Muscle Packed Female Cyborg Art.

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    Here is an original page from the old BloodStrike comic books.
    This babe was a fully packing fighting machine, with a body to match. Not sure of her name but she did not last too long, before she was cut down. Nothing like skin tight metal to bring out the sexy physique. Thigh high Metal stilettos! Only in the comics,you have to love it. 🙂


    Was this a Liefeld creation by any chance?


    I thought the same thing when I first saw the page.

    This comic book was by Rob Liefeld's Extreme Studios of Image Comics. They seemed to do a go job following in his style. This page was by done by the talented Karl Altstaetter. I am trying to get some more work up of his one my site and as soon as I do I will post it here.
    I  find when they go and color the comic books you often lose out on all these great details. These pencil and ink pages give the work a whole new perspective.

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