- This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by
January 18, 2008 at 6:01 pm #65965
ParticipantWarning: the following contains adult situations and extreme language. If you are easily offended, or just are not old enough legally to be viewing this, please leave now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! All characters are property of Bellisario Television and not used with permission. This is simply a fan fiction story based on the show NCIS. If asked to, I will remove this post or a moderator can feel free to do so as well.
Abby Gets Buff.
By Toni Trepasso{scene}A man dressed in an admiral’s uniform walks out of an office building carrying an aluminum briefcase that is hand cuffed to his wrist. He looks around to make sure no one is around as he walks slowly to his car, and puts the key in the door. Just as he does, he hears the unmistakable sound of a hammer cock, and before he can turn around he is shot in the back of the head. The noise alerts the security guard and the alarm sounds, as the attacker struggles to open the combination lock on the briefcase. Hearing police sirens getting closer. The attacker drops the case and runs into the near by wooded area, to watch the police show up, before leaving without what they were trying to get. {Flash to black and white as the camera zooms out on the Admiral laying on the ground}
{Fade in on the NCIS team sitting at their desks working}
At that moment, Gibs walks into the main office area of the NCIS, and without showing any emotion as is his trademark, he calls his team together.“McGee, get the truck. David, DiNozzo, you’re with me.”
“Where’re we headed boss?” Toni asked then cringed fearing Gibbs would swat him in the back of the head.
“An admiral has been shot in Georgetown. The local PD is already on the scene and I don’t want them screwing it up.”
The team arrives just as Ducky is taking the liver temp on the body. Gibbs stands there sipping his coffee and waits for Doctor Mallard to finish. Without looking up Ducky greets Gibbs.
“From his liver temp I’d say our admiral died about three hours ago Jethro.”
“His name would be helpful Duck.”
“His name was Admiral Douglas Adams.” Ducky tells Gibbs as he hands over the admiral’s wallet.
“Tony, bag this and get it to Abby.”
“On it boss.” Tony tells him as he puts the wallet into an evidence bag.
“Any idea what a navy admiral was doing at this place this late at night, Duck?”“Well from the looks of the wound, I’d say he was leaving.” he says as he rolls the body over to show the entry wound in the back of the head.
“What’s in the case?” Gibbs asks
“It appears to be locked. So no.”
“TONY!” Gibbs bellows.
“Step ahead of you boss.” Tony tells him as he cuts the hand cuff off and loads the case into another evidence bag. “I’ll get this to Abby.”
“Good, now if we only knew why the admiral was here.”
{Flash to black and white as the camera focuses on Gibb’s face}{Fade in on the team is sitting around the office going about their business as Gibbs walks in.}
“What do you have for me McGee?”
“Well the admiral was in charge of a classified operation that was a joint project with Theta Tech Industries. They own the office complex where the admirals body was found.”
“Nice work probie.” Tony tells McGee.
“I don’t suppose you have anything yet DiNozzo.” Gibbs barks at the senior of his field agents.
“Right boss. Theta Tech has been doing research with performance enhancing drugs.”
“What does that have to do with our admiral?”
“Actually I was hoping Abby could tell us more. She just called to tell you that she has the case open.”
“Lets go.” Gibbs tells them as he makes his way to the elevator.
The sound of death metal music is deafening as Gibbs walks into the lab to find the slender, goth dressed girl in a lab coat drumming on the brief case the team brought her. Suddenly she stops and makes the face of a child who just got her hand caught in the cookie jar by her dad. As she turns down the music she smiles at Gibbs.
“Uh, hi. How long have you been there?” she asks sheepishly.
“Long enough to know that you don’t play drums for a living.” he tells her. “What’s in the case?”
“I’m still waiting on chemical analysis, but from the papers I found in here,” she says as she hands over an manilla folder marked ‘TOP SECRET’ to Gibbs, “it’s a new super solder formula the admiral has been working on.”
