My first story

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    I wanted to try my hand at writing. Its fun and harder than I had thought. I've finished what I hope is readable, and hopefully get to continue working on this. So without any further delay..

    Cindy – Part 1

    Cindy had always been naturally strong. She was also always the quiet shy girl all her life. She went though all of highschool without ever having dated. She'd wear long sleeves, jeans and all kinds of other conservative clothes because she hated the way she looked. Her beauty made it hard for her to keep the boys away though, tanned skin, her black her in a simple pony tail, full lips and eyes one could drown in. But under those clothes she'd struggle to hide her biceps which would bulge anytime she would bend her arm, thighs which made her look overweight but were really a mass of powerful muscles and firm breasts.

    Fortunately for her, with her wide shoulders, capped with her delts she maintained the 'fat girl' persona and succeeded remaining out of most people's minds. She wanted so badly to be pretty. In her sophomore year of college she got a job at the sports department doing basic paper work to help out with extra money. She would see all the boys desperately trying to vie for the attention of the tall beautiful girls in the cheerleading team for the college team. The girls would laugh, flirt and have fun standing in their costumes showing off their abs and toned legs. Her heart would sink and she'd just look down towards where she'd be walking and keep going.

    Its not that she wasn't tall at 5"7', her only problem was she had abs. She didn't have the cheerleaders' flat stomachs with the hints of muscle, she had a flat stomach with each abdominal squeezing up to the next. Her lush soft skin gave a gently layer over her otherwise very muscular six pack. Her legs were not long and toned, they were long and muscular, her quads dwarfing the cheerleader legs. If the cheerleaders had shapely glutes, hers were shapely and were firmer than than the best flex a cheerleader could muster, and that was before Cindy flexed. But she never did.

    Cindy had never worked out, never tried or asked for all this, the muscle just seemed to something she couldn't escape. She once read an article about bodybuilding saw all the effort, and the time, careful dieting and countless hours people dedicated to get to the way they were. She sighed and lightly flexed her left bicep to see it balloon up in her sleeve, stretching the material causing her to hastily stop, and straightening her arm made her triceps bunch up all too prominently.

    Cindy snapped out of her self pitying and realized it was late again and she needed to get home from work. She was even more upset to realize that there was a tear on her cheek which she hastily brushed off. She took a deep breath and regained her composure. She had classes to go to in the morning, she did have to work hard for her grades, and never shied away from that. Her determination was unshakable and her academic successes proved it. She jogged across campus back to her dorm room, and not to any surprise of hers and arrived without even feeling slightly out of breath. She let a small smile play on her lips, it wasn't all bad she thought, about being 'athletic'. She felt her legs warm and pumped, the familiar mixed emotions briefly played through her, the indisputably great feeling of the slight pump with the conflicting desire not to have it.

    Her successes in school, her successes at work and any other victory was always overshadowed by how she broke Tom's heart. He was her best friend all through middle school and highschool, only when he asked her out right before college she had paniced. She remembered to this day feeling the surge of emotion. She was so frightened. Her best friend, the one who had been by her side through the good and bad, had fallen in love with her. Her fear was at losing Tom completely. She felt anger at herself for not being the girl she wanted to be for him. Her heart cried out at her in betrayal as she lashout at Tom for what he had done. His expression left a mark on her to this day, the utter way she had completely destroyed him. She did it for herself, she hated her selfish act that day. She had not trusted in him, she thought of herself first, did what she did best, and by pushing him away ran away and hid. They say time heals all wounds, and somehow she felt this was not working for her.

    They didn't speak for the rest of what little time was left of highschool and they went their separate ways to college. It was a long two years for her. In that time, she'd find herself thinking back and regretting that day, wishing she could turn back the clock and undo the harm — There was an email from Tom. She froze in front of her computer in her room, the subject line had a simple "hey". Her perfectly manicured finger hovered over her mouse button, how could this be? She heard a crack. In her shock she had broken the arm of her chair right off and still held it was a steely grip. She absentmindedly looked at it dropped it on the ground.

    She clicked on the email.


    I like it. There isn't much here yet but please continue.


    FMO7 that is a very good story I would like you to continue it if you can. I like females with muscles


    I like females with muscles

    Really? You'll find there aren't many people here that do, unfortunately.

    […I was being totally sarcastic, by the way  :P]


    I have no idea what direction this is going, but I REALLY like the beginning.  I'm looking forward to more.


    Great start! Hope to read more javascript:void(0);


    I have no idea what direction this is going, but I REALLY like the beginning.  I'm looking forward to more.

