maybe I should cancel my trip to Australia?" "No, I can't let you do that. You wouldn't be going overseas unless it was very important." Our secrets have lasted this long in our relationship, another week won't matter. I'm so excited", Mite jumped and down a little bit, "I can't wait until you get back. But its Guy's turn now."
"Good Morning Naomi", I said but it seemed that Naomi wasn't her usual self.
"Good Morning to you" and Naomi did her usual walk around appraisal for which I stood still.
"What, didn't Mite, supervise your workout yesterday?"
"Naomi, am I ever going to find out how you do that?"
"It would be obvious to a newborn, suckling babe that you aren't as in much pain as when you work out with Mite and why didn't you?"
"We're running another one of her experiments and she couldn't influence me in any way, so I went solo yesterday, so are we going to have a bit of your salve to use, while we're gone?"
"YOWW, Naomi, easy there."
"I am hurt and insulted that you think a common salve can bring you back from one of Mite's workouts." Naomi held her hands in the air as if she were a doctor waiting for her gloves. "It is my hands and experience that perform minor miracles, nothing else. You do not give me enough credit. Now apoligize."
"I'm sorry Naomi, heck even Mite wasn't sure how you do it."
Naomi quickly changed the subject, "Listen to me closely, if you have any influence over Mite do not let her try that…"experiment" on herself again where she hurt her chest so."
"Why Naomi?"
"She is taking things beyond the body's ability to withstand. It could break her body, mind or spirit."
"Oh Naomi, you don't know how strong she is. She is amazing."
"Maybe so, well there is not much work here, we will be finished soon."
"We will definitely miss you Naomi." Curiously Naomi didn't say anything, seems like she was lost in her work and thinking hard about something.
After the massages, Mite and Naomi had almost teary farewells. I don't know what they shared but it seemed like they broke the ice on something. Today, Mite put her hands on me even more than the last workout. She coaxed, teased, cajoled, and squeezed every last drop of effort and it seemed every last drop of cum too. It was only shoulders, abs, and arms. She said we couldn't afford to do much more because we didn't get any salve or lotion from Naomi. "Yes I know, Naomi told me it was her hands and experience that made us whole again."
"But I'm still going to do another new therapy chest workout maybe tomorrow or day after depending on how I feel. I should be able to handle it, the last workout will have prepped me for it. In the meantime you can start helping me with regular workouts. After your done today, I'm going to work the same bodyparts, shoulders, arms and abs."
"I looked at Mite, trying to figure out how and if I should get her to postpone that chest workout. On one side if miracle worker Naomi was going to offer a warning there is something behind it, on the other I wanted to see Mite transform again even though it was scary. My pulse was quickening just thinking about it."
"What ARE you thinking about Guy?"
"I was thinking about your last chest workout."
"You liked that, huh? I wouldn't know, I was a bit out of it. So you liked to see my chest get all swollen and red? You liked seeing me grow?"
Sheepishly I replied, "In one sense it was scary, I wasn't sure if you were alright, but on the other, I've never seen those kind of results from a workout from anybody. "
Mite cozied up to me, "I'm glad I've got your complete support."
Its kind of funny, I would think I would start getting used to Mite's presence but it seemed it was just the opposite. My dick was turning into a proximity meter, my thoughts were single-minded and otherwise mush when she was touching me. I think I was becoming a thrall but I really didn't care. I was losing myself to her.
That afternoon after she had numbed my shoulders and supersetted my arms I was privileged to help her out with the very same workout. I was crippled again so I couldn't do much to spot her but was allowed to help out in other ways. When she was at the top of a bicep curl or tricep extension I got to caress and fondle while she strained to flex. She was really starting to enjoy the attention. "I've had a LOT of lonely workouts, this is so much funner Guy. It's so ironic, I've always preached to my clients to get a workout partner after I'm done pointing them the way, but I've never had one myself."
Her arm workout was so exciting. She starts out with arms that have sharp definition and impressive size in comparison to her frame, a beautiful little peak on her arm that is so kissable. The horseshoe on her triceps is so delineated, so crisp, so ALIVE when she flexes. But once she starts pumping and it takes a bit of doing but the blood rushes to her arms and starts making those muscles rounder and fuller. Unlike some of the pro bodybuilders and despite her very low bodyfat, her face isn't drawn and thin. She retains her youthful, cute, little dimpled smile and expressions. She is soooo cute when she strains with a weight.
We did the usual that afternoon. Mite's appetite was certainly picking up. A lot more eating than talking. We retired to the living room and the big screen tv. I snuggled and thought about Mite and Mite actually watched the movie this time. Whatever had plagued her in the past was no longer bothering her now or not as much, at least. Its like we'd been lovers for weeks before the relationship begins to lose its lustre.
