Muscle Impossible Part 3- NSFW – sexual content

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    Being as this is probably my most popular story in three or so years, I've decided to write a second sequel to it, I hope it is as well received as the first two stories. For those of you who don't like incest or hugely powerful and muscular women, I wouldn't read this story if I were you.

    I was hopeful that Shelly would come back soon, but to make sure, I kept encouraging Teri to make a suggestion to Shelly that we would like to work out with her more, for me and Teri to reach the level of muscularity and definition that she did, which sounded pretty absurd considering Teri's awesome conditioning. Of course that wasn't even close to the real reason I wanted to see Shelly again, ever since my wife had admitted that she didn't mind if I slept with her sister, that in fact she would probably enjoy watching it because of her sexual fantasies being very taboo, well I wanted to do Shelly now more than ever. I think that's what most men would like, for their wife to say its perfectly fine if things got a little freaky around the house. I knew in the back of my mind it was alright because I LOVED my wife, but I LUSTED AFTER her sister, so the connection could never be as strong with Shelly as it was with Teri. Of course I would always ask my wife if it would be okay to fool around with Shelly, our relationship meant so much to me, if she wanted a divorce from me I wouldn't know what to do.

        Teri was rightly suspicious, she bluntly asked me why did I want to see Shelly so bad. I basically said to her, "Teri, you know you're the light in my life, but when you said that you were open, you said that you might not have minded if I succumbed to Shelly's advances, and that you wanted to become more open, well the thought has spun around my head for weeks, from the first time I saw Shelly, her strength and muscles were so unreal, I almost couldn't control myself in her presence, but now with you saying that I may not have needed to, I wanted to see if I could still resist her with that knowledge you implanted in my head." She smiled slyly, knowing my real reasoning from the response that I gave her and said, "Okay, I'll call Shelly tomorrow and see what she thinks, I just hope your resistance meets the challenge. I have always admired your resilience, Jeremy, I hope it doesn't fail you this time." Oh boy, I thought to myself, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, my wife, knowing that I would like to give her sister the old tube steak, trying to guilt me into not doing it for the sake of proving me as a spineless male, ruled by his passions and not his brain. I would try to hold out as long as I could, of course, but hell, against Shelly's overwhelming power and muscle, what could I really do?

    Teri called Shelly, who came up immediately upon request, wearing a sports bra and spandex shorts that were barely clinging to her immensely overmuscled frame. When I say immediately I mean she was there in about 18 minutes, which is incredible considering that Milwaukee is over 75 miles away from where me and Teri lived, so she was pumping her legs well over 100 miles per hour, the people in the cars traveling I-43 must have wondered if they were losing their minds seeing this human shaped blur moving down the middle of the road at speeds no mere car could travel. Well, what they actually saw was an incredibly short, though thoroughly huge width thing that resembled a human woman at one time, but now looked something that was very much beyond what even the biggest man could accomplish. I smiled as she came to a stop down the block and walked to the house, appearing even larger than the last time she came up, she surely was over 300 pounds by now, and at 4'9 that's a sight to behold! She smiled at me in a flirting sort of way and said in her high pitched voice, which seemed so out of place on her incredibly muscular body "Hiya, Jeremy, so nice to see you again, you're looking very well." I smiled shyly, and said, "Hey, Shell, nice seeing you again too, did Teri tell you, we wanted to teach you some lifting techniques maybe you didn't know before?" Shelly shook her head and said, "No, she didn't tell me anything about that, what kind of program have you two cooked up for me?" I laughed and said, "Nothing bad, really, its just about working muscles you may not have thought to work out before, that Teri herself has found ways to work, with your power and muscles, I don't know if you have thought about the muscles in your face and well, in your nether regions, Teri has found a way to work those muscles and build them up incredibly strong!"

