- This topic has 33 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 1 month ago by
November 13, 2005 at 10:48 am #17030
ParticipantVery nice addition. I'm looking forward to the next scene.
November 21, 2005 at 3:34 am #17031Frank
ParticipantDina woke up for school around 6:30. She couldn’t wait to get there and see Nicole’s reaction to her new muscles. Little did she know that Nicole would not be there today. She had called in sick from the bush outside Dina’s house so she could search the house for clues to how Dina got so big. When she arrived at school, Dina was disappointed to see Nicole was out, but she cheered up when she saw her ex-boyfriend. “Oh yeah, I was so busy getting ready to kill Nicole that I forgot I need some revenge on him too.” Dina walked past him without saying anything, but made sure she was noticed. “Dina? What happened to you?” he called to her. She turned around and said angrily, “I spent all weekend working out. I had some free time. I was supposed to go out on a date with you but you left me for that bitch Nicole! Remember that?” He was sort of stunned at how forward she was. “Listen. About that , I’ve been feeling bad all weekend, I shouldn’t have done that to you. I’m sorry.” Dina could not believe that was all he had to say. She knew he was happy that his new girlfriend had a better body, or used to have a better body. But she didn’t want to get into that now. All she said was, “Save it, dickweed.” She then kicked him in the nuts, and stormed off to class.
Meanwhile, at Dina’s house, Nicole had just woken up in the hedges across the street. “What the hell? Where am I? Oooh yeah, Dina’s house. School started a half hour ago so it should be safe for me to go in.”
She took the spare key that was hidden under the doormat and let herself in. “Where should I start? Maybe I’ll check her room.” Nicole made her way up the stairs to Dina’s room. Nicole checked through the closets, drawers and under the bed, there was nothing that could have given her muscles. Finally, she checked the mini fridge under the nightstand. “Lets see, water….Coke….wait, why does she have Gatorade in a test tube?” Nicole turned the vile and noticed the label. “Muscle growth potion? That’s not fair! I worked long and hard to get my muscles, and she gets bigger ones just by drinking! Well I’ll make sure she can’t get any bigger.” With that, Nicole uncapped the bottle and drank the remaining half of the potion. Taking a bigger dose of the potion seemed to make it work quicker. Suddenly that post workout feeling Nicole loved came over her, only she wasn’t working out, and it was 10 times stronger. “Whoa, that feels pretty good.” The feeling increased every second, and Nicole started to notice that the feeling wasn’t just getting bigger, so was she. “Holy shit! So this is how she did it. This is going to be fun” Nicole started to take in the moment. She stepped in front of a mirror to watch the transformation. Her muscles began to throb and veins appeared all over her. “Oh..YES!” She cried out as whatever of the little body fat she had disappeared and was replaced with more muscle, giving her an already extremely pumped-up body. But those muscles began to grow too. “Oh…my…..GOD! I just doubled the size of my muscles in a couple of seconds! And I’m not even done yet!” She began to flex her new muscles and emphasize the growth. She flexed both biceps. Nicole could feel them becoming harder under her hands. The veins began to pulse as she continued bulking up. She wasn’t even trying now but her muscles cold be clearly seen. Her stomach was like brick now, as Nicole ran her fingers down she could feel the grooves deepening and the muscle becoming harder. “Oh yes, OOH YEEEESS! DON’T STOP! I WANT MORE MUSCLES! BIGGER!” Tears began to form in her jeans, as her thighs and calves simultaneously filled them out. They were becoming hard as rocks, possibly harder. Finally, her breasts inflated to twice their normal size in proportion to her massive bulk. Looking in the mirror, she saw that her frame was almost as wide as it. Even though she was done growing she could still feel that burning, pumping feeling through her body. She also noticed she was sweating. She really got into the transformation.
