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November 1, 2005 at 12:41 pm #16767
magnus knight
BY, Magnus Knight
Warning: The following story is meant for mature readers only 18 years of age and over. It contains nudity, sexual situations, violence, and some gore. Any similarity between the characters of this story and those in real life is pure coincidence. Thank you and enjoy. ©
“Another successful operation Dr. Torrance.” the nurse said with pride as the two finished suturing the patient. “I couldn’t of done it without you by my side my dear, and please, call me Samantha.” the doctor said while finishing up. “Well, Samantha, its not going to be the same without you here.” she said while blushing a bit. “I know, but you’ll do fine, besides, I haven’t gotten the job yet.” the doctor said with some nervous overtones. “You’ll get it and do just fine honey. You’re the best in the area, and they know It.” her colleague said with a bit of pride. “Oh, Maria, I hope so, it has been my life long dream.” “You’ll do just fine, when’s the interview again?” “In one month, at Chez Ritz with the president of operations and some of his chiefs of staff.” “Well you will at least get a good meal out of the deal.” The two giggled, and as they did a furry tail wagged to life which caught the two by surprise. “Look’s like the patient seems to agree.” and they laughed some more.
Dr. Samantha Torrance was the head surgeon at the local veterinary hospital and had been practicing there for some time, all the while building up quite a reputation for herself. She loved animals, owning two dogs and three cats herself. She started out here as a nurse but soon rose to the top of the staff, and liked her work, but wanted something more. Her dream was to become the top surgeon of veterinary medicine at the zoo, and she had a good chance to reach it since the last person to hold the position, Doris Fillepe seemed to have just disappeared into thin air earlier that year. The police who were investigating the matter had no leads as to what had happened to the poor young woman, but this worked out for Samantha’s advantage. She heard rumors all that was found left in the morning after working late on night was a pair of torn apart shoes, and a ripped up pair of her pants. Claw marks led the authorities to believe it was an animal attack, but all the animals were accounted for in their cages the next day. Odd, as it was, in a way she was happy as it now left room for her to take the position.
The rest of the day in the animal hospital seemed to go pretty routine. She mended a few broken paws, but nothing major. As the sun set the rest of the staff was leaving as Maria passed by Dr. Torrance’s office. “Working late again?” she asked her colleague. “Oh, just brushing up on some old files of mine, just in case I do get that job. I want to make sure whoever takes over for me knows what’s what.” “You know if you keep things up at this pace you’ll never find your prince.” Maria chided her. “Ok, you can go now, I’ll lock up.” Sam said in a stern tone as Maria rolled her eyes and walked away.
In a way Sam knew Maria was right, with all the long hours she put in here, along with all the long hours she spent at home on her files, she never did have time to meet anyone nice, and she was lonely. Sure her pets at home kept her company, but still, they were not exactly able to meet her other needs she had. She also knew that if she took this job, it would be even harder for her to meet some one special, but on the other hand she always related better with animals then with her human friends. Animals she just felt never hid anything from her, and were always ready to supply her with ample love and attention. She moved some of her red hair out of her face as she looked back down into her files.
“Screech!” Sam awoke with a fright at the sound of a cars breaks slamming to look down and find she fell asleep while working once more. It was late and as she felt around for her watch she found she had drooled again in her sleep and it was in a puddle of her own spit. She picked it up and as she brought it to her blue eyes she saw it was a quarter after eleven at night. Just then a loud knock at the door caused her to jump out of her seat. It was coming from the front door of the office. She was going to ignore it when an even louder series of knocks caused her to stir from her office and see what all the commotion was about.
As she approached the large thick wooden door she heard what sounded like a wounded animal whimpering and this made her quicken her pace. As Samantha unlocked the door it was kicked open and there she saw a man holding what appeared to be a large wolf like beast. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. About six feet in length and with enough bulk to weigh over three hundred pounds the man whizzed by her and placed the beast upon the examination table in the next room.
She followed them in and noticed he the man seemed to be dressed in just a loose fitting shirt and jeans, no shoes, but mud all over his feet. The beast seemed to be a cross between a wolf and something bigger, as it laid there, brown fur covered in dirt and blood, panting heavy. “Save her!” the man growled out to her in a very husky voice. This woke her up from her dazed state and she immediately swung into action. She examined the beast and found it had a gun shot wound in its abdomen.
She through her scrubs back on and asked the man to help her as there was no one else there and by time she called in help the animal would have been dead. Without hesitation she went to work trying desperately to save the beasts life. She removed the bullet which appeared to have a shine to it not usually found except in jewelry. Using all her skill she tried in vein to keep the animal alive, but the harder she worked the faster it seemed to slip away. After two hours in surgery she beat her hand on the table in anger as the animal took its last gasp and faded. In tears she looked up to the stranger and saw he too was shook up and sobbing at the sight of the dead animal.
“I’m sorry,” she said, her frail voice quivering, “I did all I could do, but the blood loss was too much.” Then after a brief moment of silence she looked at the animal once more and noticed the hair on it seemed to be receding. The beast as a whole took up less space o n the table as it shrunk down. Samantha slowly backed away a look of shock and awe in her face. “What did you bring me?” she asked as the animal began to take on human features.