    Shelly pondered this for a bit and asked, "Why should she want me to learn these things, if she was the only one to be able to do them, she would have an advantage over me?" I shook my head and smiled, "Teri figures you have always been about being the bigger, having more muscles, and she's okay with that, she has made peace with the fact that no matter how big and strong she gets, you'll be a little bigger and stronger, in the end, she figures you'll be thankful that the student still has something to learn from the teacher, and hopefully you'll grow a little closer." She then smiled and asked, "What's in it for you?" I shyly smiled and looked down, "Well, obviously, I love seeing you two work out together, so that's something, and I would like to get to know you better, on a personal level, nothing too serious." She looked at me slyly and said, "Alright, then, brother in law, dear, I believe you, well, let's get to it, where's Teri, by the way." I giggled and said, "She's waiting for you down in our gym, she was hoping I would convince you to start right away, so what do you think?" She smiled back at me and looked thoughtful, "Yeah, let's do it, hopefully when I meet a man, he'll be as faithful to me as you are to Teri, and maybe this special training will make it impossible for him not to be attracted to me." I smiled slyly, "Yeah, that would probably be true, although you're really beautiful, I find it hard to believe that any man wouldn't attracted to you as it is." She read something from that, I'm sure, but if she let on, she didn't show it or say anything about it.

    We went downstairs to our basement gym, where Teri had already begun lifting, she had a 200 pound dumbbell in one hand and was curling it intently with her left arm. She did 30 more reps while we just stood there watching with admiration and pride, and as soon as she set it down, I made a coughing noise to get her attention. She looked up and smiled as she saw her sister and husband standing side by side with smiles on their faces, she jogged over without hesitation and hugged us both. She kissed Shelly and actually gave me a look while she was doing it, saying, don't you wish you could be doing this. Shelly was shocked at Teri's openness, she certainly didn't expect a full on the mouth kiss by her own sister, or for her to hold it for what seemed like forever. I smiled at her, hoping to get more of the same, but when she came up to me, all I got was a peck on the cheek, oh man, I can see what's happening, she's playing mind games to try to get me to react to something Shelly says or does, but also to what she does with Shelly that is even the least bit erotic. I shout inwardly, "Stay strong, Jeremy!" I look at Teri almost pleadingly as she smiles almost smugly, knowing what effect her lip lock had on my psyche. Teri then said, "Okay, sis, I want to show you something, maybe you won't believe it, but I can lift weights with my lips and my tongue, not just little eensy weensy tiny weights, but actual heavy weights, I'll teach you the techniques to make your mouth as strong as the rest of your body." Shelly smiled and said, "Awesome, I can't wait, show me, sis, show me how to make my face stronger than any man's body!" 

    First Teri told Shelly that it was important to stretch her face, as it was important to stretch every other part of her body before working out. She did exercises for the face that Shelly had never seen before, tongue flexing, cheek tightening, lip stretching, things that seemed more appropriate in a low budget science fiction movie than real life. I mean her face muscles actually rippled from her exertions, it would have been disgusting if I hadn't seen her do it hundreds of times, and even now, it is a bit nauseating, its like the movie American Werewolf in London, even if you've seen it dozens of times, the transformation scene still gets to you. Well, its not that disgusting, but still, its a sight that leaves you in awe, seeing Shelly's beautiful face like that, well, I don't know, it may well ruin her appeal, or it may strengthen it, knowing she could give me a standing blowjob without having to hold me with her hands, just like her sister, my wife, had done is quite a tempting proposition. Shelly rippled her other muscles in preparation, maybe making herself remember how she does it with her other muscles, in order to make her face muscles do the same. And of course, those muscles were beyond any that I have ever seen as far as mass is concerned, she still has a lot in terms of definition and vascularity to make up for when compared to her older sister, but she takes Teri when it comes down to sheer size. Not that she's not ripped, she could step on stage at a Mr. Olympia tomorrow and humiliate every single one of those guys with her shreddedness alone, but her 2.5 percent bodyfat doesn't hold a candle to my wife's 0.9 percent bodyfat. 

    Teri then went over to the machine that had the special attachment, this in the shape of a penis, though quite long and thin. I didn't mind seeing this phallic attachment, as it reminded me of all the great, intense BJ's my wife has given to me over the last 3 years of our marriage. Seeing her make virtual mouth love to that thing does make me a little jealous, but it sure as hell turns me on more than just about anything, other than her muscles of course. And of course the fact that at the other end of that thing is 250 pounds is even more arousing, especially the fact that knowing that weight isn't even hardly a warm up for her anymore. I wasn't the only one mystified by this show of unconventional power, I looked over to find Shelly was standing there with her mouth wide open, and her hand moving down her stomach to her spandex shorts. She suddenly looked over to where I was standing, openly staring at her, blushed deeply, smiled shyly and quickly moved her hand up to brush her stunning, near perfect black hair a little. I looked over at Teri again, to notice she was sucking the contraption in at speeds I never thought were possible, it was a blur going in and out of her mouth seemingly 5 times a second! 250 pounds on the other end of it was going up and down so fast, it must have seemed weightless to her mouth. Teri stopped after 10 minutes of this, imagine if you will, 5 times per second, 60 seconds in a minute, 10 minutes of this produced 3,000 repetitions, Teri's mouth was super human in it's strength! When she finished, she brought out a small, steel hanger, and showed it to her sister, then she put it in her mouth, a couple of seconds later, she retrieved it and to our amazement, it was tied into a pretzel. Her tongue was so strong and muscular and she had such physical control over it, she tied solid steel with what should be the weakest part of her body.