Nicole stood up straight. She had grown 3” taller and had veins all over her body. Even unflexed, her muscles were bigger than Dina’s by a long shot. They flinched every time she made a move and when she flexed, she ripped out of her shirt, leaving her in a sport bra. “Ha! Now I’m the biggest girl in the state. Lets see that bitch try and even touch me now! It really doesn’t matter, if she tried to punch me she’d just break her hand anyways!” She flexed her arm again to admire it. They seemed bigger every time she flexed. Nicole’s bicep was about as perfect as they come. Completely shredded, with a peak reaching halfway up her arm, and solid like steel. “Well I took care of that pretty quick and I still have the whole day off. I think I’ll go rest. I’m going to need the energy.”When school was finally out Dina ran home. But she stopped when she noticed that her door was open. She slowly crept up to the porch. “Is anyone in there? You’d better get out now if there is!” There was no response so she made her way up the stairs and into her room. If there was anyone there she could take them. She locked the door just to be safe and started watching TV. After a while she got thirsty and went into her mini-fridge for a drink. At first she didn’t notice her muscle potion was gone but then she saw
A little piece of paper with note on it. It read:Dear Bitch,
Just so you know, I drank down the rest of your muscle juice and
now those muscles are mine. I am bigger and buffer and stronger
than ever. So keep in mind that if you even try to hurt me, you will
go down.PS. I have your boyfriend too! HA HA
Now Dina was starting to get mad. “Okay, that is the last straw. First my boyfriend, then my muscle, I have got to teach this bitch a lesson once and for all. I need to get bigger.” Dina ran out of her house full speed to buy more muscle potion. When she arrived in the market, she was upset to find no trace of the man selling the potion. She asked the shopkeepers next to his spot. They told her he just stopped showing up one day.
“Okay, this isn’t good.” Dina was talking to herself on her way home. “I need more muscle and fast. But where else will I be able to find a potion? Alright, I guess there’s only one thing I can do.” Dina ran in her house and into her gym. She locked the door and slid the key under it. Then she turned all the bold locks and locked it with a padlock without looking at the combination “There! Now I’m not coming out until I’m strong enough to break out on my own!” Dina set right to work. All that night she hit the weights, working every muscle in her body to the full amount of weight they could stand. A half hour into the workout she was so pumped up she thought her muscles would explode. She stopped every once in a while to down a protein shake and take a shower. Dina was so into the workout she did not notice she had been up all night, and it must have been worth it. She saw that she had built more muscle unusually fast. “The potion must have made me able to build muscle quicker! Cool!” She was definitely bigger, and she felt stronger. She probably could have busted the door down if she wasn’t so tired. Every muscle ached worse than anything she had ever felt. “Ow! That was one intense workout. After a good sleep I should be able to break the door down” Dina pulled out the couch and laid down. Once she was out of the basement, Nicole would pay. She could only dream about what she was going to do to her.
November 21, 2005 at 8:05 am #17032gblock01
ParticipantWell that was interesting. Don't stop there! Keep going!
November 22, 2005 at 4:58 am #17033Frank
Participantthanks for the encouragment. this happens all the time with me though. i hit the third story and i cant come up with anything. i get writers block.
November 25, 2005 at 6:47 am #17034Max
ParticipantGreat new chapter Frank. It seems that the girls will hit a race to see who can build muscle faster and bigger than the other.
I wish you luck with the writer's block. It's something very annoying.
November 25, 2005 at 10:40 am #17035Fonk
ParticipantI really like how things are going, Frank. Good luck bursting through that writer's block, good Sir!
December 11, 2005 at 5:38 am #17036Frank
ParticipantAlright everyone, this is the last installment before the finale. I tried to throw in a little twist at the end. I dont know if it will work, but here it is. Enjoy 😀
Dina woke up the next day in pain. Her muscles were still burning from the workout last night. She went to the medicine cabinet for some pain killers, or an Icy Hot Patch. She would need a whole lot of them. But still it wasn’t as bad as last night. She waited for it to go away before attempting to break the door down. Eventually the pain went away, so Dina stepped in front of the door and prepared herself. Using all her might she brought her foot up and smashed it into the door. Nothing happened. She tried several more times and the door began to give. This was taking too long! So Dina picked up a heavy barbell and threw it at the door, sending it right through. She stepped through the hole in the door and went up to her room to change out of her sweaty workout clothes. Dina noticed that her clothes were becoming increasingly tight on her body. She flexed her arm and her bicep ripped right through her sleeves. “Ha Ha! I really am huge aren’t I?
After I destroy Nicole I need to take some time to enjoy these guns.” Dina left her house and started looking for Nicole. She checked the first place she figured a girl like Nicole would be. The gym. “She is so proud of her muscles she’ll take any time she can to show them off.” Dina was of course right, but this was the first time she had seen Nicole since she drank the potion. Not only was she bigger, she was taller, and as she would soon find out, stronger. “Oh No! The potion probably made her able to build muscle faster too. And now she’s going to work out! She’s gonna get twice as big!”