“You mean like steroids?” the exotic agent Ziva David asks as she tries to look over Gibbs’ shoulder at the file.
“It’s better then juice. The problem with steroids is normally they are derived from animal hormones and that usually causes adverse effects on the body. These are different. They’ve isolated and concentrated the hormones that cause muscle growth, bone density, and skin tensile strength.” she tells the team with a smile. “Basically anyone who takes this stuff, will become like Superman.”
“Wow, so big muscles without the shrunken penis of steroids. Nice.” Tony says in a wise crack.
“And I take it you know first hand about this?” Ziva asks him.
“Ha-ha. No. I did have some fraternity brothers in college who used the stuff though. Trust me, after seeing them at the pool, I didn’t want anything to do with that.” he tells her. “Zits have no place on this face.” he says, pointing to himself.
“Are you done?” Gibbs asks Tony as he swats the back of his head.
“Right boss. I’ll get the car.”
“Ziva, go with him.” Gibbs says looking at her over the top of the file.
Tony and Ziva walk into the lobby of the office of Theta Tech, and ask to see someone in charge. As they look around the lobby a blond who could pass for a fitness model walks up to them and offers her hand, as she introduces herself.
“I’m Sarah Johnson. I’m the Vice-president of research here.” she tells Tony as she shakes his hand and causes him to grimace in pain from her grip.
“I’m officer David and this is Agent DiNozzo, NCIS.” Ziva tells her as she shakes the woman’s hand without any trouble.
“So you’re here about Admiral Adams. Terrible, what happened here last night.” she tells the agents.
“So you knew the admiral?” Tony asks her, still rubbing his sore hand.
“He was helping us with our latest work.”
“We know. Some sort of super solder formula?” Ziva asks causing the woman to look back at her in shock.
“Um, can we continue this in my office?” Sarah asks them as she opens the door leading to the offices.
As they follow her both Toni and Ziva notice all the pictures of athletes on the walls with most showing a great deal of muscle tone. As they get to the office Sarah offers them each a drink, which is refused.
“So tell me? How did you hear about our research?” Sarah asks the agents.
“The admiral had notes in his briefcase last night when he was shot.” Tony tells her.
“I see. Well nothing was supposed to leave the building. We’re not done with testing of the latest formula. Do you know where the notes are now?”
“We have them. Our team is going over them and trying to find a reason anyone would want the admiral dead.” Ziva tells her.
“Well I know our competitors would love to get their hands on the formula and make the billions of dollars it would be worth selling it to athletes.”
“So you aren’t the only lab working on this?” Tony asks her.
“We’re the only one working with the military. Our competitors want to make it for anyone who wants to bulk up without the side effects steroids pose.” she tells them as she takes a sip of her water. “I do hope you’ll return the file to us as soon as you’re done. I wouldn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands now.”
“You’re a regular patriot aren’t you Ms. Johnson?” Ziva asks
“Please call me Sarah.” she tells the agents as she looks and smiles at Tony.
“We’ll be in touch Sarah.” he tells her as he and Ziva leave. Once back to the car she starts laughing at him.
“You were flirting with her.” Ziva says with a giggle.
“I was not. I was just trying to put her at ease.”
“No, you were flirting. ‘We’ll be in touch Sarah.” If you could have stopped rubbing your hand long enough, you would have asked her out for a date.”
“Not a chance. I think she almost broke my fingers with that handshake.” he tells her as they drive off. {Flash to black and white, while the camera shows Tony rubbing his sore hand}
{Fade in back at the office, Gibbs walks into the team area sipping his coffee.}
“Do we have anything on Theta Tech yet?” he asks the team.
“Theta Tech’s rival company for the military contract was MGL. They’re a sports medicine lab that just put out that new sports drink that is supposed to help athletes recover from their workouts by eliminating any lactic acid that’s built up in the muscles.” McGee tells him.
“What else?” Gibbs barks.
