Neat Sci-fi Novel About Strength

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  • #115102

    are there illustrations in the book as well OR just on the cover

    Avery Leckrone

    There are illustrations throughout the book- black-and-white, with the women having fairly big-but-offseason physiques. The story’s pretty good, too.


    There are illustrations throughout the book- black-and-white, with the women having fairly big-but-offseason physiques. The story’s pretty good, too.

    Will try&find it.
    Add said book to my library

    Nick Furry

    Get PDf version here for $3.99

    Tonibo and the Girls of Angels, Inc.: A Presidential Dilemma
    Found out about ToniBo while searching DeviantArt site
    When I saw a realistic looking muscle girl bending over her gf/co-worker with muscles,..I had to know more

    “There are secret government agents among us. During the day, they might buy groceries. Maybe they do laundry at the Laundromat down the street. Maybe they go to your local gym and run on a treadmill. To the untrained eye, they are regular American citizens … but they take their jobs seriously. At night, they break through advanced building security. They hack the computers of terrorists, and they might even kill.

    Meet the Angels-four beautiful women by day and four tough government spies by night. There’s the fearless leader, ToniBo, an ex-Navy Seal. Miki is a five-foot-tall ex-Green Beret who gives out bruises as fast as you can blow a kiss. CeeCee is an ex-Ranger communications officer and sniper, while Iris is an ex-Special Operations demolition expert and Top Gun pilot. Together, they form a team that’s practically unbeatable-all while doing their best to live semi-normal lives.

    But now, their country needs them. Bloodthirsty neo-Nazi racists are plotting to take down the president of the United States. They are angered that a less-than-pureblood is running their country, and it has to stop. These backwoods boys didn’t count on the Angels, though, and their kidnapping plot is about to get a lot more difficult when four brave women help to save the life of our country’s commander-in-chief.”


    This is just a snippet of art from ToniBo&Girls of Angels

    Nick Furry

    Does anyone have an link to the 2008 tracking article.

    Bane Dorrance

    Does anyone have an link to the 2008 tracking article.

    Article ?? i thought that was a novel

    Nick Furry

    At the bottom of the wiki article about the author. There an posting about an a follow up article/story to the book that was published. In some magazine that went out of business. A long time ago.

    [quote=”Uzi4You” post=141169]Does anyone have an link to the 2008 tracking article.

    Article ?? i thought that was a novel

    Nick Furry

    Here the book in PDF form. Enjoy it everyone! Its a great read!

    Nick Furry

    James Alan Gardner book

    Maybe this thread is (another?) appropriate place to plug two of my favorite contemporary sci-fi authors: James Alan Gardner and Peter F. Hamilton.

    Hamilton: In Pandora’s Star and Judas Unleashed, there is a very brief mention of a jacked-up bodybuilder-level female bodyguard with weapons enhancements. Unfortunately she gets very little page-time and dies off right quick when the fighting starts, but she goes down swinging. In general the women in Hamilton’s novels are as complex and fleshed-out as the men, which is refreshing and somewhat rare. Most of the characters tend to be do-ers and athletic to some degree, and though usually not wildly muscular, they are fit and strong and capable.

    Gardner: The narrator of his book Ascendant, a character named Oar, is Amazonian: tall, strong, beautiful, physical, and straightforward. She is also quite hilarious. There is also an enormously muscled, humanoid, female alien who is at various times cute, shy, submissive, and extremely protective. She is the most overtly muscled of any of his characters. Many of the female characters in his books are powerful, some for good and some for evil.

    Thanks for pointing out Emergence. I’m adding it to my list.

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