Muscle measurements – examples?

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  • #34500

    Neon: Thank you! I look forward to it.
    Collector & Maniac: Thanks! Good opportunity to learn a few more FBB names. (Those vids are GREAT!)
    Debido: I hope you had fun! (Sounds like you did). And yes, that helped lots 😀 😀 😀
    Fett: Thanks for the observations. The BB measurements you gave were for competition size, yes? … Actually, do bicep measurements change for on/off season? (I can't imagine much fat for the peaks of the arm) :

    I have a much better idea of the upper body now. Any chance of some figure ranges for the legs? These seem to double/triple the arm stats, which makes me go (x_x)~ack


    Off season, I think, generally, some women add an inch or two, but they obviously lose definition.

    As for legs – I think anything above 27" is big for a fbb, but I'm not too sure. For some reason, it's the arms that everyone goes for.


    if i remember correctly reneè toney has 19-20' arms..
    °_° (unfortunately she is not very cute on her face 😛 )


    Here's a picture of Tina Lockwood at 5'6". She weighs about 180 lbs here and had 17" arms, 27" thighs and 19" calves.
    Here are some general things I've learned. Arms will get bigger but smoother and not as peaked in the off season if they don't loose muscle mass.
    For every inch taller she'd gain 15 pounds or so.
    For every real 1 inch increase in arm measurement you'd have to add 15-20 pounds of muscle.


    I did a similar study when I was trying to drawn muscular female characters from stories for practice. Seeing as arms and legs have an approximately circular cross-section I found that I could convert circumference type measurements to width type measurements by dividing them by pi (~3.1416). Using ideal (Gina Davis) stats as an example:
      Height = 5'5"
      Upper Arms = 17"
      Forearms = 12"?
      Thighs = 27"
      Calves = 17"

      Converting each girth measurement to a width and then assuming Gina Davis is about 8 heads tall we get:
      Upper Arms ~ 2/3 head
      Forearms ~ 1/2 head
      Thighs ~ 1 1/5 head
      Calves ~ 2/3 head

    I tested it out on this picture and it came out about right

    This approximate relationship is independent of figure height and the width values  should scale proportionally if you want to play around with symmetry. Eg, for the lovely Tina Lockwood above, the width of her calves would be closer to 3/4 head.

    I understand that head measurements aren't for everybody, but for me it helps get the proportions right in the early stages, especially when you're also trying to take things like foreshortening into account.

    Anyway, I eagerly await your next work.


    Thanks for the interesting stats & observations 🙂

    Now, where's a calculator when you need one *mumble mumble* *grabs mobile phone* … oh wow, that works! Nifty, thanks Mr Super-genius Reason.

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