We stayed pretty close all evening just enjoying each others company on the couch, in the hot tub and then on to my bedroom. We were just lounging on the bed in our underwear, my arm around Mite who was laying on her side beside me. "It's been a good day." Mite spoke into my chest. "You helped me with my workout and your helpless again which means I can pretty much do anything I want with you." as she twirled her finger on my stomach. She looked up at me smiled and reached up to nibble on my ear. Mite worked me hard, milked me maybe six times but there was no question I was still ready to go. "Its time for the answer." Mite got up and got the tape off the dresser and deftly handled the task, "Just as I suspected, you didn't grow at all." Mite swung her legs over me, straddled my stomach above my hardon and reached to pin my arms which brought her face close to mine. "Your only growing when your inside of me, why?" She said that as if I knew the answer, even if I did, that was the last thing on my mind. When she got no answer she growled and sat up straight to ponder the question. I had reached out to caress her waist but my hands were quickly swatted away. A thought crept into my mind and it dared to pierce my mesmerization. "What do you think about when your practicing on me?"
Mite looked at me as if I was on to something. "I fantasize about growing. The dreams vary as long as some part of me is growing which helps me to orgasm, it pushes me over the edge everytime. Mite slipped out of her reverie, recalling her moments riding me like a bronco and the mood changed in a heartbeat. "I'm turning your dick into a muscle! The more I practice on it, the more it grows?!" Now Mite was getting seriously worked up. "I WANT TO GROW and your doing all the GROWING?! THIS IS MY SUMMER! Not yours!" At this point I tensed up because I was afraid of getting slugged, but she jumped off me and fled the room.
I laid there blinking, trying to figure out what went wrong. "The evening sure turned around pretty fast. If Mite didn't show some decent improvement on her chest the next time we measured I figured to be in some kind of trouble." Even though I knew the best course of action was to let Mite blow off steam, I decided to get up and maybe take a peek. I couldn't get within 15-20 feet of her without her knowing it so I hoped I could hear her before she sensed me. My first thought was check the gym. Blowing off steam was right, she was in the far corner on the stairmaster. Looks like she was going to burn the bearings out on the machine AND she was wearing a weight belt. I just let her be, there wasn't anything I could do to help. I'd be there for her, that's all I could do, so I went back to bed.
Next thing I knew a light came on and a heavy weight landed on my stomach. Mite was straddling my stomach, it looked like she had been sweating heavily, her skin was glistening on her chest, the top of her weight belt was soaked with sweat, her hairline was wet, her legs were hot and slippery from exertion. She looked kind of wild and possessed, "Alright, lets see what happens from a real workout", she promised. I was quickly waking up in all possible ways. "Mite, your a bit heavy can I please take off this belt?" It seemed that Mite was already slipping away from me, she was in her warmup and it wouldn't be long before she would take me for a ride. So I unbelted it and slid it off the bed where it dropped heavily. She mounted me and began a long ride, but this time it was different. She was flexing her lats and chest, those large muscle groups on the upper torso, she was filling with blood, pumping them as best she could without weights in her hands. I could feel her tense up for an ogasm and then she would flex as hard as she could, breathing hard, then she would freeze up, stuck in that maximum flex, holding her breath, trembling from the exertion and then it would let her go and it would repeat itself. I just laid there, I don't know if I could do this all night but I was willing to try. Somewhere way in the back of my head, I was hoping this was helping her but other than that I was totally absorbed by Mite's exertions. I was one with her.
Sometime later in the wee hours I was beginning to think all things should be done in moderation. Mite was an automaton and of course her stamina was amazing. Frankly I'm not sure how she could do it, she had to have been burning calories like crazy and we both had good workouts the previous day. I had to take the initiative. I sat up, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down to me and it was as if I was waking her up. "WHAT?!"
"Mite, easy there, haven't you had enough practice for now? Its very, very late."
In a very pouty voice, "Don't you want to grow anymore?"
"Yeah, sure, but not all at once, aren't you sore?"
Mite got off, didn't say a word and walked out of the room.
I was beat, I just reached for the light and conked out
June 7, 2006 at 10:37 am #31674godmot
ParticipantGreat story. it s really progressing.
June 7, 2006 at 5:45 pm #31675The_Pimp_NeonBlack
ParticipantNot only do you have a great sense of character and tension (both internal and external to the tale), it now appears you have great mastery of Plot Twists as well.
With both Naomi and with Mite.
This greatly increases my's appatite for the further chapters of your tale.
Kudos unto you.
The Pimp NeonBlackJune 8, 2006 at 3:35 am #31676slider
ParticipantReally great story telling…. can't wait to see where you take us! I love Mite's intensity; you have a very original angle on the whole female muscle growth genre… 😎 😀
June 12, 2006 at 6:16 am #31677trilliwig
ParticipantA few more questions answered, a few more mysteries revealed. Where could it all lead… HM???
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