Miscellaneous Marvel Muscle…Girls…

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  • #11089
    Muscle Growth Nut

    So much for alliteration. ๐Ÿ˜› Anyhoo, I decided to look through the Marvel site that's been linked to in a bunch of previous threads to see how many so-far-unmentioned muscle girls I could find. As it turns out, I found quite a few:



    Missed one.
    I mentioned Rigger in my story in the Fan Fiction shelf.
    Ron Frenz (artist) introduced quite a few muscular women in his time on Thunderstrike including Thunderstrike's ex-wife who was a bodybuilder.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Missed one.

    Heck, I probably missed a bunch. My Marvel knowledge is far from encyclopedic, so I just checked the names that jumped out at me.

    And while we're on the subject, didn't Lingster post an article a couple of years ago about a short-lived Marvel comic about a supermodel who started becoming more and more muscular (I think she might've been a mutant)? The main reason I went through that site is because I was hoping her name would suddenly flash into my brain. No such luck. ๐Ÿ˜


    Female Muscle Growth Nut: that would be Ultra Girl.
    Melon Man just posted a thread about her.

    Shadow also tells I that ya'll missed out on an other muscular Marvel Charcter: Free Spirit from the Captain America comics.
    I's know nothing about her but The Shadow insists that she is fair upon the eyes.
    Maybe some here know of her and if there is truth in Shadow's words?
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    ze fly

    Female Muscle Growth Nut: that would be Ultra Girl.
    Melon Man just posted a thread about her.

    Shadow also tells I that ya'll missed out on an other muscular Marvel Charcter: Free Spirit from the Captain America comics.
    I's know nothing about her but The Shadow insists that she is fair upon the eyes.
    Maybe some here know of her and if there is truth in Shadow's words?
    The Pimp NeonBlack

    Mmmmhh… Yes, I remember her from Cap America comics. She was enhanced by Superia who tried to brainwash her and turn her into a mankiller. I will try to get a hand on that copy, but if my memory serves me right, she was built like a soft fitness competitor…


    Cool. Thanks for pointing these out.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Female Muscle Growth Nut: that would be Ultra Girl.
    Melon Man just posted a thread about her.

    *re-checks UG's entry* Huh. You're right. I thought it was someone else.


    Lovely collection there – thanks for the links!



    i wonder what dave matthews is gonna say when he sees SALON STEELE heheh…more steele women keep popping up

    David C. Matthews


    i wonder what dave matthews is gonna say when he sees SALON STEELE heheh…more steele women keep popping up

    I'll admit, it gave me a bit of a start when I saw that "Salon Steele" shirt…  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Anyone know when that comic was published? …did one of my old Xeroxed Satin Steele comics find its way into the hands of a Marvel staffer?

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