Mikazuki Manga: Etsuko!

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  • #94300

    FlakBait wrote:

    I exist solely to act as a foil for fett…who has become so terrified of me he never posts anymore…..what a pansy.

    I am simply lulling you into a false sense of security.

    Then I shall pounce.


    Fett wrote:

    I am simply lulling you into a false sense of security.

    Then I shall pounce.

    Talk is cheap, you’re never around


    I bought the comic, and loved it, but I gotta be honest… That $15 price tag was *really* tough to swallow. That’s a lot of money for a 25 page comic.


    While I agree dropping 15 dollars is a hard pill to swallow you have to realize what it’s like from the artists prospective.

    25 pages is 60 cents per page. Lets say 20 people buy her book she’s getting 12 dollars a page. It’s more than likely, with inking and digital work going to take way waaaaay longer than 2 hours but if it takes exactly 2 hours she is getting less than minimal wage to entertain fmg fans. Plus she probably had to spend a lot of money getting it printed and bound! I can tell from experience that ain’t cheap.

    Not many people appreciate what the artist goes through. When you really break it down to a per hour model artists (many of them) are not asking for much. If it wasn’t a 4fans comic, with distribution, and a team of writers and colorists ect we’d more than likely get that 3.00 price tag we comic lovers like.

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