Miss Mass – IN COLOR!

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  • #58067

    Bravo work Nut. ^_^

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Have you looked into the Shapes tool, or vector programs generally, such as Illustrator? Vector tends to be more friendly for mousers, and hog less computer-resource and create smaller working files than bitmap programs like Photoshop. Just an idea. My husband is a mouse fan and also a Photoshop fan even though he has both the digital tablet and Illustrator. Whatever suits the artist.

    I actually did the "inks" in Illustrator, but for some reason I couldn't color it there as well. The next image I do (non-femuscle, alas), I'm gonna read through the Help files and see how to not have the problem again.


    I suppose you've seen KissTheManiac's Illustrator tutorials? Anyways, all the best with your next art piece.


    You mean you had a dA site?!  And art?! Pretty good stuff, too?!

    And you didn't think to tell me?!

    MIND TELLING ME WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE, BUDDY??!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( 😛 >:(

    Muscle Growth Nut

    You mean you had a dA site?!  And art?! Pretty good stuff, too?!

    And you didn't think to tell me?!

    MIND TELLING ME WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE, BUDDY??!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( 😛 >:(

    I did mention it in the thread where I posted the pencils and inks…

    ze fly

    Great stuff!

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)
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