Modern man a wimp says anthropologist – Reuters 10/14/09

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  • #87671

    Is it me, or does that face resemble Heath Ledger's?


    ok, that picture scares me.


    Same news article, two threads, I've merged them.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Perhaps I didn't explain myself – nothing odd there!  I meant that his interesting speculations and hypothesies are being presented as solid scientific theories.  I agree that strength and endurance were very important in the early Industrial Revolution era, and that Neanderthals have been agreed to have been stronger than us.  I argue that changes during the recorded history of our species cannot be evolutionary because of the timescale and the proposed extent of the change.  I agree with you guysthat it's likely to be cultural.

    Oh, and as for our reconstructed Neanderthal woman; if we were Nenderthals, we'd probably be behaving as we would do if Cindy announced her comeback and released some steamy new photos!


    Thanks to modern medicine we have better chances of living longer and surviving common diseases. Hooray for the Modern Man!

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