Molly’s Dream-NSFW

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  • #54109

    Okay, guys. After posting The Big One (which was still well received) I thought I'd go back and try something else with Molly. She's one of my favorite and yet under-used models because getting clothes on her is a pain but oh so rewarding.

    This render deals with a topic I like exploring in my renders, that of women fantasizing about FMG. I hope you like it. I tried some photoshop tricks that went awry, but it was fun to make. Enjoy!


    I like the concept and execution, but the font is EXTREMELY difficult to read, and ruins the image with it's blandness from an art design perspective.  I really like what you did though, but something needs to be done about that font.


    *Rolls up sleeves* Let's see what we can do about that. 😉 I guess it shows that I'm a writer and not an artist; Poser's just a hobby, but I'm not about to excuse shoddy workmanship.


    In the words of Batman kicking Raz Al'Ghul's butt in Batman Begins, "How about this!"

    I think the image speaks better once I excised the text completely. What do you think?


    Much better, sometimes less is more in this case!

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