Samantha screamed out as when the animal finished transforming it looked exactly like a young attractive Hispanic woman. In fact it looked a lot like, “Howroooo!” came from the man which disrupted her train of thought. She looked over to see his eyes burning with rage, only they weren’t the eyes of a man, no the yellow glossy look seemed more animal like then anything. She was about to scream as he lurched foreword and bit hard into her shoulder. She could feel her warm sticky blood trickle down her arm as it mixed with his saliva. She screamed out in pain and agony as the bite dug in more, then darkness.
Samantha awoke in a dark room surrounded by animal sounds. As she stirred and rose to get a sense of where she was she felt a chill. She went to touch her head to wipe off the sweat as she realized she was naked. She could feel the goose bumps all over her five foot six inch slender naked frame. She sat up straight and realized she was sin her house lying in bed in the nude. After a few minutes to get her senses in order she remembered what happened and bolted up to her bathroom and examine herself. To her surprise there were no marks of any kind on her body, in fact she looked and felt better then she had in months. She even could have sworn she was more toned then she last remembered.
As she made her way out and into her room for a robe she noticed how quit her house was. No animal sounds of any kind anywhere. As she through a silk robe over her naked body she noticed eyes glistening in the moonlight. Her three cats were a huddled over in a corner as if hiding from something. As she approached they hissed and one even tried to scratch her. She pulled her hand back and looked at her pets puzzled. They never reacted like that to her before.
Her stomach began to rumble and as she tried to ignore these rumblings she felt compelled to go over to her fridge and eat something. As she made her way through her dark house she was amazed how well she could see without turning on any lights. She made her way over to the fridge and opened it. She inhaled the smells of old leftovers and fresh fruits and almost seemed to feel as if she smelled them all for the first time. As she closed her eyes she stuck her head in further and took in a deep whiff, then by instinct reached in and grabbed her leftover pot roast from the other day. Without reheating it she just picked it up and devoured it with a few large bites. Excusing herself to no one she made her way into the living room and decided to flick on the television and see what was new in the world. To her surprise she found it was early Sunday morning on CNN.
She stood up and ran to her purse; pulling out her PDA and saw it was Sunday, four thirty in the morning. The last thing she could remember was being in her office late Friday, then a bad dream, then nothing. She tried to remember more but couldn’t as if something was locking her out of her own mind. After all the other night was a dream, wasn’t it? She checked and found no scares on her person, but what about the lost time? She curled up into a ball and rocked herself gently trying to remember what had happened during her missing day.
That Monday Samantha showed up for work early. As she moved her shoulder length red hair bobbed full of volume with her. She was wearing her Reeboks and form fitting blue jeans and white button down long sleeve shirt. As she strode past the patrons lot through the door she hesitated a minute before walking in. She was almost sure what she had the other night was some kind of nightmare, but if it wasn’t then she should here something about this place being left a bloody mess. After taking a deep breath she opened the door and walked in. Maria was there already busy filling out forms for the work day ahead. Timothy and Roy were talking football playing the Monday morning armchair quarterbacks. No one said anything which was good news to her.
Samantha made her way towards her office, but made a point to stop in the room where her nightmare had occurred. As she looked about it appeared clean and sterile as it should. No messes, blood stains, nor large dead woman lying about sp she smiled and went into her office. There she went on about preparing for her day. She put on her scrubs and washed thoroughly getting ready for their first patient of the day. It was a small cat named Whiskers who swallowed a battery by accident and they were going in to remove it before it leaked causing serious damage.
As they readied the animal for surgery Sam noticed how difficult it was to get the animal to remain calm. She used to have a way with animals, but just like her pets at home she was having trouble with this cat here. Maria seemed to notice too and so she took over for a while trying to calm the pussy down and get her in position. From then on the rest of the day seemed to be going along normally for Samantha.
It wasn’t until later in the early evening while cleaning everything up around the office with Maria they switched to the evening news to find the top story was the missing surgeon at the local Zoo’s body had been found. Doris Fillepe’s body was found by some men who had been out hunting earlier in the day. The reporter said she was found naked curled up in a fetal position, cause of death apparently being a gun shot wound to the upper abdomen, though the strange part was the bullet was nowhere to be found. The forensic expert at the scene said the bullet seemed to have been removed by some one with skilled medical training.Upon hearing this Samantha dropped the glass beaker in her hand she was cleaning and it shattered all over the tile floor. She seemed to wake up form her trance and bent down to pick up the pieces before yelping and bolting upright holding her right index finger. A piece of glass had become stuck in it and was bleeding profusely. Maria having seen the whole thing offered to help by letting Sam goes home early while she finished the job. Samantha agreed and went into the ladies room to clean and dress the cut. She pulled out the glass splinter wincing in pain, and then put a band aid and some antiseptic over it. She then changed out of her scrubs and went home.
Upon arriving home her two pet dogs barked at her, and as she went over to pat them on the heads they just growled and ran away. Surprised by this unusual welcome home she noticed her band aid bled through and stained her blouse. As she undid it she noticed how the sight of the blood seemed to thrill her a bit which she found a tad bit disturbing. She also noticed how her breasts seemed perkier then usually. In fact if she didn’t know any better she could have sworn they were firmer then they had ever been before, which caused the Thirty-three year old woman to smile, after all it felt good to feel sexy form time to time.
