My claymore

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  • #71994

    Hello, femuscle fans,

    This is my Femmuscle version of a Claymore (manga/anime by Norihiro Yagi):

    She is also a piece I submitted to a Claymore Contest. If you like my drawing or just wanna help a femmuscle claymore to win, please vote for her here: (Adelaide by Hydek – You will need a DA account)

    So, yes, I am asking the help of the female muscle fan community, even when the character may not be considered very muscled ><. Thank you all in advance.

    Also, for those who liked my last femmuscle character (Aella Athanasiadou), I just finished 2 coloured versions, one NSFW. I will be adding them to my DA later tonight or first time tomorrow morning, just adding a few more details.


    Wow! Great job.  I hope you win the contest.


    ze fly

    Nifty!  🙂 Good luck!  😉

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