    Hate to admit it but neither do I  ;D

    Its surprisingly challenging, I have a whole new appreciation for all the writers out here!


    Don't worry too much about it.  You've created an amazing character with a personality, motivations, desires, and insecurities.  You've also set her in a good context and introduced a plot element that will change her life a bit.  All the hard work is done, now all you need to do is relax and let Cindy tell you what she'd do, how she'd react to Tom, how she behaves etc.  Just let it flow out of you…

    By the way, being totally selfish for a moment, I'd love to see what she's capable of and how much more muscular she'd grow if she were to start lifting weights…  ;D


    Thanks for the encouragement  🙂

    I know my updates are short, but since time is short too (I'm blaming time for lack of talent, go with me here…) here's another bit!

    Part 2

    Tom wanted to see her next week over winter break.

    That started in a few days! She felt a shiver of excitement run through her body. A thousand different apologies, what would she say when he came? How should she reply to the email? She hastily typed out a reply, then retyped, deleted it all, retyped it again. She laughed to herself, she hadn't felt like this in longer than she could remember. The giddy sense of happiness at seeing her old friend, stunned by him reaching out with the olive branch even after what she had done. After the initial shock, she felt herself start sinking into the same worry again. Still in her seat, she looked down at her skirt outlining her legs and saw her thick legs, she experimentally raised her left leg slowly straight out and saw it change shape as her quads went from relaxed to flexing forming each muscle. She tried squeezing it back down in frustration but it was unyielding. She promised to not mess it up this time. Tom needed to know the truth about her, she was tired of hiding from the one person who'd been by her side.

    It was now very early Saturday morning and Cindy was rushing to getting ready to drive out to the airport to pick him up. She tied up her silky black her in her traditional casual ponytail, put her warm winter jacket on, struggling to zip it over her wide back and generous breasts and finally ran out the door to her car. She gasped – the 'light snow shower' had left a thick blanket of snow on the ground. Not to be deterred, she trudged to her car. There was a 2 foot tall snow bank behind it where the snowplows had gone through boxing it in. Grumbling to herself she ran back to her room and got a shovel. Immediately attacking the snow desperate to get out, she found herself making slow progress, but having seemingly tireless energy, she cleared a path for herself. She jumped in her car, put it in reverse and gunned it out of its spot only to get the rear tires over the path she cleared and ground it. The little Volkswagen was stuck. She sat in the car, her breath steaming in the cold, holding the steering wheel in both gloved hands.

    She couldn't miss him at the airport. Never. She stepped out of the car and walked to the front and just stared at it. She put her hands on the bumped and pushed. She felt her triceps bulge, her calves bunched up and pressed up inside her winter boots, but no matter how much she tried, she kept slipping. Her frustration kept growing as she fell and scuffed her knee. She was growing desperate, and she had to do what she didn't want to. She was going to put her strength to work. She looked around and saw no one else. She grabbed hold of the front of the car again, and only this time she got ready to lift it. She'd never tried anything like this, but desperate times…

    With a good grip she strained upwards with her muscles surging with strength. For all her life when she had done her best to avoid her gift, she found herself wishing to be stronger and stronger and stronger. So strong that she could do the impossible, lift the front of the car and push it over where it was stuck. She strained harder, her legs grew harder than they ever had before, her muscles thickened, her back thickened under her jacket, her body growing stronger, the car itself started coming off the ground. Her jacket burst open as her muscles grew, she finally had the car off the ground and her legs straight. She stood there for a second, too stunned to soak in the fact that she was holding the front of her car off the ground, puffing with effort. Stepping forward and felt a constricting sensation around her calf and then heard her boot break open as her calf muscle flexed.

    Gingerly she cleared her car and slowly put it down. She was breathing hard over her exertions but felt amazing. She had an overwhelming desire to flex, she needed to see what she looked like under her straining winter clothes. She wanted to stand in front of a mirror and see her body, see her muscles, the same muscles that had grown before her very eyes. She could see her breasts rising and falling slowly through her thick winter sweater. Her pectorals had grown with the rest of her and she felt herself aroused by how proudly her breasts rested on her chest. She wanted to flex so badly right now, to feel each muscle bulge and see it move. 

    She felt the change, like a breath of air after being submerged for so long, she breathed. She felt freed. She smiled, her cheeks a shade of red over her effort, her breath misting in the air. She had been freed. She had to pick up Tom! She rushed to the airport.


    wow can't wait to continue… does it comes to sexual activity later or some gore?

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