As she undid the bandage to look at the cut she was surprised to find there was no cut there. She had no sliver, no scar, no nothing but her slender feminine finger looking fine as always. She examined it closer then before but couldn’t find anything wrong with it at all. This puzzled the hell out of her and she just stared for a good five minutes at the thing when her tummy rumbled, she was hungry, no starved for something to eat. She went into the kitchen and found the food in it smelled better then it did the previous night. Once again she wanted something meaty she could really sink her teeth into. She moved some stuff around before finding a steak in butcher’s paper in the back corner of the fridge. She didn’t open the package to see if it was a steak, but some how as she smelled it through the packaging she could taste what it was. Now usually Samantha likes her steaks well done, but for some reason tonight, she only cooked it to medium, and waiting for it to get to that point drove her wild. Then without any utensils she just picked up the steak in her bare hands, sniffing it thoroughly, and ate it as it was.
Over the next three weeks things seemed to progress at the normal rate, though Samantha seemed to be experiencing more odd things as the time passed. All these odd things in and of themselves would of set off a few bells and whistles to outside observers, but with her stressful job and impending life altering dinner interview just one week away Samantha didn’t have time to take notice of these odd occurrences.
For example one day Samantha awoke to find she had overnight grown a faint fiery colored mustache, and though faint, was nonetheless embarrassing. She shaved and waxed the offending upper lip and just took it as a sign she was perhaps getting too old. Another day she awoke to find her legs covered in the same fine hairs of her lip, but figuring as she hadn’t shaved them in a while just shrugged it off and waxed them. Her pets had also been reacting oddly to her. Her two dogs no longer welcomed her home, but instead ran from her and if she tried to approach them they growled menacingly until she backed off. Her three cats also would no longer give her the comfort she felt she needed from them. Most days when she tried to pet them they scratched her and hissed until she would back away. The odd part she thought was that her cats nails were cut to low since she never found any visible signs of the scratches on her person. Her apatite was also dramatically changing. She felt as though she cut all vegetables and fruits from her diet, since her through out a mold filled pile of them the week before. Only meat satasfied her growing hunger, and not just any meat, she seemed to eat less during the day, but when the sun went down she craved something big and bloody. She would often raid her fridge after dark, barley cooking her food as like a hungry animal she scarf fed it down. Her work was also affected, as Maria had to sedate the animals now before Samantha could examine them. Otherwise they would bark or hiss and cringe as she touched them. Her other coworkers noticed too how she seemed sexier, more authoritative towards them in the veterinary hospital.
Then there were her dreams. She was having these very vivid and sometime sensual dreams at night that felt so real she would see wet spots on her nightgown and blankets. She was also drooling more in her sleep too, literally soaking her pillows. All of this could have been taken as signs that something serious was happening to her, but with her new found confidence, she felt she didn’t need to question them.
This past night she had this dream of running through the woods, she was being cased by something, something big. As she tried to run she found it difficult to get away from this thing that was barreling down on her. No matter how fast she moved she couldn’t get away. Then in front of her appeared these yellow shining eyes that gleamed in the moonlight. She couldn’t see anything beyond them at all; they seemed to call to her, fill her with warmth. Then she was running again, but this time not away from something, but with something, someone besides her. This person made her feel strong, secure. As they ran she had this almost out of body experience as if she was above looking down, only it wasn’t two people she saw running, but two wolves, side by side, lovers in the night howling at the moon. When she awoke from this dream she found herself sweating profusely, moist above and below under the covers, feeling more alive then her ever did before. She felt good, but at the same time frightened by these new feelings.
It was now two days before the interview, almost a month since all this weirdness had begun. As she arrived for work she noticed a man standing across the street, nit so much as looking at her, but through her. His eyes seemed to burn like the white hot tip of heated steel. Samantha just froze in her tracks as he stared at her. Her nostrils seemed to fill with musk like scent that seemed familiar as if from a dream she had once before. It was like she knew him from a memory she couldn’t remember. As a car sped by the moment it cleared he was gone, vanished leaving nothing behind but a feeling and a scent. The rest of her day proceeded almost totally normal foe her. The animals even seemed to be behaving better for her now. Everything was fine until that night.
After her now common late night feast she fell into a very fitful sleep. Tossing and turning in her bed her eyes were flickering behind her lids to indicate her dream was indeed very detailed. She was dreaming of herself in the office, and then she flashed into the examination room where she was working on not some large animal, but a wolf, trying to desperately keep it alive. Then it flashed to an image of the stranger from before standing in front of her, she could smell his musk fill her. Then it flashed to two wolves running in the night, they were in love, playing with each other under a full moon lit eve. Then a man, eyes a flame wearing a leather trench coat and cowboy hat standing in front of them, he held something shiny up, it was a gun, flash boom, she was back in her office with the stranger staring at her. She felt something warm covering her; she feels it then looks at her hand, its blood. Then she shudders and looks down to see her feet, they feel on fire, then she hears the sounds of stretching rubber and snapping laces, she looks down to see her feet are gone, paws in their place now, her clothes tearing off of her body. Now she’s in her bed, the stranger on top of her. She smelled his musk as she feels him penetrate her. He’s riding her, she has no idea who he is, but something wants him in her. As she feels his warm seed fill her she screams out, only it’s not a human scream, but a howl. Then darkness.
