NBC picks up Wonder Woman TV Show

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    After being passed over by the networks the other week, NBC has given David E. Kelley’s pitch the greenlight. According to Deadline:

    The project is described as a reinvention of the iconic D.C. comic in which Wonder Woman — aka Diana Prince — is a vigilante crime fighter in L.A. but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.


    corporate executive…..vigilante crime fighter…….. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! :angry:


    So Ally McBeal with super powers?

    Wow… no thank you!


    Well, since it’s David E. Kelley, is anyone really surprised? Personally, I’m pretty sure it was something like this or nothing, so I’m happy to take what I can get!

    At least it means it’ll be an intelligent and adult adaptation, and will hopefully explore various themes to do with female empowerment. I’m sure there will still be plenty of room to have her kicking some ass in a skimpy costume!


    it this would be more intresting show.than battline the “evils” of corporate America!



    The headline on Fark said it better than I could.

    “David E. Kelley’s Wonder Woman has been picked up by NBC. I swear to God, if Diana is a neurotic career woman I’m flying to L.A., and burning that down.”

    Also, Vigilante? Really? GAAAH!

    Here’s the Io9 link


    I could see a pilot where her secret identity is a interpreter at the united nations


    Ashlee wrote:

    it this would be more intresting show.than battline the “evils” of corporate America!


    What an awesome ad! There was even a brief bicep flex during the transformation sequence. The 90s really was a great time for female muscle in the mainstream! I don’t suppose we’ll ever see those days again.

    I think what would have been a better idea for a TV show than Wonder Woman would have been a live-action Justice League TV show featuring Wonder Woman.


    There was a second commercial which had her biceps rip through her sleeves in pure FMG fashion.

    I would totally watch a cartoon series of Supermom, no doubt about it.


    the_collector_2 wrote:

    So Ally McBeal with super powers?

    Wow… no thank you!

    Actually… I think this is Power Girl’s schtick. I’d really like to see a PG show based around the first 12 issues of her comic from a few years back.

    Either way, I don’t think we should get too bent out of shape on this yet. Wonder Woman has the top three most unrelatable origin out of DC’s big 7. Only Aquaman comes close.

    An island of ageless amazons that haven’t encountered men in 1000 years and have a princess made out of clay is a pretty hard sell. Especially when you have to get her to “Man’s World” somehow and fighting super villains. Then there is that entire awkward “fish out of water” period where she doesn’t understand things like telephones and computers, but she can take on scientist bad guys right out of the gate.

    Plus, is she supposed to have powers or not? Half the time she’s smacking Superman caliber guys around with her bare hands, the other half she’s using a sword and getting sliced and diced by normal weapons. Do ALL amazons share her powers? Etc… It’s a bit confusing.

    Sometimes I feel that WW is important because they say she’s important.

    I’d almost like to see a more Xena-esque take on her. Let her do the thing in the world of Gods. Let her be a character that knows her surroundings and understands the value of sisterhood without having her be a complete foreigner in our high tech world. We have Martian Manhunter for that… Who’d have a kick ass live TV show.

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