Muscle Fan Comics [Official Thread]

Viewing 10 posts - 191 through 200 (of 223 total)
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  • #150092
    J Yubari
    Bodacious! is ready to download!

    An ordinary-seeming woman hides an extraordinary magical power that can turn her average physique into a thundering powerhouse – and she turns this power on a pair of truly unlucky criminals in the debut issue of Bodacious!

    Synopsis: Bonduca Fletcher has had enough. Her ex-boyfriend thinks he can just drop in any time he wants and beats her up every single time he does. He’s even mocked her about her name. But that name has a meaning, a meaning that will allow Bonduca to call on the power of an ancient warrior queen and show just how bodacious she can be. When the store where she works is robbed, she and the robbers will find this out for themselves…

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, feats of strength, lift and carry, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, destruction, sex, insertion, magic

    Issue Release Date: April 24th, 2021
    Written By: Mac Rome
    Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte
    Cover Coloring By: Vinicius Moura
    Interior Coloring By: Daniel da Silva

    Issue Link: Bodacious!

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Bodacious? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    Massive Inheritance 4 is ready to download!


    Maggie and Ashley take their new Amazonian bodies to a dance party – and with their powerhouse physiques, when they hit the club, they just might knock it down!

    Synopsis: Ashley and Maggie are finally ready to enjoy their first night together as newly-transformed, muscular amazons. One has to wonder how the club goers will react to seeing these two on the dance floor…

    Tags: female muscle, feats of strength, lift and carry, humiliation, sci-fi, science

    Issue Release Date: May 10th, 2021
    Written By: Rolling Thunder
    Artwork By: LWJ (Sedna Studio)

    Series Link: Massive Inheritance

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Massive Inheritance 4? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    Stealing Strength is ready to download!

    A woman attacks a transportation company that’s allegedly impossible to steal from – but thanks to her ability to get bigger and stronger whenever she wants, she’s determined to beat the odds!

    Synopsis: A shipment of technology is supposed to be able to withstand any attempt at theft, but there’s one woman stealthy and strong enough to try!

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, super-strong, feats of strength, lift and carry, crushing, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, height increase, sex, blowjob, science

    Issue Release Date: May 24th, 2021
    Written By: Rolling Thunder
    Lineart By: Salo
    Colors By: Slasher

    Issue Link: Stealing Strength

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Stealing Strength? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    Power Plant 3 is ready to download!

    Muscle Fan concludes the story of Power Plant with a third and final issue today! The two newly muscular women are cleaning up their mess and get exposed to more of the sap – leading to more sexy fun! But what other wonders might arise from these discoveries?

    Synopsis: Doctor Choi and Daniels have both been affected by the Cambodian jungle plant’s sap. Now, they must overcome their urges to clean up the area so that the plant can be safely studied. The night of the Power Plant is almost over. What does the new day bring?

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, man muscle growth, pleasure, oiled muscles, Olympian physique, feats of strength, lesbian, sex, science

    Issue Release Date: June 10th, 2021
    Written By: Lysander
    Lineart By: Raffaele Ricciardi
    Colors By: Ruben Curto

    Series Link: Power Plant

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Power Plant 3? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    Love Muscle is ready to download!

    A nerdy scientist wants to try out her new growth formula on her boyfriend’s manhood. It works a little too well, and has the unintended side effect of boosting her size and muscles too! Just how big and buff are these two going to get?

    Synopsis: Dr. Glynis Glamis has developed a new formula to improve her sex life and she wants to try it out with her boyfriend, Wilfrid Winthrop. The formula makes his “love muscle” get bigger… and her along with it! However, things quickly escalate out of control as the formula continues making them both bigger and stronger…

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, feats of strength, height increase, man muscle growth, penis expansion, sex, pleasure, nerdy girl, science

    Issue Release Date: June 24th, 2021
    Written By: Mac Rome
    Artwork By: Rukasu

    Issue Link: Love Muscle

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Love Muscle? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    The Strong Shall Survive 7 is ready to download!

    Today’s comic is The Strong Shall Survive 7! Still seeking sanctuary for the wounded Fayre, Sasha runs across a hostile guardian wielding a bow and arrow. Unfortunately for her, Sasha is ready to rock

    Synopsis: Sasha has emerged bigger and stronger than before, but now Fayre is the one in trouble. More than ever, Sasha must reach her friend’s settlement. How will she be able to cope with not just her newfound strength, but also her friend’s injuries… and who else is watching?

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, sci-fi, post-apocalypse, feats of strength, destruction, giantess

    Issue Release Date: July 10, 2021
    Written By: Rolling Thunder
    Artwork By: r2roh

    Series Link: The Strong Shall Survive

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about The Strong Shall Survive 7? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    She Fell From the Sky 3 is ready to download!

    She Fell From the Sky continues today, finally bringing musclebound heroine Tamara face-to-face with the sinister witch who’s been responsible for all her troubles! Can Tamara’s brawn win the day… or will her strength fail her against this maleficent sorceress’ power?

    Synopsis: Kidnapped from Earth, Tamara Rita Fels is believed to be the prophesied Knight of Daskar, especially after she defeated the “burning rage” of a magically created dragon. Now a witch has kidnapped Fred, Tamara’s new love. To rescue him, Tamara must face the “Violet Horror” feared throughout her new home with less protection than ever…

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, muscle loss, height increase, size transfer, muscle transfer, clothes ripping, sex, blowjob, feats of strength, lift and carry, destruction, leaping, magic

    Issue Release Date: July 24th, 2021
    Written By: Mac Rome
    Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte
    Colors By: Omar Vinole

    Series Link: She Fell From the Sky

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about She Fell From the Sky 3? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    J Yubari
    Body of Iron is ready to download!

    A girl who’s been struggling with illness for a long time finally finds a new kind of vitamin that leaves her stronger and healthier than she’d ever dreamed – and she wants to take her new physique for a spin! Can her boyfriend keep up with her newfound stamina?

    Synopsis: Mollie has been dealing with health issues for her entire life. She’s been trying to keep it in check with the latest pills and supplements. Thankfully, her newest treatment has been doing wonders for her body (in more ways than one)!

    Tags: female muscle, muscle growth, height increase, breast expansion, sex, feats of strength, clothes ripping, science

    Issue Release Date: August 10th, 2021
    Written By: Rolling Thunder
    Lineart By: Salo
    Colors By: Yuri di Curzio

    Issue Link: Body of Iron

    Download this comic and all of our other Female Muscle comics at!

    ALSO: What did you think about Body of Iron? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

    Body of Iron is ready to download!


    In this frame, she reminds me of late ‘9os Denise Hoshor.. looks like a cool story.

    J Yubari

    [quote=”jyubari post=142994″][center]Body of Iron is ready to download!

    In this frame, she reminds me of late ‘9os Denise Hoshor.. looks like a cool story.

    Thanks for the comment (which I definitely did not notice until you said something)! We hope you check the full comic out on our site! =)

Viewing 10 posts - 191 through 200 (of 223 total)
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