Samantha awoke in her bed in the middle of the night. She sat up dripping in sweat and a chill through her spine. She turned and stood up out of her bed and made her way to her bathroom. There she turned on the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. She reached up to turn on her light and was startled by the sight of her reflection in the mirror. The first thing that caught her eye as a large unibrow seemingly to have grown in over night, red hairs connecting her two eyes, a little darker then her hair on top. The next was her satin nightgown. It had rips and tears all over the front of it, gashes in some places. Still covered in sweat and a bit panicky she reached up and tore it from her body, standing there with nipples erect looking at her self. The night gown was in tatters on the floor, but there wasn’t a scratch on her naked pale white body. She could also see her sex was moist, and when she reached down to touch it she quivered a bit. Then what she did next took even her by surprise.
She began to masturbate, slowly sliding her index and middle fingers into her moist wet pussy. With her other hand she kneaded and massaged her breasts, breathing heavy, almost panting. Sweat poured off of her body and she could taste blood in her mouth. She opened it and noticed blood trickling off of her lips, filling her mouth with its bitter taste, exciting her even more. She noticed her canine teeth seemed longer then normal, but in her aroused state she didn’t bother to question this. Dropping to all fours she lifted one of her hands and slid it into her womanhood, flicking her fingers in a come hither motion, pumping on her hand. She felt so dirty and yet so alive. Barking and hissing filled her ears as her pets seemed to be going wild all of the sudden. She continued to play with herself until she started to shudder and hiss, biting her bottom lip as the blood flow increased. The orgasm felt as if it would never stop, she couldn’t let it stop. Finally after what felt like forever the feelings subsided and almost in a state of shock over what just happened she stood up. Only when she glanced into her mirror now her reflection appeared normal. She felt her sweaty forehead to find no unibrow. She opened her mouth and slid her fingers along her gums, but her teeth felt normal as well. Samantha grabbed her sink as she felt woozy for a moment, then nothing. She looked down at her feet to find a wet spot on the tile’s of her bathroom floor, and the shredded remains of her nightgown. She wiped her brow with the ruined nightwear, and walked into her living room, where she sat down on the couch and sobbed.
The day of her big interview had finally arrived. Though she didn’t get all that much sleep the night before, Dr. Samantha Torrance was ready for this. She felt more confident and her senses just felt so alive she knew she was ready to take this. She didn’t go into work, but used a personal day to prepare herself for the dinner interview. She printed up her resume, along with a list of awards she had won in her field of veterinary medicine. Showered and did her hair in a straight fashion but with subtle up curl at the bottom to allow it to dangle just above her shoulders. After she was finished with her red hair she decided to brush on some dark pink nail polish on her long and well manicured fingernails. Then she pulled up her thigh high dark black nylons. She caressed her legs after pulling them up and smile at hoe smooth she was able to get them. She pulled on an aqua colored halter top and fastened her black a line skirt in the back, then zipped it up. She then slid her feet into a pair of T-strap heeled shoes, and put on her black suit coat that matched her skirt. After snapping on her watch, she put on some light makeup using her bathroom mirror. After puckering up with her pinkish colored lipstick she kissed her reflection for luck then made her way out the door.
As she went out the door she called for her two dogs to come in, but they didn’t seem to respond to her voice anymore. This worried her as she didn’t want to leave them out all evening, but couldn’t also risk being late for tonight, so she hesitantly locked her door, got into her car and drove off.
On the drive there she listened to the local news radio station where they announced clear skies tonight, perfect for viewing the full moon. After a twenty minute drive she pulled into the lot of Chez Ritz and after placing two beautifully feminine feet in their heels on the ground she emerged tossing her keys to the valet. As she made her way to the restaurant front door she smelled something in the air that was somewhat familiar. She stopped to turn and felt a chill down her spine as she saw the man from her dream last night standing there across the street from her. She paused to gat a good long look at him, and seemed to fall into a trance until a tap at her shoulder made her spin around to see the valet behind her. “What?” she asked him a bit confused? “I asked madam if there was a problem.” “Um, no. No problem.” She said snapping out of her trance. As she continued into the restaurant she looked to see that the stranger had disappeared once more.
Once inside the fancy restaurant the mater de brought her to the table where an old man sat looking over the menu surrounded by two younger men at his side. “Ahh, Dr. Torrance, thank you for joining us this evening.” “Thank you for this opportunity.” She responded in kind. The old man glanced over at the manila envelope she had with her, full of papers. “That really wasn’t necessary my dear.” he responded. “Due to the unfortunate business with our previous head of animal surgery we need to fill the position immediately, and since you are the most qualified in the area, the job will of course be yours. Tonight is just a friendly meeting between me, you, and our head of operations and head of veterinary affairs.” To which the old man nodded to his left and his right. Samantha sat down to join them and they began there informal meeting.
