My first story

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    i prefer more sexuality than gore though  :- ;D


    Another small update, hopefully I'll get to make a longer one next time…

    Part 3

    On her careful drive to the airport, the realization of what Cindy had done started to really sink in. In her desperation, she had lifted the front of her car off the ground. How the heck, she silently gasped to herself. The adrenaline rush having worn off she found herself in shock and disbelief, even if she herself had just felt her muscles grow and threaten to rip through her cozy winter clothes. Sitting at a stop light, she put her left hand around her bicep, it was what she remembered it like, round hard muscle, but nothing like it had been before. She was surprised at the little pang of disappointment she felt at that.

    She saw Tom at the airport, standing there with his familiar smile. Even before a word of spoken, she felt the last two years of fear and sadness melting away. They both hugged for what seemed an eternity, forgiveness and friendship speaking more in that gesture than words.

    "I'm so happy to see you, I'm so happy… thankyou..", Cindy finally spoke fighting back tears."Thank you for what?" Tom grinned back, knowing what she meant. He took her hand, "Lets go, I'm not liking this sentimental you, bring back the Cindy I used to know, practical and nerdy", Cindy laughed as they both walked hand in hand to her car. On the drive back, they both shared tales of the what they'd been up to, and anytime Cindy came close to apologizing for what had happened, Tom would always brush it off, he told her he had let it go and she should too. Then it happened, Tom had dated a girl for his freshman year of college at which Cindy found herself oddly jealous. She had to keep reminding herself, he'd dated before, he is a friend.

    Finally in her bedroom, Tom pointed out his ex-girlfriend in one of the pictures he had brought along with him. Cindy froze in place. Tom had his arm around a short blond girl wearing denim shorts showing off moderately muscular legs, she was smiling and flexing her left arm which had a small bicep! "Oh, look at that, she has muscles…" Cindy mumbled. "Yeah, I know, call me weird, but I always found that really hot about her", Tom confessed in his reply. Cindy sat back and looked Tom straight in his eyes. She had a chance, this could happen. She had been so wrong all this time. If only she had embraced her body, her muscles, how different it could all have been. She would have been with Tom, happy. She recalled the sensation of finally using her strength, the warmth, the exhilaration, the feeling of her muscles straining was thrilling. She felt like she had wasted so much time.

    "What?" Tom brought her back as she realized she was still looking right at him. "C'mon, its not that weird…" he said defensively. "Nope, its not. In fact, I have muscles too!" Cindy simply replied. Tom paused for a second, then chuckled "Yep, sure you do" he said going with what he hoped was Cindy joking to diffuse his discomfort. "Feel this" Cindy said flexing her right arm, her bicep created the now familiar to her round bulge through her sweater. Tom was stunned and Cindy found herself trying to not giggle over seeing him struggling to remain cool. He reached out and tried squeezing her rock hard bicep to no avail. "Wow. You've been working out, thats … really cool", Tom struggled as she saw him enraptured with her bicep. "You really like that?" Cindy genuinely asked, she still wasn't sure if it was ex-girflfriend muscles he found attractive, or herself sitting around (which was bigger than his ex-girlfriend!) or what she somehow had flexed into earlier in the day.

    "Yeah, I definitely think its really nice. Tracy was nowhere near this!". Thats all Cindy needed to know. She came clean and told him why she had turned him away, how she hated her body. Tom shook his head at her, shrugged his shoulders and just gave her a light kiss on her cheek, "I told you, its ancient history. You were silly for doing that. You're a girl, you were due a meltdown" he teased as she immediately pinched him. She didn't tell him about the car though, not yet. She didn't even quite understand that. "Wanna see more?" she shyly asked. She had never flexed to pose before, not alone and definitely never for anyone else. She was nervous, but excited. "Please!" Tom said enthusiastically. She pulled of her sweater to reveal a tight shirt underneath straining around her chest. She flexed again and now finally the both saw her bicep slowing rolling up into a round softball sized muscle stretching her shirt sleeve. Her naturally tanned skin tone glowed with health. She clenched her fist seeing her forearms flex and harden, and squeezed a little more into her flex. Right in front of her eyes she saw her bicep grow a little and the soft roundness of it pulling back as the first edge of her muscle pushed through. She stopped putting anymore into her flex, it wasn't time yet.

