“Muscles” short film at Cannes

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  • #95184

    Here is a film that will be competing at this year’s Cannes Film festival
    that MAY be of some interest to you:


    Here’s a synopsis:

    “Edward Housden’s Australian short Muscles tells the oft-recounted story of the “other” sibling–Richard’s older sister Millie dreams of being a body-builder. With the rest of the boys in her neighborhood, she amuses herself with typically “male” activities: smashing the windshield of an old car, tormenting Richard’s pet donkey, learning to shoot a rifle. Richard, on the other hand, feels left out: as a young boy, he has hardly come to terms with his masculinity, but he is overshadowed by his older sister. Through strong visuals with very little dialogue: Millie rips the head off a Barbie doll and tapes it to the body of a body-builder doll, Richard holds his sister’s ruffled skirt in front of his waist in the mirror, Richard’s pain and confusion is made apparent to the audience. The young actor playing Richard is especially poignant in his relatable conveyance of the difficult combination of emotions that comes along with being a preteen.”

    I doubt we are going to see any decent footage of fully-fledged female bodybuilders in the film — maybe a snippet her and there, but nothing substantial — but the prospect of a good looking, surprisingly muscular young woman aggressively trying to compete with her brother sounds very exciting to me.


    Yeah,i doubt we’ll see that far into Millie’s adult life.
    Also,they’ll probably maker her gay before portraying that character as just a FBBer


    Yeah i agree
    Its looks like role reversial for both. :blush: :angry:


    Anybody have a copy of this eyt? Anywhere it can be bought/downloaded on the web?



    No word on where to see the whole thing. However, there are some stills


    This reminds me,..Has anybody found a copy of Becca Swanson’s WORLD’S STRONGEST??


    No news in where see the whole thing. However, there are also some of the pictures.

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