New Figure competitor Stacey Widger (a.k.a. Muslfetish)

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    Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to a lady whose progress I have been following for over 18 months. 


    I'm hoping to persuade her to become a member, but that may well depend partly on your response to this post, so guys, what do you think?


    Marvelous: gorgeous on the outside and gorgeous on the inside too.


    Tell her we're waiting for her!
    Its fun to be around here anyway. That should be enough ๐Ÿ˜€
    If she needs further convincing tell her we have a few nice artists around.
    May I hear an aaaaameeeen?



    Tell her we're waiting for her!
    Its fun to be around here anyway. That should be enough ๐Ÿ˜€
    If she needs further convincing tell her we have a few nice artists around.
    May I hear an aaaaameeeen?


    Thanks for your comment, CDR (and yaracyrrah80 too).  I did email Stacey encouraging her to join our merry gang, but I've not yet had a reply from her.


    Oh I'm here. I was just waiting for the stampede of people to clear out so I could squeeze in and post…lol ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks so much for the write-up Christopher that was awesome and I am truly flattered ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now excuse me while I go looklurk around ๐Ÿ™‚


    congrads stacey continued success.



    The Pink Panda is amongst us!  (I am remembering your nickname correctly, Stacey? ๐Ÿ˜€ ;))

    In all seriousness it's great to have you on board.  I've been hoping that I might be able to twist one of those gorgeously-muscled arms of yours to become a member here. 8)


    Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry Stacey <dons sackcloth and ashes>. :-[ :-[ :-[ :'(  I wrote that last post really late last night, just before getting-ready for bed.  As I got into bed I suddenly had a Homer Simpson "D'oh!" moment – . My only explanation for my error is that a University friend of mine sleeps a lot and is therefore called "Koala Bear", so my mind was thinking along the bear line and I somehow thought "Pink Panda". ::)

    So, let me repeat my post, albeit corrected:

    The Pink Squirrel is amongst us!


    Great post from Stacey today (Friday 16th) (source:

    Krissa(hey girl!) wrote a super post on: Why Compete????????? (did I get all the ?…? lol) Yes you have to click on the link to read it and then come back here ๐Ÿ™‚

    Here was my response in her comments (FYI read the comments they are awesome as well)

    "Just found your blog today and no worries I didn't take what you wrote against me at all! I see exactly where you are coming from and really I KNEW this wasn't healthy going into it, but I wanted the challenge :)…I KNEW I would not stay at an unhealthy 124 lbs…KNEW it was going to be a one day on stage look…KNEW 2 1/2 hours of cardio plus lifting weights on 1000, 1300 calories meant trouble later… Had myself prepared and yet it was still a shock when I swelled up lol…was it worth it?? HELL YES! Now that I am unswollen and back at it, is was an amazing and awesome experience and one that I will cherise forever! I love looking at the pictures and remembering the journey. I LOVE that I was able to go there and I LOVE even more that I'm able to come back ๐Ÿ™‚ There's a reason not every one does this. There's a reason that your usually up on stage competing against 1 or 4 other girls. No doubt about it, you have to WANT IT. It has to be a personal thing. hhhhmmmm I need to blog this lol ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm with "C"…to me it's all worth it and it's the life I want to live. :)"

    Not really much more I can say that I already haven't except with ANYTHING, know what your getting into and then also know that you REALLY don't know jack till you actually go through it yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚ In my case EVERYONE told me…April was always saying "POOF like cinderalla after midnight it will be gone" (my personal favorite and SO TRUE!!!). Another favorite was a text'd I got from Tony himself…"I told u 2 stay away from the wine and carbs…but who listens to me? :("

    Haha lmao!!! So true! He did tell me, everyone told me and my mind was great right up untill that last week. But that last week when your body has already had it and you push it even more you can't help but do what you do after. Your body is finally like….YO B*tch that's it, you have given me no choice but to go into survival mode now back the f*ck up and look out cause it's on!

    I CANNOT say this enough~YOU HAVE TO WANT IT!

    It's like marriage~You take the good, the bad, and the ugly…with a side of uglier ๐Ÿ™‚ (unless your husband tell's you he is gay after 12 years and 3 kids~that would be ugliest, then you say f*ck this sh*t and move on~but I digress and am moving on)…

    I Stacey take you Muslfetish to be my stage body. To have and to hold from this day forward, for thinner, for fatter, for muscular, for puffier, in competion times and in non, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part(hopefully not from cardio and starvation or lifting of massive weights but if so then so be it.). And hereto pledge to you my faithfulness.

    I'm just sayin' ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm also sayin'…I did it and I'll do it again because I(a big ol fat I) WANT TO and also because someday when I have my grandchildren gathered around I can pull out the pictures and say…see, this is when grandma owned her sh*t.

    Then I can flex my bicep and say…oh lookie there, she still does. Now give grandma kisses it's stage time…get the m&m's ready! Then I'll watch as they all walk away sportin shirts that grandma can kick your grandma's ass butt ๐Ÿ™‚


    Update:  Stacey will be contesting the Natural Mid-States Muscle Classic XXI in Rockford, Ilinois, later this year (I think it's in November).  I've also tried to persuade her to pay us all another visit here.

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