New Commissions from Jean Sinclair

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  • #108939
    Eric Johnson

    Brand new coloring by Darcsyde of a Fuerza pic by Darcsyde.


    :blink: :woohoo: B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    ze fly

    :blink: :woohoo: B)

    Like he said! :laugh:
    Thanks one more time, Shag 😉


    Like he said! :laugh:

    Being a rock monster, Schnitzel knows a rockin’ body when he sees one. B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Eric Johnson

    Latest Powera in color for all her fans.

    Eric Johnson

    The lastest Powera commission I got from Jean Sinclair

    ze fly

    :woohoo: Wow! Lucky you! 😉 Congrats for acquiring it, and again lots & lots of thanks for sharing. 🙂



    I don’t know if I’ve already asked you this but have you ever posted Powera’s stats?

    Not talking about her physical dimensions because they’re pretty obvious in that fine Jean Sinclair art.

    More along the lines of her game numerals.

    You mentioned she was a NPC villain in your Aberrant campaign.

    Just wondering the sort of Node enhanced literal “Powergaming” that Powera put herself through for the second eruption of power.

    Eric Johnson


    I don’t know if I’ve already asked you this but have you ever posted Powera’s stats?

    Not talking about her physical dimensions because they’re pretty obvious in that fine Jean Sinclair art.

    More along the lines of her game numerals.

    You mentioned she was a NPC villain in your Aberrant campaign.

    Just wondering the sort of Node enhanced literal “Powergaming” that Powera put herself through for the second eruption of power.

    Never posted Powera’s exact stats anywhere online.
    For one thing, my players might Google search and find the character sheet. 🙂

    Before she was Powera, Dr. Luann O’Donnell had a pretty quick list of superhuman abilities.
    Basically, Mega-Intelligence 4, with Medical Prodigy and Investigative Prodigy.
    Medicine rating of 5, with specialties in Genetic Therapy, Superhuman biology, and superhuman genetics.

    After the transformation, Powera kept her boosted mental abilities, and gained a whole slew of physical abilities, and other powers.
    I used the “Extreme Density” extra from the Aberrant Player’s Guide and a Permanent Power aberration on Density Increase to let her have a maximum Mega-Strength of 6 (instead of the normal max of 5). (Fuerza also used the same trick, only right since they have linked origins. Although Fuerza used weakness and multiple dots to take the Extra TWICE for Mega-Strength 7)

    Key attributes are
    Mega-Strength 6
    Mega-Stamina 5
    Mega-Wits 1 (for Quickness enhancement)
    She’s recently picked up some Mega-Appearance and Mega-Charisma at low levels (from interactions with another PC, Alundra)
    Powers include several defensive Invulnerabilties and Flight, including Hyperflight.
    She’s got some powers and enhancements which represent her channeling energy into her punches for extra damage (Claws and the Crush enhancement to Mega-Strength)

    Basically she’s a good physical fight for RiesigeFrau (Olga is stronger and tougher, but Powera is mobile and hits more often), while still being a danger just as a super-scientist.

    Her Backgrounds have been all over the place during the campaign, changing often. Her early resources and assets were lost in confrontations with the PC heroes. Then, she had a bunch of backgrounds based on Dr. Zarathustra taking her under his wing as a junior partner of sorts. Now, she’s been building back up her own unique powerbase, although she’s sharing some of those assets with Alundra, as they have this very dynamic heroine-villainess partner-on-the-other-side-of-the-fence relationship going on.

    One payoff from an earlier scheme is that she has a Node rating of 6, even though her Quantum is still too low for that. She subdued a very powerful nova and harvested some of his node tissue for transplant.


    Actually, Shag, now I am curious; can you give us any more stats on your characters (Pc and npc) tote your game? I have wanted yo know for years.

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