“MGL was started by three former researchers from Theta Tech. It seems that when they left they took a truck load of company secrets with them, including the early research for the super solder formula.” Tony tells the boss.
“Ok, who have we talked to there?” Gibbs asks.
“The CEO of the company is away on business, and one of the vice-presidents is in the hospital recovering from a motorcycle accident.” Ziva tells him. “The only person I was able to reach was Helen Thompson. She’s the COO of the company.”
“And from the looks of it, you’ve done your homework on me.” The strikingly beautiful redhead tells them as she walks off the elevator. “Helen Thompson.” she says as she offers her hand to Tony.
He looks at her skeptically and lucky for him Gibbs shakes it. Then leads her down to one of the interrogation rooms. She sits across from him as the rest of the team stands behind the two-way mirror and monitors the conversation.
“So why did your agent call me down here this morning?” Helen asks him.
“Are you familiar with Theta Tech?” Gibbs asks her.
“Yes. I used to work there, before Julie, Kelly and I left to form MGL.” she tells him with a sly smile. “What’s this got to do with them?”
“A United States Admiral was shot last night as he was leaving Theta Tech. And we have it on good authority that your company is their chief rival.”
“Surely you aren’t suggesting that we had someone shot?”
“I’m not suggesting anything.” he tells her coldly. “I just want to know where you were last night.”
“I was at the gym until 8pm, then I went to dinner with a friend until 10pm, and was home by 11pm.”
“Names, and numbers.” he tells her coldly as he shoves a pad of paper in front of her.
“I’ll be happy to help in anyway I can agent Gibbs.” she tells him with a smile and a bat of her eyes.
“We’ll be in touch.” he tells her as he leaves with the pad she wrote on, just as his cell phone goes off. “Yeah.”
“Hey Gibbs, I have the results of the analysis on the formula.” Abby tells him as she talks into the speaker phone.
“Good work Ab’s, I’ll be right down.” he tells her as he makes his way to the elevator.
Abby waits for Gibbs to show up and being thirsty and having cut caffeine from her diet, she cracks a bottle of water and sets the similarly shaped bottle down right next to the bottle containing the super solder formula. She takes a look at the thumb print she lifted off the handle of the brief case and as she looks at it under her microscope, she reaches for another sip of water only to grab the bottle containing the super solder formula and downs the entire bottle, as Gibbs walks in.
“What do you have for me Abby?” he asks her as he stops in his tracks, realizing what she’s just done. “Abby, tell me whatever is in the formula isn’t toxic.”
“Not at all, in fact, it’s rather simple. That is to say it’s made up mostly of simple amino acids and beta blocker’s. Why?”
“What did you just drink?”
“Oops.” she tells him sheepishly as she realizes her mistake. “I guess I should have paid closer attention to where I put my…” she is cut off as she doubles over in apparent pain.
“DUCKY! Get down to the lab ASAP!” Gibbs screams into his cell phone.
As he reaches down to put his hand on her back, he can feel her body moving under her lab coat as his hand rests on it. As the moments go by, he watches as Abby’s once slender tattoo covered arms start to show thick veins and with each throb of them, her body seems to be inflating. All she can do is moan as the pain of the change is the only thing going through her mind. With the sound of ripping fabric Gibbs can only watch as her arms inflate with muscle. Her shoulders start to resemble bowling balls as the sleeves pop loose from the main part of the white lab coat she has on. Her arms take up most of the room in the sleeves as they battle with the stitching to fight for control and space. He looks down her body to her tights she has on under her pleated plaid mini skirt and watches as her calves swell quickly to the size of grapefruit, and burst the seams of her knee high platform boots. Her thighs grow and each striation can be clearly seen even through the red tights that are currently still holding their own against the ever growing body of Abby. With a loud scream she sits up to her knees and Gibbs can only watch as she places her hands on the sides of her head, causing her biceps to explode the remaining part of her coat sleeves off her body. Her bare tattooed arms look like they belong on a professional male wrestler rather then the goth lab tech he thinks of as a daughter. It’s then that he sees her chest blow up with new formed muscle. Larger and larger her pecs push her once modest breasts farther away from her body. The black sleeveless t-shirt she has on is clearly over matched and rips begin to form under her armpits. Gibbs stands there awestruck as the once waif Abby is transforming before his eyes into a goddess among women.