    Judging by Tom's expression, she knew she he wanted to see more. She stood up and pulled her shirt up to just under her breasts and looked down at her naturally muscular abs. Even before she had flexed, she had a six pack showing, her narrow waist right above her sexy hips. She looked down at them and carefully flexed and saw them bunch up and grow more defined. She playfully moved her hips as if she was dancing and her abs ground up and down against each other. She wanted more so badly. She wanted to flex as hard as she could, but not yet.


    Great update!  I'm definitely enjoying your story and am looking forward to more…


    Great update!  I'm definitely enjoying your story and am looking forward to more…

    Thanks !


    I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter.


    OK, as much as I tried for a longer update… well it didn't work. Anyway, figured I'd get something up. One day hopefully, I'll get to the levels of quality and quantity that's here from others!

    Enough preamble…

    Part 4

    "How on earth did you get to be so big?!" gasped the still incredulous Tom, "and all this time I just thought you were.. you know.. just errr…" he struggled with a euphemism. "What fat? Its OK, you can say it. There's nothing wrong with it, besides you were my friend regardless. Well, maybe not, a friend who then asked me out, and I messed it all up," Cindy sulked. "Stop bringing that up will you, I told you, its behind us, and there are no hard feelings" Tom said. "What I'm dissappointed about is how you never told me about all those muscles.. sheesh I feel like an idiot, I was next to the prettiest girl in school, and now I realize she was also the most muscular girl in school", Cindy blushed as he said that. "I was also the strongest girl in school, and I bet I'm the strongest in this city!" she finished for him, knowing full well she was stronger, she didn't know of too many women who could afterall grow their muscles and lift cars! She was still eager to explore that, she still hadn't had the chance.

    "I don't know about strongest, its a big city" chuckled Tom. He saw her full lips turn into a small grin, she stood up and walked over to the end of the couch he was sitting on. She bent down and took hold of the bottom of the couch with one hand. He was about to say something as he saw her strain, he froze as he saw her upper body start swelling with muscles. "Mmmmmpppphhh…" she kept tensing her arm, her bicep slowly started getting bigger, her traps rose in response.  She moaned to herself she embraced the feeling of her muscles working, straining and growing. The warmth and power was now becoming familiar, comforting and arousing. The couch started rising off the ground, Tom found himself grabbing hold as he was about to go sliding down to the other end when the couch lifted off the ground. "How's that!" Cindy said putting the couch down and going into a stunning double bicep flex. "I can get stronger, I still don't know how, but I can. I love it Tom, I have to see, and I want you to be there. I've not tried it yet, but I get bigger when I flex!" Cindy excitedly said. "It explains a little about why I guess I've always been the way I am".

    Tom knew something was incredible here, Cindy had grown in front of his very eyes, and he found himself incredibly excited and aroused by her display of strength, seeing her muscles strain under her flex. Already she was more muscular than any girl he'd ever seen, he had no idea how this was happening but Cindy's excitement was overwhelming. "Cindy… I'm speechless. You're almost as big as a female bodybuilder now!" he gasped. "I love it! " Cindy responded. So do I, Tom thought to himself.

    "How about your legs?" Tom ventured. "Oh yeah!" she replied, realizing too that she still had not finished exploring her body. Cindy pulled off her pants and stood in front of him in sexy black panties and her shirt. She finally saw her quads, tanned and muscular. She looked down at her right leg and flexed it, causing the muscles to firm, rising and forming into more defined shape. She put her hand on her thigh, running it up and down admiring its shape and strength. Tom got up and walked over next to Cindy, "Wow, the only thing I have on you is that I'm taller" he chuckled. "Hold that thought!" Cindy replied and darted out of the room. Tom stood there perplexed when he saw her come back in, wearing a pair of sexy stiletto heels, her calves were flexed and formed sharp muscular lines. She slowly stepped towards him again, her thighs bulging as her muscles coursed with strength. "Taller did you say?" she naughtily grinned standing an inch taller than him now.

