New issue of Luba out today

  • This topic has 7 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #23049
    Mr Burroughs

    Luba's Comics & Stories #7 is out today from Fantagraphics. I haven't picked it up yet, but odds are good that it features more of Petra, Luba's half-sister who grows more muscular every couple issues. Lingster summed it up on this post –

    Here, from that post, is an old pic of Petra.


    your pictures didn't work.  😐  But I'm deffinately going to try to get that series.  I had gotten a mini-series they did that took place around 4 sisters….  1 was really busty and "gorgeous", another was really buff and the third was kind of like a "plain jane"…  the 4th wasn't around unless if the other 3 were out of commission, so to speak.  I liked the series…can't recall the name tho.  Thanks for the find!


    Is this a reprint? also there was a comic where they showed her stages im not sure which one though.. anyway seems cool ill check it out


    could you perhaps help me find a cover i bought fritz after dark by mistake haha..thanks


    I had gotten a mini-series they did that took place around 4 sisters….  1 was really busty and "gorgeous", another was really buff and the third was kind of like a "plain jane"…  the 4th wasn't around unless if the other 3 were out of commission, so to speak.  I liked the series…can't recall the name tho…

    That's Girl Crazy, published by Dark Horse.

    ze fly

    That's Girl Crazy, published by Dark Horse.

    Yep. I remember: Maribel and Una were well built.  😉

    David C. Matthews

    That's Girl Crazy, published by Dark Horse.

    And you should check out the cover for the first issue pf the original comic: a collaboration between Gilbert Hernandez and Dave Stevens!


    Luba's Comics & Stories #7 is out today from Fantagraphics. I haven't picked it up yet, but odds are good that it features more of Petra, Luba's half-sister who grows more muscular every couple issues.

    Sorry, the über buff Petra DOES NOT appear in this issue. Don't waste your time unless you're already a fan of Gilbert Hernandez's regular 22 pages of sensually-inked body type predilections and character exploitations.

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