Dina kept out of Nicole’s sight. She figured if Nicole was going to get bigger, she should try to keep up. So Dina went over to the farthest machine possible and began to work out. She saw that Nicole had too. Nicole was lying on a bench with 300 pounds on the bar. She began to press the weight, and Dina was shocked to see how easy it was for her. After about 15 reps, Dina saw that Nicole was beginning to grow. Even from far away, she could see Nicole’s body becoming thicker as more veins began to show up. It looked like Nicole had noticed too. She put the bar back on the rack and sat up quickly.“What the hell?” She felt her bicep. “It wasn’t that big when I started. How did that hap-” But then she figured out that she could build herself up faster because of the potion. “Oh YES! My muscles are getting bigger after every minute I work out. By the time I’m done, I’ll be the biggest person in the gym!” Nicole added 100 pounds to each side of the bar and continued to lift it. Dina watched in horror as Nicole’s body swelled up with every rep. “Oh shit! She can get bigger even faster than I can. I need a way to keep her from growing. But for now I had better catch up to her. Dina put the max amount of weight on her machine and used every ounce of strength in her to lift it. Since the high amount of resistance was making her muscles work harder, they began to get bigger immediately. “Oh….My…….God……This….Hurts!” Dina was getting out of breath by the 10th rep, but the end result was worth it. Her body was swelling up in comparison to Nicole’s. She had almost as much veins and she was definitely as busty. She could now no longer see her feet over her tits. As Dina got bigger, she also got stronger. It was becoming easier to manage that weight, and she caught her breath again. She was really fueled up now. “OH YES! WHAT A FUCKING RUSH! You know what. No more stalling. Its ass kicking time.” Dina got up from her bench and walked over to Nicole’s.
“Well look who’s here. You saved me the trouble of looking for you!” Nicole said. She stood up and saw that she wasn’t as big over Dina as she used to be. “Look bitch, for the past two weeks I’ve been waiting to do this. And you just keep giving me better reasons. First you steal my boyfriend, then you BREAK INTO MY HOUSE and steal my potion, and now I’m going to give you something you’ve had coming for two weeks.” After her little speech, Dina clocked Nicole right in the stomach as hard as she could, sending her flying into the exercise machines. “Oh- HELL NO BITCH! I wasn’t going to kill you yet, but now you leave me no choice.”
A crowd was beginning to form and watch the catfight. The people wanted a show, and that was what they were going to get. Nicole picked up her 300 pound bar and pumped it up and down, and as a result her arms and chest inflated.
“Oh so that’s how we are going to do it. Hmmm, if I can build fast muscle by working out, maybe it will work with protein shakes too.” She took a shake from one of the audience members and guzzled it down. Just as she had hoped, she bulked up a little more too.
“We can stand here and do this all day, but it won’t prove anything. I was going to kick your ass, but I think I have a better way to humiliate you in front of all these people. We’re having a weightlifting contest. We will have a bench-press contest, a dumbbell curl contest, and cap it off with a deadlift competition. The loser can never show her face in this gym again, and the winner is entitled to three free punches at the loser. What do you say? Do we have a deal” Dina thought for a moment. If she lost, she would get her ass kicked, but if she won, she could get rid of Nicole for good. “Yes. Deal” They reached out to seal the agreement with a handshake. Dina was angry, so she tried to crush Nicole’s hand. When she put pressure on Nicole’s hand, something began to happen. Nicole’s body was becoming visibly smaller, and it appeared as if all that muscle was being transferred into Dina. Nicole pulled her hand away at the sight of Dina’s hulking body. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Dina was amazed herself. Sine both of them drank the potion, they could drain each other of their strength by having the stronger handshake. “Well, well, well. Looks like I have a new stake to add to our bet. The winner gets to drain the loser of all her muscle and strength. Still want to do this?” Nicole was hesitant, but her egotistical self figured she could easily win. “Okay fine, but give me back what you already took for the contest.” Dina let Nicole squeeze her hand until she was back to original size. This was more than a matter of revenge now. If Dina lost, she would lose everything she had gained. All those hours of painful weightlifting and working out and the new body she had come to love. She had to win this. It was more than a bet, this meant war.December 11, 2005 at 5:43 am #17037gblock01
ParticipantDefinitely interesting. Can't wait to see the end result!
December 11, 2005 at 6:09 pm #17038Fonk
ParticipantOK, things are definitely heating up! I'm liking it even more now! 😉 Good work, sir!
December 11, 2005 at 10:28 pm #17039Frank
Participantalright now that this thing is winding down, i might as well give it a name. anyone got suggestions?
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