The waiter came by and asked them if they looked at the menu and had decided on their orders for tonight. Starting with the woman, he asked Samantha what she wanted. Trying hard to fight back her salivating glands she ordered the sixty four once prime ribs of beef, as rare as possible. This took the waiter and the others at the table a bit a back. Such a large meal for such a feminine slender woman seemed a bit much. After realizing what she had just done she changed it to the twelve ounce cut saying she had misspoken, and placing her menu upon the table she could feel her stomach grumble in protest to the smaller portion. She hoped this wasn’t the beginning of more odd occurrences.
As Samantha sat there talking over animal issues with the other gentleman her stomach began to grumble and she also felt a bit flushed. She just ignored this and kept things going with the three men. She felt this odd prickly heat tingling her legs up her spine and down again. She looked at her watch to check the time and could see by the little dial in the right corner of it the picture showed a little sun setting and a little moon rise. Though only there for an hour she felt it was all night already. Under the table she kicked her feet back and forth as her shoes felt like they were cramping her dainty feet. She also patted her chest as her breasts seemed to appear a bit too perky this evening.
Later while talking she lost her train of thought as her nose seemed to begin picking up all these odd little odors wafting throughout the air. Samantha could swear that by scent alone she could pinpoint where every cut of meat was in the restaurant. Even more oddly when the doors to the kitchen swung open she knew instantly it was her waiter, and could also smell her dinner on the tray in his hand. She tried to maintain focus on the conversation at hand, but at the same time that if she didn’t know any better she could swear she could here the footsteps of the waiter as he approached. The thought of that chunk of meat getting closer caused her to salivate and as a drop of drool feel onto her buttoned suit coat she excused her self to turn and wipe it. “Are you alright doctor?” one of the men asked noticing what she just did. “Fine.” she replied while wiping her mouth, not noticing her voice sounded somewhat more seductive then before.
As the waiter arrived he placed the plates in front of the people there, and as the three men placed their napkins upon their laps, Samantha preceded to pick up her bloody piece of meat in her hand, and just take a huge bite out of it. Soon she realized what she had just done and a bit embarrassed put it back down on her plate, apologizing over her foe pa. As the meal proceeded she was the first one done with her dinner, and instead of feeling full, her stomach grumbled and she felt as though she wanted more to eat. With hungry eyes she stared at everyone else’s dinner, swallowing hard to keep from drooling once more. After they finished their meals they continued with their conversation, but Samantha was finding it hard to focus in on the topic.
Her mind felt kind of fuzzy, like a fog was rolling in over it. Also her thigh high stockings itched something terrible, and her shoes and bra felt way to constricting on her. “Did you get that Sam?” one of the men asked. “Uh, what? Yes, yes I did and I agree completely.” though lying the others didn’t seem to notice and just nodded in agreement. As the evening wore on still she suddenly grasped her ears and yelped out in pain. The other men just looked at her with odd looks of confusion on her face. “Don’t you hear that loud whistling sound?” she asked them all looking pained. The other’s just shrugged and asked if she felt alright. She continued to hold her ears, cringing, but then released them saying it was over. Just a minute later the waiter arrived with some hot tea for the group, commenting on how hot it was since the whistle on the tea kettle just blew a moment earlier. The group’s eyes were on Samantha as she just shrugged it off as the beginning of a migraine, which she would welcome now.
They continued to talk for a few minutes when Samantha laughed out loud and the others just stopped to stare. After collecting herself she asked if any of them just overheard that joke, to which they all looked like they were loosing patients with her odd behavior, but said no. Just then at the far end of the restaurant a couple broke out laughing, apparently that were where the joke had originated.
The evening soon became night and Samantha was feeling warm, too warm for her comfort. As they all continued talking she began to feel perspiration form under her clothes making them feel itchy, especially her feet and stockings. She snuck two fingers under her aqua camisole top tugging on it trying to cool herself off. The others at the table noticed this, and how moist her forehead was. “Are you feeling alright Dr. Torrance?” one of them asked her looking concerned. “It’s just so damn hot.” She responded noticing now that none of them seemed to feel it. “You know what, I, uh, I need to excuse myself for a moment.” Samantha said standing up and making her way towards the ladies room. The men at the table noticed how she seemed to wobble a bit as she made her way. To her each step was a bit painful as her feet felt cramped in her heels. As she made her way in her ears perked up and she could hear across the room on of the men say how she didn’t seem to look well at all, which she could agree with at this point. Another commented on how he would love to cool her off with his little fire hose, and how she seemed to be heaving her chest at him all night. “Asshole!” she said out loud which turned all eyes in the restaurant on her as she turned, blushed, and excused herself as she walked into the ladies bathroom. The man at her table turned to say, “She couldn’t have heard me all the way over there? Could she have?” Another man at her table turned and said, “Has anyone else noticed how she is acting exactly like Doris did before she was found dead?” Samantha also heard this as the thick wooden door slammed shut behind her.
