Nazi Sex Dolls (NSWF)

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  • #93074

    Check Out At The bottom Of this Webpage. How The Nazis invented first sex doll and based it on athletic women and the reason way! Man this is twisted BUT true stuff!


    This topic is sure to generate some interesting Google referrals.


    I had to do a bunch of crazy of stuff to get this to download, but here a photo of the doll!


    Wow those are some hideous boobs! Interesting find nonetheless.


    Nazi sex dolls?? they wouldn’t sell their story to a tabloid for a quick cheap buck and to promote their own website would they?
    Just wondering…because…..I love history……yeah…… :blink:

    (it was required by law a Jesse James reference be made 😛 )

    Bane Dorrance

    a real life-size bodybuilder sex doll,..I can point you to her actual product page with all the attendant details. Call me old fashion but I just don’t see how the thermoplastic elastomer skin with the metallic alloy skeleton competes with the likes of a real live breathing girl


    [color=purple] a real life-size bodybuilder sex doll,..I can point you to her actual product page with all the attendant details. Call me old fashion but I just don’t see how the thermoplastic elastomer skin with the metallic alloy skeleton competes with the likes of a real live breathing girl

    I would not buy one, but I think this is for people who could not get a real life girl friend or FBB girl friend.

    Bane Dorrance

    I would not buy one, but I think this is for people who could not get a real life girl friend or FBB girl friend.[/quote]

    isn’t that the whole dang point ?!!
    Did I miss something that I would have to be in on?

    Nick Furry

    You new female prostitution is legal in most of western Europe?

    [quote=”unkn0wnx” post=136026]

    I would not buy one, but I think this is for people who could not get a real life girl friend or FBB girl friend.[/quote]

    isn’t that the whole dang point ?!!
    Did I miss something that I would have to be in on?


    A couple thoughts:

    • I’ve never bought a sex toy for myself. I’ve especially never bought a several-thousand-dollar sex toy (for myself or anyone else).
    • The muscular doll doesn’t look right. It seems like they should be basing these designs on 3D scans of actual women but instead it just looks like some minimally-talented sculptor made a mold from scratch. I mean, go get one of the women on one of the cams to pose for a scan, right?

    FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder

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