    She gestured for Shelly to come over so she could show her the things she needed to do to become as strong in the mouth area as she had become. I stood there with my arms folded, smiling as I looked at the size of each of the sisters, Teri was a huge woman with muscles that even the biggest of male bodybuilders would be jealous of, but Shelly was 4 inches shorter and weighed 20 pounds more and it showed, as she made Teri look fairly small, it was like comparing a football lineman to a running back, the shoulders thicker, the body wider, just about everything was enhanced, the only difference was Teri was much more shredded, you could see just about every striation and vein that were present in that area of the body, from her feet right up to her forehead, without her even having to flex, most of the time, when she is flexing, the veins stand out some as small as needles, others as big as sausages. But back to the present, Teri showed Shelly the right grip to take, and Teri set the weight at its lowest setting, 10 pounds, hoping that once Shelly learned the technique, her natural muscle and power would make the weight look easy. And she did, while she hadn't quite learned perfect control, her suction power and neck muscle were enough to make quick work of the 10 pounds that were on the machine. Teri was enthusiastic at Shelly's show of mouth power, "There you go sis, before you know it, your mouth will be strong enough to lift the whole stack and more!" She touched Shelly's shoulder with concern when Shelly flashed her a disappointed look, and said, "Don't worry, it took me months and months for me to master just the ten pound weights and you did it on your first attempt, it took me 3 years total to go up to the 250 pound weights, I'm sure you'll be able to do it in half the time, you've got muscle building genes like no other sis!" Shelly smiled, "Well, you could say like one other, I've still got a way to go if I can get close to your development." 

    Teri then said, "Well, that's why I'm teaching you this stuff, because we're sisters, and we should share everything we possibly can, I love you with all my heart, Shelly, and I want us to help each other completely." She hugged Shelly to her and whispered something I couldn't make out into her ear, Shelly looked over at me and giggled a little, then nodded. Teri then said to me, "Jeremy, you're gonna have to go, me and Shelly are going to work out with our lower extremities and Shelly's not comfortable with you seeing her in the all together, so to speak." It took some time for me to absorb the meaning, but then I did, smiled and said, "Of course, dear, I'll see you ladies later, have fun Shelly! And Teri, you have fun too, honey." Teri laughed and said, "I know we will, thanks Jeremy!" I went out of the room, but not to far, I was sitting near the door, listening to the goings on, trying to gage Shelly's progress by the sounds in the room. I smiled as I heard every little erotic squeak, moan, and mumble I could make out, Shelly and Teri were both a little bit turned on, I could tell, I tried to sneak a peek, but they weren't in my field of vision. Then I realized something, if I angled myself just right, I could probably catch a glance of them in one of the mirrors lining the wall. I did and what I saw amazed and aroused me, my wife and sister-in-law were both sitting naked by the universal machine, Teri was sitting behind Teri, kissing her neck and rubbing her nipples from behind. Shelly had the phallus-like attachment in her vagina and was working it in and out, appearing to be lifting 50 pounds with nothing but her vaginal muscles.

    Before I realized it I groaned out, "Oh God!" Ooops, I was caught, Teri looked straight into the mirror to see the door was opened just a smidge and looked straight into the clear blue eyes that were poking through the door, I was mortified of what she was going to do to me. As big and strong as I was, I was no match for my wife's strength, and even less to her sister, who had such physical strength, that she would make Wonder Woman green with envy. And I knew I wasn't supposed to, but come on! Here are two of the most muscular human beings that ever lived, and me, as an extreme fan of that kind of woman, I'm not supposed to look when they're naked and making out, I'm sorry, but I'm not the kind of guy that passes up something like that, does that make me a bad guy, I don't think so! Teri did look mad for the first couple seconds, but her gaze became more loving, she knew I couldn't have resisted even if I had the willpower of Gandhi, the temptation of seeing her and Shelly workout was just too much. Teri then had a sort of smirk on her face again, as she whispered in Shelly's ear, they giggled again and then Teri stuck her tongue in Shelly's ear, then kissed her neck again, knowing full well I was watching and enjoying myself. They put on that show for at least ten minutes, getting more and more serious the whole time, they were French kissing, rubbing each other's breasts, rubbing each other's crotches, all the while Teri was positioning herself so she could look right into my eyes the whole time.   