Once she was in the ladies room she stumbled over towards the sink, grasping it with both hands shakily as she tried to steady her self. She looked at the mirror with her blue eyes seeing her red hair was a bit out of place and damp with her sweat. Her round face glistened with perspiration from her head down to her feet. As she stood there she felt odd some how, like her clothes, her location were constraining her somehow. Her aqua camisole felt tighter against her wet chest, and the bra underneath felt almost like it was tape keeping her breasts in place. As she looked down her a line skirt was an inch higher then where it was earlier that day. Her thigh high nylons itched like crazy and her shoes though fitting fine earlier, felt like they were squeezing her feet for life. She pulled up her coat sleeve and glanced at her watch, which read nine thirty. Samantha also noticed fine little red hairs standing on edge all over her arm. She pulled on the sleeve of her other arm to see more of the same. She looked at the mirror with sweat now dripping on her face. “Why is it so god damn hot in here?” she asked herself. She then contorted her body a bit letting out an “UHH” sound as she did. When she opened her eyes once more she found a faint line of fiery red hairs went across her temple between both eyes. She was now feeling scared by what she saw and felt now may be a good time to leave before any other strange things might occur. Splashing some water on her face she wiped it dry and made her way out of the ladies room to her table.
“I have to go, I’m really not feeling too well.” she said to the men at her table. They seemed to nod in agreement and she quickly left the restaurant. Not feeling up to driving once outside she hailed a cab, and getting in gave the driver her address and they drove off. As the cab sped away she felt an odd presence behind her and turned to see the stranger once again standing in the middle of the road, smiling almost.
The cab made its way into a suburb of the city where the houses were far and few in between. Growling something incoherent to the cabbie she tossed some money from her purse to him and got out of the cab. As the cabbies counted the money he noticed she was five dollars off, and so he got out grabbing her arm to confront her. As she spun around he could have sworn the woman growled at him. Then as she faced him she showed him her teeth, which looked pointy and sharp, and in a deep husky voice she shouted to him, “What is it?” The look in her eyes and sharp canine teeth made him just jump into his cab and speed away.
As Samantha fumbled with her keys in her purse she opened the door, then turned to call out to her dogs one last time, only she stopped in mid sentence. Her voice was not hers. It sounded throatier, deeper to her. This confused her and as she brought her hand to her mouth she pricked a finger on one of her teeth. As she felt around her gum line her canine teeth felt longer then they should have been. Turning she made her way into her house no longer worrying about her pets, just worrying about herself.
As she made her way through her darkened house she was amazed how well she could see everything. She finally got to her bathroom where she turned on her light and when she saw her reflection she screamed. Covered in sweat she had a thick fiery red unibrow between both eyes, and blood was trickling from her mouth. She opened it and was shocked to see all her teeth seemed to be longer and more animal like then she had ever seen in a person. No, they in fact appeared to be animal like to her. “This is just a hallucination.” She repeated to herself over and over as she turned on the sink and splashed cold water on her face, washing her makeup off in the process. After toweling off she looked back into the mirror and screamed, “AHHHH!” as the reflection she saw was not her own. Not only was the unibrow and her teeth the same, but in place of her beautiful blue eyes were yellow ones. Ones like the eyes from her dreams. Like the ones she first met a month ago late one night. She screamed again punching her mirror while stumbling out of the bathroom and into her living room.
November 1, 2005 at 12:42 pm #16768magnus knight
ParticipantOnce in the living room she doubled over in pain. Samantha’s insides felt as if they were on fire. As she stood there clutching her stomach she could feel as if her skin was shifting about under her clothes on its own. Covered in perspiration the pain was unbearable. Her shoes felt like they were encased in leather prisons. So tight and confining they felt like vices on her dainty feet. Her thigh highs were like a second skin on her as they clung to her legs so tight and with out mercy. Her skirt was loosing any free space it had with her thighs, and her suit coat was starting to climb up her arms, hairy forearms being uncovered as it crept up. Her aqua camisole’s straps were beginning to dig into her shoulders, and her bra felt so tight it was like some kind of torture device on her. Just then a flicker of white light caught her eye.
Samantha looked up to see the bright full moon a lone in the night sky. It was odd but her pained seemed to melt away for a brief moment as it caught her attention. She thought how strange it was she never noticed it before, but how pretty it looked to her now, gleaming like a jewel in the night sky. She was able for a brief moment to let go of her for a minute and just stood up, admiring the moon as if in a trance.
“Pop” the one button that kept her suit coat closed popped off and flew into the glass picture window and then rolled back by her foot. Now open it became clear just how large her chest had become, straining the fabric of her camisole top. Then reaching up she grabbed a handful of her red hair and screamed, “Oh my god, I’m burning up.” as the pain came back with a vengeance.
With one smooth motion she grabbed at her black suit coat and took it off throwing it in anger to the ground. “Uhh.” she let out in anguish as her body began to grow. She could feel her head rise as she grew larger. Her camisole top un-tucked itself from her skirt as she grew taller. As it rose up it revealed her stomach, once smooth, was popping and making sickening distending sounds as a six pack of muscles appeared to replace the smoothness of before. Her shoulders reddened as she grew, the straps of the camisole painfully digging into her skin.
She looked down to see her skirt slowly creeping up her legs, revealing more of her nylon clad legs, only something was happening underneath all the shear fabric. Her calves seemed to be ballooning as sickening sounds of stretching skin caught her ears. The leather of her shoes groaned as something was happening to her feet causing her toes to pus hard into the pointed tips of her shoes. The leather of the t-strap groaned in protest as it was slowly being forced out of position, to rise as her feet expanded. Soon little indentations appeared in the fronts of her heels, the points seemed to be shifting about forcing themselves into new shapes that her shoes had to compensate for.