    "Wow. You have to see what I see", Tom slowly said as he took in all of Cindy standing in front of him. "Come on, I have a full length mirror in my bedroom", and with that, she took his hand gently and pulled him to her room. He followed her watching her calves flex as she walked in the 4" stiletto heels. She stood in front of the mirror and smiled like he'd never seen her smile before. This was her moment, of all the years where she struggled with herself, fought what she was, she was now truly embracing it. He saw a tear run down her cheek, she wiped it slowly, laughed lightly, shook her head at some thought and sighed. She looked over to him with her piercing blue eyes, "Thanks for forgiving me Tom, I know, you don't want to hear it, but thank you. I could never have done this without you". Always one to keep the moment light he just retorted, "No probs, my second plan was to just give you a spanking for being mean to me, but I decided against it, I'm such the gentleman after all". Cindy turned such that her side faced the mirror, and with Tom to her back, "Oh no! I didn't know I was so close to big trouble!" and flexed her glutes a little, the mirror showed them perfectly round and then turning muscular. She put her hand on her left glute and felt the rock hard muscle, thinking back to her cheerleader envy from earlier days. She was barely flexing and her glutes were firmer than any cheerleader could dream of. "Ah, yes, definitely glad I'm gentlemanly…" Tom said seeing her flex.

    She turned around and gave him a hug. He felt her breasts press up against him, they were very firm, and as he squeezed her tighter, he felt her nipples starting to push up against him. He had one hand around her narrow waist and the other on her muscular upper back. He started feeling her nipples get harder and had to ease back on his hug as they started painfully poking into his chest. Cindy let go as he felt him pushing back and saw him staring at her breasts. She looked down to see her nipples erect, prominently visible through her bra and shirt. "Huh, thats new too…" she mumbled to herself. She cupped her breast feeling how much firmer it was, she reached for her nipple and saw Tom on the verge of drooling and stopped. "Hey, where'd Mr.Gentleman go?" she teased knowing full well what she was doing to him. "I'm human too!!" was all he could say.


    Take your time and keep doing exactly what you're doing, this is a great story!


    Yea, I can't wait for the next installment.


    This may be your first story, but please don't let it be your last… This is pure magic.


    Here it is, I'm not sure if I'm going to take this any further. Hoping to focus more on a better writing style, I've got a long way to go.

    Part 5

    Cindy suddenly found herself getting very sleepy. The rush of emotions and physical transformation seemed to have caught up with her, and her body wanted rest. Apologizing to Tom, still in her tshirt and panties she climbed under the covers, tossed her bra across the room and was out like a light. Tom found himself standing there wondering what had just happened. He looked at her angelic face with her dark hair spread across the pillow. His head still spinning over what had just happened, he turned around and switched off the light as he left her bedroom to go make himself comfortable on her couch.

    It was now early Saturday morning and Cindy woke up feeling invigorated. She jumped out of bed and stood in front of her bedroom mirror. Hoping last night was not all a dream, she immediately flexed her right bicep and was overjoyed to see it ball up and bulge through her sleeve. Her legs still looked formidably muscular, but had a soft muscular roundness to them. Smiling to herself, she stood in a classic super hero pose and spread her shoulders wide. With the sound of material snapping and threads breaking she saw her breasts pushing up against the shirt while her widening lats caused a tear to start forming down the middle of her shirt. "Doh, can't I even stretch a little now without muscles appearing everywhere…" she moaned seeing her favorite tshirt now torn. She then realized she still wasn't wearing a bra, and her breasts were so firm they had made short work of her shirt. "I like it!" Cindy exclaimed to herself, "this will save money on bra's if only I stop destroying shirts".

    Before she could get any further she heard Tom waking up, so she changed and walked out into the living room, gave him a kiss on the cheek. Tom was sore from having slept on the little couch and was definitely a little grumpy, but then he never was a morning person. Seeing Cindy's sleep tousled hair and her mesmerizing smile hovering over him put all the irritability right out of him. "Wake up sleepy pants! I'm going to go make breakfast, so cmon!", with that Cindy walked over to the kitchen. Tom joined her a few minutes later seeing her wearing a pair of comfy flannel pj's (to his disappointment) with a big tshirt (again to his disappointment). He did not fail to notice how well she filled it out though. "You're in a good mood" he grumbled to her, playing on his habitual morning irritability, "if I'd known this, I'd have made you get muscles years ago". Cindy stuck her tongue out at him, and went back to cutting a grapefruit when Tom skipped over and tickled her side quickly. Cindy being extremely ticklish shrieked and laughed. The knife in her hand went right over her left forearm. They both froze, there was a slight red mark where the knife had passed, but aside from that she was fine. "I'm so sorry, you could have got really hurt!" Tom paniced. Cindy looked at the knife still in her right hand and saw the blade slightly bent.

