New Computer and 9 hours laters

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  • #22003

    I still use AGP because I can't upgrade my motherboard yet since I don't have cash.

    I beat Zero Hour on Brutal, I could see how he got bored with it.


    The upgrade has me envious.

    In one fell swoop you've outclassed my recent, though sadly ill, computer upgrade.

    AS for the artwork it's great to see your creativity being given free reign through more space and ram. Applying effects and layers can take so long that inpiration is sapped when running a slow system.

    Good stuff and if she's a maverick reploid then Zero's got his work cut out for him.  😀


    Upgrades… *sighs wistfully at his little Toshiba Satellite A15-S129… over two years old.*

    Had y'all's installed the patches and all that to Zero Hour?  I'd been reluctant to, having heard less than laudatory rumors about it.

    Meanwhile back on topic, I wonder how Raichell would fare if she were enlisted with the USA, China, GLA, or a 4th faction nobody's invented yet?



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