Samantha brought her arms to her side and looked over to see her biceps seem to inflate, painfully forcing her flesh to conform to the new muscle mass. Her lower arms inflated with muscle as well. She brought her hands to her face as they hurt, tears streaming down her cheeks as her fingers contorted and stretched on their own. She could see her pink nail polish crack and flake off as her nails grew longer, sharper, blood trickling out form the tips as they did so. Then to her horror instead of seeing her normal nail color, as they grew they turned dark black, thickening and crusting as they forced themselves out of her skin. “Ow, make it stop.” she whimpered in a deep husky voice as her nails grew. Her leather band of her watch snapped then fell to the ground. Picking up one foot in anger, she stomped it to pieces with her growing strength.
After a minute that felt like an eternity she seemed to stop rising up, her growth stopping, but before she could breath a sigh of relief her skin crawled and felt on fire as muscles began to pop up all over her body. Her black skirt clung to her hips as they inflated, muscle piling on top of itself stretching her skin, filling her soul with agony. The small slit in the back to allow free movement stretched wide as it could. Her thigh highs were showing off immense definition as the muscles on her legs grew stronger. Her back and chest muscles swelled too, the sounds of straining fabric and groaning leather filling her ears with their music. The stitches were at their breaking points on her attire, but her transformation wouldn’t cease.
Samantha tensed her legs “rip” the slit in the skirt tore wider and up to allow more leg room. “Shrip, rip” it tore more as her thighs became hulking masses of muscle. The skirt rose above mid thigh now, and the tops of her thigh highs was visible. The elastic tops seemed to stretch, reddening the skin as they dug in to hold on to there content. “Rip” a small tear appeared in the elastic band. “Shrip, rip” then another two. Soon the elastic tops split open and peeled like a banana a few inches as her muscles forced them to expand. “Shrip” tensing her thighs once more tore the side seams on them, the rips traveling upwards showing off more skin, fine red hairs appearing on them.
She rolled her shoulders foreword as muscles popped into her back. “Rip” these caused tears to appear in the back of her cami top as the muscles expanded. A diamond shaped hole appeared in the front of the cami and soon widened as her breasts exerted more pressure upon them. At her side her hands cracked as the fingers not only grew, but began to reshape them selves. Her palm elongated thick skin forming on the fronts of them, fur growing on the backs. Her shoulders popped out of their sockets causing her to cringe before popping into a new shape. “Snap, snap” the straps of her cami, unable to cope snapped and flailed about before coming to rest.
Sam opened her mouth wide as her gums bled. She could feel her teeth growing longer, forcing her mouth wider. Her tongue too was lengthening, rounding out more. Soon her upper canines felt so long and thick her mouth couldn’t contain them. Then her bottom teeth seemed to grow sharp and rise up to meet the tops, her jaw expanding to fit her growing teeth. Her nostrils flared as her nose stretched and grew out, becoming more animal like with each passing second. Her red hair was a mess as it grew longer, feeling it stands on edge then travel down her backside, covering stretching skin as her muscles grew.
Her ears pointed at the tips, then grew out and up, causing her whole face to contort trying to compensate for this. Her jaw pushed out further as her teeth needed more room to grow larger and sharper. She looked down to see her hands were now longer then her feet, nails still growing black, fur on her back, pads forming on the palms. She shifted her back as more muscle forced itself into position. Her camisole top tearing down the center to allow this, traveling down her back and as it opened her bra clasps were visible. The three tiny metal clasps groaning and straining to remain closed. The top tore further until lit was at the small of her back.
“Snap, zip” the metal clasp the sealed the back of her skirt twisted and broke off, the zipper forcing itself down. The back of her panties bulged as her skin stretched to cover a protrusion at the end of her tail bone. The protrusion grew, as the waist of her white panties tore to allow it more room. Her skin seemed to crack open as a fuzzy red bud popped out and lengthen.
Samantha’s calves buckled, then flared out with new muscle “shrip” creating runs in her thigh highs. The runs grew and traveled up her legs and down into her straining shoes forming a seam. “Rip, shrip” the seam forced itself to widen, turning these runs into tears. Her thighs grew out still forcing the tears to widen into gashes and holes.
“Crack, snap” the strap the made the top of the T on her shoes snapped as her feet rose out from them. “Snap, snap” the bottom of the strap stitching failed as the straps broke free and her feet swelled up in her shoes. The tops of the nylons there rupturing as her feet grew. Cracking sounds came from the fronts of her feet, as the stitching on both shoes at once bulged, whined, then broke open to allow her feet to expand. Her feet then wasted no time in tearing out of her nylons as they grew; only they weren’t just getting bigger. As the backs of the heels snapped her feet grew longer, tearing themselves free form their leather prison and nylon hell. As they rose up fur tore the nylon off the tops of her feet. As they emerged out of the fronts of her exploding heels, the toe nails shredded the fabric, turning black and lengthen like her finger nails were doing. The shoes destruction continued as the sides of the shoes burst, hairy elongating feet punishing the leather. The slender two inch heels groaned, then snapped off and her feet plopped on the floor, growing animal like as they finished destroying her footwear.
Her camisole top tore open wide in the front, the back ripping and shredding itself. As her sides bulked up the cami was pushed to far and its side seams tore, and with all the rips in it was unable to hold on and fell from her body.