    "Um, I don't think so…" Cindy slow said. She took the same knife and pressed it carefully against her forearm. She then started applying more pressure, the knife pushed in  a little and then wouldn't go any further. She pushed harder now and the blade snapped off and fell to the ground leaving just the handle in her right hand. "Cindy… whats going on here?", Tom said warily. He found himself starting to feel frightened. It was one thing when Cindy was muscular, but now she was superhuman. His fight or flight instincts seemed to kick in, and he wanted to run. He knew this was the same girl, but he just felt fear, and he was failing at fighting it off, even though he knew deep down inside it made no sense. He started slowly stepping backwards. As soon as Cindy turned around and looked at him, his feet ran off with him. He grabbed her car keys, burst through the door of her apartment and ran for the parking lot. "Tom!" was all he heard from a frightened voice before he was all the way to her car panting and fumbling to get the car started. He saw her standing outside her apartment with her breath misting in the air, her hair still sleep tousled as he raced by her.

    He never got far. The car slid out in the snow and landed gently in a snowy ditch. Cindy hesitantly started walking towards where she last saw her car vanish when she saw Tom climb out of it and sit down by the side of the road. She walked over the rest of the way, and he simply looked up at her and said "Sorry about the car there… I freaked out, I don't know, a guy doesn't see stuff like that everyday". Cindy looked at her car, it was undamaged, she looked at Tom, he was now starting to look sheepish. He stood up, gave his mopish grin, "So, hi! What brings you out here? Aren't you cold ma'am? You're standing in pj's and there's snow out". Cindy played along, they were both still struggling to get used to what was happening and humor was helping. "Well sir, this gentleman had an accident with my car here in the ditch, he seems to be fine, but now I came to get my car."

    "But ma'am, its going to cost a lot of money to get a tow truck, I'm a gentleman, so allow me to make a call and take care of this. A lady in distress it my calling!" Tom reached into his pocket for his phone. She gently held his hand, "Sir, this lady does not need you worry about that, she's a modern girl and will take care of it herself, or try!" and she climbed down into the ditch. She felt her heart starting to race, she was getting that sensation she was started to find so intoxicating, the anticipation of using her muscles, of feeling them grow and strain. She didn't even know if she could, but she wanted to try. The front of the car was facing into the, she put her hands under the car and strained. The car was at an angle and most of the weight of the car and the engine itself made her struggle to budge it. She felt her quads starting to burn as her muscles strained, her back tensed hard and her biceps were bulging with effort. "Hmmmpppphhhhhh….." she strained harder, loving the sensation of the car's weight fighting her, she gave in to the intoxication, she felt the surge through her, immediately followed by her muscles starting to grow.

    Her biceps expanded, growing increasingly harder with the split head of her muscle etching into definition. Her back widened as it made room for the increasing amount of muscle forming on her upper body, her traps started rising up from her shoulders, her former lose flannel pj's snapped tight as her legs filled them out, and with little delay tore right open as her huge quads continued to grow. They were far different from the muscles she saw this morning, gone was the soft muscular curves, now replaced with hard muscles with thick veins rising to the surface. The car started rising, Cindy was overjoyed and with no pause pushed the car higher up and move her hands under it. "Here goes…" she gritted her teeth and tilted the car forward so the back of it would come off the ground. "uhhhnnnnmmmm" she strained as the whole weight of the car came over her as she felt her whole body quivering with strain, she stood with her knees bent and holding the car over her head. Her shirt burst as her winglike lats spread and she forced her arms straight, turned around and took her first step out of the ditch while holding the car overhead!

    Her calves burned hot as she shifted her weight to her right foot to climb up, she relished the sensation and pressed harder. Slowly she cleared the ditch and as gently as she could put the car down. Despite the cold, she was drenched in sweat, her tshirt hung in tatters and her legs still bulging through her torn pj's. "Fuck I feel so strong!" she exclaimed and did a double bicep flex seeing them tower easily past her shoulders, they were massive with a huge vein proudly resting on each muscle. "Fuck, you're so hot" Tom said. Cindy locked eyes with him, they both stepped up to each other and fell into a deep kiss.

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