She stops struggling and sits there on her hands and knees, panting like she’d just ran a marathon. He tentatively puts his hand on her shoulder as she struggles to catch her breath.
“Abby? Are you alright?” he asks her in a slow and deliberate tone.
“Gibbs? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.” she tells him as she starts to sob.
“It’s alright, I know you didn’t. How do you feel?”
“Actually I feel pretty good.” she says as she slowly sits back onto her knees, and tries to focus on herself in the mirror.
The blurry picture she sees causes her concern, until she realizes she still has her glasses on. She takes them off and for the first time in as long as she can remember, she doesn’t need glasses to see far away things. She smiles then gasps as she sees what her body has become.
“Holy crap! I look like a steroid freak!” she says as she slams her fist into the floor, causing the three foot thick concrete to explode under the force and sends chunks down into the garage below her lab. “Sorry.” she says sheepishly as she peeks down through the hole she’s made. “Gibbs. What’s going to happen to me?”
“I don’t know Abs, but we’ll get you through this.” he tells her as he pulls her into a hug, only to find that when she hugs him back, she almost squeezes all the air out of him.
“Sorry Gibbs.”
“It’s alright Abs, just be careful.” he tells her trying to regain the air in his lungs.
{Flash to black and white, as the camera focuses on Gibbs face with a look of concern on it.}{Fade in on Gibbs, Ducky and Director Shepherd walk into the gym inside the NCIS building.} Abby is busy testing the limits of her new body, causing all three of them stop in their tracks as they see her under an overloaded bar doing bench presses. A quick count of the plates shows that she is doing 1200 pounds for reps and is not appearing to be struggling to do so. The bar on the other hand, looks like it may snap at any moment from the extreme weight it’s being forced to support, as it bends almost touching the floor. Gibbs gets her attention as he clears his throat, and she racks the bar then sits up and smiles at them.
“Oh my god Gibbs, this is the coolest thing since the ‘Deathclock’ concert I went to last year.” she tells him as she bounces her enormous pecs.
“Wow, Abs, you didn’t waste any time getting acquainted with the weight room.” Gibbs tells her as he tries not to watch her melon sized breasts jiggle as she bounces her chest.
“We need more weight. I couldn’t even break a sweat with this bar, and I can’t fit any more plates on it.”
“Abigail, do you have any pain right now?” Ducky asks her in his pretentious British accent.
“Not pain one Ducky.” she giggles. In fact, I’ve never felt better.”
“How long have you been down here?” asks Director Shepherd
“I got board waiting for Ducky to run my blood tests, so I came down here. I figured if I have to look like this, I might as well see what this body can do.” Abby replies hitting a classic double arm flex.
All her three friends can do is stand there in awe as they watch her vascular arms bulge and flex, causing her biceps to look like they want to tear out of her skin as they swell up higher then the lab tech’s own head. Abby stands up and as she hits a crab flex like she’s seen on the tv when she’s watched bodybuilding shows, the t-shirt and shorts she’s borrowed from the NCIS trainer explode from her body, leaving her standing there in all her naked glory. Every fiber of her muscular legs clearly shows as each muscle throbs with every beat of her heart. Her abs look like they are carved out of granite, as her amazing eight pack bulge, like someone implanted eight baseballs under her skin. Even those impossible to work little muscles surrounding her abs look like hundreds of little golf balls as each one makes its presence known.
Her once modest tennis ball sized breasts, now resemble large grapefruit as they sit perched on the twin sides of beef that make up her pecs. While the breasts themselves are soft and supple, the muscle under them is thick and striated, clearly showing each fiber as her skin is still trying to catch up with having been stretched by her new body. Her lat’s pushing her arms up away from her body, give her the look as though she could fly, simply from the vastness of their bulk.