    "Jeremy, why don't you come in here and join in the fun?" Teri said, and I couldn't believe my ears, I said, "Um, Teri, are you sure, I mean, I thought you didn't want me to do anything with Shelly?" Teri laughed and said, "Look at me, I tried my hardest to resist her myself, but this body has a gravitational pull, one that's much stronger than my will is to resist it, if I don't have the will, with my inner and outer strength, how can I expect your weak frame to resist it any more, so I give it to you freely, as long as Shelly still wants you. Shelly?" Shelly moans, bites her lip, looks at me and nods her head. My mind is in a daze, I try hard not to come in my pants at the look Shelly was giving, because quite frankly I've been wanting that look directed at me since the first time we met. Shelly is just so facially beautiful, its hard to describe, she makes Angelina Jolie look like Margaret Thatcher, she makes Scarlett Johansen look like Rosie O'Donnell, seriously the woman is gorgeous in every sense of the word, her cheekbones, her nose, her eyes, her mouth, everything was just perfect. And the body, it was just incredibly hard, muscular, and stronger than anything I've ever seen before, I'm sorry to my wife, because I love her dearly with all my heart and soul, but Shelly really is what Beth Phoenix claims to be in wrestling, the perfect combination of beauty and brawn. I had a smile on my face as I moved almost in a trance as I joined my wife and sister in law in the gym, shedding my clothes along the way. I walked right up to Shelly and gave her the best kiss I could, hoping it would be enough to convince her I was worthy to sleep with.           

    She must have noticed my apparent lack of confidence as she said, "Jeremy, don't worry about your body being a turn on for me, you obviously compare yourself with Teri much too often, don't you know your standard for manhood is well beyond normal?" I looked down at myself and found maybe she was right, while I may be smaller than her and my own wife by a great deal, if I happened to step on stage at the Mr. Olympia contest tomorrow I would place very highly, if not take the whole thing down. My size and strength were pretty average when I first met Teri almost 4 years ago, but I've been training with her 4 hours a day, 6 days a week since then, I suppose my view of her incredible frame disguised the fact that I grew a pretty nicely muscled body myself. I guess when among these two women, I felt so small and so full of fat, that I must have thought of myself as normal and not worthy of being theirs. Her compliments did cheer me up a little and I just let go, I mean here are two beautiful women that could make the biggest superheavyweight male bodybuilder green with envy with their muscle size, definition and strength, and I get to have both of them at the same time, what other man can claim to be so lucky? I took Shelly by one hand and Teri in the other and we walked up the stairs to the bedroom together, a near unbreakable chain of three of the most muscular human beings on Earth.

    I put my favorite slow jazz CD in the stereo, took my underwear off to show my circumcised 9 inch pole all ready for the work ahead and smiled as my two ladies were laying on my double wide king-size bed, getting started already, French kissing and rubbing each other's pecs. There were no breasts to speak of on either one of their bodies, not that I cared much, I have always favored pecs over breasts any day of the week. I climbed between the two ladies and kissed Teri first, then Shelly, they smiled as they started feeling up my body, my pecs first, then my 8 pack abs, finally reaching down, each one had a hand on my thick cock, Shelly was very impressed with its size, she has had experience with men of course, but she said none of them had a dick my length or width. I had never been in a three way despite my sexual experience, so I didn't know what to do, I ended up lying flat on my back and let the ladies take control of the situation, hoping that at least one of them has had experience in that field. I guess neither had, but they just decided to take control anyway, Shelly mounted my face with her muscular vagina, while Teri started sucking my cock. I ate Shelly out like I was starving, licking and sucking on her clitoris, which was easily found because of its size, it must have been an inch long and half an inch wide. Teri got done sucking and put my cock in her pussy, I should say my cock was inhaled by her pussy, and the sensations were unreal, it felt like a thousand little hands were tugging it this way and that. My wife and sister were kissing again facing each other, one on my face and the other on my cock, I was in absolute muscle love heaven.  The End   


    nice one man….

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