“Zippppp, shrriipp” her skirt’s zipper running out of rail now tort through the fabric of her skirt, almost reaching the rising tear as her slit grew in the skirt. The seams along the side ripped open to showcase muscle that would take most people years to develop, and hair that most would spend years to remove. “Shrip” her nylons tore and shred as soon her legs were left bare. As she rose on of her hulking legs the skirt tore open on the side up to her waist. The same was repeated with her other leg. As she stepped out of her ruined shoes everything below the waist tore and snapped peeling itself form her body.
She went to take another step, but quickly lost her balance falling onto all fours. She didn’t know why, but this position felt more natural to her now. A painful spasm caused her to arch her back, her spine snapping as it elongated. “Snap, snap” two of her clasps for her bra snapped. “Shrip” the cups in the front began to rupture as her swelling cleavage was staking its toll. As the cups tore erect nipples poked through, tearing the cups further. Unable to cope the last clasp snapped and her bra fell onto the ground.
Sam arched her back upwards again and this time the waist of her skirt tore and it too pooled among the ruined clothes on the ground. Her panties moistened before they too finally gave up and snapped leaving a muscle bound she hulk on all four panting heavily. Then another series of spasms took control.
As Samantha twisted and shifted about her knees buckled, then painfully clicked themselves into a reverse position as what hey were before. She then arched herself onto the balls of her feet as they grew long, the nails finishing their transformation, and padded themselves like paws. She then heaved her chest down as a second set of nipples popped up below her own pair. Opening her mouth wide, it stretched out, elongating into a muzzle, as her ears pointed up.
Then as this was finishing red fur began to sprout all over her body. Patches on her feet and hands grew, and traveled up her arms and legs. The bump on her ass grew into a tail, and as it waved about her ass covered itself with fur. Her back sprouted a reddish coat as her hair became like a mane on her backside. Finally puffs of fur sprouted all over her chest, then they connected to leave her completely covered in it. Then as if waking from a long sleep, this beast in place of where Samantha was stretched long and hard then howled so loud the window in front of her shattered.
Pouncing through the broken glass all six and a half feet of the muscle bound monster landed on all fours outside. The moonlight clearly illuminated its fiery red coat of fur, long snarling snout glistening with saliva, pointy teeth and wagging tail. Behind it in the house was a pile of shredded clothes. The beast howled once more, and then took off into the full moon lit night for the hunt.
The she beast went into the woods snarling as it approached its prey, its senses keen and alert for any signs of movement. Moving swiftly through the mist filled air it hunted for its meal. Sniffing the air and perking up its ears the beast had apparently found its prey.
Running on the soft muddy ground in moved stealthily for an animal of its size. Carefully not reveal its position it approached its target. Through yellow slivers of eyes it could see anything as if the sun were shining brightly. Anything it couldn’t see it could smell with its powerful snout. After fifteen minutes of this game it found its prey. There cowering but growling to put up a brave front was a dog with a red collar on. The beast didn’t hesitate at all. It leapt over a fallen tree and with outstretched paw tore into the side of its prey. Blood gushed as the animal howled on delight. The dog tried to get away, but the beast was too fast. I lunged once more, using its immense weight to knock its prey over. Then with one paw holding it down it howled in victory as it craned its head up, then down tearing the poor dog’s throat out. Blood was gushing everywhere as the beast devoured its meal. As it picked its blood soaked snout out of the remains it sniff something else, similar to this, into the night air.
The beast went after its prey with a viscous malice inside it. The animal was free for the first time and full of rage and blood lust. As it stalked off it smelled three other scents back where it had come from. It knew that tonight it would feast, and as it licked its gory teeth howled in ecstasy at the moon.
The next morning Samantha awoke in the barn behind her house. At first she was groggy, then cold. She looked down then screamed in horror as she was naked lying on a pile of grass, her nude slender body drenched in blood. She bolted up screaming at the top of her lungs starting to sob uncontrollably. She had no recollection of how she had ended up this way, or what happened the night before. As she made her way out of the barn, holding herself and sopping, something shiny caught her eye. She bent down to shift through the tall grass until she found what she was looking for. It was a tag from on of her dogs. Next to it was what appeared to be the remains of its collar, soaked in blood. She picked it up and brought it to her face, sniffing in its scent. Then in a fit of rage she dropped to her knees and cried out, “What’s happening to me.” Birds rustled by this outburst took flight and flew away into the morning sky.
As Samantha entered her house it was a mess. Furniture was toppled over and claw marks covered the walls. There by the shattered window of her living room was a pile of torn clothes like the ones she wore the previous night. As she dug through them she was shocked by how they looked like something tore them apart from within. She picked up on of her shoes, it was torn and stretched out of shape, with the heel broken off. Dropping to her knees she cradled it in her arms and rocked back and forth, crying. She had no memories of what occurred last night, nor was she sure she wanted them. Calling out to her pets she waited and sobbed, not realizing fully yet there would be no response. Only fourteen hours until the full moon rose once more.
The End?
November 1, 2005 at 6:59 pm #16769Deadly Pixxxie
November 2, 2005 at 11:45 pm #16770rastra
Participantgreat story
😀 -
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