A glance at her arms would make someone think she arm wrestles bears for fun, from the size of her forearms. Her still dainty fingers give way to wrists that are bigger around then most men’s calves. Penile thick veins crisscross her arms as her body pumps the new super formulated blood to her muscles. She squats there flexing her heart out as she, herself smiles at the shear size of her biceps. Each one bowling ball sized and though she can’s see it, since it’s peak is above her head, has that sexy spit in the peak that every female body builder on the planet would give her soul to have. The biceps struggle for room, having been squeezed between her Popeye looking forearms and the basketballs of muscles that make up her shoulders. The shocking thing is her once supple, and slender neck, that she used to joke about was a vampires buffet, is now so thick and ripped with vascular muscle, that it gives her the appearance that she is a head on a body.
“Yes well. There are some issues with your blood test I should share with you all.” Doctor Mallard tells Abby, causing her to relax her flex.
“Oh no, I’m going to die.” she comments as her big doe eyes start to water up.
“No, not right away. But I fear from the tests I’ve ran, that you aren’t done growing yet.” he tells her. “That is to say the formula, according to Admiral Adam’s notes, will remain in your body, and as one goes through the normal training a solder does, it causes them to experience continued growth for approximately another month from the first dose. Also how much did you take?” he asks as he cleans his glasses.
“Uh, the whole bottle.” she tells him. “Why?”
“Oh my.” Ducky replies as he breaks his glasses in his hands.
“What is it Duck?” Gibbs asks
“Well I appears our dear Abby will have a lot more growing ahead of her.”
“How’s that Doctor Mallard?” Director Shepherd asks.
“Well, according to the notes I’ve read, one dose is 1cc. The bottle I saw in Abby’s lab was 500cc’s. So if she took the whole thing, she is far from done growing yet.”
{and scene. Fade to grey as “to be continued” flashes across the screen}
January 18, 2008 at 6:55 pm #65966ScottG
ParticipantI hate to be the first to interrupt your story but I just have to say HOLY CRAP!! You must be a very avid fan of the show (as am I) because you've got the characters down perfectly, including the black and white fade-ins and outs. This is a fantastic story and I can't wait to see how big she gets.
January 18, 2008 at 7:11 pm #65967mutheta9
ParticipantI hate to be the first to interrupt your story but I just have to say HOLY CRAP!! You must be a very avid fan of the show (as am I) because you've got the characters down perfectly, including the black and white fade-ins and outs. This is a fantastic story and I can't wait to see how big she gets.
It's one of my guilty pleasures. I haven't missed an episode yet. ;D
January 18, 2008 at 11:35 pm #65968The Highlander
ParticipantVery nice, I wounder what Tony and McGee will have to say about the new Abby. One question, where is Ziva?
January 19, 2008 at 12:22 am #65969Anonymous
GuestExcellent story…
But not enough comments from our favourite doctor…
January 19, 2008 at 3:51 am #65970The Highlander
ParticipantOne question, where is Ziva?
Sorry, spotted it on my second read though. I kind of skipped most of it to get to the growth first time.
January 19, 2008 at 5:21 am #65971mutheta9
ParticipantZiva IS officer David… That is how her last name is spelled on the official NCIS website. ???
January 20, 2008 at 3:57 pm #65972AbyssPlanet
ParticipantI have no idea what NCIS is, but that story was still pretty great. Well done!
January 21, 2008 at 7:55 am #65973mutheta9
ParticipantNCIS is a show about the navy cops in the states. It's on CBS Tuesday night at 8pm. Give it a look some time.
Much love.
ToniJanuary 21, 2008 at 8:33 am #65974Deadly Pixxxie
ParticipantThat was amazing!!!!!
I love Abby!!!! She's one of my all time favorite TV characters!
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