New Pic But An Abandoned One

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    So, this one has a bit of a story to it. After months of trying to come up with a 'comeback' pic, I finally got it done in early December last year. The pic was drawn on A2, and had gone through dozens of attempts. Finally did it. Scanning was a bitch, since I have a scanner just bigger than A4 – you can see where it's cropped because it's not touched up.

    For some reason, I tried twice to start colouring it, and I just can't bring myself to do it. It's the lighting. I know exaclty what lighting I want, and I know the colour theory I was going to apply, but… there's something about working out the shadows in this pic that puts me off. I just can't bring myself to colour it. I don't think I can colour it the way I want to. The composition of the characters and enviroment and light source don't work with the colour composition – or something. I don't know. Just can't bring myself to colour it for some damn reason. I'm sure I'll return to the idea of this pic at some point, clean up some parts of the actual drawing I don't care for, but for now, it's something I like more than I dislike. And Ness wants me to post it because it was her idea (good one too). Sorry I can't finish it, love.


    A shame 'cause it's a gorgeous piece.


    That's a cute image! Thanx for sharing!!


    Very nice, Fett.  You mentioned a while ago that you had something coming up, and it's nice to see it.  Are you working on any other pieces currently?


    Thanks guys. This is was what I was working on, and right now, I'm looking at a way to do a little comic here and there. We'll see how this stuff turns out.


    I rather like it. I know youre comeback will definatly be a lot better than Britney Spears' comeback. 😛


    Thanks, but I've already kinda had my 'comeback'. 🙂


    I rather like it. I know youre comeback will definatly be a lot better than Britney Spears' comeback. 😛

    This was Fett's comeback:


    …It's the lighting. I know exaclty what lighting I want, and I know the colour theory I was going to apply, but… there's something about working out the shadows in this pic that puts me off. I just can't bring myself to colour it. I don't think I can colour it the way I want to. The composition of the characters and enviroment and light source don't work with the colour composition – or something…

    WTF??!! Are you turning artsy-fartsy on us, Fett? Just get off your ass and do it, solider!
    Seriously, it's a great image and a great drawing, would be a pity not to take it "all the way".


    :'( :'( :'(

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