Monster Curl Animation

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  • #92525
    Metal Bent

    Hey, all. I posted this link on my DA account a couple o’months ago. It’s a short animation I created of a large-ish lass hefting some not-insignificent resistence.

    Er… now I post it here. Hmm, hope this works. :S


    Very nice choice of lighting! Good job with the subtle details of having her breathing and the like. What would have been nice would be to see the biceps flex and unflex a bit more drastically. As it was, the biceps were pretty pumped the entire time, but her enormous muscularity would have been better represented if you could see the shifting of size.

    Very nice job!


    Well, if Sir TC2 was impressed by it, I knew it had to be worth checking out. I was definitely not disappointed! First of all, I loved the proportions of the massive upper body and even more massive lower body. It’s a great way to keep the femininity even when adding huge amounts of muscle. The animation is good too. Like TC2, I appreciated the subtle touches, like adjusting her balance as she hoisted the dumbells up to above her shoulders. I also agree that more movement in both the biceps and triceps would have helped make it look more realistic, but I know it’s hard to do that with Poser/DazStudio.


    Very good job!
    I quite liked it 😀
    It could use some fitting audio but Im not complaining. 😆

    Metal Bent

    Thanks for the views and feedback.

    Ya, I forgot to negetive-dial the bicep peaks. Even then, when the character is engourged at this end of the scale, Poser only deflates the muscle, not extend it along the arm.

    As for sound, “yes”! A clink of the weights, some steady breathing, all drowned out by some slow, grinding “chung-chugga-chung-chugga-chung” metal!

    Hmm, I’m going to put on a cd now. 😛


    Metal-Bent wrote:

    Ya, I forgot to negetive-dial the bicep peaks. Even then, when the character is engourged at this end of the scale, Poser only deflates the muscle, not extend it along the arm.

    Is Poser 7 onwards there is the Morph Brush tool, that might help with this.

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